Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 23, 1911, Image 4
WAYCR03S EVENING HERALD W« are especially equipped to do prescription Work. Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. [Personal | £ Mist Carrie Perham Seda! Editor £ Bee those beautiful parasols at Miss Eddie Parnell’s. Mrs. A. Fleming who has been (julie sick jn reported better today f ooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000<XX>000000000( MILLINERY OPENING If You Are Searching Let us all /set together ‘Cleaning-L’p Week!" Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. E Greene will regret to learn of the illness of flelr two children on Jane street NORTH CAROLINA SEED PEA- NUT8, CLAY AND WHIPPERWILL FIELD PEAS, AND A FULL LINE OF CROSSMAN BROS., CELEBRA- TED GARDEN SEEDS Just received nnd to be sold at the right PRJCE8. Our stock of fEED STUFF la com plete and our prices are as LOW a» first-class goods can he sold. Wo do not try to compete with panics sell- J lag Inferior feeds. MAY’S MILL AND FEED 8TORE. Phono No. 3. FOR THE RIGHT KIND OF FLOUR Mrs. Cato’s friends here will be T OMAKE THE RIGHT KIND OF pleased to learn that she Is better to- BREAD, YOU NEED SEARCH NO day, although still quite sick FARTHER THAN THE STORE CF, HARDY BROS. THERE YOU WILL* See notice of Miss Frances McDon- FIND THE “CLIFTON” BRAND, ; 0 Id s spring millinery opening. Satur- MADE BY THE CLIFTON RuLLERj day 25 th from 4 to 10. MILLS. COSTS A LITTLE MORE j PER BARREL, BUT MAKES A LOT MORE AND BETTER BREAD. LAY OR BUST. Feed your hens on LAY OR BUST chicken feed, and they will lay or bust. TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. AFTER ALL THERE IS NOTHING SO PLEA8ANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN ITS NOBBY TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY TO 8H0W YOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Safes Stables. Ttboau St. Waycross, Ga. PHONE NO. M. PERSONAL. We will pay you ten cents each for new names and addressee of amateur photographers. Carver, Box 604, Wa tqrloo Iowa. tf RING 174 FOR WOOD. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. 1m. PARK MOR RAND CO. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-HItch Bulidlng. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN! THEREFORE, YOUNG PEOPLE, Your success depends upon your abll- Ij to make an early start and to stem the tide. Our College ctfcrs every one nn equa chance to start right. We teach every commercial study, and prepare you to master your vocation. With One Of Our Diplomat, Your 8uccoss Will Be Certain. WE SECURE POSITIONS! WE WILL DOUBLE YOUR SALARY! Waycross Business College W»ycroM, Oil R. F. Zel*l*r, Pro*. 6 or G doses “666” will euro any case of Chills and Fover. Price 26 cents. 21 tf Mrs. AUce Nixon aRks the ladles to call at The Hon Ton next week, 28th and 29th, and Inspect her lino of mil linery nnd ready-to-wear. 22 2t NOTICE. • ~* Seo tho wonderful gifted Xrny psyehle clairvoyant medium teacher ol personal magnetism. Advice on lovo Marriage Business and all affairs of life. Trlumps over all obstacles and brings success. Call and be convinced Lending Dally 9 to 7 MABEL HARRIS, 31 Wnrdlaw street Gilchrist Park. 21 4. NOTICE. THE LADIES OF WAYCR08S ARE INVITED TO MISS EDDIE PAR NELL'S OPENING OF SPRING AND SUMMER HATS, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28TH AND 29TH, 1911. 186t Miss Eddie Parnell Invites the la dles of the city to her spring mlllln- ety opening March 2Sth and 20th. See the great program at Airdome tonight. New Show. 23 It Mrs. Snedeker and daughter. Mrs. Lamb, of Savannah are In the city for a few days. Miss Ilolse Moore, the little daugh ter of Alderman John W. Moore ii dangerously ill with typhoid fever. , Mr. and Mrs. Hrogdon of Sumpter, S. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abo Morgan today. He sure and wait for Miss Eddie Parnell's spring millinery opening be fore selecting your hat. Mrs. J. T. Hopkins and brother, Mr. Hart of Indiann, left this morning for Brunswick and St. Simon where they will spend several days. Miss Parnell personally seleqted every ono of those beautiful parasol* she Is now showing. Mrs. H. C. Burse, of Troy, Ill., have reached Waycross nnd will probably locate here. The Herald extends them n welcome to our city. Alderman C. E. Dunn made a flying Islt to the city today. He reports tho hotel at St. Simons well on the way ompletlon. Miss Kate Wilson has returned nf- ter nn extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Gale at Columbus, Ohio. Miss Wilson has been very delightfully entertained while there. The Herald has Just received sev eral hundred dollars worth of new job type and material. We our flying machine and we for you. city today. He On our bargain tables this week a pretty display of 60c silk at 26 cents. Humphreys & Williamson. CASTOR IA For Infant* nnd Children. The Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of and life wo have here to spare. of the First Presbyterian First week in April Is “Clean!! Up Week” In the city. Get busy! Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Ycr Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. M*nuf*ctu-*4 In W.ycrou, 0*. B>.> HITMAN CIGAK CO announcement. lug on Saturday afternoon and oven- I No. 9 Lott Street, SEEDSI SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. i THE SEALS PHARMACY!! >>. Til K RKX ALL STORK THE LADIES ARE INVITED T<* CUR MILLINERY OPENING NEXT Tuesday and Wednesday March 28th and 29th WE WILL SHOW THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF PATTERN HAT8, RIBBONS AND PLUMES TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. AND A COR- DIAL IN VITATION EXTENDED. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF QUALITY. > OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Colleges In Tri Debate. Special to The Herald. Lawrence, Kas., March 25.—Arran gements have been completed lor tho triangular debate tomorrow among de bating teams representing the Univer sity of Oklahoma, the University of Colorado and the University of Kan sas. Each University will have tw r o teams, one to debate at home and the other abroad. The question to be debated Is: “Resolved, That tho short ballot should be used in all munlclp- a* county and State elections.” Miss Eddie Parnell has announced her spring mlllllnery opening for March 28th and 29th. Miss Parnell will show the hanlsomest line of mil linery in the city. Subscribe tor the old reliable Waycross Evening Herald. Foley Kidney Pills arg tonic ih ac tion, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct Irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are cau» ed that make a quick need for Buck- len’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, sur est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues inflamatlon. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at All Druggists. LaGrande Block 6 and 8 Plant \ve. ay Cream Wool Serge 50c. V^Avet Ribbons * All Cblors 3c to '25c yd. ho " All-over Nets and Silk Embroideries p All Colors and Prices. - New Plaid Ginghams Only 10c &45c yd. " 45 in.Flouncing * s P ecial 59c New'iupt Suede Pumps S2- 50 . $J- W , $3- 5 » • 1 1 Misses and I Childrens’ 0 Velvet Pumps ' § $I- 7S . $2 S0 * $3°° Big shipment of childrens* dresses All the new colors and k styles. Prices very low. 25c to $1.50 | Madam Sherry Hair Braids 1 25c and 50c Silk Hose Garter Top 50 dts. Brown and Black Velvet Pumps $3.00 Cotto Silk Foulards All Colors 19c per yard. Per Marquisette 25dts yd. McKinley 10c Music 6 ami Plant Jive.