Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 16, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Walker-Hood Furniture Co. • Successors To- VValRer-lVfulItgari Fop. Co. 1 he Store of Great Values, Where Your Credit is Good We pay our customers 10 per eft. in trade coupons to make their Slid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut $1.98 50cts Per week 1-3 C4SH Balance 30, 60 and 90 days. THIS RATTAN PARLOR SUITE, EX ACTLY LIKE CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. IS MADE OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE AND 8PLIT RATTAN, FINISHED IN LIGHT SHLLLAC. $16.00 Lloyd* Princess •FIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KING." ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN BEST GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND POCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, II IN. WHEELS, 14 SPOKES, 1-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. Ilfasb, 5tcWk. $12.00 Hey wood Collapsible F0LD8 WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A STRONG HANDSOME CART, HEA VY RUBBER TIRES, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN, EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. "S, PM *1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF. THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC ORATED, HIGH GRADE DINNER SETS. THEY CONSIST OF 53 PIEC ES OF THE BEST QUALITY DOME VTIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DECORATIONS. $1.00 CA SH, 50 CENTS PER WEEK. $6.00 Per Set. ALL 8IZE8, NEWEST PATTERN S, LOWEST PRICES. 106 Plant Ave. |Phone 499. Vie Buy For Less We Sell For Less See Our New Kind of Hammock Couches WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR SPRING LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTMENT, AND MARKED AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK. yg -J-Q gg QQ A Great Line THE FAMOUS HEYWOOD PULL MAN CARS, EITHER IN FINEST GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY- fJP- HOLSTERED OR IN THE W00t> BODIES, FINI8HED IN THE BEST BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEL. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUE8. $8.00 to $25.00 THERE IS COMFORT FOR BABY IN A LLOYD’S PRINCESS, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD 8TYLE SPRING MAKES THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP GIVES ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM THE 8UN AND TOGETHER WITH THE STORM CURTAINS, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. Like Cut $10.50 *1.00 CASH, 50c' PER WEEK. HUMPHREYS 4 WILLIAMSON ARE'SPECIAL MEETINGS TO BEGIN AT|MR8. FLANDERS WANTS THE PREPARING FOR BIG OPENING. Humphrey! 4 Wllllatnsoo are niuk ins preparatlonii (or one of the big- G«at and moat attractive millinery cpenlnge ever aoen In Waycroia. The three young ladiea who have char*, o (the millinery department are all experienced milliner*. They are Mica May Fleming. Miss (Ionova Jonca and Mlm Ora BChrboro who ct-me out (roni Malllmore. With Ihcio young ladle! In charge It gooa" with-1 in Hnvnnnah. And Rev. J. S. Wilder Phi Baying that the department will I tte paator ot that church apeakn ol L« well taken enro ot. The date tor j 11« work and ability In the hlghoet (he opening will ho announced Inter, term! FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH ON 2e. Rev. W. P. Price, evangelic! o( the llontc Minion Hoard o( tho Southern llnpllet Convention and gosnel alnger Prot. 8chollcld will come on March 26th, tor apodal meeting! at Flret Paptlat church. Tho meeting! will continue tor totuo daya.,Dr. Price Is now holding a meeting with tho South Side church IJtLIe Warren Imngston la reported aome belter today but la still very WILMINGTON ADOPTS The Herald regret! tho death ot Mr. Owen H. Jones, who on yeeterday pntternoon about 1:30 dropped dead while plowing In a Held near his home In the upper portion ot tills ThE COMMISSION PLAN county Wilmington, N. C., March 16.—Un der authority ot an act ot the last aveslon of the Generul Assembly, by popular vote .the city of Wilming ton today adopted the commission plan ot government, the vote being 'practically unantmeui. only 22 votes being caat against the measure out o' a total ot 1.200. Mr. Jones was a highly rea.ieclcd cltlsen ot the county and had lived It're nearly his whole life. He was u ptogresslvc tarmcr and all around rood cltlsen and will be greatly miss ed The Interment will be at Kettle Cieek cemetery at It a. m tomorrow. Far wood phone 111. 10 la PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTE PICKENS, "THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN" Tuner and repairer for the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Go., Jos. A. Mwcy Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent tnuilc hous* cs In New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton. Nashville, Memphis, Firming- lam, Pavamtah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer for the Wefloyan Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer for the Dctale Till C«*!cue (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, vine© 1900. l.ndori-cd na a violinist end tun:; bjMhc pro*-?, artists and musicians frees New York to* Ttyas. •*A tuner who tunes’*—Frederkl' Rcddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. Y. '*Not only a flue violinist, but a!-o one cf tho most pTwTo tuners In tho United St-ilc*.”—MusicT rades, New York. "I commend him as able to satisf? the most exftetlnj domands as Piano tuner and repairer.”—C. H. 8. Jackson, President Bessie Tift Col lege, Forsyth, Ga. Tho.*e de«trlne the services of ar article workman, will do well tar s *'C.*e the Services of Mr. Pickens chile In Waycrcss, CAEUJS, r*!AMT- COMPAQ. ! r. ::ende Waycross, Georg!- N, B.—Out cf town orders for tuning will receive pro&pl and care* fnl attention. E8TATE OF HER HU8BANO Swalnsboro, Ga., March 16.—Atto»- r.eys for Mrs. Mattie Flandera this veek filed a caveat to the return of the aprralser who set apart to her out of her husband's estate of nearly IS,000. the sum of $17fi for a twelve month's support. Mrs. Flanders, It will lie remember ed. Is the woman who was jointly Indicted with Dr. J. W. McNaughton for th? murder of her husband, Fred Plunders. Dr. McNaughton was con- vii ted and rente:, ced to be hnndged, ; nd he Is now in Chatham county JiilI pending hl« motion for a new trial In the supreme court. Mrs. Flanders, who was confined in jail here for six or el;rht months, ago allowed to give bond and she Is now nt he home of her father, Mr. \\. C. Fields, at Barlow. 8he Is dls- -.at'ifled with the return o fthe ap- prarers and thinks the amount al- lo ved for her indicates that the pro ludico Is strong against here. men. Headers of this paper can get full Information by writing the School a! once. A LITTLE HAND. tender, sweeter Perhaps here things Somewhere In this sun-bright land; But I thank thee Lord for His bless ing. And the clasp of a little band. A little hand that softly stole Info my own that day When ! needed'the touch that I loved so much, To strengthen me on my way. thau softest NURSING A8 A CAREER—WORLD WIDE CALL—FREE TRAINING PROVIDED. It Is said that nursing is one of the n.oit Inviting fields of humnn service and that Its financial return surpass es any other occupation open to young women. It develops all the na tive graces of womanhood and leads the way to positions of trust and in- J i’uenco. The demand for more.nutE- ' os la a world wide call. 1 j The Philadelphia School for Nurse? j located In Philadelphia. Pa., hns un- ! |dertftken to meet this demand by of fering free scholarships to young wo- j men In all parts of the country. Room I board, laundering. Incidental expens-1 e$ special financial assistance and railroad fare home on completion of the course, are provided. Length of Course two years. Also a Special Short Course and a Home Study retiree for those who must quickly prepare fer self-support.' Tfc > Philadelphia School for Nurr- j ^ efr-ia a benevolrnt Institution conduc ted without hope of gain or profit in the Interest of ambitious y«jung wo* Softer It seemed down On the breast of the gentlest dove; Iirt its timid press and its faint car css Were In the strength of love. It seemed. to say in a strage, sweet way, **I love you and understand,” And calmed my* fears as ray hot heart tears Fell over that little head. BrUaML th :re nre tender, sweeter gome where In this sun-bright hand: Put I thank the l.ord for His bless- ipg And the clasp of a little hand. —Frank L. Stanton. A man will put a woman on a pe destal In their courtship days, and after marriage will demand that she climb down and give him the place. NO MORE CRAY HAIR It Is easier to preserve the color ot tho hair than to restore It, although It : Is possible- to do botb. Our grandmothers understood the secret. They made and used a "saga ten," and their dark, glossy hair long after middle life was due to, this tact. Our mother* hare gray hairs before they are titty, but they are he; ginning ' ‘~ our for suit The present generation has the ad vantage of the past In that It can get a ready to use preparation called Wyeth’s Sago and Sulphur Htlr Remedy. As k scalp tonic and color restorer, this preparation Is vastly superior to the ordinary “sage tea’’ made by our grandmothers. This remedy Is sold under guaran tee that the money will be refunded It It falle to do exactly aa represented. This preparation la ottered to the public at fifty centa a bottle end Is recommended and sold by . CHEROKEE PHARMACY. IN ENGLISH rore they are fifty, but they are be- ining to appreciate the wisdom of r grandmothers in using "sage tea" • their hair, and are fast following Special sale fine swiss all over em broideries for waists, 5C cents. Humphreys & Williamson. AT THEATER, THUR8DAY MARCH 16TH. From ono of our recent exchanges, we reprint verbatum a criticism of the English Grand Opera and Orches tra which Is announced to appear here tonight, March 16. “When the curtain fell on the dou ble performance of the English Grand Opera Company last night a delight ed audience unanimously acclaimed ' the most unique and most ei/oy- eble seen or heard here In many.£ year. "With a fidelity in detail in scen ery and costumes that would do cred it to a Belasco, and a stringed orches- tia that put the crowd in good humor with a varied program of popular music the success of the evening wan assured from the start. ^ ‘‘The Rose of Auvergne," a dainty French operetta, which afforded no j Httle amusement was used as n cur^ Fitzcrald has postponed her avia-, ' n ra I ser -. It was enacted prlncl- t*on meet until next week when they.j ^y those who had least to do propose to have everything in read- ln thc Pi ece de resistance, the Grand iness for a five daya flying. Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Pdrlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD, ■N CONNECTION WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN 4 GULF RAILROAD BETWEENATLANTA AND ALBANY. ’ Me » served any time enroute, at reasonable prices. Schedules: Southbound: Northbound: - v. Atlanta 4 7:45 am I.r. Albany 12:10 noon ir Cordole 2:00 pnj Lr. CcrdeH* 1:40 pm Albany 3:40 p*n Ar. A tin:;-a pn; HESE ARE THE,FINEST PARLOR CARS OPERATES IN THE SOUTH I Quickest Time. Try it Service, w. n. Leahy, Gen. Pass. Agt Atlanta, Georgia. Opera Company, which followed. “Cavalleria Rusticnna” held tile an-, c’lcncc simply spell-bound. Tho horsVf'i wag so quiet at times that one could _ ■ bear the proberhial pin drop. ‘ It Is melodrarric with a vengeance Litd its action swift and tragic, was intensified by the music. ** “C. Pol Flancon, the noted bari tone, Bertha Heyman a coloratura soprano, who portrayed Saatu/za, Ardis Allsworth in a character study of the old mother. "Etienne Smith as the coquette, Arthur Pacquet and Christian Farnsworth Individually scored pronounced hits and colteo t-vtly proved the greatest cast c? nr- ever heir# in Ra!:i:rh. * A royal weTcome an i another j pnetty house awn’:s the return ot this organization In. the spring."