Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 09, 1911, Image 5
m poooo^ooooooooooo 600 Doz. Eggs 31 —Going At— 20 cts. Per Dozen. C. C. D. /ill Butter :: The Be& on Earth At 26 cts. POUND. At The WILSON GROCERYCO The Leading Grocery House. WILSON BLOCK, A i PHONE 128.' < ; ' *«*ooooooooooo*o< '■ PERSONAL ITENIS. I CARD OF THANK6. I Mr. Charles E. Harper, 3ST. at! 4 , i Mrs. W. W. Wilson and family, wish to express their sincere thanks to those who were so kind to them du< ring their recent bereavement. A SUCCESSFUL OPENING. The Wilkes Dry Goods Co., opened for business yesterday and all day long their store was thronged with delighted customers. And the new firm aie delighted and gratified with their introduction to Waycross and her citizens T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAUSAGE, FRESH SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, 3KINNED HAM8, BREAKFAST BA- CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE 8AU- CAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEESE, 8ALT MACKERAL, FRESH FISH AND 0Y8TER8. 7. H. Blizzard,- 108 PLANT AVENUE. Every lady in the city should call at Miss- Frances McDonald's millinery store and see those magnificent wil* low plumes to be given away. Ask about them. The Sanitary Steam Pressing Club, successors to the Lynn Pressing Club, have moved their quarters from the Virdle hotel to the opera house where they are ready to accomodate their patrons. 1 Miss Frances McDonald is opening her beautiful line of millinery and hair goods and Jnvites every lady in the city to inspect same. The Sea Island Cotton Growers' are here today, and a fine looking set of men, and President Bsfrett looks al most like a kid, but graciolis that fellow has got sense. Johnny Jones and his people are coming In on every train—Johnny get your hair cut and make yourself at home. NEW ME88ALINE SILKS, 36 IN* $1.25 value. Special, -ss cents YARDTHIS WEEK. ' ~ CHURCHWELL BR08. NEW MESSALINE 8ILK8, 36 IN* 81.25 VALUE. SPECIAL, SS CENTS YARDTHIS WEEK. | k CHURCHWELL BROS. ]»;<:• DIXIE AIRDOME. • The change of program at the Air- •dome today will be very Interestingly .-arranged, and theatre*goens will find -something to satisfy the longing for pure and np to date amusement. Mlsa Frances McDonald haa Just re turned from the northern market! an<* her entire lino b‘t mlnnery, hair goods, -etc., la perfectly new ad up to date. AT THE MAJESTIC THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. FOLLETTE AND WICKS (Hand' and Woman.) COMEDIANS, SINGING, DANCING AND TALKING. and , <1 Sidney and Worth- COMEDIANS, BINGING, TALKING AND DANCING.' These two acta are exceptionally good and you should not mlaa them. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears ths Signature of Itching Feet! The summer season la now near at hand, when we suffer more or leas with a humor on our fccL It cen trally cornea between the toes; la rery terrifying at tlmei and If you do not soon get relief, it continues , to gat worse all of the time. A 50s bottle of YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY 1. guaranteed to . cure. f *■»!« Central Pharmacy. Yonng-Roberfson Drag Co., Prop. " THIS IS A GENUINE Closing Out SALE BURSTS Variety Store 70 Plant Avenue WILL CLOSE OUT ALL THE GROCERIES RETAIL AT WHOLE SALE PRICE8: LUZIANE COFFEE, 30c KIND..25c CAMPAIGN COFFEE, 10o KIND..7c DUTCH CLEANSER, 10c KIND....7c REXIN CLEANER, 25c KIND....10C 3tb TOMATOES, 12c KIND 8c 2th TOMATOE8, 10c KIND 7c OLIVES, 10c KIND ......7c PICKLES. 25c KIND 18c PICKLES. 10c KIND 7c DERKIE8 SALAD DRESSING, 50c KIND 35c CAMPBELLS SALAD DRES81NQ 15c KIND 8c ASPARAdUS TIPS. 20c KIND ..15c SOCIAL BRAND CHERIE8, 20c KINQ ; .....150 SALMON, 20c KIND 15c SALMON. 12 12c KIND 10c PINEAPPLE CHUNK. 10 CENT KIND ..............70 TETLEY'8 TEA, 25c KlND...,..20o TETLEY’8 TEA, 15c KIND ..12 1-2o .DIME BRAND MILK, 16 CENT KIND « 1-20 BEACH NUT CAT8UP, 15 CENT KIND 10c BULL HEAD CATSUP, 10c KIND. 8a ARMOUR CORN BEEF HASH, 20c KIND .... .... ......18* ARMOUR CORN BEEP HASH, 15o KIND 12o SCRUDERS MAPLE SYRUP, 60c KIND ...39o JUNE PEAS. 15c KINO 10o COW BRAND MILK, lOo KIND...7c COW BRAND MILK, 00 KIND....40 LUNCH TONGUE, 15e KIND.... 11c ELBERTA TABLE PEACHE8, 1Se KIND ......10o EAGLE BRAND MILK, 20e KIND 15c 8CHRIMP. 15c KIND .... 10c CLAM CHOWDER, 15c KIND....10c SUGAR CORN, 150 KIND ......10o FISH FLEAKE8, 10c KIND 7e ROYAL SEAL 9AT8. 15c KIND ..10o CHOICE TRIPE, 20c KIND 15o VAN CAMPS HOMNNY, 15 CENT. KIND .... .. .....So SARDINE8, 5c KIND 4e FRENCH SARDINES, 10 0 KIND..70 APPLE JELLY, 15o KIND ......10o MUSTARD, 10c KIND '....7o MUSTARD, So KIND ,....4c PARROT AND MONKEY BAKING POWDER, 6c KIND .'..4b H08F0RD. BREAD PREP. 10c KIND .....: ...To OKRA AND TOMATOES, 15 CENT KIND .. ....12o CAMPBELL'S BOSTON BEANS, 10c KIND ... .... .... VEGETABLE SOUPS, ISO KIND..10. POTTED HAM, So KIND ..4* RED fcNAPPER 8AUCE, 25 CENT KIND 7JV.Y. ..T..20C THIS IS ONLY A PEW OF THE MANY OTHER CAN STUFF THAT WILL BE 80LD AT THE SAME PRICES, ALL 10 CENT GOODS TO CO AT 7 CENT8. ‘ THESE PRICES WILL BE THE SAME UNTIL ALL THE GOODS ARE SOLD. COME EARLY .THERE IS ONLY A PEW OP SOME'OP THE GOODS, AND IT IS ALL GUARAN TEED FIRST-CLASS OR YOUR MON EY BACK. Burst’s Variety Store ’ 70 PLANT AVENUE Wiyejoss, Georgia THE DIXIE AIRDOME COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM TODAY. A GOOD SHOW. 2—SHOWS NIGHTLY—2 L. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent* Waycross, Ga. 108 Plant Ave. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. NEW LINE LADIES COLLAR& ALL THE NEW 8TYLE8, @ 23c. CHD7TCHWELL BROS. CONVENTION OF A. C. L SYSTEM CLOSED MOST SUCCESSFUL SES SION LAST NIGHT. The A. C. L. Convention closed last night after a most Harmonious and successful session. The result of the convention has far surpassed the most sanguThe expectation of its promoters and has successfully ac complished the organization of all the mechanical departments of the At lantic Coast Line system into a fed eration for Joint action on all ques tions Involving the common Interest or the various crafts. Tho federation includes tho ma chinists, boilermakers, blacksmith's, moulders, carworkers, sheet metal workers, painters, and in fact all employees of the railroad, other than the railway clerks and transportation departments. Tho delegates are out spoken In their hearty appreciation of tho hospitality and hearty treat ment they have received here and will leave Waycroas with highest feelings of regard for the city and her people. The character of person nel of the convention la of the high est character, representing the best type of union men and has created a mutual feeling of friendship among aly who have met them and The Her ala only expresses- the voice of tho whole community when wo say "we arc. sorry to see you go, and hotfe you will come back to Waycross again and that right soon." Tho closing business of tfre con vention was tho election of officers fer 1911: was elected president. H. A. Smith of Rocky Mount, vice Mr. J. F. Aly wood of High Springs president. j > ■ ’ • W. T. Arrington or Waycross, sec retary and treasurer. The next meeting of the convention will be held in Savannah. Tomorrow the* District Lodge of Machinists will convenet. This lodge Is composed of delegates from each machinist union over tho A *J. 1. system. ) . > The District Lodge of the Carwork ers’ will a?Bo convene tomorrow and will probably be in session fur two days. .Delegates are pretest 'from many points. •♦FLETCHERI^M.” The habit of chewing one's food until it becomes almost liquefied and swallowed involuntarily, and eating certain foods atT certain times of the day Is called "Fletcherlsm” ittBf a man named Fletcher who advocates this method as a remedy for Indi gestion and stomach troubles. While may get from this system the maximum amount of strength from the minimum amount of food, It Is a question as to what extent this prin ciple of living can be applied to the humdh'ritee as a wHole. It is an^oM WHEN YOUR J10NEY 15 IN A IT V SAFE UNDER D1REC GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION :oprittht 1909. bv C. E. Zli BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED ST AES GOVERNMENT Goes over our notes and securities twlco each year, and In addition to the surplus fund and undivided profits which stand between our depost* tors and any possibility of loss, there Is OtlR CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.00 j STOCKHOLDER'S LIABILITY $200,000.00 I TOTAL SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS IN THIS I BANK $400,000.00 Here Is tho real strength of a bunk and upon this Item and Its ratio of deposits, we Invite comparison with any other bank In this section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross. Georgia WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINESS GIVEN, AND IP YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENT8, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE U8 AND O NE OF THE FIRM WILL 8EE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BE8T WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTE PICKENS, "THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN" Tuner and repairer for the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Ga., Jai. A, Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent music hous es In Now York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer for the Wesleyan Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer for the Baaala Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, since 1900. Endorsed as a violinist and tuner by the press, artists and musician* from New York to Texas. •' "A tuner who.tunes.”—Fredertsk Rcddatl, teacher of vole*, Brooklyn, N. T. "Not onl> a line vlollnlat, but also one of the most expert- •pKffo tuners In the United Statea."—MualcT rndes, New York. "1 commend him as able to satiety the moat exacting demands at piano tuner and repairer.”—C. H. S. Jackson, President Bessie Tift Col lege, Forsyth, Ga. i Those desiring the services of ar. artistic workman, will do well to socure the services ot Mr. Plokens while In Waycross. CABL.& PIANO COMPANY. LsGrande Building. , .. Waycross, Georgia N. B.—Out of town orders for tuning will rocelve pro dipt aBfl care* ful attention. STRAYED—From Wlllla lie Street, one whit* poodle puppy. I’lnJor will lease notify Ocro vharn) cy. tv FOR RENT—Rooms with or without board, 64 Reed streot. 9 It end true saying: “What Is one man’e neat la another man'* poison." There Is one thing cure, however, much less distress add much more assimilation of tho body-bulldlngg ele ments contained In every day food would be experienced by people with poor or impaired digestion If they wculd only betters whan w* t*U them about Vlnol. There I* no myatery about It, or misrepresentation. Vlnol simply, con tain! .the necessary elements needed to reestablish a normal condition of the digestive syatem. .There Is no need of going Into the scientific res sene why—It simply does It, that Is L 4. Thousands of genuine testimonials from reliable people prove this claim, and to farther support the fact and piov* our faiiii In what we say, wa unhesitatingly declare that any on* who will buy a bottle of VlnoJ tor •tomach disorder and malasslmllatloif will have their money returned with out question If they are not satis tied that It has done them good. STOMACH AGONY. Take MLo-na and Quickly Gat Rid of Indigestion. get a fifty cent box of MI-O-NA stom ach tablets. Take them as directed and notice how quickly dlatrees, gas and heavi ness will disappear. MI-O-NA stomach tablet! not only give Instant relief, but taken for a few daye drive away dlsslness, head ache, nervousness and bllUousness. Bad dreams and tossing about In ned are caused by out of order stom ach and put your stomach In splendid condition In a tew days. Give MI-O-NA a trial at a riik, they guarantee It to cure and stomach tron hie, or money hack. MI-O-NA I* a fine.tonic, it builds up run down peo ple In n abort time. O. R. Brinson Co., and drngglata everywhere aell MI-O-NA at 50 cents a large box. Write for free trial aam pie, Booth’* Ml-o-na. Buffalo, N. Y. Go to O. R. Brinaon Co., today and Fab, 16, tt, Uch $.