Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 06, 1911, Image 2

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The following article, sign d "Dcm-
,oc: at” ia from the Douglas Enter*
terprlse, edited by W. it. Frier, and
the editor referred to is editor l>.yan
of the Coffee County News:
To the Editor of the Enterprise:
.... - . . ... The distinguished editor of the Cof-
The Waycross Herald founded in ....
1886. The Daily Herald founded In j fee County News comes out and tells
Published By —
A. P. PirhMi, 8r.
A. P. Perham, Jr.
Editors and Proprietors.
Miss Carrie Perham,
Personal, Society and Local.
1892 by A. P. Perham, 8r.
Buslnus Office 25
Editorial Offle 25
Residence 268.
Every Afternoon Except 8unday.
Entered at the Waycross, Ga., Post-
office as second class mall matter.
Office No. 8 Jane 8treeL
Month $ *45
Months $1.25
Months $2.50
Year $5.00
All obituary notices, cards of thanks,
resolutions and notices of entertain
ments, where charges are made, will
be charged at advertising rates of 6
cents a line.
Subscribers to The Herald that do
not receive the paper promptly and
early will please ring up the Circula
tion Manager and report the trouble
to him, a« tbia Is the only means that
we can assure you prompt and early
Official. Organ of the United States
Court of the Southern District of
The dignity of the national game is
well illustrated by the excusing of
Hans Wagner trom Jury duty by the
court In Pittsburg on condition that
he make good In training for next
season. Even the wheels of Justice
stop before the majesty of the great
short stop.
Judge John C. McDonald of the
Wayorosa City Court, has been pre
siding for Judge Langford in some dis
qualified csscH since Wednesday mori.
ing. ■ He, as well as Judge Langford
presides with much dignity and
ease, and tho court has been well
taken care of during the week by
these two able jurists.—Douglas En-
twprl.e. ,
The employment of federal em
ployee to pack and control natioaai
conventions, particularly In sondlng
delegations from southern states
which never send Republican repre
sentatives to the electoral college. If
an abuse of the executive office which
smells to heaven. Senator Bourna
very powerfully attacked it la In his
Indictment of President Taft.
The Sunday Schoool Industry ought
to have a special department for pos
sible future legislators. A request to
the chaplain of tho Kansas senate to
tho members to reciio the Lord’s
prayer resulted in but eight voices
being heard to Its end. This (h al
most on a par with the congressmen
st Washington who bet a colleague
$10 that ho could*not recite tho pray
er, and when the latter began. “Now
1 lay me” said: “O, take the money. 1
didn’t think you knew |t. M
4*—— ■
Aftr<“ weeks of wrangling and Ali
us that we be e in the Eleventh Con
gressional District have a congress
man, who has done nothing but draw J
his salary since he has been in Con
gress. I am not surprised at the
Doctor* e. JtJclsm of Mr, Brantley, but
I am awfully surprised at the other
ten Georgia congressmen, who would
unanimously endorse the gentleman
from the Eleventh Congressional Dis
trict for a position on the great com-
mittce of ways and means! The more
I read this distinguished editors aid
doctors criticism of our distinguished *
congressman, the more I am aurprla- I
ed at the unanimous endorsement j
from his colleagues. Here are ted |
men selected from the great state
of Georgia, for their wisdom and (
statesmanship, yet. they are bo blind
to the needs of the times as to en
dorse a ruan unanimously, for a po
sition on the greatest committee, of
any leglsjatlve body In the world! an
insignificant member of their deiega
tlon, 'one who has done nothing but
draw his salary? what must bo tho
calibre of those ten men? Then, too
to think that this man who libs done
nothing since entering congress,
should have been returned to con
gress unopposed when such men as
this congressman's critics were avail
able! (but when at that time
generally known that Mr. Brantley did
nothing Init draw his salary.)
Now, Mr. Editor, I hold no brief
for Mr. Druntley, but having kept up
as well as 1 could with the proceed
ings of congress. I beg to differ wftff
the Doctor. I think Mr. Brantley has
been a very attractive and efficient
congressman; und had I been a mem
ber of tho Georgia -delegation, I too,
would have endorsed him for a place
on the ways and means committee.
One other thing I would have done
that he did not do, (but I think he
was Justified In (he course he taken
from long years of friendship, etc.,)
When Doctor was an applicant for
the position of Supervisor of census
for tho Eloventh Congressional Dis
trict, I endorsed the Doctor for the
position, however. Mr. Brantley saw
fit to endorse a life long old friend
and a gallant brave and honorable
Infants ^Children
ftomtftes DignttonjCkdV
nessand ResiXontalnsnciacr
Opiunt-Morphine norMtaral.
Not Narcotic.
Apcrfect Remedy for CcmsfipH
t Ion. Sour StonadkDtantoa
Worms jConvulskmsJfwnsft
ness and Loss or Sleep.
The Kind Yon Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
For Over
Thirty Years
busterlug, which will probably con
tinue up to the very last hour, the
present Republican congross will
close Its session by railroading thru
a mass of public business that should
have ‘received careful and manure
consideration. Thus the representa
tives of special prlvUpe, the apologists general laws have been placed upon
tor senatorial bribery and the rock- \ the statute by the mnorlty party since
old Confederate soldier and be re
ceived the appointment.
This, however, did not make me
think that Mr. Brantley was a "do-
nothing-congressman," and ono whr
only drew his pay, (and up to that
time. I understood Oiat the Doctor
(Considered Mr. Urnntley along the
Mine way as I,) but since Tie failed
to receive tho nppolntmont as super*
visor of census. I have noticed that
ho has grown luke warm toward his
congressman, whom he formerly
spoke of In such high terms.
Now* Doctor, tell us whether
not, the loss of the position as
pervisor of the census, which you
wore seeking so dtlllgontly, had any
thing to do with you in making up
your opinion of Mr. Brantley? Tell
us where any other District In Geor
gia. Is ‘receiving more than ours In
the way of appropriations, otfc., when
the population of the district is tak
en Into consideration. How many
Atlantic Coast Line Schedule.
ribbed standpatters waste the public
funds and neglect the public business
to play their political hands at pub
lic expense.
It Is disingenuous to place the blame
for the defeat of the popular election
of United States senators upon ths
Democratic senators of southern stab * tcr attack him in his own home. We
Mr. Brantley has been In congress?
Tell vu why this bitter criticism
should come from one of his own cob*
stitutents Just at this time? Be frank
and tell us whether or not, you got
your “Col.” from “higher up” saying
‘'Brantley la being spoken of for ths
senate, don't you think we had bet-
ion forg white peope
ony, onj’easy terms,
close to A.C. L. Shops.
W. D. Morton, Agt.
ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bids
After March tenth, 1911, this company will sell Incandescent
Electric Lamps at cost to us, which Is as follows, upon the erturu
of the old lamps:
8 Candle Power, 30 watt 15c
16 Candle Power, 60 watt 15<fj
32 Candle Power, 120 watt 25c e;
GEM (Metalized Filament) LAMPS:
20 Candle Power, 50 watt 20c each
32 Candle Power, 80 watt 30c each
40 Candle Power, 100 watt 30c each
MAZDA (Tungsten) LAMP8:
SO Candle Power, 25 watt 60c each
32 Candle Power, 40 watt..... 66c each
48 Candle Power, 60 watt 90c each
80 Candle Power, 100 Watt ..Jl. 20 each
We recommend the use of the “OEM” to replace the common
carbon lamp, as It Is more economical In the consumption of cur
rent and more efficient In the production o( light, without being
as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp.
The Ware County
Light and Power
OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oeooooooooooooooo
From Savannah
Vain 189 6:60 am
'Train 19-Kfl nm
For Jesup and Savannah
Train 68
.6:55 am
, ,5*66 p m
Train 182
.10:00 am
Train K7 -..rr
T .10:00pm
Train 180
..7:30 pa
From Montgomery
Train 2)
,;6:10 pa
Train 68
..6:16 am
For Montgomery
Train 180
..6:46 pm
Train 189 .,
From Balnbrldce ft Thomasvlllo
Train 67
.10:25 pm
Train 182
..9:60 am
For Balnbrldge and ThomasvlUe.
From Albany
Train 185
1:00 pm
Train 93
.4:66 pm
For Albany
..1:65 nm
Train 92
.10:60 pn
. nm
Train 96
.7:60 am
From Chicago and Nortweat
Train 00
.6:10 pm
I. C. Special (via Albany).
..4:66 am
For Chicago and Northwest
Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton)..
..6:35 am
I. C. Special (via Albany).,
10:60 pm
Gouth Atlantic Limited
6:35 am
Dixie Flyer (via Tlfton) ...
10:30 pm
From Brunswick
South Atlantic Limited.. .
10:20 pm
Train 96
..7:40 am
For Brunswick
Train 90
6:00 pm
Train 91
10:05 am
From Jacksonville
Train 97
..t:10 pm
Train 22
..6:65 pm
For Jacksonville
Train 32
.10:15 pm
Train 95 (Dixie Flyer
..5:40 an
Train 94
10:25 pm
Train 92
.5:00 am
fraln 92
.10:45 pm
Train 33
.6:40 am
From Tampa, High Springs ria Du-
rain 21
For Tamps. High Spring*
Train 42 ..
Train 42
r —
For through Schedules, Pullman reservations, etc., Call On
E. M. North, A.'G. P. A.
R. B. Pollard, Ticket Agent
Waycross. Ga.
Cyphers incubator, |
Fire P roofed-lnsurablc.
Incubators and
■ ~
. Brooders
Watt Hardware Co.
Between Life and Death
The most tender solicitude and careful nursing will avail little.^If pure
Medicines are not obtainable. Getyour physicians prescription ailed at
At home and for your entertainments,
Temptingly Delicious.
Ml— aro headquarters for this dellclouscandy.
w who were forced to vote agains.
the movement by reason of the Suth
erland amendment. That amendment
was put upon by the hill, by Republi
cans, for the express purpose of In
suring Its defeat, and accomplished
that purpose. While II Itifpubllcan
senator, voted against the measure
only nine Democratic . nato:s were in
opposition. All nt these were smith,
era men, whose opposition was not
ate afraid np here that he will de
velop too much strength, do some
thing down there, at once, begtn the
attack at hi. horn, and we wtlT help
it up hoop.'* Did you get any suca
advices a. thl. Doctor, and f. it not
true that the talk going the rounds
In regard to Mr. flrantlcy being a j
candidate for the United State. Sen- lt
Are, although the apark may be small.
This attack and critldam from The
Newt was spontaneous, hut rather a
reflex action of farmer talk among
"his" friends. Am I right Doctor?
ate. Inspired the attack on him from
you Just at thla time? Be*careful
to the principle of direct election of I Doctor, don't get your aniwera mixed.
For Cabbage Plants aee me.
. A. p. Perham. Sr.
-Neither my (later nor myself might
be living today, If ft had not been
for Dr. King's New Discovery," writes
A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville. N.
C„ R. F. D„ No, 8, "For we both
had frightful coughs that no remedy
could help. We were told my slater
had consumption. She was very weak
and had night sweats but your-won
derful medicine completely cured nr
both. It Is the beat I ever used or
heard of." For sore lungs, coughs
colds, hemorrhage, lagrippe, asthma,
hay ferer, croup, whooping cough,—
all bronchlcal troubles,—Its supreme,
f Trial bottle tree. 60c and (1.00. Guar-
Foley Kidney HU. are tonic I. ac-!' n, ~ d by All Druggists.
tlon,'quick In results, and restore tho,'
natural action of the kidneys and ( CARD BOARD. ALL COLO!
yw 1
senators, bnt to the scheme of fed- where Ifccre ta smote there musk be Q^^pharciKy eorrect .Irregularities.! herald OFFICE;
Wheelwright end Blacksmith,
Horseshoeing AxSpecialty.
Next to Wilson Laundry, just in rear.of
Singleton iFurniture’Company.