Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 22, 1911, Image 1
T- 200PAIRS OF PANTS $3.00 A PAIH Worth From $6.00 Special to The Herald. New York, March 22.—Among the notable* aalllng (or England today were Lady Sarah Wllaon, Mr*. Wil liam B. Leeda and Ambaaaador and Mra. Wbltelaw Raid. IT IS INDISPUTABLE that many a man’* only aaaet after a Are ha* been an Inauranc* policy. And many a man ha* been ruined be- cauae h* bad neglected to protect hlmaelt with ' PI RE INSURANCE. Don’t run th* risk of finding youft •elf In inch a predicament. Hare u* Inaur* you today and pak* youraelf aaf*. CURRENCY HEARING DEFERRED. Special to The Herald. % Washington, D. C, March 22.—The hearing of the currency committee of ih* American Danker*’ Aaioclatlon and Son REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCI AGENTS. ng Herald. WAYCROSS; GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1911 NUMBER 116 CITY CHARTER UNCONSTITUTIONAL Demurrer FUed in Mayor’s Court Today Attorney Reed By of the Mhyor'* FIRE DEPARTMENT KEPT BUST PENSIONS FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS TUG OF WAR OVER !j|N NATIONAL HIGHWAYi this morning was occupied with “Blind Tiger” court room was crowded great interest shown by those present. This was further increased by the fact brought out in evidence that the irincipal witnesses for the prosecu* • , . , — ; Woycross Fire Department is being tion were men who had been hirea - . .. . « { for the purpose of finding these blind tigers and who were promised $25 for each conviction. Three cases were tried and in each case the Mayor held np his decision until completion of three other cases to be tried this ag- ttrnoon. If reliance Is to be placed in the tvidcpce of these detectives, there will probably be convictions in each case. Hartford, Conn., March 22.—Lead ing educators of Connecticut spokej today before the committee.on educa tion of the general assembly in sup ! port of the measure to grant pensions ! to the public school teachers of the! State. If the measure is enacted int law ill the teachers .inthe publitfscbopla and normal colleges of the S»te will eligible to retire on li pension after thirty years’ employment, the One alarm i a,uouut of t,le pension to be in pro Two Sections Working Hard to Secure National Highway NEW PHARMACY Fixtures aro now being installed mid in u few days the new Red Cross Pharmacy will open its doors to the As will be seen by following re- Five Georgia, One Florida, Counties | public. The Red Cross Pharmacy will purts there Is a very determined <?f-1 Represented At Tlfton. (occupy the old Da'y Cigar Stand 11 fort being put forth by the counties Tifton, On., March 21.—An enthus [Lott street in Southern Building. Mr,. in two tlliferent sections to secure j iastic meeting of the counties and | Francis Bagloy and Mr. P. LIde are principle parties interested in the the highway route. Whether the re-(towns along the Central route pf the ult is worth the turmoil is just a (National Highway filled the Tlftoj kept busy , iu these day following the other very rapidly. Thei*'-" 1 ®" ‘°“>o salary received at the alarm thla morning, resulted from a i llme of retirement. misunderstanding of a request that they call at a house on Jane street let some magazines for the boys to read, the prompt response showed hew ready the department is to meet the call. The alarm this afternoon was a call to a fire at a house on the comer TEX. MACCABEES ROW IN SESSltM question of opinion. But we are back ing the Waycross division for results: FROM PULASKI TO CHARLTON THE GOOD ROADS MEN MEET. Fitzgerald, On'., March 21.—A large and enthusiastic gathering df dele gates from and citizens of Pulnskt, Wilcox, Ben Hill, Irvin, Coffee; Ware and Charlton countle^4n favor of rood roads, more particularly In favor tf locating the National Highway through these counties, was called to order this afternoon by W. R. Bowen a*, the court house at Fitzgerald. A permanent organization called Attorney Harry Reed representing * A " ce 8,reet and Brunswick Avenue ; 0RAT|Fy|Na growth OF THE the Atlanta and Jacksowrllle Highway one of the defendants filed a strong demurrer, raising the point that the; Charter of City of Woycres? If uncon stitutional. Mayor Cox overruled the demurrer. NOTICE. Plant Division 383 G. I. O. to the B. of L. E., will meet at Red Men's Hall Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock A full attendance. Is desired. See notice of Miss Frances McDon ald’s spring millinery opening, Satur day 25th from 4 to 10. resulting from fire igniting the wood work close by a cooking stove on the fioor occupied by Mr. W. C. Paul. The damage was not great. NOTICE. To The Clerks Union No. 1240: You are requested to be at the hall Thurs day evening at 7:30 ns business of* Im portance will come before the meeting Refreshments will be served. CL Wilkerson President. W. C. Paul, Fin. Secty. 2t Be sure and wait for Miss Eddie See thope beautiful parasols at Miss ' Parnell’s spring millinery opening be- : Eddie Parnell's. fore selecting your hat. LODGES IN TEXAS. Special to The Herald. Dalas, Texas, March 22.—Delegates representing the Texas lodges of the Knights of the Maccabees of tho World met in State convention In thla city today. A gratifying growth is reported in the order in Texas, there being ,250 local lodges with an aggregate mem bership of 25,000. Association was effected and W.'R. Bowen elected President, J. E. Moyer L'hnmber of Commerce this afternoon pursuant to a call issued from Tifton last week. The counties represented pre Dooly, Turner, Tift, Berrien and Lowndes in Georgia; and Hamilton rounty in Florida. Letters were rtjpd promising the hearty eo-opera- Hon of Crisp county, Georgia and Co lumbia and Baker counties, Florida. Turner county sent a delegation thirty strong in eight automobiles and Berrien and Lowndos sent twenty each. County commissioners of Doo ly, Turner, Lowndes and Berrien were present and the officials of all of tho prominent cities along the route. The first/Visitors to arrive were taken in automobiles and shown tho secretary; while jv subcommittee of work being dono along the prposod AT H. C. Seaman three from each county beside the county commissioners of the county was named to effect a permanent county organizations. Enthusiastic speeches were made Ly many of the delegates and tho following vosolutlon was adopted: “Resolved, that it Is the sense of this meeting thnt the New York-At- lanta National Highway route should bo built by way of Perry, Hawkins- ville, Fitzgerald, Dougins an Way- cross and that we pledge in addition to the roads now being built our co operation to tho end that such roads as will be equal or superior to those of other routes under consideration will be built.” Telegrams of boarty co-operation were read from Charlton county and Hawkinaville. County committees were elected as follows: Wilcox— S. B. Reid; E. M. E. Cor- *nes; O. L. McLeod; with county com missioners J. 8. Crummy, G. C. Nix on and D. D.Falrcloth. . Bon Hil^ County—W. R. Bowen, J. E. Mercer and I. fielders; with com missioners H. M. Warren,'W. Walkci end G. Mlnshow. Coffee county—E. P. I.owther, C. O Duvald andJ. C. Brewer; with com missioner J. A. Gaskin. Ware County—G. P. Folks, A. M. Knight and, E. J. Berry; with com missioners B. 11. Thomas, D. ,T. Mil ler, J. J. Murray and J. F. Taylor. Committees also wero selected to rccompany the scout cars. This section will make a determin ed fight for the highway. The meet ing was adjourned subject to call of the president. ciry council SPECIAL SESSION Tbs City Council will hold • special mooting tonight. Matters of groat im portance will bo transacted. Mooting is called by order of the Moyor. SEAMAN DE8ERT8 WHEN LEARNED OP WARRANT. Norfolk, Vs., March 22.—M. E. EUr- ling, e seaman on the battleship Boutn Carolina whom tbo naval authorities had boon notified was wanted In Quit- man, Oa., upon a charge of forgery, escaped from the ship last night. Tho | Portsmouth police locating Starling, applied for his delivery but the naval (authorities refused to surrender him, unli highway in Tift county. The visitors were welcomed by Col. Dinsmorc of Tifton, with a re-j sponse by Harry Burns of Valdosta. j Mayor C. L. Adams of Jnspcr, Fin., was made temporary chairman nnd Harry l,oyton of Tifton secretary. Under resolutions offered by Dr. R. C. Woodard of Adel, a permanent organ ization was effected, knvyn os tho Central Route Association; of this ‘H. H. Tift wns elected president and Harry Leyton secretary. A vice president was elected from cnclj county along the route and one from oach principal town. These act in connection with their county com mlssloners making an organization for each county to act in co-operation with tho head body. These vice pres Idents are: Dooly County, D. L. Henderson; Menna, Ed Howell; ByromvlIRb i S. Byrom. Crisp county, I. M. Powell; Cordele W. C. Hnmbloton. Turner county, J. 8. Betts; Ashbum l). C. McKenzie; Sycamore, W. D. Fountain; Dakota, W. A. Greer. Tift county, John W. Groor; Tifton, N. Poterson; Chula, W. 15. Tyson; El dorado, T. E. Phillips. Berrien county, W. If. Gaskins; Lenox, Dr. M. L. Webb; Sparks, T. J. SludstIII; -Adel, It. C. Woodard; Ce- cil, E. L. Ivey. Lowndes county, B. W. Brantley; Vuldontn, W. B. Connelly; Huhira, R. E Barfield; Lake Park, J. K. White. Hamilton county,'Florida, C. L. Ad oms; Jennings, j. I. Jennings; Jas per, J. U. Stanley; White Springs, J. S. Mobley. Columbia county, F. F. Harbin of Lake City. AMBASSADOR REID RETURNS TO END. new venture nnd arc pinning for one of the most up-to-date drug stores in our city. The fixtures will be all Ma hogany finished nnd all modern con- vc iences for thb benefit of tiller pa trons with be installed. The soda fountain is of a very unique character nnd is sanitary and mo-d convenient. Mr. J. P. Lido will probably be I he actual manager of tho concern nnd will nt once locate in our city. Way- cross will be delighted to weiconio him hero with his family. Mr. Francis Bagley is well known to all and tho combination of these two men will make a popular firm fro inthe ^cry start. It is planned shortly to put In an attractive now plate glass front, that will materially add to the business appearance of the Southern Building Block. WATCH ME; 1 NOT AFRAID LITTLE BOY 8ECURED BROTHERS PISTOL AND TO REAS8URE PLAYMATE8, eULcEO TRIG GER AND WA8 KILLED. Atlanta, Ga., Mnrch 22.—‘‘Watch mo, I'm not afraid,’ cried Robert Har rison aged 14 as ho placed a revolver to his head while playing policeman today. Ho snapped the trigger as his playmates yelled and the only car tridge left in the magazine exploded. He died, a fow minutes without speak ing. the boy's playmates including his smaller brother, wero armed with toy pistols. Robert slipped into the house and secured a 32 calibre recol- ver belonging to a brotcr who was asleop. Tho other children were a- fraid of the pistol and hi an effort to reassure them Robert placed It to bis head and fired with fatal results. Miss Parnell personally overy one of thoso beautiful she Is now showing. COME. Help the AthtetlcAwoclotloo of W. H. S. Entertainment WcdnoiiBay March 22, Adult* 26 cent* Children IS conte, School Auditorium nt 8 p. m, 2t