Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 07, 1911, Image 4
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD 1 We ere especially aqulppea to do Prescription Work. Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. GARDEN SEED * Now Is the time to plant your garden. We have a (all llnq of the celebrated Croiaman llroa. seeds. They tfre reliable grower* and their seeds will give you aatlafactlon. Pay day 1* nearly hero with our R. R. funds and we would Wee to have those who are not trad ing with us now come and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Wo only sell first-class goods and our prices are right We guar antee everything wo sell to be as represented. Give us months trial and you will bccomcT"ohc of our satisfied customers. MAY’S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE' NO. I. PAR SIGHTED PEOPLE Patronise title Livery. They appre ciate our prompt aervlce,-flret-claai turn oute and reasonable prlcee. if you appreciate all theee you will pa tronize ua alao. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Llvary and Safaa Stable*. tTabeau St. Waycrou, Ga. PHONE NO. 03. Don’t Forget to Phone For Some Sealshipt Oysters. 8EAL8HIPT OYSTERS, THE KIND YOU READ ABOUT. WE GET THEM FRESH FROM TH EBEDS. DEAKIN8 EGGS, DEAKINS BUTTER, DEAKINS CHICK ENS. THE EGGS ARE LARGER AND FRE8HER, THE BUT TER THE BEST, THE CHICKEN8 THE FATEST. WE SELL YOU CHICKENS FROM A LARGE AIRY SAN ITARY YARD, NOT FROM CLOSE, UNWHOLESOME COOP. IF YOU WANT THE BE8T TO EAT, Phone 62 HARDY 9 BROTHERS. The Pure Food Store. IM4M«4«m«m444m«44M MI-O-NA A declaration against useless ex penditure le In order. Too many young people spend both time and money In acquiring knowledge of no practical value to them. WAYCROSS BUSINESS COLLEGE bellevee like Waehlnaton in making every etep count It loaches only wbat will en able the student to start advantage ously In life. To command aalarlss, and occupy positions at once, which otherwise would take you years to attain. SPECIAL RATES NOW ON. REMEM BER WE SECURE POSITIONS. Waycross Business College .Waycroaa, Ga, R. F. Zelgler, Proa. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waycroaa, Ga, Sf NTFMAN CIGAR CO. Drlvta Distress from Upaet Stomachs In Five Minutes. MI-O-NA stomach tableta not only euro Indlgeatlon but build up the en tire system and make the weak and frail atrong and vlgoroua. They are guaranteed to do to by 0. R. Brlnaon Co. They cause the glow of health to appear In the cheeks and make the eyes bright and aparkllng. They chase out bed blood and cauae pimples and aallow akin to to dlaappear. MI-O-NA atomach tableta are such wonderful stomach Invlgoratora ana upbuildere that thoy are (old under un agreement to return your money If they do not cure Indigestion or any other troublo arising from an upset atomach such as bllllouaneaa, dizzi ness, sick headache, lose of appetite, fermentation, narronnesi, sleepless ness, nightmare, etc. And only 60 cent* a largo box at U. R. Brinson Co., and druggists ev erywhere. “Stomach trouble had bothered me n long time, and though I doctored and uacd several remedies there was no cure given me until I.used MI-O- NA. “1 used to feel weak, bloodless and depressed, but MI-O-NA built Up my health and made me strong.”—Mrs. J. Newton, Bellevue, Mich. 14—13—7 <XX>000000'XX>00000ooooooooooooooooo < Personal 1 Humphreys & Williamson’s THE STORE OF QUALITY. Miss Carrie' Parham Social Editor^! Latest Stripe English Suitings, 16c. 7 2t Humphreys ft Williamson. What about a big cotton waver- lor Waycross. Do we need It, or do we not need It? The truck growers of this section are very much la need of a good soaking rain. Epworth League service tonight at 7:30. Special programme lead by MUs Gladys Jeffers. The friends of Mrs. J. D. Cleland regret to learn of her Illness at the Kings’ Daughters Hospital. '• Mr. 8. O. Clark, representing the Progress Company of Chicago, la In Waycross this week on business. Eugene V. Dobs will be In Way- cross on the thirteenth Instant, and will speak at the court house. Mrs. C. A. Bennett Is much better today and has been removed from the hospital lo her home again. The Herald Is pleased to know that Mr. Charley Hurt at the Kings Dau ghters hospital IS Improving rapidly. Mra. W. B. Lanier and child ran ot Tlfton, are the guest at Mrr. L. M. Furdom. MUs Wilson has arrived from Balti more and la again with Mill Parnell for the season. Mr. Will H. Stevens, of the Deen Realty Company, leaves for Atlanta tonight to attend the meeting's! the Southern Commercial Congress. Miss Gertrude Meadows of Florence S. C„ will bo the guest of MUs ( arrle Cronenberg tomorrow. MUs Meadors la en route homo from Florida MUs Leona Roberta entertained at a theatre party Saturday afternoon a few or her friends In honor of Misses Juanita Bznnett, Kate Lyons i Loulso Grantham.—Valdosta Imea. One of the prettiest perfomance* put on In the city for some time Is the beautiful Spanish'dance at the Alrdomo thla week. Don’t fall to aw them. , All tho ladles ot the city are Invit ed to attend the opening of Mis* Frances McDonald's new millinery •loro on Thureday at 3 Lott atreat. M/ w W Toomer will leave tomor row for Waycroaa where he wl'l make hie future home He will be engaged In the hotel bueinezs In that city,— Cordele Rambler. New goods opened up ready for you inspection v New Cotton Voiles and Satin Stripe Big ahlpment, of fancy Belt Pins, Suitings In all colors, Combs and Barretts 25 Cents 15c up to 50c Beautiful lot of colored Flaxon and Ladles Gauze Veits. The kind that Lanalr Waist and Suiting, shoulder straps atay up. 10c to 25c 20c and 25c Big selection of fancy Foulard Silk “Zelgler Bros.” Ladies line Dress In the new colors. Slippers. 35c to 59c SS.90 lo $4.90 Famous W. B. Corsets, all the Extra good quality 46 Inch wide latest models. Persian Lawn. $1.00 to $3.09 Special 15c. Black Cat Hosiery "for tho whole family.” Beautiful colored Lawn and Batiste 15c to 50c 10c to 29c Humphreys & Williamson The Store of Quality joOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I CLASSIFIED WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men between 'age* of 18 and 36; citizens of United Bta- tee, ot good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the Gngllzh language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Building, Waycroaa, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah da.; 108 Wert Fop ajth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, 8. C.; or 113 South Maine rtreet, FttxgeraM, Ga. I -’* i Jan. 7 tt WANTED—Small size Iron safe. Ap ply P. O. Box 607. 36 U ^1 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTE PICKEN8, -THE MA8TER PIANO WORKMAN” Tuner and repairer tor the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Ga., Jaa. A. Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent music hous es In New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macons Four years salaried tuner and repairer for the Wealeyan Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer tor the Beiale Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, since 1900. Endorsed as a violinist and tuner by the press, artlata and musicians from New York to Texas. ( “A tuner who tunes.”—Frederick Rcddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, n. y. ' -* 7 “Not only a flne violinist, but also one of the most ot?**! tuners' In the United States.”—MuelcT radee, New York. “y “I commend him as able to satisfy the most exacting demands a* piano tuner and repairer.”—C. H. S. Jackson, President Bessie Tift-Col lege, Forsyth, Ga. _ . Those desiring the services of ar. artistic workman, will do weU to secure the service! of Mr, Pickens while In Waycross. .«q »’£ ~ " CABLE PIANO COMPANY.* LaQrande Building. . Waycross, Georgia N. B.—Out of town orders for tuning will receive prdSBpt anS "care ful attention. '.7 - • - ■ "’W FOR SALE FOR SALE—Perfectly new piano. For Information apply at thla office, 17 tf. F umliure Repairing and I pholstering We ar* still' doing bnelneta nt the tame old stand, 13 Brew- ■r Street near the Court Houie. We will repair—clean up and revarnlth your old furniture, and make It new—We also do all kinds ot upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. All our work Is strictly cash when Bnlahed—No work deliv ered without the money—Work left In the shop thirty days af ter It le finished will have stop- ' age. charge* added and will be liable to he told for chargee. i. I. Walle ft Sob. Phene 394 t> Brewer SL rqimpDHEYPms Big shipment latest collars and Jabots, 26 cent*. 7 tt Humphreys ft Williamson. The Golden Link Missionary Socie ty will meet with Mrs. J. w. Seals tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 it the homo on Brunei street. FOR RENT—Comfortable rooms either furnished or unfurnlehed. Ap ply 64 Reed street. 4 3t FOR RENT—Rooms ttraet at 33 Reed 3 St Two handsome willow plumes will be given away with each Ont 100 •6.00 to $10.00 hats at Mtas Frances McDonalds’ millinery opening March 9 at No. 9 Lott street. Senator George W. Deen leaves to night for Atlanta to attend the meet log of the Southern Commercial Con gress which convene! In that town tor tho next three days. Mr. Deen la down for a speech et one of the meetings. WANTED—At once, form bend. Ap ply W. A. McNeil, at Mutual Grocery •tore. 8 3t FOR RENT—Newly fumlahed room 23 Gilmore street 6 St TWENTY LABORERS WANTED— Twenty laborers wanted at the Cen tral Baptist Tabernacle. Apply to T. W. Morrison. ® 8t POCKET BOOK L08T—A pocket book was lost betwween Waycross and Blackshear last Sunday. J. V/. Boutwell name It on cards In the pocket book. No money In book only valuable papers. Finder trill please return t Herald office. THE WAYCROSS 8EA ISLAND COTTON CONVENTION. Savannah Newk. 2 It Is a mistaken idea that prevails among the sea taland cotton growers and others Interested In sea Island cotton that the meeting sea Island cotton grower* are to hold in Way- cross on Thursday la to be an exe cutive session of the Farmers' Union It Is to he an open meeting anil non union as well as onion sea {Hand cotton growers and also merchants end others Interested In sea Island cotton are cordially Invited to be present and take part In the confer ence. The purpose of the conference, as la well known. 1* to bring abont WANTED—A couple, or two or three men can get board with Mr*, cooperation In the direction of r*. Brown at No. 9 Hicks street S tf during tho sea Island cotton acreage. Mr. M. S. Knight president of tht Farmers' Union of Florida, was In Savannah yesterday and was very en* thuslastic In respect to the movement for the reduction of acreage^ H* said that a delegation woubl be at the meeting from Florida. ** The indications are that the. meet ing will be largely attended. The Interest In It la very great through out the aea Island section. There. 1* feeling that something should he done to mtke the situation more satisfactory to tho aea Island grow ers. If they are united It ought not to be a difficult matter to secure co operation among them In behalf ot any policy derided upon. MAYOR’S CCTRT. A neighbor’s squabble occupied the time at the Mayor's Court for.nearly two hours this morning. Thanks were all dismissed and Mayor^co^ de livered them an earneat -lecture and warning to Uve more harmoniously In tho future. SEEDS! SEEDS! ooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooo CARRIAGE PAINTER ^Parallel Street. Phone 574 Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. THE SEALS PHARMACY * TuciixaUnou Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLT EXECUTED _ F. O. SMITH, ~~~ ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN, f eOOOOOOeoOOOOOOGCGOOOCCOCCOCibO^O . : mm