Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 25, 1911, Image 6
WAYCROSS EVEN ING HERALD Waycross Business College MAKES EXCEPTIONAL OFFER FOR SPRING TERM SOME REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND The Waycross Business College 1. BECAUSE This Is the highest endorsed Business College in South Georgia, and la recognised by business and professional men because of Ihe efficiency of Its graduates. 2. BECAUSE It Is what Its name Indicates, strictly speaking, a business college, where young people of this Section are thoroughly trained-for bus iness pursuits and everyday life. We give only a.uasble education—one that will better your conditions and raise'your salary. , 1 t. BECAUSE It believes In thoroughhess regardless of the time It takes to complete a course. "Work and Thoroughness" Is our motto, and drones soon find ut that they are In the wrong"hlve, 'If'they" enter this college without a determination to become to become workers., Here you come In contact with men of eipertenco; men who know the "ups" and "downs” of the business world, and who are willing to give the pupils the benefit of their time and valuable advice. ■ jmsmna- 4. BECAUSE It spends no time Instructing’ Its students in obsolete subjects. It believes In glvng Its students - Individual attention, and does not hold one back on account of backward pupils. 5. BECAUSE We omploy teachers of ability and experience, and who are always anslous lo assist our students. 6. BECAUSE’We offer advantages In Shorthand and Typewriting not to be found In other schools of this section. Our Typcwrtlng Department la equipped with specially built tables and machines of standard makes. Our Shorthand system is a perfect delight. It Is the briefest, simplest, most legible and rapid system taught. 7. BECAUSE Our Bookkeeping Course odors effective means for you to become a practical Bookkeeper and Accountant In the shortest possible time consistent with thoroughness. It Is like tho actual work, and arouses the greatest Interest of the student, and pleases the business man. 8. BECAUSE We get more calls for our graduates than wc are able to fill, and you can always rest assured that your services will be in demand, If you complete a course tn our college. Spring Offer For a limited time only, we will issue CHECKS to those who are interested In a business education, and who will write or call at the college and inform us whst course or courses they desire to take. These checks will be made out for 94.50 and $6.50, depending upon tbe course you take, and you may use them as part payment on a scholarship. THIS OFFER Will hold good only a short time, and If you want to attend the beat Bus iness College, at small cost, don't tnlas this OPPORTUNITY Write or see the President for full information We teach all of tho commercial branches Including, Retail, Wholesale, Jobbing and Commission, and Manufacturing Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Business Mathematics, Office Practice, Shorthand, Expert Typewrit ing, .Spelling, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, and all barnebes 01 actual stenographic work. If you want one of tbe CHECKS, act immediately WRITE.OR SEE R. F. ZEIGLER, President. PHONE 260. ROOMS 11, 12. 14, 19 and 20, LOTT-HITCH BLDG. Majestic Range Demonstration AT OUR STORE ONE WEEK February 26th TO February 26th ONE WEEK ONLY I No Ware Given Away After Demonstration Set of Ware FREE! If you call at our store during our Majestic Demonstration Week and allow us to show you the many advantages and superior qualities of the Great and Majestic Range, and will purchase one at the regular price, we will give you Free and useful Souvenir Set of Ware illustrated in this advertisement. This ware is made to match the quality of the Majestic Ranges, and we know all ladies will see file beauty and utility of this set, especially the first three pieces, which are entitely new and cannot be had alone by purchase, except at a very high price. The prices of Majes tic Rarges are the same but we give tho set FREE with each Majestic Jfrnro toutht during the demonstration week only. S ; . *4. I tic Rarges are the same but we give tho set FREE wit' each Majeat a Ernrr touaht during the demonstration week only. - - ■ ■ — t ri. * Watt Hardware Company NO WARE GIVEN AFTER DEMON STRATION WEEK. ONE WEEK ONLY NO WARE GIVEN AFTER DEMON STRATION WEEK.. > Reasons Why The Great Majestic You Should Buy l»t. It hat the reputation of b:lng the belt range money can buy. 2nd. It not only tax the reputation hut IS the bc,t range made, and we will prove 'hta to you If you will let ua. 3rd. It la conatructed of mallea-ble Iron, material you can't beat~and of Charcoal Iron, material that resist.' luet 300 par cent greater than ateel U rlvlted together air tight. No heat escapee or cold air entera the range, tbua uses very little fuel to do perfect work. 4th. The .'caervolr alone la worth the price of range over any other | rcaervotr made. It holla 15 gallon* of water; la heated like a tea kettle, with pocket against left hand lining, tad is movable and sets on a frame.' "cnee cannot wear out Wen watery gets too bet It car. be moved away from fire. ) ' Majestic ranges use less fuel; Jieat more water—a costs practically nothing for repairs; lasts throe tin* ter; easier to keep clean and gives better satfsfa range on the market. U you know positively that a e true, wouldn't you buy a Majestic at once. Come in Demonstration Week and Well Fro*/