Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 14, 1911, Image 1
VOLUME XVIII WAYCROSS, GA., TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1911 NUMBER 179 surface. party In Texas as a candidate (or "In making tbla announcement I am not unmindful of tbe groat re- sponelbllitlea that attach to.that Ugh office, and am Impelled solely by a determination to meet ever/ Issue In the open end ’ to battle with all my mlgl^t tor tbe maintenance of he great principles and policies of our | party and for tbe honor, welfare and happiness as my public duties permit 11 will more fully present to the publls tbe Issues Involved In this contest." ' Mr. Rsodell, If elected, would suc ceed Senator Bailey. PUTTJNO MbNBT Messrs Elkins, W. M. Johnson, b. U Norvel and Prof. Zelgler, who com pose the Y. M. C. A. Quartett will leave on Saturday morning (or Jack sonville to attend tbe Y. M. C. A. convention. The quartett Is at work preparing new songs for tbe conven tion and no doubt will be heard with pleasure at the convention. BEGINNING FROM THIS DATS, MARCH 10TH. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID MONTHLY OR ORE. DOIT WILL NOT BE EXTENDED. a R. BRINSON. I AVIATOR ANSWER TO TELEGRAM SAYS MR. LAOIS LEWKOWICZ 13 ALL ‘ RIGHT. Several gentlemen In Waycrosa who were desirous of giving absolute ly fair play to Mr. Ladia Lewkowicz, the aviator, who is being so much discussed in Waycrosa today, last night sent the following telegram to the Secretary of the Aero Club of America, and the reply appearing be low unquestionably exonerates Mr., Ladle Lewkowicz from any charge, of fake. And we now hope he will be given full opportunity to demonstrafe bis ability. Let the committee prepare the grounds for him and let him fly. The following is the telegrams: Aero Club of America, To The Sec retary, 25 W'. 39th Street, New .York City. • Will you wire information regard ing Ladls Lewkowicz, Aviator. Thero 1s a controversy in this town regard ing my ability to fly. This is wired to you at his request. Wire fully, col lect, to E. B. Wooten, LaGrande Hotel, Waycrosa, Ga. (Signed) Ladls Lewkowicz. LYCEUM SECURES MEETING TO DISCUSS DEBS SPOKE AT NATIONAL HIBHWAY! Fitzgerald, Ga., Maroh If, 1911. | Hon. J. M. Cox, Waycroas, Ga AS AN EXTRA NUMBER FOR j Dear Mr - Mayor:—We have arranged MARCH 24TH. j to have a meeting in thia city at the court house at 2:30 p. m., on the 10, The great friend of Theodore for the purpose of discussing the matter of the proposed highway Roosevelt and a classmate (of his while at Harvard has been secured as the next Lyceum attraction. Mr. Brigham Is an extra and comes with out extra cost to the holders of Ly ceum tickets as the managers have COURT HOUSER MADE A VERY POWERFUL SPEECH TO A LARGE CROWD. Mr. Eugene V. Debs addressed o very large crowd at the court house last night. His speech was a most powerful and foreeful pronouncement New York, March 14.. E. B. Wooten, LaGrande Hotel, Waycrosa, Ga. Ladls Lewkowicz, Russian, born Petrokow, July twelfth, 18S0. Licens ed aviator aero club of Prance No. 32/,* passed tests last July, received lbense .November 23rd. Has flown Blerlot monoplane extensively In from Atlanta to Jacksonville, and wo •wouid be pleased to have you and as many of .your people wJb us on that I of the tenets and principles of So* date as possible, as it is highly ini- j ciulism. The chairman of the meet- portant that we get together now and j ing was Mr. M. H. Connor, and he decided’ to give eleven number. In- something. I believe -that we can, In a tow very appropriate remark. get it. and ( we must have it by all introduced the speaker of the even* ni^ans. ing. Mr. Debs without any preparn- Yours truly, . Drew W. Paulk, - Mayor. NOTICE TO THE ETAILMERCHANTS All tho Retail Merchants of the city are requested to meet at the Board 5 YEARS, MAYBE FOR CHAS. MORSE Augusta, Ga., March 14.—President Taft was early on the links of tho of Trade rooms at 7:30 o’clock to- Country Club today and played tho night. Mr. Jno. Bratton, Secretary of full 18-hole course. Secretary Nor- the Retail Merchants Association of-ton also got out his golf clubs this Georgia, will be with us. Matters of [morning and went over the course much Importance affecting every mer- with three friends from Chicago. In conformance to the above in vita- stead. of the ten advertised. j On Friday evening, March 24th Mv. Brigham will give one of his great! illustrated lectures about the golden j west. Perhaps It will be “The Apa-I che Warpath” or “The Men Who Won ( the West,” or “From Coronade to Kit Carson” but whatever it be you may/ion I would be glad that *11 who can be sure that it will be a revelation wl ” attend the above mentioned con- from the standpoint of those who ™tion. The invitation la general, know no the thrilling history of the the ob ** ct lB Ot « reat t0 great west of which Davy Crockett. ™». ‘he request Is to you Individually Daniel Boone, Kit Carson, Lewis. Fre- to Let me urge that you do 80 ’ ment and Clark, formed so large a John W. Cox, part. The lectures given by Mr. * Mayor. Brigham are not only Informational j ’ and highly educational but are thrill- The Waycross Herald Thursday, ing In the extreme. Do not forget i morning before the airships struck a the date of this extra-number, Friday March 24th. CITY COURT IN 8E83ION. The City Cpurt Is to session today and Is fast grinding out tbe business of the term. Francp, Holland and Hungary. J. Campbell Wood, Secretary, Aero Club .of America. stump was wishing for Valdosta to keep them company. As misery lov es company Valdosta would have been much better pleased if she had been on hand later in the day.—Val dosta Times. The Herald’s job office is running on full time. We have new type and new material and we propose to turn out satisfactory- worts reasonable prices. * tory remarks in a simplo informal manner at once launched into tho subject matter so near to his heart and for nearly two hours entertained the largo gathering. Nothing revolu tionary in his talk, simply an appeal to. tbe, commonsonse Intelligence, of his hearers and bis conservative ex planatory and hopeful outline of what Socialism is and means, created profound impression, and will leave lasting results behind him, not ne cessarily in making more Socialists, but in encouraging a more intellec tual consideration of the economic problem of our government. - There are no frills on Debs. He is Just a plain unassuming man, bui with a most striking personality and magnetism, and Waycross has gained in knowledge by reason of his visit. In conversation with Mr. Debs he stated that he is delighted with his Southern trip, Is meetiug with great encourgaments and flqds a general awakening of Interest and a feeling of unrest against the present system of . government that promises better days for the South and her workers. chants individuai interest will come before the meeting. J. W. S. Hardy, President. DR. THRASHER'S FUNERAL. 200PAIRS OF PANTS To Close at FIERY GASOLINE DRIVES BACK 1Y. FIREMEN $600,000 FIRE HOLDS TWO FIRE BOAT8 AND FIREMAN AT BAY New Yhrk, March 14.-r-A 1500,000 Are which started on Saturday in tho plant of the Standard Oil Company lc still burning today and a force of two Are boats and three companies of firemen are engaged In nn endeav or to keep tho blaze confined to tho wharvCs and storage plant. The firemen are hampered in their Ashburn, Ga., March 14.—The fun eral services of the late Dr. T. H. Thrasher, who died here Saturday night, were conducted from the home yesterday afternoon by his pastor, Rev. J. G. Brooks, pastor of the Ash burn Methodist church, and tho inter ment was at Rose Hill Cemetery. Dr. Thrasher camo to this place about twenty years ago from Oconee county, where he was born and rear- ed. Dr. Thrasher was a member of tbe Board Qf Trustcos of tho Ash burn High School, and also Turner county’s member of tho board of trus tees of the agricultural college of Reports reached Augusta today from New York thqt President Taft would today sign a ffardon for Char les W. Morse, the convicted banker, serving a term of 16 ycarB in tho federal prison at Atlanta. They wero entirely eroneous. The president has not so much as glanced at the pa pers in tho Morse case. These papers arc -exceptionally vol uminous and tho president makes it a practice to go over every detali of the available evidence in all appli cations for pardons or commutation of sentence. Tktie is little likelihood that any action will be taken on either the Morse or WalBh cases until after Mr. Taft returns to Washington next week The papers wero brought along to be- gone over if the president might feel .so disposed, but thero was no specific purpose of taking action at this time. the Second congressional district. Dr. Thrasher was widely known forj The most favorablo recommenda- his groat charity and kindness ofjtion tho friends of Morse have ex- heart. In him the friendless and des-[pected, according to* reports they have tituto found one ever ready to re- j received from various sources, is a spond to their needs. No one was commutation of sentence to five more -ready to oncourago and h-elp the young man Just starting In life than he, and a great many owe their success to his advice, encouragement and generosity. He Is survived by his wife who, be fore her marriage, was Miss Janice Teagle, of Merriwother county, and four daughters, Kathleen, Ahnollo, Opal and Louise.—Macon News. Dr. Thrasher was an uncle of Rev. J. B. Thrasher of Trinity church. Mr. Thrasher was called to Ashburn last week and has not as yet returned RANDILL ANNOUNCES FOR TEXAS SENATOR THE TEXA8 REPRESENTATIVE IS SUES STATEMENT THAT HE WI8HE8 TO BE SENATOR. Washington, March 14.—Represent- $3.00 A PAIR work by (he constant explosion °' otlve c . n „ n< lell, of Texas, announ- flvt gallon cans of naptha whfch were' b|m , 0 „ „ candidate for .the Uni atoretl oh “tho pUM. , r ,j state*, aenato from Texai*. t According to official* of tho oil com- „„ „ gned atatenlenti M r. Ran- pany the lire started when a tug man dtl| gi threw a shovelful of hot allies Into! "Knowing that tbe enemy have not the river, close to the dock Uniting I , been roulcd rron , tbe ionate and Worth From some oil which was Boating on the that the light for supremacy there is all Important and being painfully The firemen txpect to have the «re of tbe pomioa , , Uuatlon $4.00 to $6.00 under control by tonight. Several M aJJd ^ Tlul lmporUnc . of the hundred men are at work on the un-' conteU ther „ ^ to otlr and burned portlonr of the .11 company 1 . ^ „ hole caunty> ', bave dec ldea pier* today, loading-on lighter, thou. ' my nama w ths DemocraUe AMlIe 'a# Vena A# ...nil.. H, LI aL lIlA and* of 'cans of gasoline which the AT H. C. Seaman fire ha* not yet retched. ’nomination to the poeitlon of United The fire boats keep a stream of gtatei aenalor ; water paying constantly oyer the workmen and the stacks of cant, ACCUSED -BOY SEES DEAD FACE3 OF HIS MOTHER AND 8I3TE| ^ Stratford, N. Y„ Match 14.—After looking Into the faces of his mother, Mrs. Georgo Dean, and his Bister, Nina, who were shot and killed at Maidstone, Vt„ hursday Arthur Dean, the 18-year-old son and brother, who !e charged with the murders collapo • ed and almost fell across the one- kets. :< The yout$ had been permitted to attend the funeral, but when the ser vices were over was taken to tho family home In Maidstone anl locked up for another night with his guard*. Throo daughters and one other son of Mrs. llcnn also attended the fun eral, hut no sign of recognition was exchanged between tbe aceuxed and the rest of the family. 1 IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE MU8IO ACT AT THE MAJESTIC TONIGHT, ASK FOR YOUR MONEY BACK. 13 3 Suttcrlbo for the old reliable Waycrosa Evening' Herald, keeping the latter cool to prevent dancer of exploeion. As soon aa. all the available can* have been remov ed the burning atorage tanka will be ol eried by the use of a (mall cannon and the burning oil allowed'to flow IN A Housa la a good Investment If tb# bouse to wlerly chosen. The ordinary mas cannot be okpeeted to bo an export on sneb matter*, but WE ARB. So If yon' think of baying, better let a* help.' We will help you eboon* tbe right location, the right bonae, and at tbe right price. Our service* wilt be worth many dollar* to you, both now and In tb* year* to com*.