Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 22, 1911, Image 6
■H- - ' WAYCROSS EVEN *C. WF.it n§e Demonstration AT OUR STORE February 20th TO February 2Sth ONE WEEK ONLY No Ware Given Away After Demonstration Set of IVara FSfEEl If you call at our store during our Majestic Demonstration Week and allow us to show you the many advantages and superior qualities of the Great and Majestic Range, and will purchase one at the regular price, we will give you Free and useful Souvenir Set of Ware illustrated In this advertisement. This ware is made to match the quality of the Majestic Ranges, and we know all ladies will tee TTte beauty and utility Of tills set, especially the first three pieces, which are entirely new and cannot be bad alone by purchase, except at a very high price. The prices of Majes tic Ranges are the same, but we give the set FREE with each Majestic Range bought during the demonstration week only. Watt Hardware Company ON 2 WEEK ONLY NO WARE GIVEN AFTER DEMON STRATION WEEK. NO WARE GIVEN AFTER DEMON STRATION WEEK. Reasons Way The Great Majestic You Should Buy ' 1st. It lias the reputation of b?ing the best range money can buy. 2nd. It not only has the reputation but IS the best range made, and we will prove this to you if you will let us. 3rd. It is constructed of mallea-ble iron, material you can’t beat and of Charcoal iron, material that resists rust 300 per cent greater than steel, is rlvited together air tight. No heat escapes or cold air enters the range, thus uses very little fuel to do perfect work. 4th. The leservoir alone is worth the price of range over any other reservoir made. It boils 15 gallons of water; is heated like a tea kettle, with pocket against left hand lining, and is movable and sets on a frame, hence cannot wear out. Wen water gets too hot it can be moved away from fire. Majestic ranges use less fuel; heat more water—and heat it hottor; costs practically nothing for repairs; lasts three times as long; bakes bet ter; easier to keep clean and gives better satisfaction than any other range on the market. If you know positively that the above statements are true, wouldn’t you buy a Majestic at once. Come In Demonstration Week and We’ll Prove It To You. Get a FREE MAJESTIC SOUVK- NIR—See our advertisement in this Issue. Watt Hardware Co. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are tonic in action, quick in re sults. A special medicine for all kidney snd bhrdder disorders. Mary C. Abbott, Wolfeboro, N. H., says: “I r waa afflicted with a bad eaac of rheu matism, duo to uric acid that my kid neys fulled to clear out of my blood. I was so lame in niy feet, jolnta, and back that It was agony for mo in step. I used Foley Kidney Pills for three; days when I w.«s able to get up and ’ move snout and tho pains were all gone. This great change in condition 1 owe to Foley Kidney Pllla and re commend them to nnyono suffering aa 1 have.” Gem pharmacy. POTTER & McMAHAN GENTS FURNISHINGS, TAILORSDand BARBERS. • Tailoring AtJRcasonablc Pikes, THE I,A GRANDE BARBER SHOP 10iPl. i nt Avc. LaGrmde Bdg. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severo burns are caus ed that make a quick need for Buck- len’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, bolls, fores. It subdues inllanmtlon. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. I .prives off skin eruptions, ulcers or« plies. Only 25c ut All Druggists. A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE | Is a valuable family friend. Foley’s Honev and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline. N. Sth ncy trouble. Only 25c at All Drug- St., Easton, Pa., states: "Several gists. members or my family havo been cur- — J * "■ CONNOR-F,r. t cl... Shoo,' nm never without u uottle In tho Repairing; also recovers and repairs S house. It soothoa and relieves the . Irritation in the throat and loosens up # ,,n >re,lur ** 10 orJer n - Plant av j the cold. I havo always found It *t nuc. J J reliable cough cure.*’ Gom Pharmacy. OLD 80LDIER TOTURED. • "For years I suffered unspeakable | torture from Indigestion, constipation 1 and liver troublo.’’ wrote A. K. Smith, i a war veteran nt Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King’s New l.ife Pills fixed mo all, right. They're simply great.’’ Try them for anv' stomach, llvnr or kid- WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! Wood, any length, at Thomas Bros. the State Life Insurance Company OF’INDIANAP OLI8, INDIANA. Deposits With 8tate for Guarantee of Policies, .... $8,000,000.00 Surplus to Policy Holders, $1,174,606.06 Security 1q a Life Insurance Policy is the principal thing. One wants protection that protects without regard to general financial condltlons.Tbe STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for the benefit of all Its policy holders, the entire cash value of every outstanding policy. At this time the company has on deposit with the Stato. In first class securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. IT8 POLICIE8 ARE A8 SECURE AS THE BANK OF ENG- LAND. I have been with this good company seventeen years and through Its agency have paid many thousands of drMara to bencflcicriea Take no chance with Your life policy but see me for ••INSURANCE THAT IN8URES/* ‘ ' V. L. STANTON. Manager. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. For Buisness ■’S Garage AUTOS For Sale, Rent and 1 Repaired A demonstration in the Baby Flanders on the big E. M F. So. Latent mod els. See us at once. Osteopath Treatments Given at Residences from 7 Sn ‘Oran - "Yer Best Food and Massage Creams a anby "Pitman's Bel * ers.” Teck and Bu& Massage given Clear Havana jee tlOlirS. Manufactured In Waycros PITTMAN CIGAR ~~ * Is your hair falling out? Have you dandruff or oily hair? Try a month’s treatment at AYCR0SS HAIRDRESSING PARLORS, C A DOWNEY M VETENARIAN 11 Albany Avenue Waycro o., .no Night «ooms 329-331 LaGrande Building. Rate s Reasonable. ft