Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 09, 1911, Image 2
’ WAYCROSf EVEN'NG HERALD THE EVENING HERALD Published By i HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Parham. Sr. A. P. Perham, 'Jt. Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal. Society and Local. The Waycross Herald founded In 1885. The Dally Herald founded In 1882 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones jjusjnt^tf 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 268. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATE8 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Month $ .45 Months fl*SS Months $2.50 Year 25.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain* menta, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 6 cents a line. NOTICE TO 8UB8CRIBER8 Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, a* this is the only means that we can assuro you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. TERRELL MAY ATTEND j EXTRA SEoSION. Atlanta, Ga, March a.— .Jenator Jo seph M. Terre’j 1 an returneS to At- j lanta, having waited In Wu<Jhingt<ui j until after tb* a/loumsient of Con gress, despite the fact that his health did not pOTmit Mm to at.end In the closing dkyi. He Is In be! at uls home in Juni per street, where Mrs. Terrell reports . that ho stood tbo trip well, in greatly Improve/? aml a/II devote himself ab solutely to rest until the extra ses sion Is c/mvwned Severn! of Senator Terrell’s frlenda who have seen hltn state that the re ports recently published as to Impedi ments in his speech are wholly In correct, and that he can talk without any difficulty whatever. Senator Terrell stated that it is his ( present intention to be In his seat In the Senate again when the extra ses-1 slon convenes. He feels that he will ._ be fully recovered by that time and J that there will be nothing In the way of his resumption of his duties. He and his friends both ■tat© he la in the race for re-election to the fin ish, although the ctxtra aeaslon will prevent hla making any extensive cam palgn. His fight for election before tbo legislature will nrcessarlly, have bo conducted largely from Washing ton. WAYCROSS, GA,. MARCH 9, 1911. The Hetald thinks there will bo some high flying In Waycross today, tomorrow and next day. But keep thy ng'ws from Valdosta. —*— A woman once married a m ’tbp purpose of reforming bin. Since that time all the churches and relig ious organizations In the city In which she Jlvod Jiavo failed to reforu' her. ** * Editor Sweat of tho Nashville Her- • ' aid. hand* out this good advfce to • f parents: “Don’t teach your children that (t Is a shame to wear worn and patched clothes If you are not able to afford better, but that It If no honor In wearing new ones that are not paid for. A poet said, Ttemsm- v Amr, that rags may cover a boy, who will some day be the great world’s Joy'."—11a wklnavillo Dismal ih. * OLDEST FRUIT BEARIfi *1 VINE. Under the headline Old but ' Sweet.” a German agrlcu tural pa* per publishes n deicrlptlpi of what he cells the oldest fult-b.-a lug ;rapo vine In tho new world. TV e vlae la on a farm in Roanoke ah id, '.Vortii Carolina, “where It bus (tourist e<! more than three bind red years. It was planted by on«. of th i follotvern of Sir Walter Rntolgb In 1684, anil tbt history of the obi Hue i hows* that It “has borne fruit mery v ux.* * INDIAN HAS NEGRO SEF.V/VNT. Joseph Decora, a t all bloo le 1 Paw nee Indian, left Omaha rectn.ly for Ms home near CoUmbits. Nib., ac companied by O. J. Jackson, ai Oma ha negro, who Is to bo his va» it The servant was the object >f the Indian's visit to Omaha. Docora owns a large farm and is wealthy, and ho has grown weary of ^.tending • to his trifling personal xffalrs. It will be the valet's duty, he said, to cook, to care for the wardrobe and provide generally for his comfort The negro proved an idopt at Ms work and left with his **cd master for’the latter'* ranch. Aperfeet Remedy forConsfip- tloji, Sour Stonadi'DIantoa Worms Convulsions Jewish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK-. emeu Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years LAUNDRYMEn meet AT CINCINNATI. Special to the Herald. Cincinnati, O.. March 6.—The Ohio Laundrymen's A.aoclatlon began two day. 1 convention In thin city to day. Delegates arc In attendance from nil section, of tho State. In addition to the I.atmdrymen there are present representatives from every Industry connected with tho laundry business. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO LUCAS COUNTY,)ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing business m tho City of oledo, county and State nforcaold, and that said l\rm will pay the sum of ONE! HUNDRED DOLLARS for each caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho uao of Hall's Catsrrh Cure. • FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my prosenco, this Cth day of De cember, A. D. 18SC. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hnll'a Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, and aota dlrrtctly an the blood and mucoua aurfacea of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- tlpatlon. Senator Bailey waa lucky to that realgaatlon back rlthout acci dent. There was once a Venator fro n New York afflicted with a swellcl cranium as badly as the Texas Sent- tor, who resigned under similar ell cumstances, and was vary painfully surpsrlsced when he ciuhln't got' hock.—Macon News, Th, governor cf Texas made a mistake whet he de rllncd to accept the rcrtenitlon of Senator Bailey. There Isut any doubt but that the Tex,a ianatar thinks he !• the smartest thtig that aver happened, and whestvei a fel low gets la that Bx ha heads to he let don a Botch or two -llnvkloa- gilla Dispatch. -ten! ’ (***’ WHERE THE RUB COMES IN Is In knowing which laundry you should scud your work to. There are a whole lot of ordinary laundries that do fair work, but when It cornea to PERFECT LAUNDERING we excel. We return your linen to you with a ttnlah, that ahowa care and experience. You will never find your collars broken, or your linen ruined It we do the laundering. Wihon STEAM LAUNDRY HOW MANY CURTAINS, BLINDS, PICTURES AND A THOUS AND AND ONE OTHER THING8 AROUND YCUR HOME NEED ATTENTION THAT WOULD BE TAKEN CARE OF IF YOU HAD A 8TEP LADDER. »■**-*■ A '» .**" The convenience of a good step ladder and the work It will save should surely Indues you to have one, for there la hardly a day and cen talnly not a week passes but what you need It. The annoyance and danger of accidents from a cumbersome, clumsy unwieldy, flimsy step lsdder should cause you to buy a good one. OUR8 ARE 8TRONG AND SERVICEABLE AND STILL LIGHT IN v WEIGHT. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. Phone 186 NOTICE. All taxes due. State and County, will call at Sherlffa office and settle same by Jan. !8, or levy will ha made. ' * D. W. Pittman, Sheriff. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public Stenographer can r» found at Harold office. Work dona at reaaoaabla arioso. u CARD BOARD, ALC COLORS, AT HERALD OFFICE. Have You Tried It? Barrington Hall Coffee A one pound can will, convince you. i u u a KHua siMmsiiu I Foley Kldosy Pint are tonic In te ll ARDYI BROTHERS. I tion, quick In results, and motor. th- - I natural action nf th. VMn.v. uni CABBAGE PLANTS. For Cabbags Plants sea m#v t A. P.Pxfham. PHONE 62. natural action of tho kidneys and bladfar. They correct Irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. , 8AVE8 TWO LIVE8. -Neither my slater nor myself might be living today, It It had not been for Dr. King's New Diacorery." writes A. D. McDonald, of FayetUvUlo, N. a, R. F. D., No. S, “For wo both had frightful coughs that no remedy could help. We were told my aiater had consumption. She waa vary weak and had night sweats but your won derful medicine completely cured us both. It is the heat I ever used or heard of.” For sort lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, lagrlppe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough,— all bronchlca] troubles,—Its supreme, Trial bottle free. 60c and »1.00. Guar anteed by All Druggists. Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels the cold from your system. It contains no opiates, Is sate and aura. Gam Phar macy. Fjpr either acWa .v .hroclc kidney disorders, for annoy sad painful uri nary trrvgularlUss. take Foley Kidney Pills. An haunt and affiaettvu th etas for kidney and bladder disor ders. Gem Pharmacy. - -*- - * After March ItuU,. 1911, this company will sell Incandescent Electric Lamps at cost to us, which Is as follows, upon the erturn of the old lamps: ... , tjjvi- CARBON LAMPS: 8 Candle Power, 30 watt 15 16 Candle Power, 60 watt 15c eaeff 32 Candle Power, 120 watt 25c each GEM (Metallzed Filament) LAMPS: 20 Candle Power, 60 watt 20c each 32 Candle Power, 80 watt 30c each- 40 Candle Power, 100 watt 30c etc)) MAZDA (Tungsten) LA MP8: 20 Candle Power, 25 watt 60o each 32 Candle Power, 40 watt 65c each 48 Candle Power, 60 watt 90c each 80 Candle Power, 100 Watt *1-20 each We recommend the use of the “GEM" to replace the common carbon lamp, ai It Is more economical in the consumption of cun rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp. , The Ware County Light and Power, Company. dOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , standard" Cyphers incubator- Fire P roofed-insurable. Incubators and f Brooders Watt Hardware Co. lOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG Between Life and Death The most tender eolicltude and careful nursing will avail little'If purs Medicine* are not obtainable. Getyour physicians prescription filled at CHEROKEE PHARMACY At home and for your entertainments, PARK & TILFORD CANDIES Temptingly 'Delicious. We are headquarters for this deUdouseandy. CHEROKEE PHARMACY ^ W.H. ULMER, Wheelwright and Blacksmith/ Horseshoeing AiSpecialty. Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rearfof Singleton iFurnitureiCompany. |. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ; I v ;.