Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 23, 1911, Image 7
New Goods fire Arriving Daily WILKES Next to P. N. Harley Hardware Co. THE NEW STORE WITH THE NEW GOODS New Goods Are Arriving Daily T HERE has been a cry in Way cross for better Dry Goods, we have the very best line of Dry Goods ever shown in Waycross to offer you at prices that will open wide your eyes. Rememder we have no shelf-worn goods to offer you and our goods are direct from the Eastern markets, and are up-to-date in every detail. We are always glad to show you our goods: EMBROIDERIES We carry a line of Baby Irish llounc ings that by far surpass anything ever shown here and our complete line is now on sale. Choice per yd. 1.75 Bands to match above flouncings per yd. . . . 75c Also a very pretty line of 18 inch corset cover styles to go at per yard . • 22c WHITE GOODS DIMMITIE8, SALE PRICE PER YARD 190 25c NAINSOOKS, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 190 Ale LONG CLOTH, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 16e 25c INDIAN LINEN8, SALE PRICE PER-YARD 19c 65c IRI8H LINEN8, 8ALE PRICE PER Y^RD * 48o FLAXON8, SALE PRICE PER YARD 22o FLAXONS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 16o DRESS LINENS, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 25e 25c BARRED MUSLIN8, SALE PRICE PER YARD 19e ; BARRED MUSLIN, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 1«o YDS GOOD AS GOLD BLEECHINQ MENS’ SUITS 0UR SUITS are made up in all the latest styles with heavy padded shoulders and peg top pants by one of the largest clothing houses in the East. All our mens’ suits are feeling the cut of Acquaintance Sale Prices. PANTS WjE CARRY a Complete Line of ijitil Mens’ Pants. Prices ranging horn . $1.50 per pair to $10.00 WILKES The Progressive Store. DRESS GOODS W|£ VE a full line of Dress Goods that we will be glad to show you, in Messolines, Taffettas, Satin, Foulards, San Toys and Mar- quirettes that are all $1.25 values which we are placing on sale nn for a few days only at per yd. v IC SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! LL THE Latest Styles in Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Low Cuts are feeling the cut of Acquiant- ance Sale Prices. PARK PLACE High cass Subdivis ion for white peope ony, on easy terms, close to A.C. L. Shops. W. D. Aforton, Agt. i ROOM NO. I Southern Hotel BlOff Waycross & Southern R. r. co. Schedule, of Train. Effective January 2, 1911. [ Notice:—The arrival and departure, are given as lnformaUon and are sot guaranteed. Southbound Train No. L Miles Station ' 0 BebardvUlo, Qa. Lv. 6:30 am 2 Waycroae (Albany ave) 6:36 am 8 Lavinfa 5:60 am 10, Fredel Ar. 5:55 am Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredel 2:45 pm 8 Lavlnia 2:50 pm 2 Waycrosa (Albany ave) 8:06 pm OHebardvllle 3:10 pm Tralna No. 1 and No. 2, dally, ex cept Sunday. ,lno. M. Hoeklna. Superintendent. WAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. tl. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday evening la Red .Men'* Hall, Lott-HItch building at I » m. yi.ltlne brother* cordially Invited to meet with us. I Rherod Cortina, L. Carl Cohlm. Ree-Secty. ( Kidney Pills What They W1U Do for You They will cure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor. tect urinary irregularities, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric add that causes rheumatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and De bates, and reftore health and atraagth. Refuse substitutes. FOR8AL E BY GEM PHARMACY O O-OOOOOOOOO O O DR LEWIS o JONATHAN BURCH O PRACTICE LIMITED TO O Eye, Eer, Nose, Throat and O Chronic Dlseasea. O Residence 186 Plant Ave. O .Office Redding Building. O Office Hours: 8 to II a. m. O Itoi p. m. colored people. KAISER’S VACATION AT CORFU Special to The Herald. Berlin, March 22.—Emperor Wil liam, who has fully recovered from his recent illness, will strat tomorrow or. bis customary spring vacation. His period of rest and recreation will be passed amid the romantic su> roundings of Corfu in the magnificent pile of marble erected as a residence for the late Empress Elizabeth of Au stria and acquired by the German em peror after her death. According to tho ofllcial announce ment Emperor William will stop over in Vienna for a day or two for a meeting with the. venerable Emperor Frances Joseph. From Vienna ha will resume his journey to Corfu. On his way home it Is thought likely he may visit Rome for the international exposition that will then be in pro gress there in celebration of the semi-centennial anniversary of united Ttaly. Though Emperor William hus nev- displayed the globetrotting ten dencies possessed by some European royalties, he nevertheless is an ex perienced traveller and has always been exceedingly fond of visiting for eign countries. It may be said that ho other monarch knows better how to travel in luxury and comfort. . - When his majesty travels by rail, as he will do for the greater part of the Journey on which he will start tomorrow, he always Insists that his train shall go to its destination with out stopping. The time of departure Is Axel in such a way that his nights rest is not interfered with.- The imperial train is fitted up so comfortably, according to tho Em- neror’s own tastes, that he feels quite at home in it. On entering it, should it be early in the day, he goes to his study and sits at his writing table, where the rays of an elcctiic lam* fsli on a beautifully framed photo- graph of the Empress and their chil dren. The Emperor’s private car con tains bedroom, dining room, library, study and lounging compartments. The bedrcom is very Bimple. His Majesty always sleeps well in train, rises early, takes a bath in the tathroom adjoining his bedroom, and then puts on tho clothes he will wear on leaving tho train. If tho train arrives at its destination very early in tho morning it runs on a siding yntil hs majesty awakes and finishes his toilet. This method of travelling ex plains why the Emperor always looks so fresh and bright when ho appears before th# public. rAN UP-TO-DATE DRUGGIST says it Is surprising how many old- fashioned remedies arc being used, which goes to show that it is hard to improve somo of our grand mothers’ old, time-tried remedies. For instance, for keeping the hair dark, soft and glossy, nothing equal ing our grandmothers’ "sago tea” has ever been discovered. Although, by tho addition of sulphur and other In gredients, this old-fasliioncd brew has been made more effective as a scalp tonic and color restorer. Nowadays when our hair comes out or gets faded or gray instead of going to tho garden or garret for hqybs and making tho "tea” ourselves, .wo simp ly go to the nearest drug store and ask for a bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. Druggists are authorized to sell it under guarantee that tho money will be refunded if it fails to do exactly as represented. This preparation is ottered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and la recommended and sold by CHEROKEE PHARMACY. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 16& Meets first and third Thursday *n each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, 0. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 80S. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUE8DAY EVENINGS AT 7:30 P. M. All Maaona Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, 8EC, Faces Trial Foe Murder Special to The* Herald. Hanford, Cal., March 22.—Tho caso of James Ward, charged with tba murdor of “Tommy” Clayton, a raco track follower, was caljpd in court today for trial. Clayton wa* shot and killed in a drunken brawl last Octobor. It is understood that Ward will pload self-dofense. WAKEFIELD LODGE, HO. Z7 KNIGHTS OF PYTHfAS. Meets enry Monde? evening at ’:30 In Castle Hal’ ?»ant ave. Members »r*» requested to attend, sad visiting Knights are moat no* dlally Invited to meet with ua. CHA8. E. CASON, C. C. T. H. Miller, K. of R. & S. & M. of F. For either acute ->r imwL’ kidne.v disorders, tor anney mil •vUUlM uri nary Irregularities, fake Fol .» l\U ney Pills. An honest and efiea’fivc edi- cino for kidney and bladder jlsor* ders. Gem Pharmacy. ■'tfijSKnyr EED.S Fifth, ItlltbltfPurt f sirffltecd to Pftttt I KmvGwnteMrtad J PUuter «hoa Id t*»tUia f MpvrtormtnuofOjw ' Northern drown Bit a. special orris FOR 10 CENTS r* Will send postpaid our COLLECT'*! ipfMMwiuM • • if* A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE la a valuable family friend. Foley’a Honey and Tnr fulDlls this condition oxactly. Mrs. Charles ICIIno, N. 8th St., Easton, Pa., etatca: "Several members of my family have been cur ed of bad cougha and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I nm never without a bottle In tha house. It soothes and relieves the Irritation In the throat and looaena up the cold. I havo always found It a reliable cough cure." Gera Pharmacy, DON'T GET EXCITEDI Wo have mado arrangement* to loan money In Waycross. The more money you want the bettor we like No red tape—Just money. Tbat’g all. See BUCHANAN A SHARPE. 3 tf 413 LaOrande Building NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. There are several nonunion paint ers In town soliciting work. In the Interest of our local union painters, wo ask our citizens to require each man to show a union card, and tip ploy only thoae who can show a eat In good standing, tl Tt U C. Brown, Secretary, Local No. 601, Warcron, Ga. WHERE THE RUB COMES 11^ Is In knowing which laundry you Bhould send your work to. There are n wholo lot ot ordinary laundries that do fair work, “but when It comer to PERFECT LAUNDERING we excel. Wo return your linen to you with a finish, that shows earo and experience.' You will never And your collars broken, ot your linen ruined If we do the laundering. Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONES. Millinery opening, the 28th and -9th of next week at The Bon Ton, tho little store wbere you get the biggest values, and the latest styt- 22 2t- millinery opening AT THE BON TON. MRS. NIXON OF THE BON TON ANNOUNCES HER 8PRINO MILL- INERY OPENING FOR MARCH 2STH AND 29TH, AND CORDIALLY IN VITES ’THE LADIE8 OF THE CITYs TO ATTEND.