Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 23, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Walker-Hood Furniture Co. .. —— Successors To Walker-Mulligan Fur. Co. 1 he Store o/ Great Values, Where Your Credit is Good We pay our customers 10 per dt. in trade coupons to make their payments at the ritore. Wd BaIttnce r jpfc-u4}^wy 30, 60 and ) 90 days. THIS RATTAN PARLOR 8UITE, EX ACTLY 1 CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. 18 MADE OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE AND SPLIT RATTAN, FINISHED IN LIGHT SHELLAC. $16.00 Lloyd* Princess *FIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KING." ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN BEST GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND POCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, 11 IN. WHEELS, 14 SPOKES, 1-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. $lfash, 5€c Wlc. $12.00 Heywood Collapsible FOLDS WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A STRONG HANDSOME CART, HEA- VY RUBBER TIRES, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN, EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. Like Cut T $1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBE R OF THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC ORATED, HIGH GRADE DINNER S ETS. THEY CONSIST OF 53 PIEC ES OF THE BEST QUALITY DOME CTIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DECORATIONS. $1.00 CA SH, 50 CENTS PER WEEK. >.00 Per Set. ALL SIZES, NEWEST PATTERN 8, LOWEST PRICES. 106 Plant Ave. Phone 499. did Oak Rocker ijxactly Like Cut $1.98 50dts Per week IVe Buy For Less We Sell For Less See Our NewKind of Hammock Couches WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OU R SPRING LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTM ENT, AND MARKED AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK. $1.75 TO $6.00 A Great Line THE FAMOUS HGYWOOO PULc- MAN CARS, EITHER IN FINEST GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY UPC HOLSTERED OR IN THE WOOD BODIES, FINISHED In THE BEST BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEL. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUES. $8.00 to $25.00 THERE IS COMFORT FOR BABY IN A LLOYD’S PRINCESS, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD STYLE SPRING MAKES THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP. GIVES ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM THE SUN AND TOGETHER WITH THE STORM CURTAINS, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. Like Cut $*10.50 $1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. TIGER CASES DISPOSED OF The liquor rases In ihe Mayo court continued nil yesterday aft noon, and rcgcultcd in ti.o dismiss of all caned wive one and the last 1 fortunate received a sentence of $U>0 or 90 dnys nil tho defendaii once arrested by county officers and carried to the court house where they all made bond, except Tom lilake and he Is now in the county Jail. The bond was fixed at $300 for np- epamnee in Superior Court. The whole trial of these cases was sordid In the extreme and a sad commentary on the Inevitable results that accrue to human nature in the shadow of fhlii whiskey traffic In the lowering of the standard of life and morals, j Brother accusin',: brother, I iiiia bkin !■$ weakened It becomes ct.fclly Infected with germs which cause many of the diseased to which flesh l« heir. Healthy mucous mem- Lrnnos arc essential safeguards of the I ody‘s genera! health. We have a remedy which wo hon estly believe to bo unsurpassed In excellence for tho prevention of <rush*, colds and all catarrhal con ditions. It Is the proscription of r, b ilious physician, who has an en viable reputation of thirty years of ernes gained through the use of this formula. Wo promise to make no charge for tho medicine should *' tail to do as we claim. Wc ur*t o*- cry body who has need of such a med icine to try ltcxnll Mucu-Tono. j It stands to reason that we could not afford to make such statements end give our own personal guarantee to this remedy If wo were not pro pared to prove tho reasonableness of claim In every articular, and wc no reason why any one should at- 1 l:t sltntte to accept our offer and try tempt to escape the penalty of the law, friend attacking friend and men willing to buy drink and betray for r. few paltry dollars. The city author Hits deserve comendatlon for their determined efforts to control this Il licit traffic. Solicitor Uennett wfts very fair and $S8t in hli efforts to simply vindicate the lew, wthout undue prejudice to wards the defendant, and Mayor Cox tempered justice with mercy and gave the boys a chance to redeem them- wives. The additional action by County Authorities has the appearance of be In* vendlctlre in character, bu: doubtless will be justified by results. It. Wc have two sizes of Rexall- Mucu-Tono. prices fid cents and $1.00. Sometimes a fio-cenl bottle is suffi cient to give marked relief. As a general thing the most chronic case is relieved with an average of three large hot ties. You can obtain Rexall Remedies In Waycroas only at our store,—The Rexall Store. The 8eala Pharmacy. MARKED IMPROVEMENTS. We are glad to chronicle a very great improvement to the center of cur town. In tho completion of tho • new concrete pavement around the! Phoenix block. This wide convenient! sidewalks adds very much to the beau- ! ty of this handsome street. We also j noto with pleasuo the removal by the ! Electric Light Company of many uglyj poles In and around the squares and the painting of those left, all addin3 j to the* attractiveness of these thor j oughfares immr’etely ubbutting on j cur new dc: o!.. it our chairman on I irks would now devote a little at tention to planting some grass on T'Loenix Square It would present a . Icasnnt appearance and „a verdant green back-ground to tho Confederate monument. If said chairman will con salt our capable Marshnl, Colley, h» will give him some pointers on the First week in April Is “Cleaning- Up Week” in the city. Get busy! COL. N. M. M. BRIGHAM AT LYCEUM TOMORROW EVENING. In reference to the lecture—Illus trated—of Col. Not. Brigham who is to appear at the Central School Au ditorium'Friday evening, March 24th, under the auspices of tho Lyceum the j following letter has Just been received from Mr. Simmons, associb'e presi dent of Brennu College, Gainesville, Gn.: Brennu College, March IS, 1911 Wc hnd tho most enjoyable enter tainment of the year In Mr. Brighams lecture bn the Grand Canyon. We want him to give us that same lecture again next year. * T. J. Simmons. After much difficulty the manager the Parker Theater has succeeded pro,,0.1110... No* <s tho correct | |n booWng Mnn 0n The ^ THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE # FOR THE PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. -HE PRICE IS $1 TO $10. WE RE- COMMEND THE $3 TO $5 C0RSET8 JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 0NE8. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALL-ROUND WAY. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH EACH SEA SON'S LEADING FASHIONS IN VIEW. Sold in Waycrot* Exclusive ly By. Miss Eddie Parnell time to make these improvements, Just before the long looked for rain We also direct attention to the uni form hitching posts erected on Phoe nix block and suggest that their ap pearance when completed surpass the appearance of the poles cf all sizes and shapes 10 be scon on nearby street points. w. a. McDonald, jr. very ill Judge W. A. McDonald received the sad Intelligence last night, that his son, W. A. McPonald, Jr., who Is Isitlng friends at Amerlcus, Ga., !• down, dangerously 111 with pneumo- Ida and was not expected to live through the night. Another telephone message at 2 p. n;., this morning stated that he was sitll alive, but In a most critical con* THE CAUSE OF COLDS. Good Advice Regarding ths Preven tion of Coughs and Colds. If people would only fortify and.ditlon. strengthen the system the majority! of rises of coughs, colds snd pnen-j .Fee the great program at Airdome ir.ccia might be avoided. Tbe-e trou ’torUht. New Show. 23 it b'.f are frequently doe to weakness. LADIES, WHY NOT PRESERVE YOUR YOUTH AND BEAUTY? which produces a catarrhal conditio: •he mucous mcrubranc.which Is **t this of tho body. Whet Miss Fddte Parnell has just receiv ed the moet beautiful lot of parasols ever ehowa la the city. Parisian Sage, the quick acting hair restorer, is now for sale in Way cross at the drUg store of O. R. Brin ■on & Co., and Is sold with a rigid cuarantce at 50 ccnta a large bottle. Parisian Sage has an immense sale, end here are the reasons: It Is safe and harmless. K cures dandruff In two weeks, by killing the dandruff germ. It stops falling hair. It promtply stops Itching of the scalp. It makea the hair soft and luxu- 1 fant. It gives life and beauty to the hair. It is not sticky or greasy.' It Is the best, the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made. which is just completeing a tour of al. the larger cities of the south. The people of this city should appreciate the efforts of the manager in secur ing this high-class attraction and re ward his efforts with & «:rowde*l house, FIRST FEWJRAY HAIRS J MAY UK POSTPONED. 1 r * fooling of sadness accompanies tho d'seovery of tho tint gray hairs, •which, unfortunately, nro looked upon u the heralds of advancing ago. Gray hairs, however,"arc not nlway* an Indication of advancing age, for many people hare gray hairs quit* early In life. Of courae. It lo un natural and Indicates that there 1« something wrong with tho Individual and that Nature needa assistance In correcting the trouble. The same la true of hair that la constantly (ailing out and becoming thinner every day. It everything is right with Nature, the hair, even In comparatively elder ly people, should be long, thick end glossy, without even a streak of gray. Ths Ideal assistant to Nature In restoring and preserving the hair la Wyeth's Sage ■ snd Sulphur Hair Remedy, • clean and wholesome dressing (Or dally use. It not only removes dandruff but strengthens wank, thin and tailing heir and dre motes* Its growth. A few applications will restore faded or gray hair to Its natural color. This preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle and la recommended and eold bp CHEROKEE PHARMACY. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MO&TE PICKENS, “THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN" Tuner and repairer for the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Ga., Jas. A. Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent music hous es in New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer for the Wesloyon Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer for the Besele Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, since 1500. Endorsed as a violinist and tuner by the press, artists and musicians from New York to Texas. ' “A tuner who tunes.”—Frcderkk Reddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' “Not only a fine violinist, but also one of the most ex«wt jrRTfo tuners In the United States."—MualcT rsdes, New York. "I commend him as able to satisfy the most exacting demands as piano toner and repairer.”—C. H. S. Jackson. President Bessie Tift Col' lege, Forsyth, 0a. Those desiring the services of ar. artistic workman, will do well to seenre the services of Mr. Pickens while In Waycrose. CABLE: PIANO COMPANY. LaGrando Building. Waycross, Georgia N. B.—Out of town orders for tuning will receive prompt ami care ful attention. CIO RECEPTION FOR R008EVELT K,l * er ’* D * u » h, ‘ r To Visit England. Special to The Herald. Special to The Herald. Berkerly, CaL, March $3—Presi dent and Mrs. Benjamin Ide Wheeler of the University of California held a big recaption In Hearat Hall this Jlernoon In honor of Colonel anl Mrs. Theodore Roasevolct. Colonel loo .ivelt Is here to deliver the ae-j lea cf F-srV lectures at the unlverti lty - London, March 23.—In response to a special Invitation from King George and Queen Mary, Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia will accompany Emperor William and the German . Empress on their visit to London in Slay to attend the dedication of tho Queen Victoria memorial. It will bo ^ the Srct \!»it of the Princess to Eng- !>»<«• 4 . , *\