Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 13, 1911, Image 4
We are especially equipped to do Prescrlpttoa Work. Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. GARDEN SEED Nov II the time to plant jour garden. We bare a full line ot the celebrated Croeaman Bros. aeedi. The/ mo reliable crovere and their aeedi will fire jou aatliTactlon. Paj daj la nearlj here with our R. R. lunda and ve would like to bare tboie who are not trad ing with ua now come and get our prices before buying elsewhere. We only sell first-class goods and our prlcea are right We guar antee ererythlng we sell to be aa represented. Olvo ua a months trial and you will becotmPdlic of our aatlslled customers. MAY'S MILL and FEED STORE. PHONE NO. 3. ATTENTION! NO MAN IN THE POULTRY BUS INESS SHOULDBE WITHOUT A BOTTLE OR TWO OP CON KEY’S remedies for poultry, makes THEM LIVE,' AND MAKES THEM LAY. OREATE8T EVER. TRY ITI f Personal! 'f Miss Carria Parham Social Editor-: Mr. Henry Kramer of Pork IalanJ, III., la a visitor in the city. "Sis Cow,” as you once famlllarly called her, seems to have won the trick. Mercy Circle Number Four Kings Daughters will meet tomorrow after noon at 3:30 with Mra. Leon Wilson at her home 41 Church street.* BROOKS COUNTY HAMS, 8IOE8 AND SHOULDERS. AFTER ALL THERE IS NOTHINO SO PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN IT8 NOBBY TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery sad Safes 8tablts. Tabeau 8t. Waycroia, da. PHONE NO. 63. A declaration against useless ex penditure la in order. Too many young people spend both tithe and money In acquiring knowledge of no praclleal value to them. WAYCROSS BUSINE8S COLLEGE believes like Washington In making every etep count it teaches only what will on- ablt tho student to start advantage- oualy lu life. To command salarfj and occupy positions at once, which otherwise would take you years to attain. SPECIAL RATES NOW ON. REMEM BER WE SECURE POSITIONS. Waycross Business College Waycross, tin. R. p. Zelglsr, Proa. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s", “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havua Filled Clairs. idaiKifutarod In Waytrosa, Oa, »,< Fill VAN CIGAR CO. ONE THOUSAND DOZEN THOSE LARGE FRESH EGGS. Phone 62 HARDY BROTHERS. The Pure Food Store. WE GUARANTEE TO ALL MU8IC LOVER8 A TREAT AT THE MAJE8- TIC TONIGHT. .. 13 3t BREWER A PHELAN. FOLEY KIDNEY PILL8 Are tonic In action, quick In re sult!. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. Mary C. Abbott Wolfeboro, N. H., saya: “I was afflicted with a bad case ot rhea- matlam, due to uric add that my kid neya failed to clear out ot my blood. I was so lame In my feet Joints, and back that It whs agony for me to step. I need Foley Kidney Pills for three days when I was able to get up and move about and the pains were all gone. This great diange In condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pllla and re commend them to anyone suffering aa I have.” Oem Pharmacy. FORT SCREVEN PAYS LA8T TRIBUTE TO BROWN Savannah,, Oa., March 13.—With full military honors, the funeral of Private Henry Brown, of the 116th company, coaet artllley corps, who was killed In a runaway at Fort Scruven yesterday, was conducted (Me morning by the Rev. Father Do ran, the chaplain ot tho fort. The remains wero then taken on the gov ernment tug, Oeneral Jackson, to the national cemetery at Beaufort, 8. C., where the Interment took place. Tho comrades at Fort Bcreven paid last tribute to the dead contrail, an escort composed ot m corporal and and eight prlvatee accompanying the ambulance In which the body was borne. Father Doran and members of the company acted aa an eacort to Beaufort. Circle Number Three Kings Daugh ters will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 with Mra. W. W. Sharpe at her home on Ollmore street Mr. B. M. Norvel la able to be out again after an Illness of some weeks. Mr. Norvels frienda hare mlseed him and are pleased to see him out again. Mias Talu Latimer entertained a few frlende at an oyster roast Satur day night at her home ot) Carswell etreet. Mr. and Mra. Morgan and little eon Jack are again at the Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have a large number of friends in Waycross. A note from Col. Brantley informs the Herald that his duties have called him back prematurely to Washington, nnu that ho will be unable to come to Waycross this time. His friends here had hoped to see him this week. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF QUALITY. New goods opened up ready for you inspedlit New Cotton Voiles and Satin Stripe Big shipment of fancy Belt Pim, Suiting, In all color,. Combs and Barrett* 25 Cents 15c up to 50c Beantlful lot of colored Flaxon and Lanair Waist and Suiting, Ladles Gauze Vests. The kind that shoulder straps stay up. 20c and 25c 10c to 25c Big (election of fancy Foulard Silk •'Zelgler Bros.” Ladies fine Dress In the new color,. Slipper,. 35c to 51c S3.se lo $4.00 Famous W. B. Corsets, all the latest modela. i Extra good quality 46 Inch wide Persian Lawn. $1.00 to $3.04 Special 15c. family." Beautiful colored Lawn and Batiste 15c to 50c 10c to 20c * ~>* Humphreys &WiUiamson The Store of Quality Messrs. E. P. Owens, Jr. A. H. Stef fens, J. A. Miller, Jr., and B. F. Sim- son spent yesterday on Turners Is land near Savannah returning Waycross last igbt Mrs. A. Todd Entertains. Mrs. A. Todd entertained a number of friends at a “Taqky Party” Satru- day evening, at her home on Tebead street. Mr. Sims was awarded first prize for wearing the tackiest cos tume. Games and music were joyed during the evening. Prof. Aj. R. Marks and Mrs. Winlfee furnished the music. Mrs. Todd was assisted by Mrs. J. M. Binkley in serving the delightful refreshments. GUARD 18 KILLED WHILE CLEANING GUN; LOADED Sdnderavllle, Oa., March IS.—News wa« received hero this morning of the accidental killing of Hyman Jackson, gunrd at the convict camp near Oco nee, 13 miles from here, at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Jackson was denning hts pis- to], and In some way accldentaly dis charged it, the ball entering his left ■ido, ranging upward. He died within a few minutes. He was about 22 years old. and leaves young wife and one child. LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On the package when you buy Fol eys Honey and Tar for coughs and colda. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, Vo- ley’s Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. Every lady in the city la Invited to attend tho demonstration of the New Perfection Oil stoves at Watt Hdw. store this week. Hot biscuit and cof fee free. 13 5i —j-roi* CENTRAL BAPTISTS TO 00 INTO NEW TABERNACLE. Announcement wxe made last night tl-nt on next Sunday morning, provi dence permitting, the Central Baptist Congregation will worship In their beautiful new Tabernacle on the corn er of Reed and Brunei etreet. Tho Central Baptist congregation has been holding tbclr regular eervlces for the past two months In the Opera House, and no doubt will be delighted to go tnlo their new home. On April third Rev. J. B. Phillips the noted eveange list with Mr. and Mre. Butler will Br and a meeting which will con tinue through three weeks will begin Mr. Phillips Is well remembered here and the announcement ot his coming I. received with great pleasure. Mr. Butler the singer who will be with him is -me of the most noted In America having been with Torry In a number cf bis great meetings. iooooooooooooooooo. TREA8URY DEPARTMENT, Offlce of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C., November 26, 1910 Sealed Proposal, will be received at thl, offlce until 3 o’clock p. m„ on the 7th day of January, 1911, and then opened, for the conitrnctlon (Includ ing plumbing, gas piping, heating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o ftho United States Post Offlce at WAYCROSS, OA., In accordance with drawing, and gpecMcatlon, cople* of which may be had from the Cuitodlan uf site at Waycross, Oa., or at this offlce at the discretion ot the Super vising Architect. James Kaox Taylor, Wh . .jr*.Jug Architect WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- CLASS AT J. T. MeGEE’S 8H0P ON ALBANY AVENUE. 16 tf FOR QUICK 8ALE, One—6 H-Power Gasoline engine. One—Burr Feed mill. One—Prairie State Incubator. One— Rubber tire runabout buggy. One—7x7 canvass tent One—Williams typewriter. One—Roller top desk. One—Eastman Kodac. All In good condition. r ' ’ C. A. Hilliard.' -. / ; } 1 9 6t 174 Plant Amui. £7 The Herald's Job office Is running on full time. We have new type and new material and we propose to turn out satisfactory work at reasonable prices. SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. THE SEALS PHARMACY v Till REX ALL STORK Sole Agents For QUEEN QUALITY For Ladies’ 93.50 and $4.00 Ladies 9 Slipper Specials Sole Agents For "NETTLET0NS For Men $5.50 to $7.00 LADIES’ SATIN SLIPPERS. Pink, Blue,Lavender,Nile. Green, Red, Cl In (Pi 00 White and Black : . . . ) J‘ 3U i/0 LADIES’ VELVET and Brown PUMPS. Black LADIES’ SUEDE PUMPS. Three styles S3 00 $3°» LADIES’ PATENT LEATHER in Pumps, Ties and Ankle Staps. All the New Styles LADIES’ KID and SUEDE Bondoirs Slippers. Red, Pink, Brown, Blue and Black « :$Plo s : $F t# $1-5# MISSES’ AND CHILDRENS’ Velvet. Patent Leather and Gun Meta! Pumps, all sizes ... $1“ to $3-w ♦0»OAOA060»0«0«0» BO*< Sole Agents For "CRAWFORDS" $3.59 and $4.00 UICEINS 6 and 8 Plant ,\ve. Sole Agents For BUSTER BROWNS ForChildren ; ' -