Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 06, 1911, Image 5
ooooooooooooooooo 600 Doz. Eggs —Going At— 20 cts. V 1 Per Dozen. c. c. D. Butter The Be£ on Earth At 25 cts. i POUND, At The MSM GROCERY CO j Leading Grocery House. WILSON BLOCK, PHONE 123. ^o»ooooooooooo*o* PERSONAL ITEMS. j RECITAL LAST NIGHT j The first of a series of organ reel j tals, to be given at Grace Episcopal ‘church, the Sunday evenings during Lent, was greatly enjoyed and ai>- preclated last evening by a large con gregation of music loving people; the evening service, of the church was well sung by the Vested Choir; Mr. W. M. Johnston's rich barytone being heard to excellent advantage in the Offertory Solo, Ambrose beautiful set ting of “Ono Sweetly Solemn Thought.” Sir. J. L. E. Daniels showed him self a thorough master of the organ from the opening number, Dubois March of the Magi King; to the last number, 8eibert’s magnificent “Post- hide.” Each number was a gem, In itself, and music of such high order that It was a treat both from an ar tistic as well as an education advan tage o be able to hear. Mr. Daniels has kindly consen $ to give these recitals during Lent, which will, no doubt, be looked for ward to with great Interest and ap predation. Miss Norma Palmer, possesses a voice of richness andptP rity of tone, will be heard as the Soprano soloist next Sunday evening. Ing. * THE MAJESTIC Will be closed all this week. occocccooocoooooo Cleaning-Up-Sale The Wide-awake Jewelers. Odds and ends of Jewelry of all description going cheap, for cash, at /**> THE UNION JEWELRY STORE L. H. BARNHILL, Prop. 108 Plant Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo T. H. BLIZZARD S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork , NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, 8AU8AGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, SKINNED HAM8, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEE8E, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH ri*H AND OYSTERS. * TV H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. Little Jame. Duval Reed Dead. The announcement of tlie death of little James Duval Reed, the sixteen months old son of Mr. and Mrs. H.. D. Reed this morning at three o'clock Is received with great regret by a large number of friends In the city Tha little fellow had been 111 for the past two weeks. The remains will bo carried Wednesday morning, to Maryland for interment. Mrs. and Mrs. Reed have the deepest sympathy of scores of friends in the city. OEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire- Tjugs but often severe burns are caus- •ed that make a quick need for Buck- lien's Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, .bolls, sores. It subdues lnflamatlon. lit kills pain.' It soothea and heals. IDrlves oft skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at All Druggists. (* " ir V RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. ( (Governor Joseph M. Brown has ap pointed our good citizen and friend '•Major F. H. McGee, a delegate to •tbfl* Southern Commercial Congress trhmh assembles in Atlanta on March tftH. * ‘ " v*' * We call attention to the cord of the union painters in this issue. Their request Is a reasonable one, these men are located here and are good citizens and union men should receive the co-operation of our citi zens. ning to get in Its dirty work, of not only filling with sand, the eyes of pe destrians, and filling the streets, side walks and the nooks and corners with scraps and large pieces of paper and litter generally, but giving the city the appearance of a cyclone visit. It behooves all persons who love clean liness to appoint themselves a com mittee of one to help keep clean that part of the city nearest their home or place where they do business work. To keep down fever and to prevent diseases of every kind, as well as to make our city attractive to all who come Into Ifrorpaas this nay. We must fight as we would the old devil during protracted meetings. WLat say thee people? Most respectfully, Chas. H. Redding. DIXIE AIRDOME 4 - BIG ACTS - 4 Together with the great Spanish Singers and Dan cers will be three other a<fts tonight. Admission for the great offering 10 and 15 cents. WILL EITRA SESSSION CHANGE SENATORIAL RACE! (Continued from Page 4.) The question, naturally arises as to whether Terrell or Candler will de velop the greatest strength in the Legislature. Now that tho March wind la begin- ,; Aq mltt i nK that lt (l a Ho ke Smltll Subscribe for Waycross Evening Herald. old reliable Subscribe for Wnycross Evening Herald. old reliable CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Mr. Lester Cason, a Waycrosa boy, well and favorably known hero for many yeara. Is now with the Wilkes Dry Goods Company. We con gratulate the company upon having secured Lester Casons' service. He will make them a faithful and effi cient clerk. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Telephone! Your drug wants to us and let us save you the bother of a trip down town. We have a BICYCLE MESS ENGER and will send for your PRE SCRIPTION anywhere In the city. We are delighted to serve you with. "EVERYTHING IN DRUGS SEEDI” AND DIXIE AIRDOME. The bill at the Alrdome tonight promises to eclipse any thing seen in vaudeville In any town the size of Wnycross. In fact ono act on the bill Is an act that tho management succeeded In securing this act at U enormous cost and by bard effort It la the great Spanish act of Garola and Hemingway. They are real Spaniards and are wonders In their singing and dancing. They have caused thousands upon thousands to marvel at tho cleverneas In which they perform their work. Scnor Garcia Is an old bull lighter, having spent three years of his life In the Dull ring, finally revoking the lightest standard In this national sport. - Senor and Senorlta Garcia are no, entertaining by presenting the Very high class vaudeville act above men tioned. They will be the sensation of the town. In addition to tho Garcia’a there will be three other acta, all of which will be right up-to-date. Its a great offering tor this small admission, 15c. Tonight Is tho last opportunity lov ers of artistic dancing will bare to see Garcia and Memmlngway whose wondcrous art baa excited unbounded admiration at The Gem this week. Dancing la carelessly used, but with this Spanish team the result Is achiev cd, lor more grace and sprightly ev olutions have never been aeon here beforo. Some of tho posoa of Garcia cause the audience to bo wonder. •truck by their beauty which com blned with tongs wcR sung, lend an air of the highest vaudevlllian char acter to tho entertainment,"—Inquir er-Sun. Playing at tho Alrdome this week. Central Pharmacy. Younu-Roberlson Drug Co.. Prop. f irf niiwe Repairing and Ipholstering We are ■till doing buslnesa at tha aame old ataad, 22 Brew er Street near the Court Houae. We will repair—clean up and revarnlsh your old furniture, end make It new—We also do all klnda ot upholstering—re pair trunks, suit eases, etc. All our work Is strictly cash when finished—No work deliv ered lfithout the money—Work left In the shop thirty days af ter It la finished will have stor age charges added and will be liable to to sold lor chargee. i. I. Waite & Sod. Phona 294 22 Brawar fit* legislature, that the Governor and his polices have a majority In the House and, perhaps, also In the Senate, nev crtheless Snator, Terrell’s friends have great confidence In tho assurance of support which he has received from some ot the Hoke Smith members In both bodies. I^ose assurances came at a time, however, when It looked as If Mr. Smith himself would be the candidate of his faction. Now Candler enters as a new factor, a new element; whether that will make a change In certain pledges . given to Senator Terrell remains to be devel oped. Mr. Candler expresses great en couragement ovor the situation. Po litically allied with a majority of tho legislature, hfg friends feel that he cannot be beaten. It is one of the most interesting political situations which has developed n Georgia in some time, and they are still looking for tho man who can correctly pre dict the outcome. IMPORTANT NOTICE. City water will be cut off tomorrow, Tuesday 9 a. m., to 11 a. m., on Eliz abeth steets south of Elizabeth to tho A. C. L. main line. 6 lt B. D. Finn, Supt LTHESEWEN-HAVE ^VOKKED-FOBTHE SAFETYOFYOURMONEV WMEN-lTISINA. -' Co.nl,ht loo., fc, C. t. Zloiv.no.. Co.-Ko. ,.M THE CONFIDENCE AND SECURITY THAT COME WITH THE POS- 8E8SI0N OF MONEY IN THE PANK 18 GREATLY ENHANCED WHEN IT 18 A ,, ;. | National Bank. FOR HERE IT HAS EVERY SAFE.QUARD POSSIBLE FOR HUMAN IN. GENUITY TO DEVISE. IN SELECTING A BANK IN WHICH TO DEP08IT YOUR 8AVINQS OR SURPLUS, THE ONE THNG TO BE CONSIDERED IS SAFETY, AND . WE ASK FOR YOUR BU8INES8 ONLY ON THE BA8I8 OF Absolute Safety First National Bank CAPITAL $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDERS LIABILITY...... $400,00 TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $700,000 „ WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE... PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BU8INE8S GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEEO HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR G RANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE U8 AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTERE8T HIS PER80NAL ATTENTION.^ THE BE8T MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. • . \ J M Clark, General Manager. BENTON’S WHITE GOODS SPECIALS jornwhi,, 10c yd Long Cloth 12 YARDS IN BOLT, 1.25, 1.50, 1.65, 2.00, 2.50 27; inch White Lawn 1 EXCELLENT VALUES. 10c,12J£c, 15c, 20c, 25c yd Linyarnette $1-25, $1.50, $1.75, $240, $2.50. 35 INCH WIDE—SPECIAL, 12J£c, 15c, 20c, 25c yard Kilkenny Linen 26 INCH WID-i. Very Special . , 10c New Nansook SPECIAL VALUE8. 15c, 20c and 25c yard Crepe Stripe Waiting JUST beautiful, 48 CENTS YARD TODD Shoes and Oxfords For Ladies Our new Spring Oxford Ties, Pumps! and Slippers have ju& arrived Many Styles v Patent Feather, Tan, Gun Metal, Vici, Suede, Velvet Etc, $ 2.1(1, S3.C0, $3.50, $4.00 Linonette OS INCH WIDE. Special 12c yd. Princes Cloth $5 INCH WIDE. Special 20 dts New Fiaxon PLAIN AND* CHECKED, $5 INCHES WIDE, Per Yard 17c, 20c, 25c KNEELAND Shoes and Oxfords For Men Big line New Spring Oxfords now ready for your inspection. 3.50 and 4.00 ooooooooooooo Pictorial Review Patterns 000000-0000000 1.j. Km & COMPANY ooooooooooooo American Lady Corsets Kabo Corsets Thompson’s Glove Fitting [Corsets 'ooooooooooooo