Newspaper Page Text
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.
• Successors To-
Walkep-Mulligan Fur. Co.
1 he Store of Great Values, , Where Your Credit is Good
We pay our customers 10 per dl. in trade coupons to make their
payments at the &ore.
Solid Oak
Like Cut
SOdts Per week
Nsshvllle, Tonn., Feb. 2D.- Gov.
Ben W. Hooper paid tits nrn
to (be .(ate prison near hole yes- |
ferday afternoon and In an address , koOT
to the prisoners, among other thlnxa,
juice demonstrationsSay. “Calt For Our
drawing to a close, jClock, It Needs Fixing!"
I We Will Call For
1 "It Is this view which leads me to . —
say that, while I tnay not pardon as I
many of you. as some of my p.ede-! The Julc - demonstrations at
eraser, have, 1 will tamestly atrlve!'Cherokee drug store will close next- . la III.. AT, ...I
lor the enactment ol law. that will Saturday night. The jalco ha. done, Ktpdll II LIBC lit WI
surround you with conditions that » '™ mlrful lo1 “ r K° ,Hl h « r *' “
will make you better men.” j "'""S' ncrvou * wrecka llccn r< "
Following his address, dovernor' Morcd >° health, an I numerous eas-
llooper Introduced Louis Bernhardt, j 0K of rheumatism, eatur.-h. Indigos-
* former prisoner, who made a talk 1,0,1 ani1 kidney troubles have res-
to the men. 'ponded to the sooth, healing amt
tonic properties of the tuedl*
CARNIVAL SHOWS cine. Many have reported that uf-
STOPPED IN MACON. i tcr UKlng tunny other kinds of med-
| Icines without benefit, the first bo!-
Macon. Ga., Feb. 28.--Judg* W. H. j t,e of RRoot Ju,ce l,aJ * uch u hcu, ‘
Felton this afternoon signed an o> j ,nR ' *tr«ngthenlng and nerve settling
der restraining the operation of n| effect, that they were certain that a
carnival show on Poplar street for | few b ® u,ea wouW make a P® r «‘ an «‘ nt
the beneflt of the veterans’ mono-j cure - Th ® wrltor haa met do *« na
ment fund for the women of the con-j on ,be ,troota tbat aa,d: "Aker tak-
fedtracy. Judge John ltoss brought ,be Jub:e n short while they
the ptocccdlng for some tnerchant* Were freltnn better than they had
who objected. Solicitor General Wal- for y° ar> " For various reasons
ter Grace took tho ^matter up on niany do not wish their names pub-
N xlf cf the state, and Judge Fel- Mshcd In the papers. A well-known
ton sustain d the a. pllectlon for In- !ad >* " ho for «*U!s reason* does
Junction. not wish her name published, said.
The show people silently folded " l suffered with rheumatic pains all |
llelr tents and stole uway In the 0,0r “W tody- I was *mk «bd ner-!
night. | vote! krd (ITy general ihes!|h was]
jrery bad before I commenced taking 1
GOVERNOR BROWN OFFER* I 1 * 001 Julc ». hut * f, 'f '*klng
Public and Private Hospitals
Institutions of the Highest Reputation
in Atlanta and other cities
use extensively
sSdkcfen Lifhm,
“The Created of Ail Natural Mineral Waters’
And set it back on your
mantle at a MODERATE
Each Wednesday is our
your orJer before twelve
o’clock noon to catch i This shows conclusively its rrrest medicinal value, ar.d no higher tribute to
fir'll I't 9 mineral virtues could bo na:d. We h&vj hundreds of testimonials from
° ur . . LJL’IIL.— leading physicians from r.H parts of the United Staten who prescribe and
Little & Odom,
Clook Makers.
One red plush bed lounge.
Ono leather covered bed lounge.
On 3 leather covered couch.
One leather covered patent rocker
One leather covered arm chair.
One leather covered settee.
One iron bedstead , sitting and
One walnut, .slnrfe bedstead.
Two oak extension dining tables,
dining chairs, rockers, dressers and
ADDITIONAL REWARDS. ' »hort »kU* * all my sches snd pain. 1 oU,eI ' urI “ ln **'
Atlanta, Oa„ Feb. 28.—In accord- w « r » *°ne * nd , my general health
ante with a leguct Just received h «* Improved wonderfully." All
(ran ibe coonty commissioners ot ( who have Investigated have found vv-
Brcoka county. Governor Brown offer p : Tilling published In tnit paper la
«d additional rJwarda off to the relation to the remedy •* true gee-
town ds of the same amount offered' Pel. aa this la the last week of the
hr the county commissioners In (be! demonstration, those who need the
tallowing cases: {great remedy cannqt afford to let the
.}. I. Waite.
22 Brewer street.
recommend Bowdett Lithio. Water for the treatment of
Rheumatism, Gout, Grave!, Cystitis, Calculi, Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
Kidney and Bladder disorders, and all diseases caused by Uric Acid.
Bottled Only at the Springs-^
Bowden Li thin Water is a NATURAL MINERAL WATER of delight
fully pleasant taste, and for that reason it is an IDEAL TABLE WATER.
Keep it in your home—it is healthful all the time.
Order of us direct, to be shipped to you from the Springs the
day order is received, or order from your druggist or grocer.
Large Bottles (F. Q. B. Lithia Springs, 6a.)
ft ntrra li lt In tka tegtj kitths. battues tisWJ Ktsagay trfer.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 28.—Here Is a
recard In the way ol letter carrying.
One Luadred dollars for the person 'demonstrations close without geuinij.On February S. at 0 p. m.. a letter
or persona who shot Love Brown a: ®®e of it. 8cores of local people! addressed to the Shufotd Medicine
Berwick, Brooka county, oa Decern, have bought Root Juice and not a {company, of Atlanta, waa mailed in
Sweet Water Park Hotel, f.ithla Springs, Ga., will open May 1st.
132 PeachtrM St. Atlanta, Georgia
IS. 1*10; 8100 for the perton or''Indie complaint iias been made,
person* who killed J. W. Joyce near the coattary. they arc praising it to
Monren, Broaka county, on February. the ikies all over town. It la cer-
», 1911. | tatnly a wonderful medicine.
GrttBn. Ga.,—far off GrtIBn. This
letter rearhed Ita destination at 8
p. m., on February 25—IT days be
tween Grttttn and Atlanta!
I for backache, rheum;
JL Foley Kidney Pills pui
, rheumatism, kidney or bladder tronble, sad urinary irregularities.
Foley Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refute substitutes.
FOR bale by gem pharmacy.