Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 14, 1911, Image 8
WAYCR0S3 EVEN’NG HERALD See Our New Kind of Hammock Couches A Great Line Light, wholesome bread—flatty pastry—cake that melts in your mouth—all out of one sack I That’s William Tell Flour—equally good for every baking need. William Tell is the most economical floor, too—it makes more loaves to the sack than ordinary flour. That Is because it is made from Ohio Red Winter Wheat—richest in bread making qualities. Order a sack from your grocer today. William Tell Flour The Lady Is Never Afraid If your grocer cannot supply Wil liam Tell, phone THORPE A CO„ 24* Whole sale Olstrioutors and they will 1 see that yoa i't it. On the package when you boy Fol ey's Honey and Tar for coughs sad colds. Nona gvnulns without (ha Bee Hive. Remember the name,'R» ley's Honey end Tar and reject any substitute. Oem Pharmacy. Seals Pharmacy. Let ns show you proof of tome re markable cures made by ZEMO and give you a 14 page booklet bow to CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Puallel|Street. Phone 574 Carriage andjAutomobile Painting JONES BUGGY neatly; executed Wayorose, Georgia F. O. SMITH, Testimony coeaittel of evidence from We are watching to tee If there It two witnesses, W. J. Dqhhs. Cbaitaaoe any way the Colonel can butt Into mid Inspector LyuH, who made to tktt war with Mestco. Walker-Hood Furniture Co. • Successors To- WaUcer-Mulligan Fur. Co. 1 he Store of Great Values, Where Your Credit is Good We pay our customers 10 per dh in trade coupons to make their CASH Balance 30, 60 and 99 days THIS RATTAN PARLOR SUITE, EX ACTLY LIKE CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. IS MADE OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE AND SPLIT RATTAN, FINISHED IN LIGHT SHELLAC. &I6.QO Lloyd* Princess •FIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KINO." ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN BEST GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND POCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, ,11 IN. WHEELS, 14 SPOKES, 1-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. $lfash, 5fc Wk. $12.00 Heywood Collapsible FOLDS WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A STRONG HANDSOME CART, HEA- VY RUBBER TIRES, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN,' EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. Like $7.50 $1.00. CASH, 60e PER WEEK. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC ORATED, HIGH GRADE DINNER SETS. THEY CON8I8T OF 53 PIEC ES OF THE BEST QUALITY DOME CTIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DECORATIONS. $1.00 CA SH, 60 CENTS PER WEEK. $6.00 Per Set. ALL SIZES, NEWEST PATTERN 8, LOWEST PRICES. 106 Plant Ave. \Phone 499. did Oak Rocker Exactly] Like Cut $1.98 50#s Per week We Buy For Less We Sell For Less WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR 8PRINO LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND MARKED AT PRICEs| THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK. fQ $6.0( THE FAMOUS HEYWOOD PULL MAN CARS. EITHER IN FINEST GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY UP| HOL8TERED OR X IN THE WOOD BODIES, FINISHED IN THE BEiil| BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEU*' ARE ALL GREAT VALUES; $8.00 to $2S.00\ tberC is comfort for baby IN A LLOYD'S PRINCESS, BECAU8E THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD 8TYLE SPRING MAKE8 THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP GIVES ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM THE 8UN AND TOGETHER WITH THE 8TORM CURTAINS, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. Like Cut $10.50 $1.00 C&8H, 80c PER WEEK. CHINESE SLAVE US CAUGHT BY OFFFICES WOMEN ARB SAID TO HAVE BEEN IMPORTED AND BOUGHT FOR $25,000. 8an Francisco, March 14.—A apec- tacular raid lu Chinatown Inst night mulled In the capture of six Chi nese slave girls, said to have been Il legally Imported and purchases for the eum ot $45,000. The girls were removed to tho Enrolls Immigration elation and will be held there ts await tho action of tho government It I* believed the girls were smuggled Into this port within the Inst 6 months and probably they will bo doimrted. The raid was made by InTmUralUin officials and policemen. Before the hiding place of the girls was dlseov .Tied the officers chopped through lev. en blind doors. Tho door ot a secret chamber wherein the girls were hud dled wes an Ingeniously contrived pan el containing a portrait of the Chl- aeae emperor. WHY LOOK OLDER THAN 'iYOU ARE? SOME PEOPLE ALLOW THEIR llA! It TO BECOME GRAY s BEFORE IT SHOULD. IF I HAD ECZEMA I'd wash It away with that mild ■touting Uquld. D. D. D. Trial bot tle, tie. Relieves all klnde of sktn trouble, cleansing away the impart- tlee and clearing up the complexion a* nothing else can. Tea. If I had any kind of akin trou ble ID USB D. D. D. H. 8. Redding. ■OM3 THINGS YOU MAY FIND IN COCA-COLA. The Associated Press sends out the following account ot the opening of the trial In Chattanooga: Chattanoga. Tenn.. March U.—The case of the United 8tateo versus forty barrets of coca-cola was called fore Judge E. T. Sanford, la the Un ited States circuit court, here today. Testimony coualstel of evidence from two wltaeaaee. W. J. Dobbs. Chattanoo Cray hair la a mark ot age, and nothing that can be said as to Its beauty will effect the disadvantage ot this mark of age set upon your brew. Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy darkens the hair and re stores It to Us youthful beauty. Our grandmothers and their grandmothers before tbcm used Sage and Sulphur for darkening their hair. Nothing hat over been found more effective for this purpose than these two time-honored remedies, but Wye!'', a modern chemist, has comb!'... the two with other Ingredients which make a delightful dressing for tho hair, and which not only remove every trace of dandruff but promote tho growth of the hair as well. All druggists are authorised to re fund the money If It falls to do exact ly as represented. This preparation In offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and la recommended and sold by CHEROKEE PHARMACY. SPEER WILL DELIVER ADDRE8S. Savannah, Oa., March 14.—Tonight Judge Emory Speer ot tho United Buttes Court, who la tfljw In Savan' nab holding the aprlng term of court, will deliver and addreaa before tbe mens meeting of the Independent Presbyterian church taking Ogle thorpe aa his aubject. Judge Speer ha> delivered thla lecture before ana It was largely because of it that the movement began which resulted In tbe erection of th cOplethorpe Monu ment In Chippewa Square. Inspection o fthe plant of the Coca- Cola Company In Atlanta in July 1309. The outcome of the trial hlngee on the queetlon ot whether or not the preeence of calfelne In coca-cola la an Instance of "an added Igredient,” or "deleteroua substance" under the meaning Of the pure food end drags act, and the further etlegetltn It made by the government In hie particular can that "said food had bean mixed colored, or powdered, coated, or stain ed by tha nn of augar coloring, cara mel and ther coloring substances con sisting of oil of lemon, sugar, syrup, and lima juice, and further that then are Ingredients contained germs eman ating from the body, perspiration and spittle of the employee ot the Coca- Cola Company engaged In mixing and making (aid food product; and It also contained germs due to dints unsan itary conditions, such as overhang ing cobwebs, dirty factory, machlneay •I paratut and appliances insects of various kinds, including bees,. flic*, spiders and mice."—Atlanta Constitu tion. .KIN AND SCALP TROUBLES * YIELD TO ZEMO TREATMENT A Clean Liquid Preparation For Ex ternal Use. The Seal* Pharmacy la so confident that ZEMO and ZEMO soap used tn- ,ether will rid the stfin or scalp o. other form of akin or acalp eruption, blackheads, dandruff, eczema, prickly seat, raabea, hives. Ivy poison or anv Infant or grown perron of pimple^ that they will give your money back ir you are not entirely aatlsfled with the reauR obtained from the use of ZEMO and he eoap. The .flrit application wtll give prompt relief and show an Improve ment and lu every Ipatance where udad persistently, will destroy the > Hfe, leaving the skin In a clean, healthy condRioa. Sold and guaranteed by druggists everywhere and In Wayeroea by Tbe m iggsisSw-' All-Around Flour mmmm