Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 20, 1911, Image 1
RALD. VOLUME XVIII WAYCROSS, GA., MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1911 NUMBER 114 RE® letter DAY FOR jAUTOANDAIRSHIP NEGRO STABBED; THE CENTRAL BAPTISTS] jf(REE ARRESTED IN COLLISION It was a red letter day yesterday • 9th the members and friends of the l^itral Baptist church, and the happy faces of pastor and people testified to the Josf they felt; as they held their firsiSmeeting in their handsome and lb looked forward *o with great pleas- j ure. | | The meetings he'd yeBterday, of J An auto and an airship came Into j new structure. Great ciowds were present at both morning and evening services. In the morn ing a formal programme was carried out most successfully. Rev. W. H. Scruggs being assisted by Rev. J. F. Harbin, Rev. Walden and Rev. Pnf- ford. The singing was delightful and much enjoyed. In place of a regular serinon the pastor called for short I talks from those present and a mini-; -her of the members responded and ex j pressed their delight at the opportu- j r-ity of being present at the opening of the new church and prognosticated for it great'usefulness in Waycross. Bro. Scruggs in his delightful man ner expressed the deep appreciation course do not mean that the Central church 1b yet completed, far from it, there is yet a great deal to be done, lut the work is being pushed rapld’Y- It is expected that all the brick work will bp completed this week, then the windows and doors rill be put in and from time to time the work will go on, until the handsome building is fin ished. I collision in Waycross on Saturday, I lest. • J This catastrophe did not occur in | midair or on the street, but in the j cons city court. The auto crowded tne air- j Prof ship off the track and occupied the "^ ei central position. The trial of the trial of the suit instituted by J. S. 1 ; Berger against I.adis Lewkowicz, for [ ! damages, to secure which be had lev-j pH WlCjE DIFFERENCE OF OPINION AS TO WHICH ONE WIELDED tHE KNIFE. Grffilu, Ga., March 20.- insJUerable excitement There ■ among THE CUT COURT TRUSKEIT CASE OF WAYCROSS UP FOR TRIAL SEVERAL CASES WERE DISPOSED OF SATURDAY. I On Saturday morning the trial of j the damage suit of Otis Carter vs W. L. 9 P. Co., was resumed in tho j KILLED J. D S NEELY, PRESIDENT WICHITA PIPE LINE CO., ON JANUARY LA8T. Special to The Herald. . Independence, Kas., March 20.—Th<? I at the Union Depot last night 1 City Court of Waycross, when upon case of AI O. Truskett, charged with QUITMAN POLICE CHIEFS™.37“ ill NOTABLE PURSUIT RUNS DOWN CLEVER FUGITIVE. Quitman, Ga., March 20.—Chief Police J. P. Wade left today for Ports- felt In the entire membership to those j nioutll V a„ to ,., et M B s< arIlng who outside the church, Methodist, Presby- J Wanted In Quitman for forgery, tertan, Episcopal, Catholic, etc., both | CWe( Wade - S work ln runn | ag down at home and abroad who had so will ingly contribute! to the building fund. 4 The nlfht service was crowded, no announcement of some sensational character, Just Bimply the fact that Bro. Scruggs will preach, seems to draw the crowd and the big building was soon fille 1. Preparations- are now Undergoing for the coming of Di. A. B. Phillips, the noted evange list and his celebrated .singers, Mr. end Mrs. Butler. Dr. Phillips wlP start his special meeting on April 3rd, and his coming Starling Is regarded as no little achiev ment, especially since the Pinkertons and hank detectives were also at work on tho case. Starling left here about a year ago after opining $1,200 from the banks and^ tirious individuals through forgeries. He was a tenant of the Perdue place here owned by Julge O. M. Smith of Vfftdfsta and Judge Smith was one of the Victims. Star ling’s methods indicated a cool hand and he cleverly elided pursuit. The Herald is here for straight dem ocratic business all the year round. | erty of, Mr. Lewkowicz, was set for Saturday, but there was also a case in court on suit on attachment on an automobile alleged to be the property of Mr. V. Dorn Wilkins. The auto mobile gained first place and occu pied so much time that the airship case had to be deferred to Monday morning. Quite a string of transpor tation mediums have engaged the ar tention of the city court this term. Fiom the grey mule, the freight car, the bicyclq, the automobile and now the aeroplane, and our distinguished and competent Judge, J. C. McDonald, Ik now preparing to handle intelligent-/ ly the problems of radium, wireless telegraphy, and several other modern questions that will soon reach him in o live progressive city like Waycross. 5,000 COAL MINERS one TO STRIKE MEN SAY THEY WILL SPEND HALF MILLION TO WIN. Grover Ector, a middle-weight the evidence for plaintig being closed, nion was stabbed in the hack, . Judge Sweat, attorney for the defen* claims that his wife. Lizzie Ec-j ( j an j company moved a nonsuit, om whom he is separated, stab-! which was resisted by Messrs Thom* lm. She denies the charge and u5 and Spence. counsel for plaintiff, > It on to Ed Lindsay. Three of but was granted by Judge McDonald in jail. Ector will re- r , nt j (he case dismissed on the grounds that, the evidence showed plaintiffs' injuries resulted from his own fault in grabbing hold of the fallen live wire, notwithstanding ho was warned not to do so. Plaintiffs’ counsel staf fed they expected to carry tho case lip for review by the court of appeals. Tho trover suit of tho widow- of old man John McDaniel who died about a year ago, against his son, Frank .McDaniel for the recovery of certain battle, hogs, corn and fodder, brought by Messrs Crawley 9 Crawley and Wi’son, Bennett & Lambdin was next taken up nnd the trial proceeded with. Judge Sweat and Messrs, Parks & j Reed representing tho defendant, which resulted in a dismissal of the! MRS. GEORGIA CLELAND DEAD. Special to The Herald. Savannah, Ga.. March 20.—Mrs. Georgia Cleland, of Waycross, died here today. 200PAIRS OF PANTS To Close at $3.00 : Worth From $4,00 to $6.00 AX H. C. Seaman A A. Bridgeport, O., MarcJi 20.—Nearly ,000 coal miners in eastern Ohio were ordered to lay down their tools a. four o’clck this afternoon in con formity with the strike order issued by President T. L. Lewis, of the Uni ted Mine Workers’ of America. The mines affeced are owned by the Youghiogheny and Ohio Coal Com pony; the Roby-Summers Coal Com pany and tho Mullen interests. Tho strike is called in sympathy with one which has been on in the Tuscaraw as district of Ohio since April of 1910. President Lewis, it Is said, will take personal charge of the strike when he retufns from Indiapapolis, early this week. The miners say they are well prepared for a strike, having a fund oi $500,0000, which will be expended If necessary, in order to win. Strike benefits will commence at once stead of waiting for the customary two weeks to elapse. Meetings o fthe men are called tot today at the various mines, where they will discuss whether to remain out. the murder of J. I). S. Neely, presi dent of the Wichita Pipe Line Com pany and head of a trust company nnd other enterprises in his home city of Lima, Ohio, was called in eburt today for trial. Truskett shot, and killed Neely la the Palace llotel at Caney, this coun ty on tho morning of January 7, last. Tho shooting was tho result of lit igation over an oil lease between Truskett and the pipe lino company, oi which Neely was president. FINE SHOW AT THE MAJESTIC THEATRE use. GIRL ENDS LIFE WITH ACIO DRAFT MISS IDA GRIFFIN A SUICIDE AT FRIEND’S HOME. Adel, Ga., March20.—Miss Ida Grif fin, daughter of J. X. Grlflln, overseer of the Berrien county convict gang, committed suicide yesterday after noon at tho home of William McCon nell, several miles west of Adel. Miss Griffin was spending the day | with a young woman friend. K» ing herself Miss Griffin left the room in which the family was seated ani going into an adjoining room drank the contents of a bottle of carbolic acid ad died ln a shrt time. Miss GrUfin was 22 years of age and was a beautiful girl. No cause for her suicide is known. A negro woman charged with being drunk and boisterous on Bewick Stont was next tried nnd acquitted. Solicitor Spence prosecuting and John J. Mooro, Esq., defending the caBO. Beaton vs Van S. Wilkins defend ant and Mrs. A. J. 8. Wilkins claim ant, Involving the ownership of an automobile, Messrs Wilson, Bendett & Lambdin representing the plaintiffs and Judge Sweat the claimant. Upon the conclusion of the evidenco and nrgumdnt'Ot the case there was some display of hostilities between counsel, which, however, was at tho command oi Judge McDonold stopped by the officers and mutual explanations be ing made the matter passed over. The case was given in charge of the jury ^jibout 7:30 o'clock. The Jury remain ed out all night and until 10 o'clock Sunday morning, when It being ascer tained that a verdict coui dnot ho agreed on a mistrial was declared nn the Jury discharged. It is understood the jury stood 8 to 4 In favor of the claimant. The case now goeB ovor until next term. All the other jurors being discharg ed for tho term, a Jury of twelve se lected to try the airship case of Ber ber vs’ Lewkowicz wns excused until 8:30 this morning nnd upon tho con clusion of the trial of that case the court will adjourn. DIXIE AIRDOME. The program at the AIrdome to night has the endorsement of many managers over the country and the feature act on the bill, the sensation al European Living Bronse Statues. An act that has played $H the big houses and that played the Orpheum, Jacksonville, last week, will be the talk of Waycross and is said to be marvelous and worth many tiirjs the admission price alone. Other acts are said to be good Mad action pictures that are called "first run” will go towards making, what the management considers the best bill over offered at the Airborne. Tho management of the Majestic has secured for the first three days j of this w'eek one of tho very best I Vaudeville acts over seen In Way- I cross, which is “Sadie Whitting and The Pepper Twins." This act has singing, dancing. Instrumental music, and Is full of wit and humor from be ginning to end, with the “Twins" very much In evidence. It is clean and refined In every respect, anfi the management guaran tees it to bo as good ns nny of the vaudeville acts now plnying In tho large cities. The management still has in mind the fate of the hoy who called Wolf! Wolf- and Is perfectly willing to take the consequences of stating that their show for this week is as good as can be seen anywhere. They also stilt continue to show the very best and latest reels of pictures and they In tend ranking this picture service » feature of their show. All are cor- dfnlly invited to attend, nnd admis sion money will gladly ho refunded if thdir show does not satisfy. VIRGINIA STATE LEAGUE MEETING OFFICIALS AND CLUB OWNERS GATHER TO COMPLETE AR RANGEMENTS. Special to Tbs Herald. Richmond, Va., March to.—Official* and club owner, ot the Virginia State Baseball League gathered , In Rich mond today to adopt a schedule and ccmplete other arrangement, tor the coming baseball acaaora. The circuit thta year wilt be the some ea at the cloee ot taat aeaaon, comprising Lynchburg, Petersburg, Richmond, Roanoke, Danville and Norfolk, It has been decided to open the reason on April Mth. Thu suit of J. 8. Berger va Lad Lewkowicz la now going on In Cl Court. And lawyers are talking nbo uoroplancH nnd biplanes, etc., with i the fapilllarlty of tho most experlc red avlntora. A large number tvitneseea are In , attendance, and looks like a long cnee. ONE HUNDRED HENS AT HARDV TR08. come and select some FOR VOUR YARD. 20 2t PUTTIMO MONEY in a : It a good Inveatmfpt fr the faOOM la wisely chosen. Tho ordinary man cannot be expected to be an on aucb matters, bnt we a re So If yon think of buying, lei ue help. We will help yon i the right location, the right house, and at the right price. Our oervlcea will be worth many dollars to yon/ both now and In the years to come. A. M. Knight and St on REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE agents.