Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 23, 1911, Image 2
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD THE EVENING HERALD Published By ■ - THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Perham, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Mist Carrie Perham, Personal, 8cciety and Local. BRANTLEY’S VIEW8 AS 80UND AS A DOLLAR. ! Congressman Brantley’s views on the tariff arc as sound as a dollar. ' They are Democratic and no right- 1 thlnkliy? man can object to them. , in a nut shell, he holds to the idea dred and forty eight railway mall that as long as revenues are raised clerk* here took a revolutionary step T 'ho y !™J Herald folinded !u h >' tar,n liie b,lrd, ' n, ‘ 01 ,h,! 101 government employee, by afflll- Railway Mail Clerks Join American Labor Federation! 1892 by A. P. Perham, 8r. Telephones Business Ofllcc 25 Kditorlal Offle 25 Residence 2C8. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. tat Iff should he so disturbed that the ating with the American Federation ' . benefits may be shared by those who of Labor, receiving a charter and i have the burdens to bear. In other j electing and instating officers. The Office No. 8 Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Month • -45 Months 11.25 Months $2.50 Year $5.00 8PECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain ments, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 cents a line. NOTICE TO 8UB8CRIBER8 Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, as this Is the only means that w<* can assure you prompt and early delivery. words, he sees no reason why the j new organization, which stands on | South should have to pay a tariff tax on everything It has to buy and re ceive none of the benefits of the tar iff upon what is has to sell.—Valdosta Times. The above is only one of scores of complimentary notices of Congress man Wm. O. Brantley and endorse ments Of his wonderful ability as a statesman and his worth as a man. The reputation of Brantley is nation al. There Is no hamlet in this broad . __ _ _ ■ m „ . „ . . _ . I country off - tro"Canadian reciprocity land so small that it has not heard J . v * Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 22.—Two hun-tbe same basis as a labor union, is to be known as the Railway Clerks’ Protective Association, and Is tbo first organization of postal employees to Join the ranks of organized labor. The clerks claim they have not tho right to appeal and cannot reach the depaitment to better their conditions. Rallying The Farmers To Fight The Reciprobity —L NOTICES BEING SENT BROADCAST BY THE NATIONAL GRANGE. Concord, N. H., Feb., '22—Notices calling attention to a hearing which Ir to be granted the farmers of the I bill ^fy—fhe' “Sffilife committee on fl- j nance and urging the grangers to be THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, GA., FEB. 23, 1011. Oh, you dear little Alberty; I am so frightened for your safety. + ~ Burbank, the “Plant Wlzzard,* ought to try hit* hand ou a deathless peach. 4* And now the news comes that the Florida a ange crop Ib In great dan ger from the cold. The fruit experts of the state keem to have abandoned hope for the f.ult crop his name. He Is honored by bis own people and party and he is respected , „. „. . . . • , ‘ represented at the hearing, are being and admired by those of an opposite • political faith. Governor-elect Hoke Smith was recently heard to say that Mr. Brantley was the finest lawyer In the House of Representatives and that his wonderful logic had convinc ed him on points where there had formerly been a difference between himself and the congressman from the Eleventh Georgia. His character, his ability and his Democracy are absolutely without spot or blemish. sent throughout. the United states by former Governor Napum J. Bach- elder, master of the National Grange Patrons of Husbandry. The notice reads; « “The United States senate commit tee on finance will give a hearing to farmers on the Canadian reciprocity bill on the morning of Feb. 21. This is the most Important matter affect ing farmers’ Interest that has come up In congress for a generation. The National Grange urges the farmers of fil'd country wherever possible to send representatives to attend this hearing and voice the unanimous sen timent of the farmers against the In justice of the reciprocity scheme.” Atlantic Coast L,ine Schedule. DEPARTURES. Here Is the composition of a Bill vllle youngster; — “Billy don’t want springtime To come to Georgia State, I For his daddy does the (tailin’ Whilst Billy digs the bait!” Tho South's physical recovery Is being rapidly consumated. The South Is growing rapidly nud substantially. It Is the opinion in Washington " That an extra session of' Congress will be held, commencing March 15th. The corset coat for men Is to be followed by tho pantaloon skirt for women just to show that lunacy Is not confined to ono sex. King George of England gavo tho first lovee of his reign yesterday, diplomatic and official circles. The American minister was present. , ■— -*>• Tue people of Glynn county arc giving their attention to good roads and drainage these days. Sifrely that beats factional politics a country mile.—Brunswick News. Anything Sven a bobtail (tush beats factional politics. Why :*au* about Rabin liood and the road leerry agents of the past, who merrily held up stage conches,- when It Is almost becoming a dally occurrence ft, bandits to hold up tho modern Iron steed and relieve an entire train full of passengers of their valuable*?—Macon News. Wellesley college could go farther and do worse than select Miss Helen Gould fo- Us presidency. Miss Helen Gr.uld Is one member of that family whose lire has been distinctly credit able. She seems to he a woman of noble instincts and high Ideals, and there Is no lensott to doubt that she Would fill the office of president of the institution with credit to herself and satisfaction to Wellesley. •+ That a criminally disposed beggar threw- a stone through a window of Miss Helen .Gould s home with intent to kill her. does not surprise the Col umbia State. ’ Mis/ Gould,” It says, “Is a thoroughly good woman, a rich woman who uses her immense wealth for the tellef of suffering humanity, whose charities are wisely arranged and carried out and whose whole lifo has been marked by the consistent and persevering doing of good deeds. Poor, miserable, frail human nature-* to rebel against the good and wound Itself when hat# alma a blow tf .00 H|wa. This is a first rate time to write a spread eaglo article on George Wash ington Day. But most of us ’old’ tins’ have worn our pencils out at that business long ago. * WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- CLA8S AT J. T. McGEE’S 8HOP ON ALBANY AVENUE. 15 tf CARD BOARD, ALL COLORS, AT HERALD OFFICE. HOW’S THIS? F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 0. Wo, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and fl* nnnehilly able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggglst* Toledo, O. We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ro- ward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. nail’s Catarrh Cure 1* taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pllla for consti pation. PEPSI-COIA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER. FEEL BETTER. SLEEP BETTER. LOO'< BET TER. Red kern Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA BOTltiYti WORK). D. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND STUFFY COLDS. Take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expcla the cold from your system. It contains no cplates, la safe and sure. Gem Pbar macy. Have You Tried II? Barrington Hall Cotfee A one pound can will convince you. HARDY BROTHERS, PHONE 62. the puna food store. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. From Savannah 'rein 189 5:60 am Treln 185 .....12:60 pm Train 21 6:55 pm freln 67 10:00pm /rem Montgomery Train 68 6:16 am Train 180 6:46 pm From Balnbrldge A Thomxaville Train 182 0:60 am From Alban/ Train 93 4:55 pm Train 91 9:55 am Train 97 G:00 pm From Chicago and Nortweit C. Special (via Albany)....4:55 nm Dixie Flyer (via Tltton)....5:35 am South Atlantic Limited 6:36 am From Brunswick Train 06 7:40 am Treln 9o 6:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 22 6:66 pm Train 32 10:16 pm Train 94 1 10:25 pm Train 92 10:46 pm From Tempt, High Springe vis Du pont Train 42 7:26 pm For through Sc) For Jeenp and Savannah Train 68 5:66 am Train 182 10:00 as Train 180 7:20 pn Train 27 ....6:10 pn /or Montgomery Train 189 6:10 am Train 67 10:25 pm For Dalnbrldg. and Thomaavllle. Tiain 185 1:00 pm For Albany Train 92 10:30 pn Train 96 7:50 an< Train 90 .....6:10 pm For Chicago and Northweit I. C. Special (via Albany).. 10:60 pm Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) . Sculh Atlantic Limited.. For Brnnawlck - Train 01 Train 97 For Jhckaonvllle Train 95 (Dixie Flyer .... Train 93 Train 33 rain 11 For Tampa, High Train 4t WIT: U ■ --2 uOC, : ' M & OASTORIjI II ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ANfcgelaWe PreparffitonBrAs- sliffilatingiteFtodanlRrgiia lingllip Sumachs aralBcwcIscf pH 1 Infants,-'Children 1 Promolcs Digeslion£knW ncssandReslXontalnsnciito Opiuiu.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Ill j^ircuBcsatannsm \ PkftitSml- Rfl' HC1 1 Aperfect Remedy forCaafip- lion, Sour Stoinach.Dlant>x> Worms jCoimilsionsJ'evmsk nen end Loss of Sleep. IkcSimJe Signature of NEW YORK. _ i„«vnnlee<|Liu>^m»row«^ | CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Veers Exact Copy of Wrapper. COoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hedulee, Pullman reservation,, etc. Call On M. North, A. O. P. A. J R. B. Pollard. Ticket Agent Savannah ,Oa Waycross. Qa. PARK PLACE High cass; Subdivis ion for - white peope ony, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. W. D. Morton, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Sonthern Hole! Blue TREA8ultY DEPARTMENT, | Office of the Supervlaing Architect, j Waehington, D, C., November 26, 1910 Sealed Proposal, will bo received at this office until 3 o'clock p. m.. on the 7th day of January, 1911, and then opened, for the construction (includ ing plumbing, gee piping, heating ap- paratut, electric conduit! end wiring) fthe United Statee Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA., In accordance with Trawinga and specification, coplea of which may he had from the Cuetodlan if elte at Waycrosa, Ga.. or at thia office at the dlacration of the Super siaing Architect Jama* Knox Taylor, v.' • *7* *rg Architect LOOK FOR THE HE HIVE. On the peokaie when yoa hey M- ey's lloncy and Tar for coughs and coida. None genuine without the Lie© Hive. Remember tbe name, Fo ley'a Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. Furniture Repairing and Lpholsiering We are atiil doing b.ialneaa at the same old stand, 22 Brew er Street near the Court House. " We will repair—clean op and rcvarnlsh your old furniture, and make it new—We also do all kinds of upholstering—re pair trunks, unit caeee, etc. Ail our work la etrtctly cash when finished—No work deliv ered without tbe money—Work left In the ehop thirty days af ter R la finished will have stor age charges added and will he liable to be eold for chargee • J. I. Walle S See, Phene EM 22 Incubators and Brooders Watt Hardware Co. ) <xxxxxxxxxx>oooooo ooooooooooooooooo Drug Store Comforts There are many things for your convenience and comfort at our Drug Store. Ice Caps, Bath Brushes, Sponges, Chamois Hot Water Bags, Toilet Necessities. Face Lotions, Su perior Cold Cream. If here ever there is anything you want from a drug' store telephone us and you will secure the best of service and quality. Cherokee Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS phone: iso W. H. ULMER, ttheelwrighl and Blacksmith, Horseshoeing A\ Specialty. Next to Wilson Laundry, just.in reai£of Singleton iFuraiture’CompEny. Satisfaction Guaranteed.