Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 15, 1911, Image 5

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r ® r , 600 Doz. Eggs —Going At— 20 cts. Per Dozen. U '> C. C. D. Butter The Bedt on Earth At 25 cts. POUND, At The I LltOUitrn. IILfflO SPLENDID SHOW AT MAJESTIC. We propose giving the public the oportunit? of demonstrating whether or not they will support a good bigu class place of entertainment. We are presenting the best movney will pro cure In this section. Come out to the Majestic tonight. ' Brewer & Phelan. The Leading Grocery House. WILSON BLOCK, PHONE 128. >0400000000000404 T. fl. BLIZZARDS Meat Market, Plant Ave. 118 Phone 242 Beef and Pork NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAUSAGE, FRESH SAUSAGE, # FRANKFORT, F0WL8, SKINNED HAM8, BREAKFAST BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGG8, CREAM CHEESE, 8ALT MACKERAL, FRE8H FISH AND OYSTERS. 7. H. Blizzard, 108 PLANT AVENUE. MOTTO QUESTION WILL BE SETTLED The question or a suitable motto Waycross is soon to be disposed [ of by the Board of Trade. The ans- jwers to the request for suggestions along this line have been numerous, and have reached the Board Tiade from many states. Former residents of Waycross are taking al most as much interest In the contest ac those now living here. One form er ciizen, now living in Texas, not only sent his suggestlbn for a motto, but some samples of literature with motto on them, showing just how the motto could be displayed. Sever al in Waycross sent designs for the UEe of the motto they submitted. •The contest will remain open at least a week longer, and those who have not yet sent in a suggestion are urged to do so. While many good mottoes have been suggested, it is possible that one that is better than any yet submitted is in the mind of some ciizen at this time. Forwara suggestions by mall to the Board of Tiade at Waycross. If your sugges tion appeals to the governors it means ten dollars in your pocket. If for no other reason this ought to stir motto thoughts. UTfcD FOR U. 8 ARMY—Able- bodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35; citizens of United Sta tes, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For informa tion apply to Recruiting officer, South- Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Savannah Ga.; 10S West For syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; Market street Charleston, S. C.; or 113 South Maine street, Fitzgerald. Jan. 7 tf FOR SALE FOR 8ALE—Perfectly new piano. For Information apply at this office. 17 tf. WANTED—A couple, or two 0! three'men can get board with Mrs. Brown at No. 9 Hicks street. 6 tf STRAYED—From Willia ns Street, one white poodle puppy. Finder will please notify Gem ?harmcy. FOR SALE—.Eggs! Thoroughbred, Plymouth Rock and 8. C. Rhode Is land Reds, $1.00 for (15. Address: Box 454, Waycross, Ga. 13 tf WANTED—By young lady a posi tion as stenographer or general offl ce work, good experience. Write: D. B." care of Herald.. 14 3t FOR SALE—Two thoroughbred, male Jersey Calves. Address or see, N. G. Lang, Waycross, Ga 14 3t ‘ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. There are several nonunion paint jers in town.soliciting work. In the Interest of our local union painters, we ask vur citizens to require each |fl4n. to' show a union card, and em ploy onl^those who can show a car, In good standing. 11 7t It. C. Brown, Secretary, f Local No. 602, Waycross, Ga. fs* ’ THE MUSICAL BEN80N’8 PRE- 8ENT THE GREATEST ARRAY OF NOVELTY INSTRUMENTS EVER SEEN IN WAYCR08S, AT THE MA- JE8TIC TONIGHT. 13 3t Subscribe for the old reliable Waycross Evening Herald. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature of AT THE MAJESTIC MON. TUE8 A WEDNESDAY. •“The Musical Bensoms” A novelty musical act. One of the licit of Its kind on the road. Don't Mias It. MATINEE WITH VAUDEVILLE EV. EVERY AFTERNOON 3 TO 6 NlOHT 7 TO 10. PRICES:—Matinee 5 and 10c Night 10 and 15c &ATS IN THE HAIR Most every good woman wears one of these iittle insignificant, (or very significant probably would suit bet ter) rats In her hair, and we can as sure you that we are not here to ciiticise her for one moment. But we do want to say that most of the scalp troubles are due o the wearing of these rats and from long experience we have found a remedy which ^lll rid the scalp of dandruff and the usual itching and terrifying humor, leaving it in a clean and healthy con dition. TELEPHONE 08 FOR A BOTTLE OF YOUNG'S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY. IT'S l GUARANTEED. Central Pharmacy. Young-Roberts on Drug Co., Prop. FOR SALE—Two desirable lots on Folks street. Apply to Mr. H. Sweat. 15 tf FOR SALE—Thoroughbred eggs, for hatching; White Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Robks, for sale by W. H. Hughes'. 15 2t PERSONAL. We will pay you ten cents each for new names and addresses o( amateur photographers. CaHer, Box 504, Va ♦erloo Iowa. tf Subscribe Waycross Evening Herald. the old reliable *)S9nb9j no oojj pajreui •Adoo Joj oJUM •spa^S -uoBuag jo 890iid oops •mA 9t{i UltpUOUX t|OU9 *iro[d o$ep993 O) 80 UOpttUUOjti; Apuip SDAI3 Xf ipuoui jfBpadS P 9 n 8 01 d0J3 f'POOM* ) C ) ‘woo jijjbx ‘rmni$J0S v ‘SUTOfl «fos MOO 4 pooS BOWOD <UJ0 9 POOS spoos J0A0I0 PUB SSBJJ) *8p990 UUO j ip* Ut $S9q 9t{$ JOJ 0»W«nbpO9TJ 9X9 9/h •spaos ULrej 30VH9-H9IH S.dOOM LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On the package when you buy Fol ey's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, F» ley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. L. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent. Waycrosa, Oa. 108 Plant Ave. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOES! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATE8, PRI CES REDUCED 50c to 35c Per Basket FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT 25c. REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH ' VEGETA- BLES AND FRUIT8, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS SAVE MONEY BY CALL- ING PHONE 522, GOODS DELIVER. EO BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. N. A, Joseph, NO. 52 AN084 PLANT AVENUE. BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Goes over our notes and securities twice each year, and In addition to the surplus fund and undivided profits which stand Between our deposi tors and any possibility of loss, there I, OUR CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.00 STOCKHOLDER'S LIABILITY $200,000.00 ' i TOTAL SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS IN THIS , 1 BANK $400,000.00 Here la the real strength of a hank and upon this Item and Its rati, of deposits, wo Invite comparison with any other bank In this section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross. ..... Georgia The Herald's job office is running on full time. We have new type and new material and wo propose to turn out satisfactory work at reasonable prices. fDITOBPW’-yPi" WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY 51 ALBANY AVE... PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BU8INE8S GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL. OR WRITE OR PHONE U8 AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL 8EE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HIS PER80NAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BEST WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. Fut niture Repairing and Upholstering We are still doing business at the same old stand, 22 Brew er Street near the Court House. We will repair—clean up and rcvarnlsb your old furniture, and make It new—We also do all kinds of upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. All our work is strictly cash when finished—No work deliv ered without the money—Work left in the shqp thirty days af ter it is finished will have stor- acharges added nnd will be Ik ble to be sold for charges. J. I. V/a!te fi Son. Fhwes 294 22 Brew** St. Benton s Specials NEW SPRING GOODS FLAXON figured, plain and polka dots, beautiful f A_ spring patterns, very special 1 Ul Japonika Silks 25.3ft 35.40c a yard New Figured LAWNS i S r Very Special, yd 1 $Jv Foulards! Foulards! SILK SPECIALS 60 and 95c SUMMER VOILES, in ever* color aud shade, large display, s ™“ 18c 25c 30c 45c New New New Embroidries and Laces NEW SPRING WOOL DRESS GOODS All Colors in plain, Grey cheoks, Brown checks. 25 to $P yard - / New Muslin Underwear SPECIALS ON 2nd FLOOR 5ft 75c. $!, $P, $; WHITE LINENS For waists and Suits, SPECIAL 25. 35. 50. 75. 90c Boys Caps 15 and 25c Summer Sun Hate Specials 1ft 15, 25c H. 1 Benton & Co. 1 J JLI ft rtllt 1\<