Newspaper Page Text
the- Superior Court of said County;
The petition of P. S. Knox, of Mo
Duffle County, Georgia, T. A. Scott,
Jr. of, Ricbburg, Alabama, and Leon
A. Wilson, of Ware County, Georgia,
.shows as follows, to-wit:
X Petitioners desire that they,
their associates, successors and as
signs be incorporated for the period
of twenty years (with the usual priv
ilege of renewal) under the name of
.2. The object of said corporation
Is pecuniary gain to its stockhold-
V'jFUe/ particular business to bo
JTOlk ,s that °* n,anu ^ acturln s
pine, cypress and tim
ber of all kinds, as well as shingles,
laths, cross ties, piling, posts, polc3,
railroad lumber and timber, and other
wood products, and also buying,* sell
ing and dealing generally In same;
also buying, selling, leasing, construc
ting and operating saw mills, planing
• mills, shingle and lath mills and
other plants for turning out any of
the manufactured products aforesaid;
also buying, selling, holding, leasing
and dealing generally in timber lands
timber leases, turpentine leases, and
all other kinds of real property,
whether vacant, wild or improved;
also manufacturing, buying, selling
and doling*in turpentine, rosin and
i/avalstdres; also buying and selling
wood and building materials and sup
plies of all kinds, as well as selling
the waste and by-products of any of
the manufacturing plants aforesaid;
also buying, selling, and dealing in
goods, wares and merchandise of all
kinds, and operating a commissary or
fj^&missaries; also buying, leasing,
holding, constructing and operating a
tram road or tram roads and rail
roads for transporting timber, lumber,
wood, naval stores and other articles
or products above mentioned, as well
•s st^h other articles as may be de-
flfrabte \o be transported over said
roads, aftl buying, leasing or holding
such rails, locomotives, cars and
other things as may be necessary
for the construction and operation of
such tram roads or railroads; also
supplying the saw mills and other
manufacturing plants above mention
ed with the logs, timber and other
necessary raw materials for turning
jout the finished products aforesaid,
and doing a logging business;—the
business of said corporation as here
in set forth to bo cither upon its own
account os ar broker or agent for
other persons for a consideration, as
It Is desired that said Company shall
also have the right to do a general
brokerage business in lumber, tim
ber, land, haval stores and iu ail tlio
tilings, articles and products herein-
heforo mentioned, and to buy, sell
and deal In samo for others upon a
4. The principal place of business
of said Company shall bo In Way-
cross, In said County, but petitioners
desire the privilege of carrying on
their business and establishing bran
ches and agencies of same elsewhere
iu this State or in any other State, |
as may be deemed expedient.
5. The capital stock of said Com
pany shall be ten thousand ($10,000.-
00) dollars, but petitioners desire
the right to increase the same as and
whenever they see fit from' time to
time to any amount not exceeding two
hundred thousand ($200,000.00) dol
lars, and likewise to decrease the
same In the same way when deemed
advisable, but not below ten thous
and ($10,000.00) dollars by a majority
vote of the »tock. Petitioners also
desire tb- aid Company shall have
the right to issue preferred stock to
any amount not exceeding one hun
dred ($100,000.00) thousand dollars in
addition, and to Increase or diminish
same from time to time as they think
best and to give such preferred stock
such rights and prlvliges and such
relative rank imd dignity as they con
sider advisable.
Petitioners desire that said
Company sh^Il have the power to con
tract and tc^ be contracted with; to
borrow and Jend money; to execute
its promissory notes, bonds, deben*
A $300,000 FARM, FRUIT AND PE-
Columbus, Ga., March 9.—The Geor
gia and Alabama Industrial Index
says in its regular weekly issue:
“With the coming of spring, when
the disposition to trade in real estate
is always particular strong, the de
mand for farm lands and desirable
city realty In the two states seems
keener thalt ever. A particularly
largo deal In farm lands was reported
in Sumter county, Georgia, when
South Carolina investors bought a
huge plantation for $157,000 cash,
and presumbably, will divide it into
small farms. In the sale of a lot at
Birmingham, Ala., for $150,000, a rec
ord price of $3,750 per front foot was
established. A Canadian investor
bought lands In Dougherty county,
Georgia, at $100 per acre and will
•grow the finer varieties of pecans. A
Dallas county, Alabama, plantation
brought $20,000 at public sale. An
Atlanta Investor bought a 4,000-acre
tract in Southeast Georgia and will
divide into small tracts. A $300,000
farm, fruit and pecan company was
formed at Waycross, Ga.
“Elmore county Alabama, ic invit
ing bids for building roads. Chatta
hoochee county, Georgia, citizens, are
to talk good roads at a mass meeting.
Gainesville, Ga., awarded contract for
a waterworks system. Marietta, Ga.,
will vote on public improvement bonds
Etowah county, Alabama, awarded
contract for the erection of a jail.
“A bank at Decatur, Ala., is to in-
crehso Its capital stock from $100,000
to $250,000, and one at Athens, G:
from $, to $loo,coo. Ihunsuic
Ga., is to have ope of the large
j wood distilling plants in the world,
built by an Ohio company at a cost
of $25,000, the contract for the con
struction of the buildings having il-
ready been awarded. South Georgia
capitalists chartered n company to
build a railroad from Moultrie, Ga.,
to Fort Gaines, Ga. A Georgia c’^y,
Macon, led'all the Important Ameri
can cities in the month of February
In the percentage of Increase of bank
clearings, its inoreaso having been
223.1 per cent. A new hosiery mill
Is to bo established at Anniston, Ala.
Telephone companies wero organized
at Plains, Ga., and Davidsboro, Ga.”
values health his greatest asset, knowing that a good
natural mineral water is most beneficial, he drinks
Ddw&en Lifhia.
"The Greatest of all Natural Mineral Waters"
The exceltent medicinal virtues of this NATURAL Mineral Water are highly
appreciated by professional and business men. We have hundreds of testimonials,
i ,. e . m ' nen , t physicians. *’ho know from actual experience what
Bowden Lithia Water has accomplished. It has no equal in the treatment of
Rheumatism, Gout, Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Kidney and Bladder
troubles, and all disorders caused by an excess of Uric Acid.
BOTTLED ONLY AT THE SPRINGS, (Lithia Springs, Douglas County, Ga.)
Bowden Lithia Water is of delightfully pleasant taste and is an ideal Table Water.
Keep it in your home—if is healthful all the time.
tures or other evidences of debt for
any loan or debts it may owe and to
sccuro samo by mo:tgage, pledges,
deeds of trust, security deeds, or oth
er satisfactory security; also to have
any and all other rights, powers and
prlvliges noccsBary or desirable for
carrying on tho business of said Com
pany or any of the kinds of same as
aforesaid and for accomplishing the
purposos of its organization; to re
ceive in payment for its stock, either
common or preferred, or for any
bonds or other obligations it may Is
sue, any real or persoual property,
labor or services, or other considera
tion satisfactory to its stockholders
or directors; to hold stock in other
corporations consistent with the laws
of the State; and also to have all
tho other rights^ powers, prlvliges
and immunities common and incident
to corporations generally under the
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray
that an order bo granted incorporat
ing them in accordance with tho
Wilson, Bennett & Lambdin.
Attorney for Petitioners.
Filed In office this 6th day of Feb
ruary, 1911.
(Signed) E. J. Berry; Clerk.
I hereby certify that the above Is
a true copy.
(Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk.
the building thereof to ho con-
1 cither of brick or reinforced
e, according to tho plans and
file in l ho offi
ces oi aid Commissioner a.
The terms of payment to bo made
ns follows: One halt (1-2) of tho
contract price to bo paid ns the work
progresses, the remaining one half
(1-2) to be paid twelvo (12) months
from the completion and acceptance
of same, and tho deferred payment
to bear interest at the rate of six per
centtum per annum.
State of GeoTgia, County of Ware:
The Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues for the County of Ware in
vite bids for the construction and
erection of a modern Jail and jailors
A certified check for Twenty Five
Dollars ($25) will be required to be
made payable to and deposited with
E. J. Berry, Clerk of the Commis
sioners, from all prospective bidders
who obtain a copy of the plans and
specifications, tho same to bo return
ed upon tho return of the plans and
A certified chock made payable to
5. J. Berry, tho Clerk of said Com mis
doners for Twenty Five Hundred Dol
lars ($2,500.00) must accompany each
bid, before tho samo will bo connia-
orod, and to all unsusccossful bidders,
the same will bo returned. Tho check
of tho successful bidder will bo re
tained by tbo Commissioners until
such bidder has mado n good and
sufficient bond with approved securi
ty, guaranteeing the completion ot
the contract in the terms of his Did.
Upon his falluro to comply with this
requirement ns to giving bond within
ten days after tho awarding of the
contract, tho same will bo forfeited
to the county.
Bids will bo received up to uoon
of April 20th, 1911, at which time tho
samo will be opened and considered
by said Commlsisoners, with tho
right reserved to reject auy and nlf
It Is contemplated that this con
tract will exceed tho sun of I'ho
Thousand Dollars, and notlco is glvni
in.accordance with the {./ovlsiont; or
the law in such cases made and pv»
A'l bids should be addressed to &
Berry, Clerk of tbo Commissioners
of Road and Revenues of Ware Coun
ty, with the words “Bids for const! ac
tion of Jail" written ^n tho margin
of the envelope.
This March 3rd, 1*11.
B. H. Thomas, Chairman.
J. F. Taybr.
D. J. Mlilir. I
J. J. Mur,,/.
Commlaalonera of Road, and Aertnuea
(or Ware Corn-f, Georgia, t It
Bicycles And
Automobiles with Safe
Drivers For Hire
F. H.jMeGEE,
Phone 35, 20 Pendleton St.
Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extractodj |
when you can have it done for 50c and without
pain. All other work done at very reasonable
charges. Everything guaranteed!]
The Dentist
Folks’ Block
pVIIPMMi in DOW read/ tor distribu
tion. It fslmpomlblc to get soy better or
more reliable jrtante than oar*. m we use
nothing bat the beet eeeds bom old grow
er* of undisputed reputation. Try ounani
be convinced. Don’t look tor cheap seeds
orplantg from which to stowcrops, buttock
quality if you would euccced. J
h. 10»s.*w»atl
WH urffiJw - *