Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, February 28, 1911, Image 4
WAYCBP3S EVENING HERALD Roaches,Anls&Bed Bass ARE EXTERMINATED WITH PETERMAN’S REMEDIES Wb HAVE PETERMANS ROACH FOOD, PETER MANS ANT FOOD, PETER. MANS BED BUO (.DISCOV ERY, TRY THEM NOW, BEFORE THE SEASON FOR THESE PESTS BEGIN. Gem Pharmacy T, S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. May's Mill & Feed.Slure We have several canes of DRIED FRUIT. *o close out at the following Prices: 1tb 8EEDED RAISIN9 10c, 3fb FOR 25c 1tb CALIFORNIA FI08 10c 3lb FOR 25c 1tb CURRENTS 10c. 3Tb FOR 25c ALSO Ralston Breakfast Food At 10c Per Package. Six pound sack ofRALSTON WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR 2bc These are all fresh, but we don’t want to carry them over Try us for your next bill of groceries or feed and lot us sav? you some money. MAY’S M1LI and FEED STOKE. PHONE NO. X Our Oysters Are Sold From This Fixture This Is because ours are genu ine Sealshlpt Oysters—the worlds best oysters. Sealshlpt Oysters are packed, sealed and shipped to us daily from famous oyster beds. Oys ters served you right at the shore couldn't be fresher or more de licious than the ones we offer you. ! Let the Airship cOm; hut don't torget to call at our store and look at our new line Hienzss Pickles, Olives, Preserves. Etc. Barrel Dil Pickles, Sweet °lckles. Pig Feet, Saur Kraut Jurit Arrived. Eggs gone down to 20 cents per dozen.' Phone 62 HARDY PAR SIGHTED PEOPLE Patronlzo this Livery. They appre ciate our prompt service, first-class turn outa and reasonable prices. If you appreciate all theso you will pa tronize us also. I'TcGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and 8afe» Stables. Tebeau 8t. Waycross, Ga. PHONE NO. 63. A declaration against UJeless ex* pi-ndituro is in order. Too many young people spend both time and money in acquiring knowledge of no practical valno to thorn. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE believed like Washington In making every step count. It teaches only wlmt will en able the student to statt advantage ously In life. To command salaries, and occupy posit Ions nt once, which otherwise would take you yehrs to attain. SPECIAL RATES NOW ON. REMEM- BER .WE SECURE POSITIONS. Waycross Business College Waycross, On. H. F. Zeifilcr, Pros. Sm#kCT “Oran Chico’s”, ‘Yer Best Smokers”, BROTHERS. The Pure Food Store. SKIN AFFECTIONS. Whether On Infant or Grown Person Cured by Zemo and Zemo Soap. AN UNUSUAL OFFER. The Seals Pharmacy aaya to every person, bo It man, woman or child, who has an irritated, tender or Itching akin to come to our atorc and procure n bottle of 55RMO and e cako of ZE MO noap and If you are not entirely satisfied with results, come back and get your money. So confident aro we of the officiary If this cloan, simple treatment, that wo make you this ttnuajal offer. ZEMO Is a clean liquid for external use that has cured so many cases ot eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forma of akin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO alnp are sold by drugglata ev erywhere and In Waycroaa by The Seals Pharmacy. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are the moat economical ns well na the cleanest and moat effectlv treatment for affections of the skin or sealp, whether on Infant or grown person. GERMAN EMPEROR AUTO FAN: HAS ONLY THIRTY MACHINES and "Pitman's Best Smok ers.” Clear Btvsis Filled Cigars. Minufsctu-ed In Waycross, Ga„ Si- FirriMN CICM CO. roLEYSKmsEYPnis Berlin, Feb. 2$.—Emperor William ?!I-known fondness for motoring jubt been shown by orders for >w automobiles which he has pluc with German firing. With these addition* to his garage the kaiser III have 30 machines. Including a half dozen motor baggage trucks.. He keeps five machines perman- ntly at Corfu, wither, with the em press, Crown Prince and Crown Princess he will go early next month. Each of his palaces has its garage, with fire-proof storage rooms for benzine. The emperor’s car it easily distin guished by the peculiar fan fare of his motor horn which may not be used by anyone else and the imper ial standard which flies at the right of the chauffeur. At night the flag la replaced by an illuminated gat shield, showing the standard in regu lation colon. Personal Miss Carrie Parham Social Editor MY GARDEN MUST BE BEAUTIFUL. By Anna Temple. My garden must be beautiful; For w’hen the shadows play In Icngth’ning shapes along the wall, And comes the cool of day, Perchance my Lord might come to The place where roses bloom for And If He asked to come within This house of mine to rest, How fair and sweet the rooms should For such a wondrous Guest! Twere better far to keep them so, Lest He might come before I know. And If he staid for friendly speech, As fell the light of day, How should I know to talk with Him, Or holy things to say. Unless my soul acquainted be With some of Heaven's mystery? Mrs. R. L. Hilliard of Fitzgerald Is visiting Mrs. J. C. McDonald. Mrs. T. A. Hubert of Birmingham is In the city the guest of Miss Mary Martin and Miss Beulah Crlbb. M. L. Goodyear offers fine stock, and wagon and harness for sale. See his advertisement. The Herald regrets to hear of the illness of Milton Parker, son of our friend Gordon Parker. Judge John C. McDonald leaves tonight for Douglas- and will preside In the city couit there for two or tyiree days. Mr. Elmer Hood, brother of Mr. A. Hood arrived in the city today and will he Vith the Home Furniture Company. Miss Bessie May Hannah who has been at schood at Sparks has return ed Wnycross and will reside In PERMANENT SOLIDITY This Bank is as solid as a Rock, Because: It FHits Safety First; F TAKES no speculative chances, it is conservative in all its investments, putting every dollar of the money of its savings depositors into Bonds, Warrants and First Mortgages on Real Estate. These are the kind of securities tha 1 art Safe and Solid Today, Tomorrow and Fifty Years Ftom Now THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT THAN A BANK ACCOUNT IN THIS BANK Exchange Bank of Waycross W. H. BUCHANAN, President. W. H. McRAE, Cashier. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men between age* of 18 and 35; cltizem of United Sta tes, of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- nuildlng, Waycroaa, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Ga.; 108 West For syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, 8. C.; or 113 South Maine p*.reet, Fitzgerald. Jan. 7 tf growing demand for Improved and raw land in this section. List witn me at once and we will show to party at homeaeekeia we are bringing from the North in a few weeks. M. E. Mai- one, Miami, Fla. 25 6t WANTED—Small size iron safe. Af- ply P. O. Box 507. 25 tf. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Perfectly now piano. For Information apply at this offlee. 17 tf. FOR SALE—Shetland pony, trap, harness, etc cheap for cash. W. H. Buchanan. 25 3t. WANTED—Farm lands, South Georgia and Florida We have a TOJRENT^ FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms in new house on Folks and Isabella streets; hot and cold water and every convenience, with or with out board. 27 3t FOUND—Fountain pin. Owner can get same by calling at this office and paying for this da. 27 3t 2,000 POUNDS BROOKS COUhTTY HAMS, »IDE8 AND SHOULD}fRS, NOW AT HARDY BROS. \ WOMEN NAME OFFICERS. Dalton, Ga., Feb. 28.—Following Is a list of officers elected by the Bryan M. Thomas chapter. Daughters of the Confederacy, at its regular monthly meeting, held on Friday afternoon: Mrs. F. W. Elrod, president; Miss Kate Hamilton, first vice-president; Mrs. W. C. Martin, second Vice-pres ident; Mrs. F. E. Shumate, corres ponding secretary; Mrs. M. M. Jack, recording secretary; Miss Cora Hen derson, treasurer; Mrs. Will Black, assistant treasurer; Miss Lizzie Rob erts, registrar; Mrs. B. M. Thomas, Mrs. Warren Davis and Miss Laura Kelley, historians. j future son. vith Mr. and • Mrs. C. E. C» Mrs. Will Seaman's friends hero are pleased to learn that she Is very much improved and will retur.n to*, morrow from the Sanitarium at Val dosta, where she has been for some weeks. Miaa Emma Dlhh and Miss Lucllu Bates have returned after spending several days at the Sewanee Club near Valdosta with Mr. nnd Mrs. nibb. They report u most glorious time. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Beach are at present making their home at New I-acy, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hinson are occupying their p nitty home on Lee avenue while thev are HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S New White Goods, Laces and For Spring. Embroideries Ther quite a merry time at the court house this morning. For a while the machinery of the law I stood still, as tho judge, clerk and • sheriff and others listened to some i delightful Impromptu zinging from a future "Caruso,” as the Waycross I people hope. Waycross has many | voices that promise great things In the musical world, but perhaps there are none with n greater future than the manly voice that ring through the court house this morning. BEAUTIFUL SHEER IMPORTED WAI8TING IN PLAIN, CHECKED AND FIGURED EFFECTS. 25 Cents ALL LINEN SUITING, ROUND THREAD, 36 INCHES WIDE. SPE CIAL VALUES AT 35c, 40c and 50c. FINE 27 INCH FLOUNCES WITH \WIDE IRISH BANDS ALL OVER 4ND INSERTIONS TO MATCH. Special Values 50c to 1.50 n£W spring waists, neatly tailored and others neatly TRIM (MED WITH EMBROIDERY. 75c to $1.50 BIG SELECTION NEW BELTINGS IN WASH AND SLIK. 25c to 50c BIG LOT OF NEW MATCH SETS OF VAL AND ROUND THREAD l ACES. 5c to 15c BARGAIN TABLE OF FINE SWISS AND CAMBRIC EMBROIOERIEQ NEW, GOOD MATCH SETS. Special 10c. FLAXON—BEAUTIFUL DUALITY, YARD WIDE. Special Value at 15c Ksgs, Errs! Guaranteed the best nt 20 cents n dozen, at Hardy Bros. 22 tf The Store of Quality Humphreys & Williamson \OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO< SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. j THE SEALS PHARMACY TUB RKX4LLITOBB " •‘TRY THE WANT ADS'* ;-Aiii 'ulf-iliififtfifr-c CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED f F, O. SMITH; 6 ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOO