Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 22, 1911, Image 4
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD We are especially equipped j ; to do Prescription Work. ? Prescription* called for and delivered piomptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. | j WW/*W>*** ; C*4<*<**«< * IPersonal ^ I ^ Miss Carrie Perham flocia! Editor £ j Mr. Jim Pittman spent yesterday in- Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Brodon, of Sumter, S. C.; are In the city guests of relatives. Mr. R. H. Murphy 1 Jesup Is in the I f Y ooooooooooooooooo< NORTH CAROLINA SEED PEA NUTS, CLAY AND WHIPPERWILL FIELD PEAS, AND A FULL LINE OF CROSSMAN BROS., CELEBRA TED GARDEN SEEDS Just received and to bo sold at the right PRICES. Our stock of FEED STUFF Is com plete and our prices are as LOW ah first-class goods can he sold. We do not try to compete with parties soil ing Inferior feeds. MAY’S MILL AND FEED STORE. Phono No. 3. You Are Searching FOR THE RIGHT KIND OF FLOUR T OMAKE THE RIGHT KIND OF BREAD, YOU NEED SEARCH NO FARTHER THAN THE STORE OF HARDY BROS. THERE YOU WILL FIND THE “CLIFTON" BRAND, MADE BY THE CLIFTON ROLLER MILLS. COSTS A LITTLE MORE FER BARREL, BUT MAKES A LOT MORE AND BETTER BREAD. LAY OR BUST. Feed your henfl on LAY OR BUST chicken feed, end they will ley or bust. TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. Some beautiful stocks of goods are ;.n exhibition in Waycross this week. Mr. and Mrs. Newt Jones spent yes- erday in Jacksonville. PERSONAL. We will pay you ten cents each for new names and addresses of amateur photographers. Carver, Box 504, Va terloo Iowa. tl RING 174 FOR WOOD. RING 174 FOR WOOD. PARK MOR RAND GO. F.NGINEER8 AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-IIltch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. 5 or 6 doses “666” will euro any AFTER ALL THERE IS NOTHINQ ease of Chills nnd ‘Fever. Price 25 SO PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN IT8 NOBBY TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER. VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY* TO SHOW YOU HOW WELl’iT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and 8afs» Stable*. ITtheau St. Waycross,!)*. PHONE NO, 63. - x-j—T . ^ Li—: cents. Mrs. Alice Nixon asks the ladles to call at The. Bon Ton next week, 28th nnd 29tlf, nnd Inspect her line of mil linery and ready-to-wear. 21 Mrs. O. B. Wood spent yesterday In Jacksonville with Mr. Wood. Mr. anl Mrs. Van Dorn Wilkins have returned to New York. Don't forget the recital at Central school auditorium tonight. Admission 25 and 15 cents. The condition of little Warren Lang ston still remains critical at the Kings Daughters Hospital. Mrs. A. Richardson and little grand son, Albert Blythe, Jr., are visiting relatives on St. Simon. The Ex-Mayor of Brunswick Is in the city today. We always feel safe' when Rob Hopkins is here. Just received at The Bon Ton, new Kuching, new Collars, Mfcddy Ties Lace Barbs, Loony Silk, Gloves and Winlsor Ties. * 22 2t Let us now put some of that ener gy which we have already not expen ded on (lying machines into the good loads movement. The Golden Link Missionary Socie ty w»P meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Seals at her home on Brunei street. 21 tf The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mooro who has been very JU at the Kings Daughters Hospital Is consid erably better today. TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MANI THEHUFORE, YOUNG PEOPLE; Your^ucctws depends upon your abll Ij to make an early alart and to atom tho tide. Our College offer, every one an equa chance to atnrt' rlshL We teach every commercial etudy, and prepare you to raaater, your vocation. With One Of Our Diplomas, Your - Succaaa Will Ba Carttln. WE SECURE.POSITIONS! WE WILL DOtmi.E YOUR SALARY! NVaycross Business College Wayerosa, tia, fl. r. Zclslar, Proa. Smoke! “Orani Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. -lured In Waycroaa, Qs, air M CIGAR CO NOTICE. Sec Ihe wonderful gifted Xray payable clairvoyant medium teacher ol personal magnetism. Advice on lovo Marriage Rualneaa and all offnlra of life. Trlumpa over all obataclea and brlnaa auccess. Call and bo convinced Reading Dally 9 to 1 MABEL HARRIS, 21 Wardlaw atreot Gilchrist Park. 21 d. NOTICE. THE LADIES OF WAYCROSS ARE INVITED TO MI8S EDDIE PAR. NELL'S OPENING OF SPRING AND SUMMER HAT8, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28TH AND MTH, Wtl. 1t ft Mlsa Eddie Parnell Invites the U- dica of tho city to her spring nillliii- et.v opening March IS Hi and 29(h. The Woman’s Home and Foreign Mission Society of First Methodist church held a reception Monday af ternoon for the new members of. tho church. Mrs. S. W. Hitch presided. We are offering you as long ns they last a lot of Dress Silks 60c quality tU 25 cents. | Humphreys & Williamson, j — ' " *-i The first regular prayer meeting service will be held tomorrow, Thurs day night, at tho new Central Baptist Tabernacle. Everybody who will la cordially Invited to attend the serv ice. On our bargain tables this week rrotty display of 50c atlk at 25 cants. . Humphrey! & Williamson CASTOR IA For Infanta nnd Children. Till Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of Messrs NoiVsl, Zelgler, Elkins and Johnson have returned from Jackson- Mile where they atfeudsd the Y. M. 0 A. convention. These gentlemen nl»o compose the Y. M. C. if. quar tet to which sang during the conven tion. The friends vt Miss Claudia Luc$f will bo interested to learn that she is visiting relatives in New Orleans. Miss Lucas Is -very popular in Way' <4oss. \ ANNOUNCEMENT. Miss Frances McDonald invites you attend her Spring Millinery Open ing on Saturday afternoon and even ing from 4 to 10 o’clock, March, 25, No. 9 Lott Street, SEEDS! SEEDS! ^ Let us sell you your garden and'flower seeds and your garden will be success. _ r v '. ; -v. THE §PAJJS PHARMACYfi: TUB BEX ALL STORK millinery opening THE LADIES ARE INVITED TO CUR MILLINERY OPENING NEXT Tuesday and Wednesday March 28th and 29th WE WILL SHOW THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF PATTERN. HATS, RIBBONS AND PLUMES TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. AND A COR DIAL IN VITATION EXTENDED. X HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF QUALITY. ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ] Generally speaking, a woman—” Prof. Brown smiled at the class— Short-sighted and fussy, they thought him, And laughed at him, each pretty Generally speaking, a woman—” He coughed, anl his features turned red; “Generally speaking, a woman, Is. Generally speaking,•’ he said. Miss Eddie Parnell has announced her spring milllinery opening for March 2Sth and 29tb. Miss Parnell will show the hanlsomest line of mil linery In the city. Subscribe tor the old reliable Waycross Evening Herald. : Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac tion, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct Irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are caus ed that make, a quick need for Buck Ien’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur cst cure-for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, afires. It subdues inflamatlon. It kiUsYpaln. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, • ulcers or piles. Only 25c at All Druggists. -=LLi.. =2 tf* LaGrande Block 6 and 8 Plant Ave. Phone 123 Cream Wool I Velvet Ribbons | Serge 50c. All-over Nets and Silk Embroideries All Colors and - Prices. 45 in.Flouncing Special 59c Misses and Childrens’ Velvet Pumps $I- 75 , S2- 50 ’ S3 00 Mad^m Sherry Hair Braids 25c and 50c A 1 ! Colors 3c to 25c yd. New Plaid Ginghams Only 10c & 15c yd. New Lot Suede Pumps $2-5°, Si 00 , $3-50 Big shipment of childrens ’ dresses All the new colors and styles. Prices very low. 25c to $1.50 Silk Hose Garter Top,- 50 as. < Brown afid Black Velvet Pumps $3.00 Cotto Silk Foulards All Colors 19c per yard. New Lot Per cales and Calico^ Satin Striped Marquisette 25cfls yd. 6 and 8 McCall’s Ts