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A. P. Parham, 8r.
A. P. Parham, Jr.
Edltori and Proprlators.
Miaa Carrla Parham,
Peraonal, Society and Local.
The Waycroaa Herald founded In
3886. The Dally Herald founded In
1893 by A. P. Perham, Sr.
Businos Office 25
Editorial Offle 25
Residence 268.
Democrats In Favor Of
Getting Rid Of Philippines
J rr' hai frightful coughs that no remedy
“Neither my aieter nor myaelt might
be living today, If It had not been
for Dr. Kins'! New Discovery," wrftea
Every Afternoon Except Sunday.
Entered at the Waycroaa, Oa„ Post-
office as eecond claaa mall matter.
Office No. 8 Jane Street
1 Month 5, «
S Montha
« Month! g-W
1 Year * 5 ‘ 0Q
All obituary notices, cards of thanks,
tetolutlona and notices of entertain-
moots, where charges are made, will
bo charged at advertising rates of 6
cents a line.
Subscribers to The Herald that do
cot receive the paper promptly and
early will please ring-up the Circula
tion Manager and report the trouble
to him, as this Is the only means that
ere can assure you prompt and early
Official Organ of the United States
Court of the Southern District of
WAYCROSS, GA., MARCH 22, 1911.
Congressman Hobson ought to be
In high feather these days.
It beats all how fast a fellow’s
Whiskers will grow when he’s broke.
When the Hon. T. R. contemplates
iho spectacular war spasm of the
present administration be must turn
green with envy.
A few hundred deaths among the
troops, owing to the climate condi
tions along the Mexican border, this
summer, will serve to mark the val
ue of mobilisation.
Remember tho pust only because
It makes us wiser and stronger for
Iho duties of the presont, and the
future. The unprofitable things of
the past should be forgotten and we
•hould earnestly strive to make to
day nnd tomoi rw memorable by good
The president In his speech at the
southern commercial congress let It
bo understood that any monkeying
with the snored Payne-Aldrlch wool
nnd cotton schedules b> the extra
session would get the veto axe into
action. This is distinctively Tnitlnn.
n swing from one end of the arc to
tho other; today for Iwer duties and
tomorrow for the plunderland tnrIIT.
Special Correspondence.
Washington. .March 2f.—Indepen
dence for the 8,000,000 civilized Inhab
itants of the Philippine Islands W a
subject which promises to loom larg
er and larger upon the political ho-j
rizon from this time on.
Democratic members of Congress
me getting ready to take interest in
the subject, because in the last three
Democratic platforms the party piec
ed itself to do something definite look
Jug toward PhiHppfn Independence.
The subject will be discussed more
or less at the extra session, and in
ail probability is destined to become
one of the issues of the approaching
presidential campaign.
Democrats in favor of getting rid
of the Islands are far In the majors
ty In the 'party. Some favor Imme
diate Independence while others
would prefer to have the date for sep
aration fixed for the 'end of five, ten
or fifteen years.
It is agreed b ynearly everyone that
If this country was free of the island
it would reduce to a minimum the poa
sibillty of friction with Japan, and
save the country ’millions of dollars
annually by relieving the necessity
for the tremendous naval expendltur-
es which are declared to be necessary
to protect tho Philippines.
All political parties in the Philip
pines favor immediate independence,
but If they cannot secure that they
desire leplslation fixing some definite
date to rtho establishment of a na
turalized Philippine republic.
The report of'the congressional In
vestigating committee which holds to
have been within the law the pun
chaso by American sugar interests of
55,000 acres of rich Friar lands In vi
olation of the spirit if not the letter
of tho organic act which expressly
prohibits any corporation fro macqulr-
ing inoro than 2,500 acres, hns caus
ed the Philippines to bocome impa
tient. It has strengthened a feeling
that hns been growing upon them
Tor sotno time past th£t powerful
American sugar Interests are Infi’i
enclng the Philippine policy of the
United States government.
In preference to having the Friar
lands or public Inrids held In large
tracts by a few concerns with the
majority of the Phlllpino people mero
farm laborers, the popular desire Is
that those lands be held and culti
vated In small tracts by the natives.
This Is declared to be the better
means of developing substantial and
law-abiding communities.
In the Philippines the belief is
•growing that the United States cling
to tho Islands more because It makes
It handy for American capitalists to
exploit the vast natural resources of
the island* than because the Filipino
people are not ready for lndependcn
ce. That the sugar trust and other
big American trusts Intend that tho
United Slates shall retain the Islands
forever they have little doubt. The
Filipino people are looking to the
Democrats as the only source from
v hch they are likely to receive their
had frightful coughs that no remedy
[could help. We were told my sister
had consumption. She was very weak
brought us weakness Instead of any | and had ntgbt sweats but your wow
strength, and laid our nation open to <££ul “
me charge of abandoning a fundamen- beard of." For sore lungs, cougba
tal doctrine of ,eif gvernnient.
‘In recognizing the Independence of
5 Philippines, our gorermneut
should retain such land as may be
necessary for coaling atatlona and
naval baaea,”
Take Foley's Honey and Tar. II
alvei aulek relief and expels tbe cold
from your ayatem. It contains no
opiates, is safe and atire. Gem Phan
Subscribe for tbe old reliable
Waycroaa Evening Herald.
colda, hemorrhage, lagrlppe, asthma,
bay few, croup, whooping cough,—
all bronchlcal trouble!,—Its supreme.
Trial bottle free. 50c and $1.00v Guar
anteed by All Druggists.
Tbe City Union Kings Daughters
iv111 bold their annual meeting to
morrow at 3:30 at Flrat Methodist
church. All members are urged to be
Mrs. E. H. Reed, Leader.
Mrs. T. F, Broadwater, Sec.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Aperfect Remedy forComilpi-
tlon. Sour Stomach.Dlarriwa
Worms jConvulskmsfemristt
ness nnd Loss of Sleep.
When big busine** ban accomplish-
td its object in cowing the revolution
1st* ami bringing the Diaz govern-
p.ent to terms satisfactory to conccs-
etimulricH and boud holder* It is the
simplest thing in the world to ex
change polite diplomatic notes ana
Buy, “See, we told you so. This Is
nothing but a little bobby hhrso game freedom.
of war, after all, to glvo our soldiers Examination of the last three dera
il ractleu," (ocrattc platforms, would seem to. In.
^ • dlcate that the triumphant Democrat.
* Ic party Is duly-bonud to look Into the
The death per contngc from spinal subject of Philippine Independence,
meningitis has been so largely re- ‘ Hero are a few excerpts from these
dneed by recent discovery of a spe. , platforms.
elite serum that this once dreaded j From the platform of 1900—“We fa
iled almost certainly fatal disease y 0 r the Immediate declaration of tho
promises to become comparatively I nation 1 ! purpose to give the Filipino'!,
harmless and little dreaded. To the flrat, a atable form of governments
victory medical science haa made j second. Independence, and third, pro-
•long this line much credit is due to teuton from outside Interference."
tho ofled discredited John 11. Rocke- From the platform of 1901—"We
feller, It was no me-e thnn live lnalst that we ought to do for the
- cars ego that hla little grand-daugh- ( Filipinos what we have done already
ter one of the McCormick chltdren, for the Cubans, end It la our duty to
died of meningitis. Following It* make that promise no« and upon
««Mh the multi-millionaire eat apart! suitable guarantee! of protection to
« largo sum of money to be u«cd In citizens f our own and other countries
Medical research and particularly to resident there at the time of our with
finding a euro tor mlnlaglUa. Sue. drawal. aet the Filipino people upon
teas came surprisingly quick. What- their own feet, free and independent
»er M» faults, for his work in stamp to work out thetr ow ndeatlny."
“ ae ot ,h * “del dreaded dls- From the latform of 1908—"We cn-
pixon an u Si, this country, the oil drum the experiment In Imperialism
. . .. ~-lBofc»a upon as a ax an Inexcusable blunder which b»*
fade, the brightness is your eyes.
■wsEl rnlah. If you keep your rom-'dMtv
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Imps "fee Digestions.
The color
Involved ua In enormous expenses.
N OT the old-fashioned heavy,
cumbersome, drudgery kind
that makes your arms ache
and your back tired and have driv
en many a boy from the farm, but
the light, strong, sharp, steel kind
that make gardening the pleasure
it should be.
- '"THERE is usually a goodgarden where
1 there are good-garden tools. Buy
them NOW and get the lull use of them
this season.
P. N. Harley Hardware Co.
44 Plant'Ave. Phone 186
After March tenth, 1911, this company will sell Incandeacent
Electric Lamps at coat to us, which la as follows, upon the erturu
of the old lamps:
S Candle Power, 30 watt 15c *® cl1
16 Candle Power, 60 watt 1Ee eac *>
32 Candle Power, 120 watt • ->*50 ea< *
GEM (Metallzod Fllamant) LAMPS:
20 Candle Power, 60 watt 20c •*“&
‘82 Candle Power, 80 watt • • 30o each
40 Candle Power, 100 watt - 30c each
MAZDA (Tungiten) LAMPS: ,
20 Candle Power, 25 watt 60c each
32 Candle Power. 40 watt 66c each
48 Candle Power, CO watt 30c each
80 Candle Power, 100 Watt
We recommend tbe ueo of the “GEM" to replace the common
carbon lamp, as It la more economical In the consumption of cur
rent and more efficient in the production of light, without being
ns fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp.
The Ware County
Light and Power
A Fine Line of
U p-To-Date
Refrigerators t
Just In At
Watt Hardware Co.
>0000000<XX>0000<><>0 ooooooooooooooooo
Why waste time In getting up at
right to heat the childrens milk?
Get aa
It will keep the milk warm for 24
hours. No extra time lost. It is a
great big convenience to have handy.
PHONE NO. 150.
Cherokee. Pharmacy
Waycross, Georgia
Wheelwright and Blacksmith
Horseshoeing A Specialty.
Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rear'frf
Singleton iFurniture’Company. t f
Satisfaction Guarantee J.