Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 25, 1911, Image 1

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    ^Vaycross Evening Herald.
G&iernor Brown Pays High
Compliment To Way cross
Railroads Entering Waycross
Aiding Celebration
Worth From
'It Possible The Governor Will Be
Among the Prominent Guests In
Waycross for the Aviation
Meet and Census Cele
Governor Joseph M. Brown, of Geor
gia, in a letter to Secretary Andrews,
Of the Board of Trade, pays Waycross
a hfgh compliment, and one that is
wiites in regard to his proposed
.tpu« Waycross for the aviation
Ar/ng that although he had en-
As for the Soutrern Cocmei-
m<j ~.al Congress in Atlanta for some
of the time of the Waycross meet,
lie might arrange to come here for
one day, and would do so If possible.
Continuing, Governor Brown said:
“I take this opportunity to congrat
ulate the city of Waycross and the
county of Ware on the extraordinary
growth they have enjoyed for the
past ten years.' It should be a source
of pride to every citizen of Georgia,
has even greater things In store for
your city and county than those
which you now enjoy." V
While Governor Brown has already
expressed himself personally to Way-
cross people about the showing made
since 1' 00, this is the first written
comn/yeMlon of a j congratulatory
uatur Shelved at the Board of Trade.
Thu Governdr, was thanked fpr his
kind remarks on Waycroks and urged
to make his visit here during the av-.
latlon meet.
The management of the Dixie thea
ter will change Monday and Mr. Carl
Davnport, a theatrical ma nof nation
al reputation will have charge. Mr.
Benjamin has been casting about for
some time to get some one interested
with him, as his health is injured snd
be has also other interest to look after
He has been fortunate in interesting a
man of such wide experience a Mr.
Davenport for hi record a a theatrical
roan, one giving to the public Just
such entertainments as they require
is vory envfable. Mr. Davenport an-
be one that will please every one,
and some thidg entirely new and dif-1
ferent from every tbiqg afforded in
Waycross this season.
He has a great Hue of shows and
something good, is in store for Way-
cross theater goers.
Mr. Benjamin still holds financial
Interest in the play house and will be
glad to see his old friends and pa
trons at the Dixie.
The Waycross delegates
lows: "There Is no road doing more
for Georgia, than the A. B. & A., Is
Georgia Drainage Congress returned:
• now doing, and Mr. Leahy is doins
last night and (this morning from ( ^
Brunswick, and report the congress i
to have been a great success both In
point of numbers, interest shown and i
the effective work done for the movs- j
ment. The Brunswick people treated»
isitors royally and used every t
Mr. George W. Deen introduced
Governor-elect ttmith, in a few very
appropriate lemarks, in closing allud
ed to the probability that Governor-
elect Smith might be called to na
tional honors.
Senator .Aiken spoke briefly and to
the point. A paper reud by Hon. S.
ment committee to give them a great-
* W. McCallle, State Geologist, was
effort under the leadership of Mayor
Hughes, the chairman of entertain-
time and succeeded well in their en<
deavor. The congress adopted and
endorsed a state drainage bill, pre-
fuch enjoyed. In the absence of Hon.
C. G. Elliott, Mr. Eason delivered a
, practical talk, assuring the movement
pared and read by Judge J. L. Sweat. 1 . .. ... ' .. ,
v t of the cordial practical co-operation of
Vfcr wood phono 111.
20 la
This bill is largely formed on the
line of a bill that Senator Aiken sue- j
ceeded in 'carrying through the sen
ate and for which due credit should j
be given him. Also in the new bill
Is incorpoiated many features of the/
North Carolna drainage law, now in |
effect and found to be working ad-1
mirably for the development of scien
tific drainage and the reclamation of j
waste and swamp lands in that state, j
A great feature of the gathering
was a very strong, broad speech deliv
ered by Governor-elect Hoke Smith.
He seemed to be in the house of 'his
friends and the applause before and
after, were unusual in character.
The A. B. A. A. Railroad.
In the course of his speech, in his
forcible way, he alluded to the- work
now being done by the Atlanta, Bir
mingham and Atlantic railroad In
bringing new people and developing
this section of the South. Hit lan
guage was a striking testimony ana
recognition of the work, being done
by Mr. W. H. Leahy, as was as fol-
the United States government.
At the .close of the speeches a set
of by-laws were adopted and the offi
cers elected at Waycross, were unani
mously re-elected to serve the con-
gres for 1911, and the congress ad
journed, (Subjeit to call of President
0. W. Deen) and uccepted the invi
tation in a body to a delightful trip
in a steamer around the harbor.
General Passenger Agents of A. C. L.
and A. B. & A., Say they will
advertise Aviation Meet and
assist Waycross in every
way possible.
From the general passenger agents j
cf the roads entering Waycroi'u comes
;the information that thfo (railroads
will do their shaie In advertising the
aviation meet and census celobraton
to be held n Waycross March 9, 10
nnd 11.
!,arge circulars gotten out by the
Committee on advertising were sent
today to tho various agencies along
the Coast Line and the A. B. & A.,
covering a radius or 100 miles aboui
Waycross. The small cards contain
ing Invitations to visit Waycross have
ai.-d been sent out in I urge quanlties,
and will do much towards attracting
visitors to this city for the events
Daughters Of America
£ om pj e i e Organization
One of tile molt delghtful occasions
of the year In Fraternallam was held
last nlghtin the Red Men's Hall when
“The Star'of 1911” Council, Daughters
of America woe launched upon tho
billow, oi .time. Two of the original
organizers of the D of A council, Mrs.
L. J. Bundy of savannah, On., who
be, been here eereral- day, ,eel,ting
the local ladles, Mrs. A. P. Goodwin
and Mrs. J. L. Goodroo work up the
Council le a very earnest .worker tor
the order The National Council sent
Mrs. J. R. Gilffln of Savannah, Ga„ as
Deputy National Councilor to IneUtuto j Flnan-3ecty—Mrs. Jtary Fendt
the Council. Mr,. Griffin 1* one of the Rec. Secty—Mrs. Mattlo Radford,
original organisers, of ‘Golden '.Rule Warden—Mrs. Emma Henderson.
Council No. 1 D. of A. In Savannah Conductor—Mis Josle Penfleld.
the Pioneer Council of Georgia and la Inside Sergeant—Mrs. Emma Mor-
also a very earnest worker tor the ton.
order. ’ Outside Sergeant—Mrs. Emms Ed-
After the usual eelrlcal work prw words.
Ilmlnary to organization, the follow-
which assures the growth of tho coun
ell from the beginning.
Past Councilor—Mrs. Nettie PblllVoS
Asso-Past Councilor—Mrs. Elizabeth
Councilor—Mrs. Jennie Goodwin.
Asso-Councllor—Mrs. Floran Chas-
Vice-Councilor—Mrs. Bertha Good-
roe. 1 - I -
Asso-Vlce-Councllor—Mrs. Merlon
Garvin. ~
Trees. Mrs. Lsuisndt Sauls.
Secretary Harrell and President
lluchanan, of the Waycross Automo-
I bile dub, are active In Arrangements
for the auto Interests. From reports
f.-ora surrounding cities It Is evident
that many enthusiasts will try to
muko a time record on March 9 and
thereby win one of the handsome cup*
the r.oib will offer.
People coming here from the ter
ritory alout Waycross state that the
aviation meet and census celebration
Is the main subject of talk in all dls-
Jtrlcty. A rcpoijt from Douglas, In
Coffee says tho people up there ere
already planning to attend the Wey-
crose celebration, and It Is quite prob
able that during the three dtye of
good times here no less than leveret
thoueand Coffee county citizens will*
visit tho city.
vrfegr-sfta- trflMiavo^hnrgv ■
of the out of town advertising, leave*
Monday with a corps of workers to
thoroughly post and advertise It ho
meet throughout South Georgia. Large
lithographs showing the typo of ma
chines to bo used in the flights at
Waycrose have boon secured, as well
as other attractive matter. In feet,
the entire committee Is leaving noth
ing undone that will ettrset people to
the city for the meet in March.
309,. 18 in
Mr. M. 8. Goodyear was exhibiting
on the streets todiy e vory floe Ham
iltonian Malian, flve yean olS, also
registered Jersey bull, four years
old. Mr, Goodyear raised them botb<
and they are beauties.
Our people should begin to tuko na
Trustee—Mis. Dcsse Musters. Mrs.! Intcr-st In line stock and Mr. Ooorf-
lug officers wc:e elected and installed I.lzzlo Finn, Rev. A. M. Bennott.
Ware County Sunday School
Association In Session Today
A la: kg crowd attended the first
soHH.on of the Ware County Sunday
Scboi I Association which met with
the Central Baptists this morning at
the Opera House at 10 o’clock. Dr
Hamill who is one of our most noted
Sunday school workers made a mag
nificent address. M| s. /McDonald,
who is tere in tho interest of the
/Temperance movement also made a
| moat interesting talk. The afternoon
j session began at two o'clock, when
‘ Rev. A. M. Bennett will make an ad-
I diets.' About thirty-five delegates ar-
j rived this morning and are being en-
, tcrtalncd in the homes. The public
j is cordaiiy invited to attend tho sex-
I sions tonight and tomorrow.
yesr Should also encourage as should
others who propose to help Improve
the llva etock of this section.
Shoes for all the family.
, .1. W. Adams & Co.
Rev. Dob Jonee conducted the serv
ice at Ihe A. G. L. shop service yee-
terdey at the noon hour, llo wee ac
companied to the shopa by Rev. R. A,
Brown, Prof. Utkin, anil Mr. D. M,
Mr. W. H. I.cully in ’in tho city today partlculaia are not yet forthcoming,
conveying the officials of tho A., B. j Tho steamer used In carrying the! ”
* A., cn an Inapectlon tour of tiiolr ;delegates round the harbor has' boon | A ALL PAYMENT DOWN
property here There Is a rumor on (for sometime cbarleted by Senator j w| „ B1 . cura you tt| „ u „ e and DO,,,,,
j foot that this enterprising load Is j Aldrich for his ueo In flailing trips, of „„ |d , a | bomo , hat propo .
J planning aorno material Improvements etc. and he very kindly loaned It for j „ ulon | nterOTt , yolli c0Inc and „ ee UI _
Ion tb ir property In Waycross but tills occaalon. / |\Ve also have several caah
j Every one of them will mnke money
Cnp.nbi <>c:g* Paxton, the ne> j local talent. A good lime can he for (h(1 Uuyer wh() act , tt OMB _ |f
,-fleer It marge of the local corps ■ looked for. On Sunday morning, j y01) are loo g laK (or an i UVM tment ,
of the Sat-- -tion Army, Is busy work- j March 5th r.t 11 a. m.. Major White; th „ |g bound t0 prove a monay ma j,.
ling on a two daya apedal campaign j will address Itov. W. If. Scruggs' con- J er you - d betler no( m | 1( lb| , c |, ancc ,'
(tor Saturday and Sunday, March 4Ui ! ...egallon at tin- local opera house. ! Home one may be ahead of you to-
(cad Kb, respectfully. Major Envoy \ flunday afternoon 3:.10 p. in., aad Bun- rco rrow. Act today.
, White, anil hi* vw.vtary Adjutant W. j day night'7:30 Major White and Ad-i
S. Quirk of Atlanta will officiate atijutant Quirk will have special servl-1 A "VA Kni'wlif
the ipicielmeetings. Theji-will be]co« In thoAlrdome. Everybody como!X Xe XNlUglit
ts usual M l).« I'ar-.ir - Ijm rwjms 10 Ibesa •service,.. A good time Is j '
in ar Thomas Sro*. store Saturday, -.m ured. ' IftilMl
In.-- .i I til, 9 o'clock p. m., the Major *
and Aujutont will hr - igted by aome^^J^ ' MS.