Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 23, 1911, Image 5
r~w£NEv8r~'f Sacrifice Qnality To Advertise Bargains This store's mission Is to prov' de patrons with the very best quality of goods. Quality is the Cardinal Consideration at all [ times and then we make the price as low as the quality will permit. If you are chasing seem ing bargains about town yor. will enjoy the change of using goods from our store and getting at a reasonable price the quality that does not mean waste. Every article ; ?u get of us guaranteed to be good. If you will supply your table from our store you will live economical and live well. REMEBER WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. C. C. Butter 25c lb Making Cust omers every. ....Chickens every Friday Fresh Celery every Friday and Saturday. Full stock Hay, Corn and Oats And Cow feed. Cheaper than the; other fellow. Fresh Brunswick] Bread, every Morning. * WE PAY CA8H FOR COUNTRY ] PRODUCE. ; rami hems. WHS III GROCERYCO Wilson Block. W. M. Wilson, Mgr. :»o»o<xxxxxxxxx>^ • Mrs. J. F. Dickson ... i son Mr. R. Dickson of West I'oint, aae in the city visiting Mis. 1.. L. Rawls. WE Are graduate opticians—Specialists in fitting glasses to eyes in need, and GUARANTEE (o give absolute satisfaction in every particular, so sure are we of our abil ity to please you with Vi- Our Work Little & Odom, JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. T. D. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Mi»a Esther Korb Entertains. Miss Esther Korb entertained quite a number of her friends delightfully last cveuing at her home on Reynolds street. Games and music were en joyed by all, after which refreshments were seived. Her guests were Mis ses Mabel Timmerman. Willie Cornell, Jimmie Roberts, Sallie Moore, Geneva Kellara, Tain, Sallie and Jennie Lat imer, Addle Williams, Kate Hender son. Ruby Korb, and Mr* Adams; Messrs. Tuiberville, Moseley, Row ling, Ringham, Lovell, Evans, Timmer , LaRoche, Pierce, Keen, Briffln! and Finley. at the MAJESTIC I LOST—COLD BROACH. FINDER RETURN TO THI8 OFFICE AND RE. , CEIVE REWARD. 23 tf HOFFMAN & WALLACE greatest medicine on earth. The Womans' Aid Society of He- bard mill will give an entertainment Friday evening, Fob. 24th. The sin gle as well as the married ladies are requested to make an apron and tie of the material, leaving the apron unhemed, as the gentleman that buys the tie will be expected to hem the apion. The tie will cost ten cents. Lunch fifteen cents for grown people ten cents for children. The proceeds of this entertainment will go towards helping to build the Plneview church, a house of worship which Is now In prog; ess. Everybody is cordially In vited. Coni. Mrs. G. E. Jones. 2,000 POUNDS BROOKS COUNTY HAMS, »IDES AND 8H0ULDER8, NOW AT HARDY BROS. “THE ECCENTRIC MESSENGER." Good Singing, Yodeling and Refined Comedy. —also— ELLIS A FERRAR In Entire New Act. Good 8ingin-' orrhages and wa and Comedy Sketch. PRICES: EGGS FOR HATCHING White and black Minorcas; white Leghorn; Pymouth Rocks; S. C. Rhode Island Reds, and Buff Orplng ton eggs for sale by F. B. Sturtevant 112 Sc:even ave. 23 12t w&eat. OLD LADY BURNED. Newton, Miss., Feb. 23.—Mrs. 8i« san Fitzpatrick, aged 80, was burned to death today at her home here when her clothing caught Are while standing before an open grate. She was a native of Georgia. Six society girls of Akron, O., dined on St. Valentine's day with an ape a» the guest of honor. We suppose the ape was about the best that Akron could do.—Houston Post. And they must all have gone away hungry if all they had to dine on was St. Val entino's day.—Jacksonville Times-Un- ion. A [/. eminent citizen of Evansville, In.!., writes;—"I was ill for five mouths with a pmnonary trouble, and had the best doctors; I bud hem- in a very bad way. Th ough Ike advUe of a friend i tried Vinol. and I feel that it saved my life. It is all you recommend it to be. I believe it is the greatest medicine on enrth. I have advised others to try Vinol, and they have had the same results." (Nnme furnished on lequest.) We wnnt every one in this vicinity vho is troubled with chronic colds— coughs—or pumonary troubles— to come to i ur s’eto * a bottle of Vinol. If it does not go to the seat of trou ble—heal the Inflamatlon and stop the cough—we will cheerfully return every cent paid us for It. This shows faith—and proves that you take chances. Do we mean It? Come and see. The Seals Pharmacy. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The blight boys Who carry out the Heiald to the Waycross citizens 'took a treat yesterday at J. C. Payne's and pronounce Mr. Ralph Gray the efficient dispenser of cold drinks to be the best in town. AT SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Henry Johnson, of Bunn-Bell Institute will preach at the Second Baptist church Sunday morning and evening, at the usual hours. Tho pastor, Rev. G. E. Jones filllnfl his regular appointment at Hebardvillc. Tho public is most cordially Invited to como out and hear Rey. Johnson. Beef and Pork NATINtE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAUSAGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, SKVVfJED HAMS, BREAKFA8T BA- CO*?DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEESE, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS. 7. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewlsburg, W. Va., "for tho won derful double benefit I got from Elec tric Bitteis, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and ! Invitations are out to an “At Horae" to be given by Misses Ruth and Bea trice Lambdin tomorrow afternoon. The honor guests to be the Misses Harris of Macon who are guesta of Miss Annie Lautie Walker. WONT YOU COME TO OUR PARTY? WASH THOSE PIMPLE8 OFF. Use D. D. D., that mild, soothing wash, that recognized remedy for Ec zema and all skin troubles. First drops take away that awful burning Itch, cleanse the skin—wash away ov cry pimple—every impurity. Nothing like D. D. D. for the complexion. Get a 25c trial bottlo today,—worth ten times Its cost to have a bottle ir the house. At any rate, drop Into our store to talk over the merits of this wonderful prescription. H. S. Redding. A GREAT BLAZE. OF CONVICTION SWEEPING OVER WAYCROSS. , The Majestic Reception at our store all week, February 20 to 25. Will be tho talk of the town and we want you to consider this a per sonal invitation to attend at least one day. Sec newspapers for special day. Hot coffee nnd biscuits will be reived every day. Rring your family and spend a few pleasant hours with ■ hours at a time. uj». Set of Ware free. Watt Hardware Julco when it' Co. | here, und after taking It a short time — 1 1 ‘wish to say fov tho benefit of m> friends and others who suffer ns 1 did, that I am now free from all pain The more people know of the new remedy, Root Juice, the more convin ced a;o they of tho wonderful merits of the discovery. Scores of people have bought It at Cherokee drug store and after using it a short while they are so loud In praise of It that their neighbots are going to the store In such crowds for the medicine It is hard to keep It In stock. Testimoni als arc being piled upon testimonials from every direction, nnd many a-.e buying the Juice because'it* Is doing so much good for some neighbor or relative. Root Juice hns certainly created a great sensation over In Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. John Spratt said: “I have, suffered a long time with a very painful kidney nnd blad der trouble, had to get up every Ilf- teen or twenty minutes dining the night. I would sometimes so suffer with my back nnd kidneys that ) otild have to wulk the lloor fot I began taking Itooi as first Introduced of rheumatism, from wwlch I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made Just for me." For dys- peMia, indigestion, Jaundice and to 'lid^the .system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitterg has no equal. Try them. Every bot tle Is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at All Druggists. WOOD’S HIGH-GRADE Farm Seeds. For wood phon. 213. ORPINGTONS FOR SALE. Beautiful, prolific. anJ thrifty, arc my BUB Orpington*. Cocks, $2.00; hem, $1.50; two, $5.00; egg, 10c each. Urs. E. A..Sander, (Deenwood.) We are headquarters for the bee. in all Farm seeds. Crasj and Clover Seeds ■ Seed Corn, CottonSeed, Cow Feu, Sola Beans, Serfmims, Kaffir Corn, Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc, -Wood's Crop issued Special 1 * monthly gives timely information as to heeds to plant each month in the year, also prices of Season able Seeds. Write for copy, mailed free on request. ltd ltw 4w ■ Waycross, Os. and rest well at. night. I am rapidly regaining strength and am much Im proved in every way.” Mr. 0< :ar 3 said; "Before taking Root Juice Green, of the same point, R. R. No. i had very bad *tomacb trouldo oi l long Btnrnllng. Aft*;r cailng a modi i l feit like I bad knots or rocks in l..e i pit of my stomach. 1 bloated very j much and had a burning in my atom ach that gained me very much and caused me to be very nervous, but the first dose of Rcot Juice I took sooth | ed my stomach and caused me to j feel better, and after taking the great I medicine a short while I can eat any thing without suffering for It.” We aie told that the people at the drui store are glad to givd any Informa tion within their power to relation to the remedy. The juice is now on sal for fl a bottle or th-ree bottles for $2.50. BOARD OF TRADE HELD 8PLENDID MEETING. The Board of Trado at their meet ing last night warmly endorsed the proposed "White Way" for Waycros?*. A number of those presont took part in the discussion and evinced a very strong interest in the matter. On notion of Judge J. L. Sweat and en ergetic committee was appointed to thoroughly investigate costs, and pre pare after consultation with mer chants and city council a careful re port of ways and means to effectually Institute the "White Way" as sug gested. Many other matters of Interest to the city were discussed and will in due time developo to the material advancement of Waycross. Mr. George W. Deen, president of Georgia Drainage Congress, extended a cordial Invitation to all that pos sibly could do so to attend the Drain age convention at Brunswick on Fri day, Feb. 24th. L-THESEMENHAVE ,W0RKEDF0RTHE 3AFETY0FY0URM0NEY’ WHENITISiN-A F/ NATI0NALBANK w „ , br C. E. Zlm»erm«« Co.—Vo. THE CONFIDENCE AND 8ECURITY THAT. COME WITH THE POS SESSION OF MONEV IN THE •’ANK 18 GREATLY ENHANCED WHEN IT IS A National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFEGUARD P08SI8LE FOR HUMAN IN GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEP03IT YOUR'SAVINGS OR SURPLU8, THE ONE THNG TO BE CONSIDERED IS SAFETY, AND WE ASK FOR YOUR BUSINESS ONLY ON THE BASIS OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY $400,00 TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $700,OCO WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 61 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENT8, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND O NE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HI8 PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BE8T MATERIAL. THE BE8T WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. WHITE GOODS SPECIALS i:z Whh : ioc yd. Long Cloth 12 YARDS IN BOLT, 1.25, 1.65, 2.00, 2.50 27 inch White Lawn EXCELLENT VALUE8. 40c,12&c, 15c, 20c, 25c yd Linyarnette 61.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. 36 INCH WIDE—SPECIAL, 12J£c, 15c, 20c, 25c yard Kilkenny Linen 26 INCH WIDV Very Special . . 10c New Nansook SPECIAL VALUES. 15c, 20c and 25c yard Crepe Stripe Waiting JUST BEAUTIFUL, 48 CENTS YARD TODD Shoes, and Oxfords For Ladies Our new Spring Oxford Ties, Pumps and Slippers have jutft arrived Many Styles Patent Feather, Tan, Gun Metai, Vici, Suede, Velvet Etc. §2.50, §3.00, §3.50, $4.00 Linonette 38 INCH WIDE. Special 12c yd. Princes Cloth 36 INCH WIDE. Special 20 rfs New Flaxon PLAIN AND CHECKED, 36 INCHES WIDE, Per Yard 17c, 20c, 25c KNEELAND Shoes and Oxfords For Men Big line New Spring Oxfords now ready for your inspection. 3.50 and 4.00 0000000060000 Pictorial Review Patterns oooooocoooooo H. J. Iooooooooooooo i American Lady & COMPANY Corsets Kabo Corsets Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets ooooooooooooo . '