Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 10, 1911, Image 4
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD We are especially equlppeu to do Prescription Work. Prescriptions called for aud delivered promptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. GARDEN SEED Now H tbo time to plant your garden. We bare a (all lino of the celebrated Crotaman Bros, acede. They ate reliable growera and their aeeda will fire you eallafactlon. Pay day la nearly bare with our R. R. funda and we would like to have tboae who are not trad- Inf wltb ua now come and fat our prlcea before buying elaewhere. We only aell flrat-claae gooda and our prlcea are right. We guar antee ererytblng we aell to be aa represented. Give ua a months trial end you will become'dllo of our satisUed customers. AFTER ALL THERE 18 NOTHING! 80 PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERV PRIDES ITSELF IN ITS NOBBY TURN 0UT8, PROMPT SER VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND 80LICIT8 AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Bafaa Stabler Tabcau St. Waycrosa, Ga. PHONE NO. S3. A declaration against ujeloaa cx pcndlturo la In order. Too many young pcoplo spend both tlmo and money In acquiring knowledge of no practical value to them. WAYCR083 BUSINESS COLLEGE believes like Washington in making every step count. It teaches only whst will en able the student to start advantage* ously in life. To command salaries, and occupy positions at once, which otherwise would take you years to attain. SPECIAL RATE8 NOW ON. REMEM BER WE 8ECURE POSITIONS. Waycross Business College Waycrosa, Go. R. r. Zelgler, Prwa. ATTENTION! NO MAN IN THE POULTRY BUS- INE88 8H0ULDBE WITHOUT A BOTTLE OR TWO OF CONKEY’8 REMEDIE8 FOR POULTRY. MAKES THEM LIVE, AND MAKE8 THEM LAY. GREATEST EVER. TRY ITI BR00K8 COUNTY HAMS, 8IDE8 AND SHOULDERS. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Savua Filled Cigars. Manufactured In Waysraaa, Gi. 8/ PITTMAN CIGAR CO. ONE THOUSAND DOZEN THOSE LARGE FRESH EGGS. Phone 62 HARDY BROTHERS. The Pure Food Store. LADIES TAILORED WAIST, MEN- DAL MAKE; 1100, $1.48, $1.99 TO $2.48, AT CHURCHWELL BROS. FOR QUICK SALE. One—6 H-Power Oaaollne engine. One—Durr Feed mill. One—Prairie State Incubator. Ono— Rubber tire runabout buggy. One—7x7 canvaaa tent. One—Williams typewriter. One—Roller top desk. One—Eailman Kodac. All In good condition. C. A. Hilliard, 0 Ot 174 Plant Avenue. [Personal rMias Carrie Parham Social Editor' The editor of the Herald never <lla want to be a high flyer. ooooooooo^oooooooooooooooooooooooo Mr. Collon McRae of Brooks coun ty spent yesterday In the city Mrs. E. W. Knox's friend* will be pleased to bear that she is some bet Envoy Windham Is still conflned to room but Is Improving after his long Illness wth fever. Mrs. F. A. Bates has returned from Brunswick where she was the guest of Miss Kate Hall. Mr. Ben Bentley, of Valdota is spending a few days In the city. Ben say he just came down to see the people. Mrs. 8. E. Brook of Chlpley, Ga., Is In the city guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Lovelace. Miss Carrie Perbam will be pleased to have you phone or send In person al or social Items to the Herald offl- co, phone 25. N. P. Jenette, Cashier, of the Cit izens hank of Dlackahear, Ga., is In the city tranaactln-g bualncsa and In cidentally seeing the bird men fly. NEW ME8SALINE SILKS, 36 IN., $1.25 VALUE. 8PECIAL, 85 CENTS YARDTHI8 WEEK. CHURCHWELL BROS. On account ot the big aviation meat this week the Odd Fellow, banquet 1* postponed until March 18th. J. T. Strickland, Chairman. LADIES TAILORED WAIST, MEN* DAL MAKE; $1.00, $1.48, $1.59 TO 12.48, AT CHURCHWELL BROS. Master Jsme* Harley bss a goal cart aud harneai that bo will sell tor $5.00. Sco him at 18 Reed street, White Soutucb, Braid, Lingerie Braid, childrens waists, ladles shirt waists and many other things that ynu will need, at the Bon Ton. Mr» L. B. Jeter of Greensboro, S. C„ who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Lovelace baa return ed to her borne. Mr. and Mrs. Hoscb of Atlanta are In the city and are making their home with Dr. and Mrs. Lovelace on Reed street. The editor of the Herald learns that editor Brantley of the Valdosta Times Is In the city today. There Is no reason why Charley Brantley shouldn't come to see us. We left our gun at home. i ! Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson of Bruns wick, Ga., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cooper on Lee avenue. Mr. Johnson Is connected with the govern, ment service In Brunswick. We like him best who likes us. Our hearts "harden against those who an* derrate us. As all evils look worse by antici pation, so do all troubles scent great er till we meet them face to face. Ixjve. laugh and livo while you are here, fir there la no telling what you will be doing herealtcr, and while you ntv at It, remember that there are others. Two car loads of Nebraskans pass ed through the city Ibis morning en route to South Florida. Most of them are home-seekers. fin niture Repairing and Upholstering We are still doing biutnea* at the same old stand, 23 Brew er Street near the Court House. We will repair—clean np and revarnMh your old furniture, and make H new—We also do all kinds ot upholstering—re pair trunks, salt canes, etc. All our work U strictly cash when finished—No work deliv ered without tho money—Work left in the shop thirty days of- ter It le finished will have stor age chargee added and will be liable to be sold (or chargee. Ja I. Walle St Sob. Rhone 294 *t Brew- It. The face Ii the moat expressive and distinguishing part of our anato- ray; otherwise, when wo vielt the photographer, we would have a pie* turo taken of some other part. The ladles are Invited to see the lino of underwear just received at the Bon Ton. Combination suits In Mus lin, also In Gauze, nfght dresses, la dies and childrens pants, corset cov ers and undervests. They are good values. KINGS DAUGHTERS CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN WAYCR0888. Mrs. F. A. Bates returned last nfgffft from Brunswick where she had been to attend a meeting of the state exe cutive committee of King’s Daught- ers to make final arrangements for tl:e state convention. The conven tion will be held In Waycross and will be in session here on May 2, 3, V During the esslon In Brunswick executive committee and state officers who were In atendance were delight fully entertained by the Glynn Circle King* Daughters at an elegant lun ches. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON THE STORE OF QUALITY, New goods opened up ready for you inspection f New Cotton Voiles and Satin Stripe Suitings in all colors, 25 Cents Beautiful lot of colored Flaxon and Lanalr Waist and Suiting, 20c and 25c Big aelectlon of fancy Foulard Silk In tbe new colon. 35c to 51c Fimoui W. B. Corsets, all the lateat modelg. 11.00 to S3.0> Black Cat Hosiery “for tbe whole family." 15c to 50c Big shipment of fancy Belt Pins, Combs and Barretts 15c up to 50c Ladles Gauze Vests. The kind that, shoulder straps stay up. 10c to 25c “Zelgler Bros.” Ladles fine Dress Slippers. $3.00 to $4.08 Extra good quality 46 Inch wide Periian Lawn. / Special 15c. Beautiful colored Lawn and Batlato 10c to 20c Humphreys & Williamson The Store of Quality [OOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 6 & 8 Plant Ave. Phone 123 New Arrivals 'J* Pearl Tassels aud Pearl Ornaments - ■ Ball Fringe Pink, Blue, Black, Brown and White Gold, Silver and Pearl Banding Garnatures Pearl, Jet, Gold and Persian ■ ■ Madam Sherry Hairband Latent Fad Ladies’ Velvet Suede and Leather Hand Bags * Ladies’ Silk Gloves Long and Short, most colors 25c, 35c and 50e - - 35c yd. - - 30c yd. 50c to $4.00 25c and 50c 75C to $6.00 - 50c to $1.50 Prettied Line of Swisses. Etamines |A« and fancy curtain fabrics ever shown Wv) Iwvj uo\> 98C to $1.25 Handsome Line of fancy Lawn Waist ■ Ladies’ Tailored Shirtwaist - 98C TO $1.75 Big Lot Ladies’ Muslin Underwear, all prices. Large shipment of Lawns, Flaxon, Madras and other White Goods, also Ginghams, Percales and Calicos. REMEMBER THE PLACE 6 & 8 PLANT AVE. DICKINS 6 &SL. PLANf* AVE. SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. THE SEALS PHARMACY! BE THE BEX ALL STORK \OOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Phone 574 CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel|Street. Carriage and; Automobile Painting NEATLYI EXECUTED F. O. SMITH; ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. VO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCI