Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 22, 1911, Image 5
iV voooooooooooooooo t WE NEVER I Sacrifice Quality ! > To Adverilse Bargains * ; This store's mission is to prov- j \ patrons wlt'n the very best *1 ! quality of goods. Quality is the J, ! Cardinal Consideration at all ! times and then we make the £ price as low as the quality will X petmit. If you are chasing seem- A ing bargains about town you will X enjoy the change of using goods '}• from our store and getting at a reasonable price the quality that ? does nc* mean waste. Every 4* article you get of us guaranteed to be good. If you will supply your table from our store you will live economical and live well. , REMEBER WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. C. C. Butter 25c lb Making Cust omers every. .... Chickens every Friday..... Fresh Celery every Friday and- Saturday. Full stock Hay, Corn and Oats And Cow feed. Cheaper than the other fellow. -Fresh Brunswick Bread, every Morning. WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. PERSONAL ITEK THE LYMAN to Lyman Twins edy. "Prize Winners' last night made hit. WINS. musical com opera house A clean, up to-dato eutertainmeut. far abov average and deserved a crowded house. The chc tis singing was excellent and the solos and duets were well rendered and much enjoyed. The electrical effects were unique and added much to the show', alto gether we would say the combination is well named, “The Prize Winners.” Mr. H. Johnsen of the Herald office, is exhibiting today garden peas near ly grown in his garden. Johnsen i» generally quite previous with his gar den tiuck but this time we fear his peas are nipped. ?' J — — Eggs, Eggs. Eggs? Guaranteed the best at 20 cents a dozSti, at Hardy Bros. •- 22 tf This is George .Washingtons oirth- day and next to Christmas and July 4th is the most significant date in Uncle Sams calendar. AT THE MAJESTIC Francis Raymond AND BABY Comedy Sketch "Nobody’s Baby’’ Good Singing and For wood phone 2)5. RUSSIA ANO THE JEWS. The condition of the Jews In Rus sia has become a world scandal. sa>‘s the Savannah Press. If the chancel- |o;g of Europe would devote more time to removing this Infamauy which draws so universally on our heart strings, nnd less time to petty in- Migue and the knocking .down oi j Refined Comedy) straw men, civilization would have PRICES: InrcAcnml IO« N iteiit i()u mill Ido. 2,000 POUNDS BROOKS COUNTY HAMS, SIDES AND SHOULDERS, NOW AT HARDY BROS. No use to make a fuss about it but the mercury went down to 28 de grees this morning and a little thin ice made its appearance here and there.. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of * WE Are graduate Opticians—Specialists in fitting glasses to eyes in need, and we GUARANTEE to give absolute satisfaction in every particular, so sure are we of our abil- to please you with Our Work Little & Odom, jewelers and opticians. T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAU8AGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, Lskinned HAMS, BREAKFAST BA. pCON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU- SAGE, BtlTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEESE, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH FISH AND OY8TER8. T. H. Blizzard, • 108 PLANT AVENUE. For Misse* Harris of Macon. Miss Annie Laurie Walker enter tained a number of her friends yes terday afternoon at her home on Gil more street to meet her guests the Misses Harris of Macon. Those in vited were: Miss Edith Lockhart, Miss Susie May Watt, Miss Della King, Miss Chadwick of Fe:nandina, Miss Ruth Lambdin, Miss Beatrice Lambdin, Mrs. Hal Lambdin, Mrs. George Mayo, Miss Susie Sharpe, Miss Annie Lee Smith, Miss Ilacken, Miss Cole. •—Twins born on St. Valentine’s Day to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tripp, of Brockton, Mass., were given the names of Cupid and Pysche by their fond pa-rents. The Tripps now have •ten ; children. One of the younger sons was born Feb. 23 and Was nam ed George Washington Ttlpp Several parties dropped Into The Herald office this morning to say that the electric lights were better last night. A little knocking iflfcy do good sometimes. The finest new cabbage ever brought to the Waycross market by home truckers are being handled here now. LIVELY CAMPAIGN ON IN CHICAGO Chicago, Ill., Feb. 20.—One liveliest inayotalty campaigns that Chicago .has seen in years entered upon the whirlwind stage today, with but one we£fr remaining before the candidate of the two parties are chos en at the direct primaries. The elec tion will take place early In April. The primaries* Ure attracting a vast amount of public attention. The can didate favored by the Republican or ganization is John P. Thompson. Be sides him the two strongest Republi can candidates are John F. Smulski, who has long been a prominent fig ure in Republican .city politics, and Alderman Charles E. Merriam. Mr. Merrlam is a professor In the Univer sity of Chicago and a writer on po litical scence. As" head of the so- called Merriam Commission he laid bare the graft in the city adminis tration and brought about the removal of several city officials. The Democratic contest brings to life again the old rivalry between for mer Mayor Carter H. Harrison and former Mayor Edwatd F. Duune. Mr. Harrison, who was mayor for sever al terms, following in the fotsteps of hlB father. Is again a candidate on an Independent Democratic ticket. Ex-Mayor Dnnne’ji campaign iias the slogan, ‘‘Nobody wants him but the people." Mr. Dunne is a lawyer. When mayor he made # a good record. He lowered the telephone rates, and, although he vetoed seventy-five cent gas, an ordinance was passed giving the people a reduction ftom $1 to 85 cents. • Another leading aspirant for tht- Democratlc nomination is Andrew J. Graham, who is the choice of Rod or S. Sullivan, member of the Demo cratic National Committee,^Mr. Gra ham is a private banker and'is cred ited with corporation leanings. His opponents for the mayoralty nomina tion allege that he has spent upwards of $300,000 In the ante’-primary cam paign. Among the Issues figuring more or less prominently In the campaign are graft and vice, cheap gas, lower tele phone rates, subways, and universal transfers, tho smoke nuisance, and cold cars. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. *'I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of ’ Lewlsburg, W. Va., “for the won derful double benefit I got from Elec tric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from wwich I had been an almost helpless sufTerer for ten years. It suited my case as though made Just for me.” For dys* \ . pepsla, Indigestion, Jaundice and to j rid the system of kidney poisons that * cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters * has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 60c at All Druggists. It is reported that Dr. Tanner is to fast SO days to demonstrate an effec tive way to smash the meat trust ' There arc a lot of people in these con- Sr tinental confines who have had curau- ’ latlve experience in this respect oi late that • would make the doctor's proposed experiment look pnny. — — H* They now refer to Hobson as the •High Priest of War". Hobaon haa v certainly made good (n many res- . .. - . i rent for a while today. THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. Wherever Parisian Sage Is Known It Has the Call. Parisian Sage, that most efficient of all hair restorers, is a very delight ful and refreshing hair dressing. Be sides possessing these qualities it will The electric lltfllta are much bet-; posltlvely make any woman’s hair ter and the Herald's machinery has 1 Boft _ )uxurlant aU ractlvo. G. It. nothcen reversed hy and adverse cur-j nrln£on GO i - tor 50 cents a I large bottle and will return your mon- • ey if It does not cure dandruff, fall ing hair and itching scalp In two J weeks, j “I had given up hope of ever being J cured of dandruff, when J pure based fn Lottie of Parisian Sage. It has en- jtliely removed l’n«» dandruff and has j started a growth of new hair, and all [this after having been troubled lf> j years. I cheerfully recommend Par* 1 isian 8age.”—Mrs. Elizabeth Ander son, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Feb. till WOOD’S HIGH-GRADE Farm Seeds. We ere Headquarter* for the beat in all Farm seed*. Crass and Clover Seeds Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, Cow Peas, Sola Beans, i Sorghums, Kaffir Corn, r-y J Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. q "Wood’s Crop issued Special'^ monthly gives timely information os to : eeds to plant each month in the year, also price* of Season- able Seeds. Write for copy, mailed free on request ORPINGTONS FOR SALE. Beautiful, prolific, and thrifty, are my Buff Orpingtons. Cocks, $2.00; hens, $1.50; two, $5.00; eggs lpc each. Mrs. E. A. Sanders. (Deenwood.) ltd ltw 4w Waycross. Oa 4* There can be no doubt that Geor gia fruit Is in imminent danger. occasion to rejoice. There was a tituo when piograms were the fashion so that life, virtue, pproperty, motherhood and helpless infancy lay at the mercy of loo* and capacity, sanctioned by tho govern ment. That time Is now gone. It has been succeeded by a new method of ex tinction, a peaceful extermination, in which economic weapons—starvation, congestion. Illiteracy—debase the vic tims unto the point of degradation. There is a settled and approved doctrine of international law which permits of Interference where neigh boring nations openly or by conniv ance imperil the lives or personat safety of those giving under their rule, or otherwise violate the dictates of common humanity. And yet, despite this principle, si lence grips all Christendom. Not one power has uttered a word of remon strance or raised Its hand In ^protest. The United States should declare itself. Tbe abrogation of existing treaties with Russia can hardly bo expected save on the ground that that country has persistently refused to recognize the passports of American citizens who happen to be Hebrews. But the United States can do this; It can recite unambiguously that j*- pression Is always wrong and always detestable; that religious persecution la a re’ic of me^laevalism, which shall not bo countenanced, and that the moral strength of our people is de voted to the amelioration of tho mis eries of the Jews. LTHESEMENHAVE .WORKEDTORTHE tSATETYOfYOUR-MONET WHEN-ITISiNA NATIOMLMNK THE CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY THAT COME WITH THE POS SESSION OF MONEY IN THE ->ANK IS GREATLY ENHANCES WHEN IT IS A National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFE-GUARD POSSIBLE FOR HUMAN IN GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINOt OR SURPLUS, THE ONE THNG TO BE CONSIDERED IS SAFETY, ANB WE ASK FOR YOUR BUSINESS ONLY ON THE BASIS OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY $4040* TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $70*008 Dr. Harry V. Righton was elected j coroner of Chatham county yesterday. The doctor had no opposition. 1 WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US ANO ONE OF THE FIRM WILL 8EE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTERE8T HIS PER80NAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. f M Clark, General Manager. BENTON’S WHITE GOODS SPECIALS & Whl " 10c yd. Long Cloth 12 YARDS IN BOLT, 1.25, l.oO, 1.65, 2.00, 2.50 27 inch White Lawn EXCELLENT VALUES. 10c,12^jc, 15c, 20c, 25c yd Linyarnctte $1.25, $1.60, $1.76, $2.00, $2.50.' 36 INCH WIDE—SPECIAL, 12^c, 15c, 20c, 25c yard Kilkenny Linen 3C INCH WID'h. Very Special’ . . 10c New Nansook SPECIAL VALUES. 15c, 20c and 25c yard Crepe Stripe Waidting JUST BEAUTIFUL, 48 CENTS YARD TODD Shoes and Oxfords For Ladies Our new Spring Oxford Ties,, Pumps and Slippers have judt arrived Many Styles Patent Feather, Tan, Gun Metal, Vici, Suede, Velvet Etc. $2.50, §3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Linonette 38 INCH WIDE. Special 12c yd. Princes Cloth 38 INCH WIDE. Special 20 efts New Flaxon PLAIN ANO CHECKED, 3« INCHES. WIDE, Per Yard 17c, 20c, 25c KNEELAND Shoes and Oxfords For Me Big line New ' . Oxfords now f your inspectif 3.50 f ooooooooooooo Pictorial Review Patterns oooooocoooooo H.J. & COM PAN’