Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 24, 1911, Image 4

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERAL0 are especially equipped to do Prescription Work. Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. If You Are Searching (Personal | |£Mis« Carrie Perham Social E<Morj£ | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scruggs* U*» today for Havannah after a short vi . It here. Hon. L. T. Mitchell, of Pasco, Fla, | la in the city today, looking over sev- * era! business propositions. I Mr. Register of LaOrande Pharma- | cy Is out today after an Jllenss of j several days. >ooooooooow>ooooo < MILLINERY OPENING Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne will move FOR THE RIGHT KIND OF FLOUR j j n f ew days from Gilmore street to T OMAKE THE RIGHT KIND OF | j a Q raJJ{ j e Hotel where they will have BREAD, YOU NEED SEARCH NO j Prar tments. FARTHER THAN THE STORE OFj NORTH CAROLINA SEED PEA- NUTS, CLAY AND WHIPPERWILL FIELD PEA8, AND A FULL LINE OF CROSSMAN BROS., CELEBRA TED GARDEN SEEDS just received And to be sold at the right PRICES. Our stock of FEED STUFF Is com plete and our prices are ns LOW n«> first-class good# can be sold. Wo do not try to compete with parties sell ing Inferior feeds. MAY’S MILL AND FEED STORE. Phone No. 3. HARDY BROS. THERE YOU WILL FIND THE “CLIFTON" BRAND, MADE BY THE CLIFTON ROLLER MILLS. COSTS A LITTLE MORE PER BARREL, BUT MAKES A LOT MORE AND BETTER BREAD. LAY OR BUST. Feed your hens on LAY OR BUST chicken feed, and they will lay of bust. TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. AFTER ALL THERE 18 NOTHIN® SO PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN ITS NOBBY TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW VOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Salea Stables. Tebeau Ht. Waycross, Qa. PHONE NO. 63. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The Seal# Pharmacy has just re ceived n fresh supply of ZEMO and Zemo Soap, Zemo fB a remarkable remedy clear liquid for external use. The first application will Instantly relieve the most intense Itching, quickly r© noves blotches, pimples, blackheads eczema, dandruff, tetter and other forms of skin or scalp humors wheth er n Infnnt or grown person. Zemo Soap is the new antiseptic skin soap is the purest and sweetest of medi cinal and !o!Jet soaps, a.id relieve® and quickly cures prickly heat, rash es. hives; chafing and other forms of skin nffectlon so prevalent among Infants. Especially adoptel for per sons with a delicate tender skin. The Seals Phnrmncy hns a limited supply of samples of Zemo and Zemo soap. A sninplo of each will accom plish wonders and will demonstrate their great merit to those who have nny form of skin or scalp eruption. Mr. B. M. Comfort a prominent in surance man of Waycross was trans acting business in this city last Fri day.—Thomasvillo Press. Milton Parker is reported better to day. Milton has a large number of frieuds in Waycross who will be pleased to learn of hl9 improved con dition. Little Miss Clara Ham, niece oi Mrs. II. 8. Redding, who has been very ill since her arrival here with her mother a few days ago is better today. Col. J. W. Byrd, of Thomasville is in Waycross today. Mr. Byrd is we*ll known to many of our citizens. He is considering a proposition that may result in his locating in Waycross. For wood phone 216. 20 im MAKE THIS TEST. SPEED UP THE ROAD OF SUCCESS By taking a course in our college, and you are bound to WIN! Our courses include every study that on© might desire In aiding him fc success. The graduates from our BUSINESS COLLEGE demand good pay, because they are competent. Improve your opportunities by en rolling at once. Waycross Business College Waycross, Ga. R. F. Zelgler, Pres. Smoke! , “Oran Chico’s", "Yer Best Smokers”, and nf imanls Best Smok ers.” ' Filled Cigars. How To Tell If Your Hair Is Diseased Even If you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know whoth- e» it is In a healthy condition or not OS per cent of the people need n hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head; If tho hulh at tho end of the root Is white KETTERER—MARVIL. ami shrunken, it proves that tho hair Last night at the home .of Judge 1b diseased, and requires prompt j.nd Mrs. H. P. Brewer on Elizabeth treatment if its loss would be avoid- etteet Miss Frances Ketterer ana Mr. Last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bates.a Jolly crowd of young girls gave Miss Essie Givins a very delightful suprlse party. Miss Givins answered the door been about half past seven o'clock and to her surprise there the young ladles were with waiters of all sorts of good things to eat. After a pleasant hour the lunch was spread on the floor and It was certainly enjoyed. Miss Givins much to the regret of her frieuds here will leave in a fow days for Beach, where she hns accepted a position. The young ladles were. Miss Gladys Porter, Miss Annie Louise Talbert, Miss Lcslto Talbert, Miss Lenore Lewis, Miss Pearl Bel linger, Miss Arline Bellinger. Tomorrow, Saturday, being the Fes tival of the Annunciation of the Blea sed Virgin Mary there will be services as follows in Grace church; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist with addrels and choir, 10:30 a. m. Evening Prayer, 4:30 p. m. . Mr. John L. Eckcrsloy Daniel will give his fourth organ recltul next Sunday night All lovers of good music nr© cordially invited. THE LADIES ARE INViTED TO CUR MILLINERY OPENING NEXT Tuesday and Wednesday March 28th and 29th V»E WILL SHOW THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF PATTERN HATS, RIBBONS AND PLUMES TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. AND A COR- DIAL IN VITATION EXTENDED. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STOREOF QUALITY. ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo I Several hundred books have been received from Mr. Butler, the singer who will he here with Reb. J. B. Phil lips on April 3rd to begin the meet ing at Central Baptist Tabernacle. At the choir practice tonight the new Borgs will be taken up for practice to be in veadlness when the meeting begins- Every member of the choir is reqi.efted to be present tonight.. RING 174 FOR WOOD. The Gclden Link Missionary Socie ty which is composed of about twen ty-two young ladies of First Methodist church met with Mrs. J. W. Seals at her home cn Brunei street yesterday afternoon. PERSONAL. We will pay you ten cents each for new names and addi esses of amateur photographers. Carver, Box 604, Wa terloo Iowa, 11 Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac- tion, quick in results, and restore the natural action of the kidneys and bladder. They correct irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are caus ed that make a quick need for Buck len’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, su© est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. P subdues lnflamatlou. It kills pain. Zt soothes afid heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers^s^ piles. Only 26c at All Drugglsjr^^ ed. If the bulb is pink and full, the hair is healthy. Wo want every one whoso hair re quires treatment to try Rcxall "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that It shall not cost anything U It does not give satisfactory results. It Is designed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp irritation, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already In the head, •tow hair and euro baldness. Tt is because of what Rexnll "93 M Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its goodness that we w»nt u to try It at our risk. Two sizes, cents.and $1.00. Sold only at our store -The Itexali Store. The Seals Pharmacy. Lester Marvll were married. Rev, Cook officiating. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Marvll left for Jacksonville where they will upend a few days. Miss Ketterer is one of our most attractive young «o- men and very popular. Mr. Marvll is well known here and Is of the firm of Marvll & O'Quinn, undertakers. Tho Herald extends congratulations. See notice of Miss Frances McDon ald’s spring millinery opening, Satur day 26th from 4 to 10. 5 or 6 doses “666” will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25 cents. 21 tf SEEDS! SEEDS! Lo> us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. . [ THE SEALS 1‘IIAKM ACYB - THE UKX\T,I.STOltX • *<h»o«<h*o«<>a««o*o« ♦O-SO+0+0+0+0+0+0+ LaGrande Block DICKINS 6 and 8 Plant \ve. Cream Wool Serge. 50c. All-over Nets and Silk Embroideries All Colors and Prices. 45 in.Flouncing Special 59c Misses and Childrens’ Velvet Pumps Sl-rc, $2- 50 ’ $3-°° Madam Sherry Hair Braids 25c and 50c Velvet Ribbons All Colors 3c to 25c yd. New Plaid Ginghams Only 10c & 15c yd. New Lot Suede Pumps $2- 50 . S3 00 , S3- 50 Big shipment ot childrens * dresses All the new colors and styles. Prices very low. 25c to $1.50 Silk Hose Garter To 50 efts. Brown and Black Velvet Pumps $3.00 Cotto Silk Foulards All Colors 19c per yard. New Lot Per cales and Cal icos Satin Striped Marquisette 25cflsyd. McKinley i(ic Music G and 8 Plant Ave. ■- - :