Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 13, 1911, Image 1

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    aycross Evening Herald.
l •
k&r. Ladis Lewkowlcz, the aviator
now in. Waycross is very much incen-
ted at the publication of his name as
i s a Count. I am not a Count said he. I
am plain Mr. Ladis Lewkowlcz and 1
protest as an honest man t othis title
o f Count being continually given md,
Just to fake the public and deceive I
them. It is a gross injustice to me. j
I do not want to pose as a Count {
Just plain Mr. is good enough for me. I
I am a member of the Aero Club of |
France, and am well known both there
and in New York and a report of this
kind will carry the idea that I am try
ing to fqol.-the public and will endang
er my membership in that important
organization. When I found out on
the 7th of March that, such a title
had bfen given me in several papers
I protested to Mr. Berger against such
a trick and he apologized and prom
ised me it should be stopped at once,
but I see they are trying to fool the
Fitzgerald and Georgia people right
on As I see it at present I am not
going to fy in Fitzgerald and if I do
It wil be as Mr. Ladis Lewkowlcz and
not as a fake Count.
At half past two o'clock the Herald
received a telephone message that Mr-
J. J. Wilkerson, who lives about two
miles from town on tho Waltertown
road, had dropped dead while working
111. his field.
Mr. Wilkerson was one of our oldest
| and best known citizens. The Herald
can learn n further particulars at this
writing but will give them in our is
sue tomorrow. The writer mourns
the loss of this good and vnluable cltt-
r.cn who was also our personal friend.
A fitting tribute will appear in these
columns later.
‘Fitzgerald, Ga., March 11.—(Special)
Fitzgerald people are making great
prearations for the aviation meet to
be held here next week, the 16, 17, 18
One of the attractions of this partic
ular exhibit wil be the presence or
Count and Countess Lewkowlcz, of
.Paris, who have arrived in this coun-
r two weeks. The count
l a flight in his new Bleriot
We propose giving the public the
oportunity of demonstrating whether
or not they will support a good higu
class place of entertainment. We are
Eugene V. Debs came Into the city
i the one o'clock train today and is
new in hands of the local committee.
Mr. Debs will deliver his celebrated
address at the court house tonight nt
8 o'clock. Come out and hear a fine
oddr as on Socialism.
Mr. Berger’s statement iB full of j
lies, from the beginning to the end.
1 was employed by Berger for the
week at a salary of $500.00 per week,
and all expenses. All the money 1
received up to now is $850.00 which
the Exchange Bank of Waycross wir
ed to American Express Co., of New
York for me and not a cent more,
hich nmount covers one week's sal-
ry which started when I left New
York, and balance covering .transpor
tation and other expenses.
I always have fulfilled my contract mnn of the committee that an
with Mr. Berger, since I left New York dcnt ° r lhal »“■ '•>
up to now. As soon as I arrived In I ,f ,lle "‘"“P* ”<* '“ton out
Waycross, I took the Aeroplane out or
tak n and started -I times to go up
and the fourth time the aeroplane
struck a stump and was damaged.
I bad the night before tol l Mr. Cox
and Mr. Sinclair und several gentle-
Editor Waycross Herald:
For the benefit of the public I will
state that the reason for tlio stnto-
t I mnde in your paper Fri lay.
Harriuiun, Tenn., March 13.—A col
ored fireman wus shot at by a strik
ing fireman on the Cincinnati, New
Orleans and Texas Pacific railroad
lines at Pino Knot, 5G miles north of
Oakdale, last night. Tho bullet went
wide of its intended mark, hitting
engineer Lester Silver, and passing
was requested by several citizens and J through the hat of a special agent,
your representative, who came to mo N't other trouble has been reported
for a statement saying the public during tho past 21 hours. An ordor
wanted the views of the Mayor re- las been posted ordering discharged
garding the Aviation Meet. I told employees und others to keep away
the car and worked hard with my
men to get It together for Tuesday,
2 o’clock. I had It ready in time, al
though, Berger did not SUPPLY me
with a hangar, but 6 hours before the
flying time. Also aB soon as I saw
■presenting the best movney will pr0 . j the‘grounds on which I was to ny. I
cure In this section. Come out to the {objected to Berger, that the grounds
Majestic tonight. were unsatisfactory, Berger said that
Brewer & Phelan.
daring aviator, ii is not improbable
that he will break some of the world'*
monoplane, and as he Is said to be a reeprds. •
The Waycross Y. M. C. A. Quar-
tett wil sing at the Y. M. C. A. Con
vention which convenes at Jackson
ville March 18, 19 and 20. Both Geor
gia and Florida wil be represented in
the quartett. Quite a large delegation
wil go fom Waycoss to the convention
the best grounds to be had,
but they seem not to believe it. Thurs
day evening Berger, Parks and Sir-
mans fold me that they were to
blnine themselves, for having me to
fl; on such grounds, but they did not
know better, but now they know what
kind of grounds I need, they will en
deavor to find same, we went at 10
o’clock at night to look over grounds
that lookod more satisfactory, and it
was understood that they would pay
him that I would not give him a from tho right-of-way ou tho Cincin-
stntemeut then, but would try and do nati lines. General Manager II.
so lator. I hurriedly went to work
to investigate matters, and from in
formation received I arrived at tho
Baker has returned to Cincinnati
from Oakdale.
Two colored firemen are aboard all
and said he would have the ground ,or the ™P»IHns of the machine, and
fixed right and remove all the stumps,
on these conditions I agreed to use
the grounds, but seeing that on Thurs
day morning the grounds were not
in the proper shape, I appealed to
Berger to have the meet postponed
so to enable him to have the grounds
perfect to enable rao to do my flying
with chance of success, he refused,
saying that I must fly Thursday at
any cost, otherwise, he would lose
money. I took a chance which not
one out of 100- aviators would have
• ' ,
To Close at
$3.00 A PAI
Worth From
$4.00 to $6.00
H. C. Seaman
~i v - Lyv -'
I would fly as soon as possible.
Berger wanted me to fly on Satui-
day afternoon, and when I told him
that the repairs on the machine could
not be done before Monday, he went
mad, threatened me, THAT I SHOULD
CITY. Mr. Sirmans said to me, Ber
ger is crazy, don’t pay any attention
to him.
I hired two extra machinists, which
happened , to be In town, and, who
have been working with other Ameri
can Aviators before, to rush the re
pairing, so that since the accident I
had four men working from day until
night, without losing time for lunch,
a* I myself bring lunch to them on
the ground, knowing all that Bergei
went on Friday, got an attachment on
the Aeroplane, swearing that I owe
him $2,000.00 which Is a perjury, as
all he money I received up to now, la
ali the money I received up t onow, Is
Mr. Brewer going as his security, ever
since my pen aro working, I expec
ted to be ready by Tuesday morning.
Berger wants me to fly next week for
nothing. I have compiled with my
contract entirely, and It is only Ber
ger's fault for not providing good
grounds that the accident happened.
conclusion as expressed in your paper | trains operutoil on the Cincinnati,
Friday. I am still of tho same wpitf- J Now Orleans uud Toxus Pacicfi rail-
ion that wo have no one In Waycross
with enough nerve and lmckoono to
fly. and If wo have any flights in Way
cross the Flyer is yet to come. I sin-
road. Passenger trallc is moving
slowly. Freight trains, southbound,
ore being operated. Few northbound
freight trains aro being run. The
eerily hope that I am wrong In mj • officials of tho Cincinnati, Now Or-
views, and that we have a man here leans and Texas Pacific declare that
capable of flying and will fly. {they will fight tho striko to a finish.
Mr. Knight In his card Saturday I FREIGHT ENGINE BLOWN UP
was not at all explicit, he left thu! AND THREE ARE INJURED.
public in the dark. I shall therefore
ask him some questions In order to
bring matters squarely before the
people, and especially thoso who sub
scribed to the Aviation Fund. Isn’t
It true Mr. Knight that tho Aero
plane Meet was advocated and to
be pulled off by the Board of Trado,
and after much discussion among
the Board of Trade members, It was
decided the Bofird of Trade had no
money with which to handle tjhls
meet* Isn’t it also true that a few
citizens stated that thew would fin
ance the Me6t provided the Board
of Trade would allow them to handle
it under the auspices of tho Boarfl?
This proposition was objected to,
then those same citizens offered the
Board of Trado 10 per cent of their
net profit, provided they would allow
the same to bo pulled off under the
head of the Board, and after much
discussion this was agreed to. Isn’t
Ii also true that 1 was among tho few
who objected to tho Board accepting
the 10 per cent and not having noth
ing to do with these citizens pulling
off this Meet, on the grounds that
these parties ought to have all the
benefits derived therefrom, and ought
to assume all responsibilitlty attach
cdthereto? Isn’t It also true that my
Knoxville, Tenn., March 13.—In
formation obtained from crew and
passengers on the “California Spec
ial’’ of the Cincinnati, Now Orleans
end Texas Pacific and Southern rail-
(Continued on Pago 6.)
Now he refuses to pay me for my| v|( , w , wcro overwhelmlni(lj , tho ml .
week's salary, which Is due, and trie, j norlty ttt tho mootln ^ snU Iloar(l
to hold mo with the attachment on dccldod this .Moot to he pul.
the machlpp., eck off under the auspices
He advertise, me a. Count l.sdls Boan , > n)frce , n|t to accopt , fl p0P ccnt
Lewkowlcz In different paper, around lho „ ct proflta derivell from th „
the country, I also forbid him to».' t Notwithstanding the fact that
this, a. I am plain Mr. Lewkowlcz.j, w „ b|UerIjr oppoaad propo .
He doc. this, I Suppose to fake the altlon „ pa „ ed , accepted w| „
people that way, a. In many other', maJor|ly and want , Q work
ways, and is an injustice to me, as
doing what I could for a successful
I will appear a. a fake In the «ye. Mwt and all0 aubacrlb o„ and
of the people who know me.
In the sum of $60.00. Isn’t it also
.true Mr. Knight that you did not ut*
He says he has in town another
nvtstor, with . machine that can Ay. 1 ,,, , w0 , d of d , Iapprova , t0 the
Why don't he put him on the same Board o( Trade allow|n)t the|r name
grounds, and sec If tho m.n will u> be used In thla matter at that meet
take same chance, that t did, and try , nE> nelther d|d you oppoIe tbo Doard
to IJy? Saturday I saw Mr. Birmans,
and everything waa arrange^, the
Board of Trade waa to get Berger to
give me a full releaae, and I was to
give a full releaae to Berger, and en
ter into an agreement with Mr. Sir-
accepting the 10 per cent, nor have
you since through the press, by cir
cular or by word disapproved of it?
Isn't it true tbst you stated Saturday
in your card that you did not lose
anything on the Meet, and the peo-
roans, that I woud stay In Waycross I pI(! wou|d n , tl . rally preiurae that yoo
op to th. 18th of March and a. soon dldn . t , ubIcrlbe t0 lt? |t iIio
a. the machine would be ready andl (rua aByflM wouId Bb|0 pre , Bm(>
the Hying ground. In proper shape from yoBr CBn . tba , you wera endeaT .
make’ a trial flight free for the
city of Waycroee, and after that at
the option of Mr. Birmans stay nntll
Cha balance of the time to fly for
the same terms that I had with Bar*
ger, so that the city of Waycroeg
would hare a chance to get back
money they had pat In. Everything
(Continued on Pact 8.)
orlng to shoe that you were wlee
when you stats'! that you were duped
and did not lore anything?
I demand of you as a wise Presi
dent of the Board of Trade, and In
behalf of the city of Waycross and til
memben of the Board of Trade who
subscribed to this Aviation meet on
account of the .eetnectlon the Board
** * «. t' ... U
of Trade had with *t, that yo upubllsh
a Hat giving tho nnmc of each and
every Individual who aubBcrlbed to
thlB fund, and th. amount they sub-
scribed, also nunc in this list the
8780.00 paid In by.Johnny J. Jonea to
tho commltteo to allow him to come
hero and show dttr'"; thla aviation
meet. Alao give the public an Itemls-
e<; Hat of nil money actualy apent In
conectlon .with thla meet, and what ,
the aame was spent for. This Infor- '
motion la due the^iubllc, and It le duo !
to be given them by you, now be a
men and come forward and lot'a have
it, glvo It to us as It Is, otherwise, we '
demand of you through the efforts of
bv Board of Trado to pay hack to each
and overy subacriber to thla fund, to
gother with 8250.00 that tho city of
Waycross nlowed Johnny J. Jones to
poy over to this Aviation Committee,
the same being license due the city
for hie week engagement here, which
should have commenced today.
Anawer tbeso questions, honestly,
renrlessly, and with tho nerve that
any prealdent of a Board of Trade
ought to have.
John M. Cos, Mayor,
Is a good 'Investment If the bouse in
wisely chosen. The ordinary man
cannot be expected to be' an expert
on such matters, but
Bo If you think of buying, better
lei us help. We will help you cbooni
the right location, the right house,
and at the right price. -Oar services
will he worth many dollars to you,
both now and In the years to come.
A. M. Knigkt
an<J Son