Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 17, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVEN'NG HERALD Walker-Hood Furniture Co. -Successors To- VValR<er-]VIiillao an Fop. Co. 7 he Store of Great Values, Where Your Credit is Good We pay our customers 10 per <ft. in trade coupons to make their 30, 60 and 90 days. THIS RATTAN PARLOR 8UITE, EX ACTLY LIKE CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. IS MADE OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE AND SPLIT HATTAN, FINISHED IN LIGHT SHELLAC. $16.00 Lloyd* Princess “FIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KING." ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN BEST GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND POCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, It IN. WHEELS, 14 SPOKES, f-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. Illasb, 5Cc Wk. $12.00 Heywond Collapsible FOLDS WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A 8TR0NG HANDSOME CART, HEA VY RUBBER TIRES, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN, EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. Like $7.50 Cut 01.0) CASH, 50c PER WEEK. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC ORATED, HIGH GRADE DINNER 8ETS. THEY CONSIST OF 53 PIEC ES OF THE BEST QUALITY DOME'.TIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DECORATIONS. »1.00 CA SH, 50 CENTS PER WEEK. >.00 Per Set. ALL SIZE8, NEWEST PATTERN S,-LOWEST PRICES. 106 Plant Ave. |Phone 499. 'olid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut] $1.98 50dts Per week We Buy For Less We Sell For Less See Our New Kind of Hammock Couches WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR SPRING LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND MARKED AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK, £<| Jg -J.Q QQ A Great Line THE FAMOUS HEYWOOD PULL. MAN CARS. EITHER IN FINEST GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY UP- HOLSTERED OR IN THE WOOO BODIES, FINISHED In THE BEST BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEL. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUES. • $8.00 to $25.00 THERE IS COMFORT FOR BABY IN A LLOYD’S PRINCESS, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD STYLE SPRING MAKES THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP GIVES ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM THE SUN AND TOGETHER WITH THE STORM CURTAIN8, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. Like Cut $10.50 $1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. WOMAN AND GIRLS SHOOT REVENOORS ONE MAN DROPS .DYING UNDER WOMAN’S ACCURATE FIRE. Briital, Tonn., March 16.- Olio adi eu fatally wounded, another with a linger ihot off and a third frightened from the scene is the result of a bat tle between three women on one side and a trio of revenue officers on the other st I-OIIK Fork near tho Pike nnd 1-etcher county border, in Kentucky, Wednesday afternoon. Deputy Marshal J. Martin Potter end iiossetnen Charles Smith and Gar lit Id Smallwood of Ptkevllle entered the lams Fork section to arrest Char- its Tnrkltt, aged -0, charged toocnshlalng. Tarkttt, though armed, surrendered without resistance, hut Us mother, Martha Tscsltt, 60 years of age, was angered st the presence rf the officers, snd with her daughter. NVnnle Tackltt, aged 1$ and Bettle TVukltt. aged 18. concluded they would give the officers a battle. The aged mother with a pistol and the eldest daughter with a 15-Guago shotgun, opened are upon the men. Alter several shots had been Bred Smith fell mortally wounded, being not through three times, while Small wood lost a anger and bad the crown of Ms hst pierced with blasts. The boy was then taken In charge by his States, aether, not an officer being left on 1 the scene. Smith, who was fatally wounded. Is a member of one of the beet families m the county. A pproval of the candies that bear this name has been won by pur ity—goodness—variety. And this high quality is assured to you by sealed boxes and fast express. Nunnally’s is always fresh. LA GRANDE PHARMACY. NOTICE TO MY ICE CUSTOMERS My ice wagon will call on you Mon day, March 30. 17 St H. H. Unstick. The Waycross schools arc It w-lih j I'-iir condition and are under the con trol and direction of competent and capable teachers. CLEVELAND FUND NOW COMPLETED. Special to The Herald. Newark, N. J„ March IT.—It Is un derstood that tormsr United States Senator Drydcn will mate formal an nouncement tomorrow of th’o comple tion of the $100,000 Clerelind memor ial fund, on the seventy-fourth anni versary of Mr. Cleveland’s birth. The fund Is to be used to erect a tower st’Princeton University In memory of the former President of the United MADAM ORUNDY SAYS. WILL MAKE TARGET OF TEXAS | Norfolk, Ve., March 17.—The bat- I Ueohtp San Moreno, formerly the old j 5 exes, to be subjected si a target for | actual demonstration. Just south That tht Dsen Realty people are Tangier Island light, tn upper Chess- dtbig a tend office business these Peeks bay, between March $0 and 25, days. | Hid not got , away fro nthe Norfolk That because sbe hasn’t Sew u no t-avy yard todsy os had been planned, mm that ahe wtU not ay. Jait fhe delay in her departure wot be wail Till aha gets her new hobble- cause of unfavorable weather condl- oilrt. Hont. If condltioat ore favorable, Ihc 8as Msrcoa will be carried out I tomorrow. ^ -- - SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES YIELD TO ZEMO TREATMENT A Clean Liquid Preparation For Ex ternal Use. Tho Seals Pharmacy Is so confident that ZEMO and ZEMO soap used to gether will rid the skin or scalp o. ether form of skin or scalp eruption, blackheads, dandruff, eczema, prickly neat, rashes, hives, Ivy poison or anv Infant or grown person of plmpleB that they will give your money back If yon are not entirely satisfied with the result obfned from the use or ZEMO and he soap. ’ Tho first application will give prompt relief nnd show an Improve ment end In every Instance where used persistently, will destroy tho germ life, leaving tho skin In n clean, healthy condition. Sold nnd guaranteed by druggists everywhere and In Waycross by Th* Seals Pharmacy. Let as show you proof of some re markable cures mado by Zl}MO and glvo you a 32 page booklet bow to preserve the skin. The Seals Phsr macy. QUICKLY CURES COUGHS, COLDS AND CATARRH.' A full line of threads and materials for fancy work st Miss Eddie Par nell's. New spring skirt* Uteat style* In fancy mixed suitings, $700 to $10.00. * Humphreys ft WllHsmson. If you, dear reader, cculd spend an hour looking over a few of the thous ands of testimonials that we have on file, you would not go on 'suffering from catarrh, that disgusting disease that will surely sap your vitality and wenken your entire system if allowed to continue. You would have ju*t a# much faith- in HYOMEI as we have, and^e have so much conQdeQcf^t^tfl^Qiderful curative virtue that it la sold country over under a positive guaran tee to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat coughs and colds or money back. No stomach dosing when you breathe HYOMEI. Just pour a few drops of the liquid into the inhaler, ana breathe it in. & t - It is migffty pleasant to use-; opens up (hose stuffed-up nostrils in two minutes, and makes your head foel as clear as a bell in.a short time. Breath* HYOMEI amt kill the ca tarrh, germs. It’s the only way to cure catarrh. It's th* only way tc ?et rid of that constant hawking, snuf "?ng and spitting. A complete HYOMEI ouflt, which Includes a bottle of HYOMEI snd a bard rubber pocket inhaler, costs $1.00. If you already own a Hyomel inhaler you can get an extra bottle of HYOMEI for 50 cents. Sold by O. R. Brmson Co. Mch 17, 27, Apr. 7 Travel Comfortably AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor Diaing Can on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN 4 QULF RAILROAD BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY. Meals served any time onronte, at reasonable prices. Schedules: Southbound: 4 Northbound: Lv. Atlanta T:4i am Lv. Albany 12:10 noon Lr. Cordate 2:06 pm Lv. Cardete 1:40 pm ar. Albany 3:40 pm Ar. Atlsntn 7:45 pm THESE ARB THE FINEST PARLOR CABS OPERATED IN THE SOUTHI Quickest Time. Try it Be6 Service. - W. a Leahy, Gas. Pal*- d*t Atlanta, qsorgi*. ... s Have "Good Luck Each Baking Day g For "luck” lies mostly in the flour. The wise S cook uses William Tell and knows her bread 5 will be perfection—her cake a marvel of deli cate lightness—her pastry tender and flaky. William Tell Flour is made from Ohio Red Winter Wheat—which has no equal. There is only a limited supply—enough to go around among the housewives who have learned the value of perfect flour. Order your sack today. It yonr grocer cannot aupply Wll-’.ism Tell, phone THORPE 4 CO, 24S Whole sole Distributors snd they wlllsee that you g>t It. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTS PICKENS, “THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN* Tuner and repairer tor the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Go., Jon. L Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent nmole hous es In New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer for th* Weeleyon Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer for the Beetle Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, since 1900. Endorsed as a violinist sod tuner by the press, artists and musicians from Ntw York to Texas “A tuner who tunes."—Frederh.li Reddatl, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. T. “Not only a Sne violinist, hot also one of the most ««er JBf, tuners In the United 8tates.”—MnslcT rades, New York. *1 commend him as able to satiety the most exacting Plano tuner and repairer.”—C. H. a Jackson, President Battle Tift Cob lege, Forsyth, Go. , Those desiring the service* of ar. artistic workman, will do wall to •ecure the service* of Mr. Pickens wbOo in Waycross. -/ CABLE piano company. , LaGrande Building. - Wa^crest, Georgia.' N. B.—Out of town orders for tuning will rtcelro prompt o£3 care ful *tre*Uon. Jgfe’;. »- . a .