Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 11, 1911, Image 5
( >ooooooooo-c>oooo<x> 600 Doz. Eggs 1^—Going At— UO cts. cm: PERSONAL ITEMS. Judge Bob Mitchell of Blackshear Is upending the day In Waycroia. Per ■ Dozen. 1 C. C. D. Butter Mr Watt of Thomasvllle Is spend Ing a few days In the city with rel atives. Dr. and Mrs. F. P. H. Akers; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mallard, and Mrs. H. DeVoe, of Brunswick came over In an automobile this morning and paid the Herald office a visit. The Bedt on Earth At 25 cts. POUND- At The WILSONGROCERYCO The lifting Grocery House. . WILSON BLOCK, PHONE 128. ♦040000000000040# T. H. BLIZZARD’S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 108 Phone 242 Beef and Pork ' NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, 8AU8AGE, FRE8H “SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWLS, SKINNED HAM8, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGG8, CREAM CHEEQE, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS. i7. [H. Blizzard, W 1£«NPLANT AVENUE. TACKY PARTY. Mrs. A. Todd will entertain the Philathea and Baraca classes of Cen tral Baptist Tabernacle tonight at a Tacky Party at her home 62 Tebeau street. Every member of the the two ciasses are invited to be present and bring a friend. ..Little Mist Gertrude Nettles Enter* tains. Little Miss Gertrude Nettles enter tained many of her little friends Frl day afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in honor of her 9th birthday. She received several nice little pres ents all of which she appreciated great many games were playetf, after which fruit cake and Ice cream were served. The dining room was decorat ! with yellow and red. The ones that were Invited was Miss Woodard, Miss Edyth Edwards, Bessie and Margaret Adkinson, Master Edward Hutchins, Miss Har riet Allen, Master Linwood Hallibur ton,’ Misses Talu and Mary Wiley Jones, Miss Ceclle Shrlver, Miss Rena Edwards, Master Fred Edwards,'Mast er Leo and Herbert Nettles. All those who attended reported a delight ful time. $100.00 REWARD! . TOR INFORMATION resulting 1*. the arrest and conviction of the re> •on or persons mallclot sly interfering with this company’* property or ser- •vice in Jacksonville or Savannah or on the LONG DISTANCE LINES be tween these points. $50.00 REWARD will be paid for Information resulting In the detection of anyone responsible for this mali cious interference. .Southern Bell Telophone & Telegraph l Company. TOL^BKEDNFmPIIIS PRE8BYTERIAN CHURCH. The pastor will conduct the usual services at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. Good mqslc at each service and the following ubjecta will be present ed: at 11 a. m., "Religion As the Prime Factor in a Great Life.” At night, "The Death of Christ, ant. Why?.’ The public is invited to wor ship with u. Rev. R. A. Brown, Pastor. AT THE 'MAJESTIC THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. FOLLETTE AND WICKS (Maud and Woman.) COMEDIANS, SINGING, DANCING AND TALKING. Sidney and Worth COMEDIANS, 8INGING, TALKING AND DANCING. These two acts are exceptionally good and you should not miss them. i Itching Feet! The summer season la now near at / hand, when we suffer more or leaf with a humor on our feet It gen erally cornea between the toea; la very terrifying at tlmea and It you do not eoon get relief. It continues to get worse all of the time. A 60s bottle of YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY la guaranteed to CUr# - ..-ALjjiiii Central Pharmacy. Yonno-RobtrtsoD Drag Co., Prop. ‘ V, THIS ISA GENUINE Closing Out SALE DURsrs Variety Store 70 Plant Avenue WILL CLOSE OUT ALL THE GROCERIES RETAIL AT WHOLE SALE PRICES: LUZIANE COFFEE, 30c KIND. .25c CAMPAIGN COFFEE, 10c KIND..7c DUTCH CLEANSER, 10e KIND....7c REXIN CLEANER, 25c KIND....190 3th TOMATOES, 12c KIND 8c 2tb TOMATOES, 10c KIND 7c OLIVES. 10c KIND 7c PICKLES. 25c KINO 18c PICKLES. 10c KIND 7c DERKIES SALAD DRESSING, EOo KIND 35c CAMPBELLS SALAD DRESSING 15c KIND 8c ASPARAGUS TIPS. 20c KIND ..15c SOCIAL BRAND CHERIES, 20c KIND 15a 8ALMON, 20c KIND 15c SALMON. 12 12c KIND 10c PINEAPPLE CHUNK, 10 CENT KIND 7o TETLEY’S TEA, 25c KIND 20o TETLEY’8 TEA, 15e KIND ..12 1-2o JDIME BRAND MILK, 15 CENT KIND 12 1-2o BEACH NUT CAT8UP, IS CENT KIND 10« BULL HEAD CATSUP, 10c KIND. 8e ARMOUR CORN BEEF HA8H, 20c KlfyB .... ....... .... IN ARMOUR CORN BEEF HASH, 15c KIND “ 12c SCRUDERS MAPLE SYRUP, 50o KIND t 39c JUNE PEAS. 15c KIND 10c COW BRAND MILK, 10c KIND...7C COW BRAND MILK, 6c KIND....46 LUNCH TONGUE, 15c KIND....11c ELBERTA TABLE PEACHES, 150 KIND 10c EAGLE BRAND MILK, 20c KIND 15o SCHRIMP, 15c KIND 10e CLAM CHOWDER. 16o KIND....10c 8UGAR CORN, 15o KIND 10c FISH FLEAKE8, 10c KIND 7a ROYAL SEAL OATS, 15e KIND ..10c CHOICE TRIPE, 20e KIND 15c VAN CAMPS HOMNNY, 15 CENT KIND So SARDINES, 5c KIND 4c FRENCH 8ARDINE8. 10 c KIND..7a APPLE JELLY. 15e KIND 10c MUSTARD, 10o KIND 7e MUSTARD, 6c KIND 4c PARROT AND MONKEY BAKING POWDER, 6c KIND 4c HOSFORD BREAD PREP, 10c KIND - 7c OKRA AND TOMATOE8, 15 CENT KIND 12c CAMPBELL’S B08TON BEANS. 10e KIND Sc VEGETABLE 80UP8, ISO KIND..10a POTTED HAM. So KIND 4a RED SNAPPER SAUCE, 25 CENT KIND .....7.7.-. .-...20a THI8 13 ONLY A FEW OF THF MANY OTHER CAN STUFF THAT WILL BE 80LD AT THE 8AMB PRICE8, ALL 10 CENT GOODS TO CO AT 7 CENT8. THE8E PRICE3 WILL BE THE SAME UNTIL ALL THE GOODS' ARE SOLD. COME EARLY .THERE IS ONLY A FEW OF 80ME OF THE G00D8, AND IT 18 ALL GUARAN TEED FIRST-CLASS OR YOUR MON EY BACK. THE DIXIE AIRDOME COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM TODAY. A GOOD SHOW. 2—SHOWS NIGHTLY—2 L. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent. Waycrosa, Ga. 108 Plant Ave. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOES! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRI CES REDUCED ’ 50c to 85c Per Basket FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT 25c, REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA. BLES AND FRUIT8, SPECIALTY. ALWAY8 8AVE MONEY BY CALL ING PHONE 522, GOODS DELIVER. ED BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. N. A. Joseph, NO. 52 AND84 PLANT AVENUE. Durst’s Variety Store 70 PLANT AVENUE Waycwss, Georgia Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK al Waycrosa in the State of Georgia, at the close of business, March 7,1911. the close of business, March 7, 1911. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $3Q7,868.71 U. S. Ronds to secure circula tion 60 f 000.00 Bonds, Securities, .... 10,000.00 Banking house, Furaltffre, and Fixtures 99,097.44 Other Regl Estate owned .. 28,350.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 24,160.93 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust ^ Companies, and Savings Banks .... 13,554.87 Due from approve Reserve Agents 64,962.78 Checks and other Cash Items 1,350.00 Exchanges for Clearing House 3.799.39 Notes of other National Banks 1,500.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents 345.28 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Srecle 20,809.90 Legal-tender notes 1,100.00 21,909.90 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cont of Circulation) 1,400.00 Total $658,299.27 LIAIBILITIE8. Capital stock paid in ....$200,000.00 Surplus fund 6,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Ex penses paid 21,882.99 National Rank Notes out- standing $49,000.00 Due to Stato and Private Ranks and Rankers 2,810.03 Dividends unpaid 232.00 Individual deposits subject to check 376.951.49 Time certificate of deposit . 1,491.07 Cashiers checks outstanding . .931.69 Total $658,299.27 Stato of Georgia—County of Ware, I, J. W. Dellinger, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that # the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. Bellinger, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 1911. C. V. Stanton, Notary Public Correct—Atjteit: L. J. Cooper. C. E. Murphy. H. C. Seaman. WHEN YOUR MONEY t • j®"" 18 IN A " IT^ 'jAFE UNDER D GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION Copnlcht 1909. by C. E. Zimmerman BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Goes over our notes and securities twice each year, and In addition to the surplus fund and undivided profits which stand between our deposl* tors and any possibility of loss, there la OUR CAPITAL 8T0CK $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDER’S LIABILITY $200,000.00 TOTAL SECURITY TO PEP08ITOR8 IN THIS BANK $400,000.00 Here Is the real strength of & hank and upon this Item and Its ratle of deposits, wo invito comparison with any other bank In this section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross, Georgia WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 61 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BUSINE SS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE M0NUMENT8, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE U8 AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL SEE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HI8 PER80NAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BE8T WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. ♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a Sutccrlbe for the old Waycroes Evening Herald. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTE PICKENS, “THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN* Tuner and repairer for the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Ga„ Jaa. A. Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent music hous es In New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer tor tha Wesleyan Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer for the Bei Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Foraytb, alnce 1900. Endorsed as a violinist and tuner by th& press, artists and muulelana from New York to Teias. "A tuner who tune*."—Frederick Reddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. Y. ‘Not only a lino violinist, out also one of the most' oxprfr'-ptflSo tuners In the United States.”—MusIcT rades, New York. ■I commend him as able to satisfy the most exacting demands as piano tuner and repairer.”—C. H. S. Jackson, President Bessie Tift Col lege, Forsyth, Ga. Thoso desiring tho services of ar. artistic workman, wlU da well to secure tho services of Mr. Plckons while in Waycross. € / E I fc PIANO COMPANY. LaGrando Building. , Waycross, Goorgla 4. B.—Out of town orders for tuning will recelvo prompt aufl care ful attention. CATHOLIC CHURCH.- Administration of Holy Communion at 7 a. m. Mass at ’10 a. m. Sermon "The Bread and Wlno In tho Holy Eucha rist." Sunday School at 3 p. in. The Stations of'the Cross and ser mon. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 7:30 p. m„ Subject, "Tho Blblo Alone CANNOT Bo tho Rule of . Our Faith.” Monday, Mass at 7 a.m. Meeting of tho Altar Socloty at 3:30 p. m. Stations of tho Cross every Friday In Lent at 7:30 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST CHU.VCH. Rev. A. M. Bennett will preach at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject "What Lack I Yet?” Even Ing subject, "Where Satana’ Throne Is” "or has lio division heaaquertere In Wnycross?” That beer supper at “LaGrando Thursday aight will be touched up”. All those who stand for better things morally and rellglouslly ought to be presotjt. Everybody will receive a cordial welcome to all the the servi ces. “Come thou with us and we will do thee good.” THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Wherever Parisian 8agt It Known It Has the Call. Parisian Sage, that most efflclsnt of all hair restorers, Is a very delight ful and refreshing hair dressing. Be sides possessing these qualities It will positively make any woman's hair •oft, luxuriant and attractive. G. R. Brinson Co., sella It for 50 cents'a large bottlo and will return your mon ey If It doos not cure dandruff, fall ing hair and Itching ucnlp In two weeks. ”1 bad given up hope of ever being cured of dandruff, when I purchased a battle of Parlelan Sage. It bae en tirely removed tho dandruff and has started a growth of new hair, and alt thia after having been troubled IS years. I cheerfully recommend Par isian Sage.”—Mrs. Elizabeth Ander sen, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Feb. 11 1 1 f PERSONAL. Wo will pay yon ten cents each fur eew names and addresses of smstcur photographers. Carver, Box 604, Wa terloo lows, tf