Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 21, 1911, Image 3
C. O. Cocroft Music Co, ■UCHAJIAN « A HAMA. - * 412 UQnnile Bunding PLACE High cass Subdivis ion for white peope ony, on easy terms, close to A.C.L. Shops. W. D. Morion, Agt. ROOM NO. 4 Southern Hotel Bluff WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 1631 Meets first and third Thursday *n each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. WAYCR08S LODGE No. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON iECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 7:30 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. ■ *• *-L, W. M. W. J. CLARK, 8EC, Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Schedules of Trains Effective January Z, 1311. Notice:—Tho arrival and departures are given as Information and ere not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. L Miles Station t Bebandvllle, On. Lr. 1:30 am S Waycross (Albany are) 3:36 am S Larlnla I S-.IO am IS FredM*^ At. 3:33 am Northbound Train No. Li U mu 2:46 pm % Lartala * M 2 Waycross (Albany are) 3H shard rllle I: Trains He. * said He. *, daffy, ef Jtt. K. Bopklaa. O. ' fjrjerSUenttMV WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO, «. Jr. O. U. A. M. Itans every Monday craning la Bad Men's Hall. LottHltoh biUldlas *2 • ■Ekx. « Tfdttttg Foley’s Kidney Pills WAKEFIELO LODGE, NO. 27 , KNIGHTS OF PYTHiAS. Vv Meets tv *7 Monday 'V-v evening a» ’:30 In Cestl* Hal' ?lent eve. Members era requested JS' - -v Af/ 10 ' tt,n4 ' .“ 4 TUltln * '■UTSS*' Knlgbts ere moet ■» Hally Invited to meet with ne. CHAS. E. CASON, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. & S. ft M. Of F, What They Will Do for Yaa They wjll oore your backache, Rteqlhw pour kidDeya, aor. paotoriaaryirrctularMea, hniM op tba wont oat tlaaasa, atl •Ciminitt thu wcffw ttr&o io|4 tfiad canaaa rheumatiio,. Pid* v«ot Brighfa DisoaM and DW. betas, aad restore health ami ^fSS»*«t O m*, ear. Nose, Yliragt A* O Chrenlc Oitutee. O O Residence Ud Plant Are. O O ONce Reddlag BdiUlag, O, O Ottce Honrs: $ to 22 a. m. O O 2 to f p. m. colored people, O o c ooc-oooooo o a RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tnr fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 3th St. Easton. Pa, states: "Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad roughs and colds by the use of Foley’s Honey and Tar and I am never without n bottle If, the house. It soothes and raUevas the irritation In the throat and loosens op the cold. I have always found It n reliable congh owe." Gem Pharmacy. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Thera are several nonsnloa Mlht era In town soliciting work. la the merest of eat local union pdtear* wo ask tar pluses* to « man to show a union card, and am ploy only tbopo who saa chow a pan to coed standing. 11 71 U C. Brawn, Secretary. J-iesl No. tty, Waycross, C*. Valuable Book Free! WHAT PIANO WILL YOU BUY *OR YOUR CHILD TO BEGIN MU8- 1C ON? YOUR CHILD'S PROQRE8 WILL BE DETERMINED BY YOUR ANSWER. I- YOU WISH TO'KNOW WHAT IS THE BEST PIANO TO BUY, LET US KNOW AND WE WILL SEND YOU POST PAID, FREE, A LARGE EOOK CONTAINING THE HISTORY 0> EVERY PIANO ON THE MAR KET, GIVING THEIR STANDING, GRADE, QUALITY, AND STORES OF VALUED INFORMATION FOR THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER. WE 8ELL THE CELEBRATED CHICKERINQ, MC PHAIL, LAFFAR. GUE, BREWSTER, HENRY F. MILLER, BUSH A LANE, FOSTER CAM* BRIDGE, AN DOTHER PIANOS, BUT THIS BOOK WILL TELL YOU OF EVERY PIANO MADE AND MAV SAVE YOU HUNOREOS OF DOLLARS. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. ' wm .pit- »■ i New Gaods Are ^Arriving Daily WILKES Next to P. N Harley Hardware Co. THE NEW STORE WITH THE NEW GOODS New Goods Are Arriving Daily T HERE has been a cry in Waycross for better Dry Goods, we have the very best line of Dry Goods ever shown in Waycross to offer you at prices that will open wide your eyes* Rememder we have no shelf-worn goods to offer you and our goods are direct from the Eastern markets, and are up-to-date in every detail. We are always glad to show you our goods: EMBROIDERIES We carry a line of Baby Irish Bounc ings that by far surpass anything ever shown here and our complete line is now on sale. Choice per yd. 1.75 75c 22c Bands to match above flouncings per yd. . . Also a very pretty line of 18 inch corset cover styles to go at per yard MENS’ SUITS 0UR SUITS are made up in all the latest styles with heavy padded shoulders and peg top pants by one of the largest clothing houses in the East. All our mens' suits are feeling the cut of Acquaintance Sale Prices WHITE GOODS 25c DIMMITIES, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 19c 25c NAINSOOKS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 19c 20c LONG CLOTH, SAL^ PRICE PER YARD 15c 25c INDIAN LINENS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 19c 65c IRISH LINENS, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 48c 25c FLAXON8, SALE PRICE PER YARD 22c 2Ce FLAXONS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 15c J5e DRESS LINENS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 25c 2£c^ BARRED MUSLINS, SALE PRICE PER .YARO 19c 20c BARRED MUSLIN, SALE PRICE PER YARD 16o 10 YDS GOOD AS GOLD BLEECHING 93c PANTS J\E CARR Y a , Complete Line of gj Mens* Pants. Prices ranging from $1.50 per pair to $10.00 WILKES The Progressive Store. DRESS GOODS [W|L HA VE a full line of Dress Goods that we will be glad to show you, in Messolines, Taffettas, Satin, Foulards, San Toys and Mar- quirettes that are all $1.25 values which we are placing on sale nn for a few days only at per yd. viL SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! LL THE Latest Styles in Men’s, Ladies* and Children’s Low Cuts are feeling the cut of Acquiant- ance Sale Prices.