Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 27, 1911, Image 1
Waycross Evening Herald. volume XVIII WAYCROSS, GA., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1911 NUMBER 166 GAIT OF IS BIO SIGNS PUT OUT CITY RAPID 1 FOR MEMBER OF AVIATION CO., OF The advertising committee Is oui NEW YORK SAYS WAYCROSS today In force getting the large dls- TAKES THE PRIZE FOR RAPID play signs for the aviation meet and GROWTH AND ACTIVITY. j census celebration In place. One of j the biggest banners ever displays That Waycross Is entitled to the , on the streets of Waycross «'as put prize for rapid growth and general .up on Plant avenue, near the First activity is the statement made today National bank, today. Similar signs by Mr. I.ouls Berger, secretary or are to be displayed on many of the the merlcan Aviation Company, of South Georgia towns, as well"as large New York, the company having charso Ittilgraphs and posters telling of the of the. aviation meet to be held In flights of airships at Waycross March Waycross. Mr. Berger has within :,!t * an d IT- a few years traveled through Texas —'—- THE WARE COUNTY S. S. ASSQCIAT CLOSE OTHEIR SESSION LAST NIGHT WITH CENTRAL BAP TIST CHURCH. ROBIN S CASE UP FOR TRIAL PANAMA CANAL A and Mississippi, ns well as many east ern stales, and fte says without fear of honest contradiction, that Waycross sheys n:o e activity and growth than any place he has visited. Mr. Berger is in a business that cause him to notice these signs, as lie ^ioes not like to become interested . - in a etty that does not have the ap- Special to The Heiald. pearance of being a live one. He Washington, D. C„ Feb. 27—Medl- j president, and R. F. Zelglcr Secretary Bays there Is more building going on ca | Director Paul Fttzslmons was plac-1 and Tresairrer. NAVY MEDICAL DIRECTOR RETIRES Special to The He: aid. New York, Feb. 27.—Joseph G. Rob in, the bank piomoter whom a Judge) The Ware County Sunday School* and Jury recently declared sane des-j Association closed last night after ! pjte the testimony of the so-called j holding one of the most successful eminent insanity experts to the con- • gatherings in lie history. The Cen* trary, was arraigned for trial today tral Baptist church people regretted in the c’lmiual branch of the supreme that the delay in the completion or court their new building, rendered it neces-j He is to he tried on indictments sary to use the opera house, but th-* \ charging him with the larccncy ol change of location did not seem to funds from the hanks In which inconvenience the meeting, and the was interested. delegates in appreciation of the anx-1 • . icty of the Central Baptist friends to make them com for: table, by vote de cided to meet with the Central Bap tist church of Waycross again in Washington, I). t\, Feb. 27.—After nearly live hours of debate, the House of Representatives voted overwhelm ingly in favor of fortifying the Pan- REVIVAL LARGELY TTENDED SUNDAY The sc: vices yesterday in the re vival now in progress at the First Methodist church were largely atten ded, and productive of ho much good uuui Canal, and appropriated $.t,ouu,- \ n cannot he recorded h .*"o or 000 to *)«•«*»» 11,6 work - ,1,e total measured In this world. The men of which has been estimated at $12,- nued the church in the afternoon, 000,000. j Hn ,i hundreds pledged themselves to a The action of the House practical- j better, purer, cleaner life. Iv settles the question of fortification! Last night the crowd was bo largo- lor tho sentiment in the Senate Is j tfiat all of the available space In the* said to l»e more than two to one in ' auditorium, gallery and tho Sunday of protecting the inland hcaconst batteries. 1912, in their now building.- j The election of officers resulted in ) the following being named to serve ; during 1911: E. D. Carswell, P:esl j dent; J. B. Quarterinan of Beach, V. Is The Waycross City Charter Constitutional .school annex was occupied and chair* | had to bo used in the aisle, j Rev. Bob Jones, tho preacher, and* | Mr. Makin, the singer, were at their j best and the power or God was man ifest. Thirty-four have applied for membership in the chmch during the meeting. Services every day this week at lt> Col. J. S. Walker in conducting a whiskey case in Mayor’s Court this morning taised an interesting ques tion by filing a demurrer to suit, In Waycross than In any city of like C( . on „ le retlTvd llBt of ihe Navy to-j Executive Committee: J. P. Ltd, J °n '’no F ound that the Way- size he has been In for years. “I was fay, on account of having reached the Fairfax; W. S. Booth, J. J. Chamber, | coss City Charter is unconatltutton- ln this city about seven months ago, a , e nralt for actlve Kervlce . said he "and since then your city Jms made .a remarkable showing. 1 don’t know of any city, larger or smaller, that has as fine a hotel as Waycross. I have yet. to find a city of 15,000 people with as handsome a depot as you have, and I think you al are to be congratulated for this showing. MARDI GRAS AT PENSACOLA. Special to The Herald. Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 27.—Army troops, sailors from the United States battleships, mounted knights and city officials participated In the gorgeous parade here today in honor of the ar rival of King P.iscuBl and hi scout, Mr. Berger says the flighU to be maklng „, e formaI opcnlng of the made here will be marvels for tbl. nimI Mardl 0raB carnlvaI . Thousand. section of the country, and banking on one or more of the av iators making new worlds records of visitors witnessed the festivities. C. O. Bunn, W. J. Mullls, Wildes, and Augus Blue. Mr. J. L. Graves of Fairfax, was elected to superintend the temperanco work in the district. E. *1. The demurrer was overruled and the case gone into and the negro. while in Waycross. CLOUDY AND COLDER FOR THIS SECTION. Cloudy tonight and colde? Tues day is tho forecast for South Gcor* gia. The cold will only.be slight ac- cordng to Information contained In the weather report. The cloudy, con ditions will be followed almost gen erally by showers. Col. Walker will eventually buvo to, «• ni. and 7:30 p. m. Children’s meet be passed on by Supremo Court. Ing at 3:30. Tiio point raised by Mr. Walker Is ns follows; "That the title to the Act of tho Georgia Legislature _ inert porating tho city of Waycross contains two IN MAYOR’S COURT. O. P. Maddox, whlto, Ellzie Fora,. John Rouse and Randolph Sinclair,, colored, were before Mayor Cox,, separate aud distinct subject matters j charged with whiskey selling. Mad- and that Section 5, of the charter j doxs' was continued to tomor- Eliza Ford, dismissed. The evidence which contains the re-enactment of brought by city not Justifying a con tinuance of the case. But undoubt edly the points brought forth by at 9 o’clock. Eliza Ford was whiskey ordinance Is matter ; tried hut dismissed. Tho other two- foreign to that expressed in tho Modern Maccabees Held Pleasant Social Gathering I 200PAIRS OF PANTS \ • & To Close at $3.00 A PAIR Worth From $4. m to $6.00 AT H. C. Seaman Said C. Thomas, of Port Huron, Mich. Col. Thomas is making a tour' through the South, visiting some of eases being large dependent on the evidence brought out in Ford case wore dropped. Sheriff Pittman at onco arrested Ford and Rouse and thoy were com mitted to jail under warrants Issued by County authorities on tho same' whiskoy charges. The Knight, of the Modern Man bccomo . , cahees had a pleasant social gather- j ^ flomc yf . ar , ng0 . ing on Saturday night to ', 10; „ your growl „ , g a)mo „ )ncredlb)o the Great Lieu Commander, Col. C.'^ wp|| fof 3 ' ergy get-up of your people.” Col. Thomas !r. a Republican and holds an Impor tant political office in his state. In tho largest tent. of.the order In eaeh ( . onveria , lao h0 , (altd am a j '» J““- »"• arrc * 1 beln * ma,,e state. Quite a large crowd waaprea pub|)can my|elf but |f you on a new warrant .worn out by W.. crats want to nominate a man for WHITE AGAIN ARRE8TED AT FATHER.INLAW8 INSTANCE. After enjoying bis freedom from- Waro county Jail a little ovor ten hours, iionRin Wh|te of Savannah was ro arrested ut 10 o’clock Sun day morning by Sheriff Pittman and' ent to gree this grand officer. Many of the iriembcrs of tho W. of W., were R Smith, White's father-in-law. White was given a preliminary- president who will thoroughly scare also in the gathering. This organlz- ^ Ro|)Ubl|canai >tand grcat chanc0 trial yesterday on charge, of kid- atlon having very kindly g'ven u. ()f |jo|ng e|eclBd Yo „ nom|nato ' Woodmw Wilson, for ho has certnln- thelr hall for this meeting. Thoma. .xp.os.ed Tils pleasure and 7“7"„ e " Republican." guessing." surprise to And what a lino town MURDER THREAT IN ARSON CASE« napping and' desertion and was fiepd. White faced nnother prelim inary t:lnl this morning before Judgo W. A. McDonald. Ills lawyer** J. 8. Walker pointed out that the- warrant charging desertion was without foundation. In fact would not stAnd water. The Judge agreed r | and Lonnie and his wire aro oagaln visitors to Brunswick during ioMd-her to *enew their honeymoon* vnrant issued for him, but the Uni tea states commissioner took the case In charge. il round the harbor, had a good view of the New 8t. Simon hotel. — | It Is a magnificent building occupy* WARESBORO MERCHANT 8AYS j n g tt commanding viow of the hay 1 HE SAW CRIBB BUILD FIRE. | and Is a credt to Waycross entorprse j Alderman C. B. Dunn s pushing the ! work rapidly. The hotel and cottages It Is currently reported and general ly believed that Governor-elect Hoke Smith enjoyed himself very much at Brunswick yesterday. Valdosta!, Ga., Feb. 27.—Waite* ,, ... . ... r a : will divide about 110 rooms and will Gibb of Waresboro, charged with ; . . .... , |l»o fitted up with all modern convent* burning the depot and posloifice at | that place, was given a commitment , 0Dcei * trial beforo Commissioner Powell nnd his bond was fixed at $1,200, which j THE L08T MISS DOROTHY he failed to give and was sent hack j ARNOLD AT DANVILLE, V/. J a,! - | Danville, Va„ Feb. 27.—Misa Dor- There were several witnesses G thy Arnold, the missing New York j against him, the ino3t damaging ev idence bein^ given by C. W. RigJon, a merchant, who testified that he saw Cribb aet fire to wood stacked against the depot and that he put out the fire. loiter In the night he neard Cribb tell Mrs. Cribb at their home that "he was going to run the post master and railroad agent, O. A. Mur phy, out of town, if he had to burn heiress, whose whereabouts have been reported from many part* of the United Statese and Europe, spent A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN* nearly a week In this clly and left ‘s,,, , ecurc you lhe uth , ntl po„» suddenly last Wednesday, according of an |dea , home _ „ that propo . io the police. ^ sltlon Interests you, come and see us. [ We also have acveral cash Imperial Wedding Anniversary. j BARGAINS IN REAL E8TATE. tipeclal to The Herald. I Every one of them trill nmko money Berlin, Feb. 27.—The German Em- for tho buyer tvho acts at once. If tho depot and then bum Murphy's peror and Kmprcxx, who were married j you are looking for an Investment house." Itlgdon also laid that Cribb !,- eb _ 2 7, 1*81, when the'former was that is bound to provo a money mak- told him tue next day that he saw j p r j nC e William and the Sat-1 er you’d better not mlsa this chance. Riddon put out the fire, but that when ; ,, r p r ; nreaa victoria of Schleswig-, Borne one may he ahead of you to- be Itarted to do a thing Tie generally j {* 0 |ateln today received Innumerable ■ trofrow. Act today, succeeded. Itlgdon said that C. Ibh |,, erl a ,. CI 0 , congratulation and many: . _ % threatened to kill him If be told «*| valuable prtaentaion the occasion : f\ K nidnt' Crlbb - }c.f their thirtieth wedding annlvera-1 * * <0 Othtra testified to aaelng Cribb leav a y. | ATIO Soil “ ing the depot Juat befora tha lira J REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE' alarm waa given. | Large congregation! — •# Crlbb’a relative* bad had a lonacr itba churchee yesterday. AGENTS. .»• i •»» a • - - •