Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 16, 1911, Image 5
-ML WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD ooooooooooooooooo 600 PERSONAL ITEMS. Miss Ora Scarboro is r rain wit Humphreys, & WilHtuneoa. Mi.; CLASSIFIED i >.y Per Dozen. C. C. D. Butter The Bedt on Earth -—At 25 cts. POUND. At The WILSON 6R0CERY CO The Leading Grocery House. WILSON BLOCK, PHONE 123. Voeoooooooooooeo* | 'J iio little sou of Col. and Mrs. I. ^jrbters hospital yesterday. The par- !«.uts earnestly request the prayers of I the good pedple of Waycross, that pjCod will yet see fit to heal their child j who has been afflicted so much. Mr. Wilmer is very ill at his home a Reed street and very little hopes ► jot his recovery*,are entertained. ricd men between ages | citizens’ of Uuited Sta A full line of threads and materials for fancy work at Miss Eddie Par nell’s. Mrs. C. Arnherter and Mrs. J. Raffo of Brunswick are spending few days with Mrs. E. C. Waite on Butler street. DEAD. T. H. BLIZZARD S Meat Market, Plant Ave. 198 Phone 242 Beef and Pork , NATIVE AND WESTERN. SMOKED PORK, SAUSAGE, FRE8H SAUSAGE, FRANKFORT, FOWL8, SKINNED HAMS, BREAKFA8T BA CON, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNE SAU SAGE, BUTTER, EGGS, CREAM CHEESE, SALT MACKERAL, FRESH FI8H AND-OYSTERS. \ 7. H. Blizzard, - ~ 108 PLANT AVENUE. This morning at 7 o'clock Mr. John Timmerman, father of Mrs. T. H. Finn, died at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Finn, after an illness of three weeks. Mr. Zimmerman was eighty two years of age and his death is at' tributed to old age. The funeral serv ice will be held at the home tomor row morning at eight-thirty, Conduct ed by Rev. Cook. The remains will bo taken to Williamsport, Penn., fo»* interment. When the swallows begin to fly The Herald will be ready to ring or words to that effect. New spring skirts latest styles In fancy mixed suitings, $7 00 to $10.00. Humphreys & Williamson. L .rED FOR U. S ARMY—Abb bodied un of 15 and tes, of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write the English language.- For Informa Uon apply to Recruiting officer, South Building, Waycross, Ga.; 13 West York street Sa\annah Ga.; 308 West Fyr syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 140 Market street Charleston, S. C.; or 113 South Maine street, Fitzgerald Ga. Jan. 7 tf THE ie mmm Acme Comedy Co. 'GH CLASS ENTERTAINERS COM POSED OP GOOD COMEDIANS AND PRETTY GIRLS. SHOWS NIGHTLY PRICES 10 AND 15 CENTS. ■*■7, POR SALE “TFOR'^B/tLE^PerlecoyTew^plsno' For Information apply at thtB ofilce. 17 tf. WANTED—A couple, or two or three'men can get board with Mr*. Brown at No. 9 Hicks etreeL 6 tf IT) 5AFE UNDER DIREC GOVERNMENT, SUPERVISION Comifht ISM, br c. a. Zlm i Co.--No. 37U L. H. BARNHILL, Local Agent. Waycross, Ga. 108 Plant Ave. MACHINE ON EXHIBITION. STRAYED—From WUlia ns Street, one white poodle puppy. Tinier will please notify Gem !?harm cy. FOR 8ALE—Eggs? Thoroughbred, Plymouth Rock and S. C. Rhode Is land Reds, $1.00 for (t5. Address Box 454, Waycross, Ga. 13 tf WANTED—By young lady a posi tion ns stenographer or general offi ce work, good experience. Write; ‘D. B." care of Herald.. 14 3t FOR 8ALE—Two thoroughbred, male Jersey Calves. Address or see, N. G. Lang, Waycross, Ga * 14 3t > NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. There are several nonunion paint «rs in town soliciting work. In the interest of our local union painters, we ask our citizens to require each man to show a union card, and em ploy only those who can show a car. 1a good standing. ' 11 7t L. C. Brown, Secretary. v Local No. 602, Waycross, Ga. m t • 1 LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On the package when you buy Fob ejjj Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without th« Hive. Remember the name, Fo ley's Honey and Tar and reject any mibstitute. Gem Pharmacy. “The Georgians" will meet with Mrs. J. W. Seals at her home on Bru nei street tomorrow afternoon AT THE MAJESTIC THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 8ATURDAY “THE MILLARDS” An eccentric comedy .ketch “THE CLODHOPPER ANO THE GIRL,” Singing Instrumental numbers, and good comedy. A laugh from start to finish. DON’T MIS8 THI SONEI MATINEE WITH VAUDEVILLE EV ERY AFTERNOON, 3 TO 6. MATINEE WITH VAUDEVILLE EV. EVERY AFTERNOON 3 TO 6 NIQHT 7 TO 10. PRICE8:—Matinee 8 and 10c Night 10 and 15c RATS IN THE HAIR Moat every good woman wears ono of these little insignificant, (or very significant probably would suit bet ter) rats In her hair, and we can as sure you that we are not here to • * ciiticlse her for one moment. But Me do want to say that most of the scalp troubles are due o the wearing of these rats and from long experience we have found a remedy which will rid the scalp of dandruff and the usual itching and terrifying humor, leaving it in a clean and healthy con dition. TELEPHONE U8 FOR A BOTTLE OF* YOUNG’S TETTER AND ECZEMA REMEDY. IT8 v GUARANTEED. Central Pharmacy, Yoong Robfrtson Drag Co., Prop. FOR SALE—Two desirable lots on Folks street. Apply to Mr. H. J. Sweat. * 15 tf FOR SALE—Thoroughbred eggs, for hatching; White Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, for snle by W. H. Hughes. 15 2t FOR RENT—Five room cottage. Apply to Mrs. J. Q. Ketterer, 79 Pen dleton street. , 16 It WANTED—-Young ladf wants pos-l tfon as office assistant; is competent Jo assist with bookkeeping. Address P. O. Box J., Waycross, Ga. 16 tf WOMEN'8 BEAUTY Imperfec Digestion Causes Bad Com piexion and Dull Eyes. The color In your cheeks won't fade, the brightness In your eyes won’t vanish. If you keep your stom ach In good condition. Belching of gas; heaviness, sour taste In mouth, dizziness, billiousess and nausea occur simply bocause the stomach fa not property digesting the feed. MI-O-NA stomach tablets glvo In stant relief to upset Btomachs, but they do more; they put strength Into the stomach and build It up so that It can easily digest a hearty meal. 1 had stomach trouble for s years—for days at a time could eat nothing at all. After taking MI-O-NA treatment I am in perfect health ana con cat anything.”—B. M. Campbell, 1200 S. Prospect St., Sedalta, Mo. MI-O-NA is sold by G. R. Brinson Co., and druggists everywhere at 50 cents a large box. It Is guaranteed tc cure Indigestion and all stomach distress, or money back. 16, 28 6 Tomatoes! Tomatoes! TOMATOES! GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE RICH, CHEAP ENOUGH FOR THE POOR, REGARDLESS OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED 40 CRATES, PRI CES REDUCED 50c to 85c Per Basket FIRST CALL GETS THEM AT 25e. REMEMBER WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF FRESH VEGETA BLES AND FRUIT8, SPECIALTY. ALWAYS 8AVE MONEY BY CALL- ING PHONE 522, GOODS DELIVER ED BEFORE PHONE IS RANG OFF. IV. A. Joseph, NO. 52 AND84 PLANT AVENUE. BESIDES THE FACT That A REPRESENTA TIVE of the UNITED STAES GOVERNMENT Goes over our notes and securities twice each year, and In addition to the surplus fund and undivided profits which stand Between our deposi tors and any possibility of loss, there la OUR CAPITAL STOCK $200,000.00 j STOCKHOLDER’S LIABILITY $200,000.00 i TOTAL SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS IN THI8 bank $400,000.00 Here Is tho real strength of a bank and upon this Item and Its rati* of deposits, we invite comparison with any other bank in this section. First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Waycross, Georgia CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought WAYCROSS MARBLE COMPANY • 61 ALBANY AVE...PHONE— APPRECIATES THE BU8INE SS GIVEN, AND IF YOU NEED HIGH GRADE MARBLE OR GRANITE MONUMENTS, CALL, OR WRITE OR PHONE US AND ONE OF THE FIRM WILL 8EE YOU AND GIVE YOUR INTEREST HI8 PERSONAL ATTENTION. THE BEST MATERIAL. THE BE8T WORK. THE BEST PRICE. J M Clark, General Manager. f hi niiure Repairing and Upholstering We are still doing basinets at the same old stand, 22 Brew er Street near the Court House. We will repair—clean up and rcvarnJsb your old furniture, and make It new—We also do ail kinds of upholstering—re pair trunks, suit cases, etc. Alt our work Is strictly cash whoD finished—N'o work deliv ered without the money—Work left tn the shop thirty days af ter It Is finished will have vtnr- see charges added and will he little to te sold for charges. J. I. U'slle & Son. ft..,:, 294 ~ 52 Brew— *t. Benton’s Specials NEW SPRING GOODS FLAXON figured, plain and polka dots, beautiful i A- spring patterns, very special 1UL Japonika Silks 25,3ft 35,40c a yard New Figured LAWNS US i Z r Very Special, yd 1UL Foulards! Foulards! SILK SPECIALS 60 and 95c SUMMER ..VOILES, in ever* color aud shade, large display, SPEC, “ 18c 25c 30c 45c New New New Embroidries and Laces NEW SPRING WOOL ' DRESS GOODS All Colors in plain, Grey cheoks, Brown checks. 25 to Si-25 yard New Muslin Underwear SPECIALS ON 2nd FLOOR 5ft 75c, $1, $P, $2 WHITE LINENS For waists and Suits, SPECIAL 25, 25, 50,15, 90c Boys Caps IS and 25c Summer Sun Hats Specials 10- IS 25c H. J. Benton & Co.