Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 16, 1911, Image 2

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' WAYCROSS EV ENING HERALD TBE EVENING HERALD Published By THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Per him, Or, A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors end Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Waycross Herald founded In 1885. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones Businus Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 268. ADVICE TO THE JUDGE. Every Afternoon Except 8unday. Entered at the Waycross, Ga.. Post- office as second class mail matter. Office No. 8 Jane 8treeL RATE8 OF 8UB8CRIPTION. 1 Month $ 3 Months $125 8 Months $2.60 1 Year $6.00 8PECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain* dents, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 6 cents a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please rlng-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to him, as this Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United 8tates Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, GA., MARCH 16, 1911. The West Virginia legislature will meet in special session next month t> consider a primary election law. * Champ Clark Is advising the young nicn of, Chicago to -go South. There Is a very large element in Chicags which the South does not want. —*— Fltgerald has postponed her avia tion meet until next week when they propose to huve everything in read iness for a five days flying. —4.— While some claim that the hobble skirt has gone, others are esually imortnin ns to whether It Is coming cr going.—TlioniasVIUe Tlmos-Enter* Pi Isa. A colored man was brought before a police judge charged with stealing ( chickens. He pleaded guilty and re ceived sentence, when the judge ask* ! ed how It was be managed to lift those chickens right under the win dow of the owner's house when there was a dog in the yard. "Hit wouldn't be no use, judge," said the man, "to try to ’splain d!» thing to you’ all. Ef yo’ was to try It yo' like as not would get yer hide full o’ shot an’ get no chickens, nuth* er. Ef yo’ want to engage In any rascality, Judge yo’ better stick to de bench, wbar’ yo’ a rnfamillar." BEAT THE OTHER8 BY ONE. Some little girls were boasting of their respective families, says the La dies' Home Journal They had pass- j ed from clothes to personal appear- j ance and finally came to parental dig-1 nlty. The minister’s little girl boast f "Every package that comes for | m> papa Is marked ’D. D.'.’’ j ’And every package that comes for J toy papa la marked *M. D.”’ retorted the daughter of the physician. Then followed a look of contempt from the youngest of the party "Huh!” she exclaimed. "Every package that comes to our house has three letters on it: ”C. O. D.”\ rm CUSTOM ForIn&ntsandChildrenj The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ALCOHOL J PE* CEltT. AwtttibliPrrptntlonbAs- Ex-Speaker Cannon, who Is to take bit seat on the "opposition benches” at tho next session, has thirty-six yoars* service in tho house to his credit. —4-—— Republican leaders in Kansas arb hopeful that Vrosident Taft’s visit to the state next fall will aid In restor- lng harmony among tho rival fac tions. —4— Wo are expecting dally to hear that Count Lewkowicz has flown at Waycross—"Skipped by the light of the moon,” as It were—Valdosta Times. A sharper who recently took In Atlanta upon his return to Ne\y Yorx Mated that Atlanta wa« "easy" and "gullible." Atlantn may not he so easy herself, but she lias got about twenty-five thousand people wlio can b. handled like soup In a spoon by almost any slick faker who comeg along.—Valdosta Tltnea, Whib Uncle Idas down In Mexico Is talking about what he is going to do to the rebels and while Undo Sam Is putting all of his armies on tho l*order to watch the "onflict. thp in* j NO PURCHASE RECORD. Tbero was a dealer who tried to sell a horse to the late Senator Dan iel of Virginia. He exhibited the merits of the horse, and said: "This horse Is a reproduction of tho one Washington rode at the battle of Trenton. It has the pedigree that will show he descended from that home In every particular.” "Yes, so much so,’’ said Senator Daniel, "that I am Inclined to believe It Is the samo horse.” fromotes DtgrsUooCkaW ness and Rest-Comalajnelfcr Omum-Morphlne norHineri not Narcotic. jet, atmanm Aperfecl Remedy forConsflp- lion, Sour StomacIhDIintai WomufonvuUionjfevTrisk ness and LOSS or SLEEP. FstSiric Signature if —’ YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper.. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMK CMTMR COMPANY. I Sinco tho newspapers of the coun try have failed to take Hon. William Jcnnlnga Bryan as seriously as ho takes himself, he pretends to believe that they are controlled by the "in fluences.” —4— Yes, Indeed wo need rain, but wo ain’t a’going to kick, because there is no use kicking. —4— FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are tonic In action, quick In re mit., A special medicine for .11 kidney and bladder disorders. Mary C. Abbott. Wolfeboro, N. H., says: "I was afflicted with a bad cate or rbeu- niatl.m, duo to uric acid Ihat my kid- neya fulled to clear out of my blood. I wa. .0 lame In my feet, Joints, and back that It waa agony for me to atop. I used Foley Kidney Pilla for three daya when I w«a able to get up and move about and the pains were all gone. Thl. great change In condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pilla and re commend them to anyone suffering os I have.” Gem Pharmacy. N RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1nv RING 174 FOR WOOD. WHERE THE RUQ COMES IN su*'g«»nU seem to bo keeping their knowing which laundry you own counsel and are getting buster f should send your work to. There are every day. If Mr. Diaz does not act pretty soon It will be too late for him to act. ~"" "Those aviators around Valdosta and Way cross seem to have aomc trouble -getting up In the air. If hot air Is bolter for the work, then there should be no trouble In making an as- cenalon In Waycroas."—Brunswick News. Those .viators will fly In Fltsget nld, hot or clod air. They will get it la the sky around bore,’ there Mil he no ..ill way business, no Slump : B lo g or fence ramming, buj skimming arneid In the ethers! blue to be.it -tho band. Wa Invite Bruns wick, Waycross end .’oats to come to see It done. We n.rroe to eat the manchlaes If they do not fly.—Fitger- eld Enterprise. a whole tot of ordinary laundries that do tatr work, but when It comes to PERFECT LAUNDERING wo eject. We return your linen to you with a finish, that shows care and experience. Tou will never find your collars broken, or your linen ruined It we do the laundering. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY Have You Tried II? Barrington Hall Coffee A one pound can will convince you. HARDYI BROTHERS, PHONE 62. OT the old fashioned heavy, cumbersome, drudgery kind that makes your arms ache and your back tired and have driv en many a boy from the farm, but the light, strong, sharp, steel kind that make gardening the pleasure it should be. 'T'HERE is usually a good-garden where A- there are good garden tools. Buy them NOW and get the full use.of them this season. - P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 Plant Ave. . -. Phone 186 NOTICE. All taxes due. State and County, will call at Sheriffs office aud settle same by Jan. 28, or levy will be made. D. W. Pittman, Sheriff. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public Stenographer can be found at Herald office. Work done at reasonable prices. tf. CARD BOARD, ALL COLORS, AT HERALD OFFICE. CABBAGE PLANTS. Far Cabbage Plants ace me. A. P. Perham, Sr. SAVES TWO LIVES. “Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, if it had not been tor l)r. King's New Discovery," writes A. D. McDonald, ot Fayetteville, N. C., It F. D., No. 8. "For we both bad frightful coughs- that no remedy could help. We were told my sister had consumption. She was very weak and bad night sweat, but your won derful medicine completely cored ns both. It Is the best I ever used or heard ot." For sore lungs, coughs colds, hemorrhage, tagrlppe, asthma, hay fevfcr, croup, whooping cough,— all bronchlcal troubles,—Its supreme. Trial bottle free. SOc and |1.00. Oust anteod by All Druggists. FOR LAORIPPE COUGHS AND STUFFY COLDS, Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and erpela the cold from your system. It contains no opiates, Is sate and sure. Gtm Phar macy. For either acute or .hronlc kidney Foley Kidney Ptlta are tonic In ac- i disorders, for euncy sal •slufm isri- tlon, quick tn results, and restore the i nary Irregularities, take Fol- y Kidney natural action at the kidneys and Pills. An honest and effective edi- btsdder. They correct Irregularities. due for kidney and bladdar xlsor- Gem Pharmacy. I**". Gem Pharmacy. , After March tenth, 1911, this company will sell Incandescent Electric Lumps at cost to us, which Is as follows, upon the erturn of the old lamps: CARBON LAMP8: 8 Candle Power, 30 watt 15c each 16 Candle Power, 60 watt 15c each 32 Candle Power, 120 watt 25c each GEM (Metallxed Filament) LAMPS: J V 20 Candle Power, 50 watt 20c each 32 Candle Power, 80 watt 30c each 40 Candle Power, 100 watt 30c each MAZDA (Tungsten) LAMPS: 20 Candle Power, 25 watt ;60i Shell 32 Candle Power, 40 watt ... ..65c each 48 Candle Power, 60 watt SOc each 80 Candle Power, 100 Watt •... .,|U0each We recommend the use of the “GEM” to replace the common carbon lamp', as It Is more economical In the consumption of cor. rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp. The Ware County Light and Power Company. ) COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALL THIS WEEK Demontratiohof New Perfection Oil Stoves. Come and see how nice and easily you can cook and; bake on one. Hot biscuits and coffee free— Everybody welcome. ■Via -V, Watt Hardware Co. >00000000000000000 ooooooooooooooooo SODA.! SODA! JUST AS GOOD IN MARCH AS ANY OTHER TIME, THE LUSCIOUS PLEASING SODA DRINKS THAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS FANCIED. THE PUREST FRUIT JUICES, THE SNAPPIEST CARBONATED WATER, MIXED AND SERVED RIGHT. ICE CREAM SUNDAE, ICE CREAM SODA IF THOUGHTS OF COLD SODA’S DO NOT APPEAL TO YOU. WE CARRY A FINE LINE OF PARK AND TELFORDS CANDIES. ALWAYS FRESH, AT Cherokee Pharmacy Waycross, Georgia. W. H. ULMER , Wheelwright and Blacksmith, Horseshoeing At Specialty. ■ Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rear"of Singleton iFurniture’Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed.