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aycross Evening
Way cross Welcomes
The Cotton Growers
the longer you stay the better, wo
will like It, that the sooner you come
again the better we will be pleased.
Take time and go over our city and
judge for yourselves, whether we are
not justified in being a little promt
of our town and its progress.
Waycross and The Herald with
epvn arms and kindest feelings of
welcome greets the cotton growers
convention, now assembled in our
c^ty. To echo the words of Mayor
Cox, “Waycross is glad to have you
here". We bid you hearty welcome,
and hope t hat the result of your de
liberations will bo for the advance
ment of your own interest and of the
.The aviation meet opened this af
ter noon at T o’clock. The first flights
■will be made during the afternoon,
and will continue for three days. The
large canvas enclosure has been erec
ted in Central Park, and all arrange
said the importance of such a session
j tc this section was much greater than
many realized. "Gb where you like.
' and do what you llko in Waycross,"
!said Judge Parker, "The City is
President fthrrett responded briefly,
thanking Waycross and particularly
Judge Parker for the welcome. Pres
ident Barrett introduced Hon. R. A.
N. Wilson of Mississippi, stating that
hj was a man who had done the
greatest practical organization work
in Mississippi. Mr. Wilson is stato
lecturer for the Farmers Union, and
I a Presbyterian minister. His uddress
was on the !mportaticS - of co-operative
work, showing how much better -re
sults were obtained when such work
existed. Speaking of the Southland,
ho said th« North had taken advan
tage of the scientific educational work
in their farming whereby they ac
complished so much in the short sea
sons they had in the cultivation of
lands. He said the trouble in ths
South is that we arc all politicians,
spending our time electing hallffs,
couBtablea, sheriffs, judges, congress
men and governors, and have no
tinie to devote to the development of
tjie. lands, but the Farmers Union,
recognising that trouble, discouraged
efforts along political lines and en
couraged efforts along agricultural
lines. His speech was interspersed
with much humor, and ho kept the
attention of the large audienco
ttnoughout the address. Frequent
bursts of applause were, made In his
talk, showing the appreciation of his
hearers, * ,
is large, and no The Sea Island Cotton Growers met
will witness even at the theater this morning at "ten
The carnival opens o'clock, pursuant to call by Hon.
have many attrac [ Charles S. Barrett, National President
of the Farmers Union. While only
about 100 delegates had registered at
that time it is known that nearly
300 are here from all parts of the Sea
Ijsland cotton belt. .
The meeting was called to order
by Hon. C. S. Barrett, who In a brief
-as the most»im*
Our hearts go out in sincerest sym
patby to our two friends, C. E. Har-
I per and H. D. Reed, in their sorrows.
,Or.c in the loss of his young wife,
the other in the sad death of his
little son. Nothing that we can say
now will lighten the weight of their ,
sad bereavement. We can only hope I
that the kind hand of time may sof-.j
ten the blow and bring consolation
to them and their loved ones. While
we have not known them but for a
few years, yji we know them to b#
talk said that this
portant meeting the sea island grow
ers had yet had. He mentioned the
The Johnnie Jones Carnival Com
pany arrived In the city last night
and will go to work at once to get
ready for entertaining the crowds we
-expect in the city.
This carnival Is known as one' of
the best of its kind, and the shows
given Including the Intrepid *ballocn
and trapeze evenets is much above
the average.
The Ladies Label League entertain- tained by the Indies with ice cream,
ed the delegates to the A. C. L. con- etc., and a ploasant hour was spent
vention last night, and closed the in social chat. Dr. Smith, the genial
convention work wiith a delightful proprietor, having Imbibed the true’
social attention. Tho entire body of Waycross spirit of hospitality, after
delegates, about 100, were first taken the ladies had gotten through with
by the ladies to the Majestic Theatre their entertainment, opened some of
his best clgurs and handed them
ALL THE NEW 8TYLE8, @ 23c.
The Waycross route is the proper
one for the New York, Atlanta and
Jacksonville highway. The route
south of Waycross is as direct as
can be secured and does not touch
the Okefenokee Swamp.
and enjoyed the unique and delight
ful entertainment they provided. Af- around the big crowd, finishing up
ter the show they were conducted to tho evening In a delightful manner ,4.^
the LaGrande Pharmacy and enter- much appreciated by all.
Jacksonville and that with equal
roads would naturally bo preferred,
and It is also known that but little
work would place Ware county Ini
fine shape, but the road through
Pierce and Charlton Is knocked, and
unless some definite promise can be
made as to these the decision as to
the route Is doubtful; assured as to
this that the 'Waycross route will bo
practically assured.
Gentlemen of the County Commis
sioners of Wure, Pierce and Charl
ton counties do not properly estimate
the vulue of your county of this
I move. It means much to bo on an
'official route from Montreal tq Jack
sonville. Can you afford to let Inertia
lose this opportunity. We hope not
Something must bo done quick? pr
we lose. * ' *• <
Upon hi. addrei. concluding, Pre.- and report thIlt wh||e At | anta thpy
Idem Barren. announced * public mado vlgoIOU8i anU th0Jr hope tcl „ nK .
meeting at two o clock thla aftornoon. 8ucce88 f u | olTort to have tho scout
lie mid that while Mr. Wilson haa carg routQ Into a t least fair conslder-
charmed and pldBflefl them all, -very a ,| on and trial j n the Jacksonville
delegate must attend tho afternoon eat( . nilon of thB New York Herald-
aeealon ns good speakers wore jrat to' j ourna | Ioute .
be heard. The executive aeaalona be- The dclegatlon woro grossed that
gins at three o'clock. ac -nothing must he done quickly to
Tonight at taGrande hotel tho del. | nf . aro (he route , t „ adnl | Uod that
ceates will be given n Brun.wlok , he W ayero.a route la .oventy ono
Slew, the gueata of the city, the m n e8 t he shortest from Atlanta to
committee In charge of this affair la —,
headed by Mayor John M. Cox. John Stutclboro; J. G. Williams of Regis-
\V McGee, James Sinclair. Propara-, ter, Ga.; C. C. Del-oach af Brooklet,
Ilona are elaborate, and n big Ume On.; ft. D. Hodges of Goolan, Ga.;
for all la assured. R. D. Ncsamtth of Statesboro; J.
The headquarters of the convention G. Brannel of Statesboro; D. A. Bran
are In a storeroom next to Ibo post- uen of Slatcaboro; B. H. Anderson of
office, and every delegate Ih urged to Register; A. M. Deal of Statesboro;
visit the place and register. Through S. L. Nevlll of Register; F. E. Fields
Ihe coqrtesy of the Dccn Realty Com- of Statesboro; O. W. Throhton of
oany tbe proceedings of the convert^ Odum; 'O. K. Thornton of Odum; J.
tion are being handled In detail, and W. Robertson. U M. Thomas, Long
music for the meetlnffe furnished by Branham; \V. B Del-oach
the'Waycross Band, wplch he engag- of Daisy, Ga.; (T W. Nlcholls of
ed for three daya of the svietlon meet. Jtsup; J. C. Brewton of Blnckshear;
Those who had registered up to 10 M. M. Klckllghtcr of Jesup; W. H.
this morning were: Todd of Scrt rtn; L. A. Futcn of
Hon. Cbarlei S Barrett, netlonel Nashville, Ga.; C. L. Leigh, Green-
president Farmers Union v of Union Tills, Fla.; J. If, Surraney of Jaaup;
City, Oa.; Hon. U. A. N. Wilson of J. J. Burnett of eeup; H. *tr Rob-
Mississippi; Hon. W. A. Morris of citsoo, J. f-. Tfllson, J. E. Johnson,
Alabama; Hon. B. F. Duckworth of A. W. Belcher of Bullock county;
Union City, Oa.; J. L. 1-ee of Stono W. J. Davie of Weyne county; J. R.
Mountain, Ga.. former state president Rawllneon, Plaice county; J. B.
Formers Union; W. If. Hayes, esc- Brown, Pierce county; A. D. Eason,
retary Sea Island Cotton Company of, Tattnall county; D. 0. Newton, TStt-
Sarannab; Hon. J. M. Brewton, pres-1 nail; J. B. Brown, Pierce county; D.
ident Sea Island Cotton Company of C. Newton, Tattnall ^bunty; T. J.
Claxton; D. o, Newton of Claxton; Strickland, Berrien count; C. 8. Mad
J. N. Sullivan of Ludowld; J, 8. , Icon, B. J. MlUor, Wayna county.
Norman of Olennville; J. B. Waters | More than 100 more delegates ere
of OlenaTllle; L. J. Bikes of Glenn- In the city and are coming In on all
Tills, C. J. Waters of OlennTlIle; 8. trains. Congressman W. O. Brantley
I. Desk of Olennville; W. H. Pur- Is also In the city aad an Intaraatad
cell of Glecnvllle; J. N. Aslns of attendant gt convention.‘'
A lot of talk In going out In Wax*
cross and Atlanta today.
Worth From
$4eOO to $6.00
of Are Insurance Is the best that mon
ey can buy. If you have not taken
out a sufficient amount of reliable
to cover tbe value of your property
—don't delay longer.
It Is a great deal easlar to buy pro
tection for a few dollafi than It would
be to buy new property.
Our repreeentatlTC will gladly giro
you the cost of Inaurlag yoqr prop
erty. Shell wo aend him to youT