Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 25, 1911, Image 4
u ytWVWI»»WHWWW| * Roaches,AntsiBed Bigs ARC EXTERMINATED WITH PETERMAN’S REMEDIES WE HAVE PETERMANS ROACH FOOD, PETER MANS ANT FOOD, PETER. mans bed boo eoiscov. erv. try Them now, BEFORE THE SEASON FOR THESE PESTS BEGIN. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. Ii> s Mill & Feed Store We have aeveral case* of DRIED FRUIT. *o close out at the following Prices: 1fb SEEDED RAISINS 10c, 3fb FOR 25c 1Tb CALIFORNIA FIGS 10c 3fb FOR 25c Itb CURRENT8 10c. 3!b FOR 25c ALSO ■Ralston Breakfast Food At 10c Psr Package. Six pound sack ofRALSTON WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 25c Theae are all fresh, but we don't want to carry them over Try ua for your next bill of groceries or feed and let us save you Home money. MAY'S!MIL! and HID SI OF E. PHONE NO. 3. FAR SIGHTED PEOPLE Patronize tills Livery. They appro* date our prompt service, first-class turn outs and reasonable prices. If you appreciate all these you will pa* Ik tronlze us also. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Bafas Stables. Tel eau 8t. Wnycross, Ua. PHONE NO. 03. > <Uduration imitltiHt ujoIosm ex* penditure |a In order. Too many young people spend both time and money In acquiring knowledge of no practical value to them. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE In-lieven like Washington In making every step count, it teaches only what will en able the student to sta t advantage ously In life. To command salaries, and occupy positions nt once, which otherwise would take you years to attain. • • special rates now on. remem- BER WE SECURE POSITIONS. Wnycross Business College Waycross. K. F. Zelglor, Tree. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycross, Ga* PITTMAN CIGAR CO. Our Oysters Are Sold From This Fixture . This In becauae our* are genu ine Soalshlpt Oysters—the world* best oysters. SealHlilpt Oyatera are packed, Healed and uhipped to ub daily from famous oyster beds. Oy»- tera served you right at the shorre couldn't be frer.her or more de- IIcIouh than the ones we offer you. MBjMratBMPparTTV TTTggjy—” Let the Airship com 5 but don’t torget to call at our store and look at our new line Hienzes Pickles, Olives, Preserves, Etc. Barrel Dil Pickles, Sweet Pickles. Pig Feet, Saur Kraut Juril Arrived. Eggs gone down to 20 cents per dozen. Phone 62 HARDY BROTHERS. The Pure Food Store. PERMANENT SOLIDITY This Bank is as solid as a Rock, Because: Rev. Hubert, of Douglas passed through the city this morning. Mr. Milton Parker Is quite sick at bis home on GJJmore street. cncos, elect: Ic lights telephone, etc and will bs fitted wtb hllmdern' con veniences. Judge H. M. ‘Wilson Ik quite sick with acute indigestion and Is* con fined to hls bed. Quite a number of delegates to the Sunday school convention are In the qity today. Mrs. .1. Walter Bennett is some bol ter today but Is still quite sick at her home on Gilmore street. Mr. and 1 Mrs. W. S. Booth are guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Scruggs while fiere attending the Sunday School Convention HONOR ROLL GRADE A. 'Mrs. Heidt, Teacher. Maggie Harbin, Ruth Strickland, Bt- flo Sasser, John Owenn, Catherine Hargraves, Corrlno femith, Ethel Blackmer, Lora Miller, Robert Bird. The Misses Adams and Miss Brown of Waycross, gave a musical entertain ment at the HChool house here last Friday night that was largely attended and highly appreciated. These young Indies are musicians of no mean abili ty Mias Vonlce Adams will teach a volln claas here, begnnng this week.— Charlton County Herald. Phone 72 or 443 for lady-fingers, maccaroons and kisses', ,a penny a- piece, at Waycross Bakery. 24 2t MIhs McLoyd, Mrs. McMillan, of Beach are in the city, guests of Mrs. R. B. Ballard, to attend the Ware County Sunday School Association. Prof. E. L. Ray will conduct the ser vices at the Second Baptist Church tomorrow 11 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Instead of Rev. Henry Johnson. We are glad to say there s some little Improvement In condifion of Mrs. C. E. Harper, but she is still very 111. It Puts Safety First; r TAKES no speculative chancts, it is conservative in all its investments, putting every dollar of the money ,ts , s iiy£ n ® 8 depositors into Bonds, Warrants and First Mortgages on Real Estate. These are the hind of securities tha' are Safe and Solid .Today, Tomorrow and Fifty Years Ftom J'Idw THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT -THAN A BANK ACCOUNT IN THIS BANK ' ^ j Exchange Bank of Waycross W. H. BUCHANAN, President.' W. H. McRAE, Cashier. ir* CLASSIFIED WANTED ■^JSiTKr^ORTrTTSMY^ASlJ bodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United Sta tes, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer. South- Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Ga.; 108 West For- syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, S. C.; or 113 South Maine street, Fitzgerald, Ga. - Jan. 7 tf. growing demand for Improved and raw land In this section. List with me at once and we will show to party qt homeseekers we are bringing from the North In a few wrecks. M. E. Mal one, Miami, Fla. 25 6t WANTED—Small size Iron safe. Ap ply P. O. Box 507. 25 tf FOR SALE '^O^^MTE^Perfectir^ew^'plana For Information apply at this office. 17 tf. FOR SALE—Shetland pony, trap, harness, etc cheap for cash. W. H. Buchanan. 25 3L Stop at this store for mens and buys clothing. r J. W. Adams & Co. Mr. H. J. Benton and Mr. Walter Lee wlM return tomorrow’ from New York City, where they have been for tho past ten days buying new goods. New Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Col lars and Neckties. J. W. Adams & Co. Special orders filled for fancy cak es, phone 72 or 443. Waycrors Bak ery. 24 2t RING 174 FOR WOOD. Fine line hats just received. J. W. Adams Ac Co. RING 174 FOR WOOD. New Hiirlng dry goods. J. W. Adams & Co. Rust Proof Corsets. J. W. Ailnms & Co. Crenm Puffs. 50c dor... phone 72 or 443. Waycross Bakery. 24 2t C A DOWNEY M D V- VETENARIAN 19 Albany Avenue Waycroaa, Ga. Day and Night Phono 5M. Klaxon Linens, !.awn and Waist- in £8. J. W. Adams & Co. Fancy cakes a specialty nt Way- :ross Bakery, phone 72 or 443. 24 2t American Gentleman . Shoes and Oxfords. J. W. Adam* & Co. Eggs, Kgg*. Eggs? Guaranteed the best at 20 cents a dozen, at Hardy Bro*. — 2 At the First Baptist Church tomor row morning Miss Bnsmajian will play the violin solo Schubert Serenade At the evening hour Mr. T. D. Weak ley will sing "The Open Door." Little Warren (Kingston who has been so very III for the past week will carried to Snvnnnr.ii tonight. It is i nred that an operation will be neces sary. WANTED—Farm lands, Sou*h Georgia and Florida We have a TO RENT FOR RENT—Two unfurnlahed rooms; also large barn. Apply 37 Gilmore 3t FOR RENT—5 room cottage on cor ner Penderghast and Brunei streets. Apply to J. T. Beaton. 23 3t SALESMEN—Making small towns write for order book today In A—1 consignment line Goods shipped and commission paid promptly. Canfleld Mfg. Co., 208 Slgel Street Chicago. It EGGS FOR HATCHING White and black Mlnorcas; white Leghorn; Pymouth Rocks; S. C. f Rhode Island Reds, and Buff Orping ton eggs for sale by P. B. Sturtevant, 112 Screven ave. 23 12t,w&sat. Fine line low shoes. J. W. Adams & Co. 2,000 POUNDS BROOK8 COUNTY HAMS, SIDES AND SHOULDERS, NOW AT HARDY BROS. Plenty cotton bolts. J. W. Adams & Co. RING 174 FOR WOOD. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S New White Goods, Laces and For Spring. Embroideries Sheriff Pittman went down to Sav annah yesterday and brought back Lonnie White charged with kidnapp ing tho daughter of \v. R. Smith. White claims he married the girl six months ago and there seems to be little In the charge. Sheriff l). W. Pittman went up to Millwood this morning and arrested Joe Arnold, a white man. chnrgeJ with assault with Intent to kill. Ar nold wus indicted before a grand jury about a year ago. BEAUTIFUL 8HEER IMPORTED WAI8TING IN PLAIN, CHECKED AND FIGURED EFFECTS. 25 Gents ALL LINEN SUITING, ROUND THREAD, 36 INCHES WIDE. SPE CIAL VALUES AT 35c, 40c and 50c. FINE 27 INCH FLOUNCES WITH WIDE IRISH BANDS ALL OVER AND INSERTIONS TO MATCH. Special Values 50c to 1.50 NEW SPRING WAISTS, NEATLY TAILORED AND OTHERS NEATLY TRIMMED WITH EMBROIDERY. 75c to $1.50 BIG SELECTION NEW BELTINGS IN WASH AND SLIK, 25c to 50c BIG LOT OF NEW MATCH SETS OF VAL AND ROUND THREAD LACES. 5c to 15c BARGAIN TABLE OF FINE SWISS AND CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES NEW, GOOD MATCH SETS. Special 10c. M FLAXON—BEAUTIFUL SHEER OUALITY, YARD WIDE. Special Value at 15c The Store of Quality First Methodist church was filled to owr flowing with ladles this morn ing nt ten o’clock to hear Rev. Hob Jones in his sermon “The Modem Wo man". The sermon was one of the finest ever heard in tho city. There will be a special service for men to morrow afternoon at the church. Humphreys & Williamson J. P. CONNOR—Ftr.t cltu Shot Repairing; alio recover* and repair* unbrellara to order. 11} Plant ave- . i - - SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. SEALS PHARMACY TUB BEX ALL *TOIlC \ooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOO^OOO CARRIAGE PAINTER % 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and; Automobile Painting o NEATLY EXECUTED 9 F. 0. SMITH, 6 ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. °^66600000000006COOOOOOOCOOOOO«0 £ mm