Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 16, 1911, Image 4
: SB, Tr ■ HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S 6 THE STOREOFQUALiTY. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. if You Are Searching GARDEN SEED Now Is tho time to plant jour garden. We hare a full Una of tin celebrated Croaaman Bros. aeeda. They are reliable growere end tbelr aeeda will fire you eatlafactlon. Pay day la nearly here with our R. R. funda and we would like to bare tboae who are not trad ing with ua now come and get our prlcea before buying elsewhere. We only aell Brat-claaa goods and our prlcea are right. We guar antee ererythlng we sell to be as represented. Giro ua a months trial end you will AFTER ALL THERE IS NOTHING *0 PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES IT8ELF IN ITS NOBBV TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER VILE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and 8ales Stables. Tebeeu St. Waycross, Oa. PHONE NO. 63. FOR THE RIGHT KINO OF FLOUR T OMAKE THE RIGHT KIND OF BREAD, YOU NEED SEARCH FARTHER THAN THE 8T0RE OF HARDY BROS. THERE YOU WILL FIND THE ‘'CLIFTON" BRAND, MADE BY THE CLIFTON ROLLER MILLS. COSTS A LITTLE MORE PER BARREL, BUT MAKES A LOT MORE ANO BETTER BREAD. TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. PERSONAL. Wo will pay you ten cents each for new names and addresses of amateur photographers. Carver, Box 604, Wa terloo Iowa. tl Subscribe tor Waycross Evening Herald. old reliable WHAT PARISIAN SAGE WILL DU OR MONEY BACK. Stop falling hair In two weeks. Cure dandruff In two weeks. Stop splitting hair. Stop Itching scalp Immediately. u row more hair. Make harsh hair soft, silky and lux uriant. Brightens up tho hair and eyebrows. As a hair dressing it Is without a peer—It contains nothing that can possibly harm (lie hair, It is not sticky oily or greasy—It Is used by thous ands to keep the hair healthy—It prevents as well as cures scalp dis- ease. For women and children Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing and should be In every home. G. R. Brinson & Co., sells it for 60 cents a large bottle. Ask for Parisian Sage. 2-8 1 TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MANI THEREFORE, YOUNG PEOPLE, Your sueccas deponda upon your ubll- ly to make an parly alart and to stem th, tide. Our Collego offers every one an equa chance to start right. We teach every commercial study, and prepare you to maater your vocation. With Ona Of Our Diplomas, Your Succaaa Will Ba Certain. WE SECURE POSITIONS! WE WILL DOUBLE YOUR SALARY! Waycross Business College R. F. Zelgler, Pres. Waycross. Ga. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Besi Smokers”, and - “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manvfiebi’td In Waycroat, 3a. B- PITTMAN CIGAR CO. Big line ladlqs and childrens ready to wear hats. Humphreys & Williamson. New goods opened up ready for you inspection Little Mias Alice Crowell entertain ed a number of her little friends at -t birthday party yesterday afternoon. ..Mitt Geneva oJnes is again with Humphreys & Williamson li> the big mJJJJnery department. Miss May Fleming of Baltimore hai arrived and is with Humphreys Williamson in their millinery partment. Miss Eddie Parnell has a big line of sailors and ready-to-wear hats on display. See them. Postmaster C. E. Murphy la out today after an illness of several days. Wnuck of North Georgia Is In the city the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. Houck on College Hill. Messrs Perry Raybon, and Harold Pi Ice have returned home after a visit to relatives and friends here. he first thing you know somebody Is going to be hurt by a carelessly driven automobile In Waycross. Mrs. W. H. Greenfield has return ed from a visit to Miss Lizzie Ray bon in Waycross.—Brunswick News. New spring skirts big selection, $7, to $10. Humphreys & Williamson. Mr. J. B. Evans returned this morning after a short visit to rela tives In Macon. Miss Lizzie* Raybon of Waycross, 1m the guest of Mrs. W. H. Green field.—Brunswick News. Johnny Jones is still here. Johnny get your hair cut—at least Johnny get your hair cut—at any rate before you get married. There may be getting better but tut It is quite evident that some of us Individuals are not improving ry fast. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO LUCA8 COUNTY,)t«. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J, Cheney ft Co., doing business in the City of oledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said ftrm will pay the sura .of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember. A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, / Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, and acts dirdctly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. Mrs. E. L. Stephens and her guest Miss Florence Gordon, have returned from Waycross, where they spent ser era! days with Mrs. Victoria Jeffers. —Brunswick News. The WaycroB% atmosphere will soon be full of flying machines and microbes, but there must be tussfng, remember that. The Herald hopes that somebody will fly In Waycross. for If they don't wo’ll have to go up and kill Charley Brantley, and that ain’t the Job wt cie looking for. Big shipment swlss embroidered flouncing with bands to match, 60c and $1.00. Humphreys ft Williamson. Mrs. William Haley and son Albln \ ho have been visiting Mr. and Mr». -V. F. Bennett of 28 Butler atreet, left for their home nt ITapry Creek, Yu., this morning. Subscribe for the old reliable Waycroae Evening Herald. SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. THE SEALS PHARMACY J TUB BEX ALL STOKE New Cotton Voiles and Satin Stripe Big shipment of fancy Belt Pins, Suitings in all colors, 1 Combs and Barretts 25 Cents 15c up to 50c Ladies Gauze Vests. The kind that Beautiful lot of colored Flaxon and Lanair Waist and Suiting, 10c to 25c 20c and 25c Big selection of fancy Foulard Silk “Zelgler Eros." Ladles fine Dresa In the new colora. Slippers. 35c to 51c $3.00 lo $4.00 Famous W. B. Corsets, all tbe Extra good quality 46 Inch wide latest models. Persian Lawn. $1.00 to $3.00 Special 15c. Black Cat Hosiery “for the whole . - family." / Beautiful colored Lawn and Batiste 15c to 50c 10c to 20c ’ r , Humphreys & Williamson The Store of Quality TREA8URY DEPARTMENT, Office of the Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C., November 26, 1910 Sealed Proposal, will ho received at tbit office until 8 o’clock p. m., on tbe 7th day of January, 1911, and then opened, for tbe construction (Includ ing plumbing, gaa piping, beating ap paratus, electric conduits and wiring) o ftbe United States Post Office at WAYCROSS, GA, ib accordance with drawings and specification, coplea of which may be bad' from the Custodian offsite at Waycrosa, Ga, or at this office at tbe discretion of tbe Super vising Architect. James Knox Taylor, i , v.. > »?*• 'eg Architect. WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- CLASS AT J. T. McGEE’S SHOP ON ALBANY AVENUE. 15 tf FOR QUICK 8ALE. One—6 H-Power Gasoline engine. One—Burr Feed mill. One—Prairie State Incubator. Ono— Rubber tire runabout buggy, One—7x7 canvass tent One—Williams typewriter. One—Roller top desk. One—Kastman Kodac. All in good condition, v 7 C. A. Hilliard,. ' 9 Ct 174 Plant AVenue. Sole Agents For QUEEN QUALITY For Ladies’ *3.59 and 14.00 Ladies 9 Slipper Specials Sole Agents For "NETTLETONS For Men $5.50 to $7.00 LADIES’ SATIN SUPPERS. Pink, Blue,Lavender, Nile, Green, Red, Ia 0* J Of) White and Black .... J j 3U *0 LADIES’ VELVET PUMPS. Black and Brown LADIES’ SUEDE PUMPS. Three styles . $3'°° . $3'°° LADIES’ PATENT LEATHER in Pumps, Ties and Ankle Staps. m | A (M nn All the New Styles . . . Jj)4 ,UU LADIES’ KID and SUEDE Bondoirs Slippers. Red, Pink, Brown, flfl l A (M El) Blue and Black . . . . W 10 jP MISSES' AND CHILDRENS’ Velvet, Patent Leather and Gun Metal (M 00 On (MOO Pumps, all sizes • - - J)| ,UU TO Jj* uu Sole Agents For "CRAWFORDS” $3.50 and $4.00 DICEIRS 6 and 8 Plant \ve. Sole Agents For- BUSTER BROWNS * ForChildren - .