Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 24, 1911, Image 8
CATARRH IS 8URELY A DANGEROUS DIEA8E. Thousands of people allow catarrh to slowly undermine the whole sys tem until a serious disease develops— sometimes consumption. ‘People who have catarrh should use every effort to get rid of it, but ebould above all adopt a sensible method. Stomach dosing, sprays and douch es won’t cure catarrh because it is a germ disease, and the germs must be destroyed before the disease can be conquered. HTOMEI is the one sensible cure Jcr catarrh because it reaches every fold, crevice and nook In the mucous membrane and gets wlmre the germs are. Ycu breathe HYOMKI and as it passes over the Inflamed membrane end destroys the germs. A complete IIYOMKI outfit costs $1.00. This consists of a bottle of HYOMKI and a hard rubber Inhaler l’our a few drops of HYOMKI into the Inhaler and breathe it a few min utes each day, that's all you have to do. it is guaranteed by G. K. Brln- pon Co., and druggists everywhere to cure catarrh, coughs, colds and sore throat or money hack. Extra bottle of HYOMKI costs 50 cents. Free ttinl sample on request from Booth's Jlyotnel Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 13, 24 3 "psychic clairvoyant medium teacher of personal magnetism. Advice on love Marriage Business and all affairs of life. Triumps aver all obstacles and brings success. Cali and be convinced Reading Dally 9 to 7 MABEL HARRIS, 31 Wardlaw street Gilchrist Park. 21 4. PARK MOR RAND CO. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lott-Hltch Bulidlng. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. notice. See the wonderful gifted Xray 'LOCAL FIRM WILL CONTINUE j VALUABLE AGENCY. | The Seals Pharmacy of this city have Just closed a deal whereby they j will continue to be agents for ZEMO ! — the well known remedy for Eczema, Dandruff, and all diseases of the skin and scalp. The extrao.Ui.iu.y leap that this .dean liquid external treatment for | akin affections has made into public favor in the last few years proves its wonderful curative properties and makes it Indeed a 'valuable addition to the fine stock of remedial agents carried by The Seals Pharmacy.. They have a limited supply of sam ples. One of which will he given free to any skin sufferer who wishes to test tho merit of the medicine. A booklet "How To Preserve The Skin,” will also he given t othoso Interested. 3-21-11. 1 Economical Housewives want flour that never fails—that makes the most bread to the sack—that serves every baking need. So they use nothing but William Tell Flour—and have “good luck” every day they bake. For William Tell bread is a marvel of lightness—its cake melts in your mouth— its pastry makes the cook famous. One sack will prove itself—order today. (3) William Tell Flour If your grocer cannot supply Wll- Wholo sale Distributors and they will <( THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. -HE PRICE IS $1 TO $10. WE RE- COMMEND THE $3 TO $5 CORSETS JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 ONES. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALLROUND WAY. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH EACH SEA SON’S LEADING FASHIONS IN VIEW. Sold In Way cross Exclusive ly By. Miss Eddie Parnell “HEALTH DAY” PIANO TUNING AND1REPAIRING MONTE PICKENS, “THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN" Tuner and repairer (or the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Oa.. Jai. A. Mosey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent mualc hous- co in Now York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Mcmphla, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four year* anlarled tuner and repairer (or the Wetlcyan Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer (or the Beetle Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forayth. alnce 1100. endorsed aa a vlollnlat and tuner by the preaa, artiste end mnelclane from New York to Texae. "A tuner who tunes."—FrcderteV Rcddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Not only e fine vlollnlat, but alto one of the motl expwt fimo tuncre In the United Statee."—MmteT radee, New York. -I commend him ae able to aatlafy the most exacting deman da piano tuner end repairer.”—C. H. 8. Jackson. President Bessie Tift Col lege, Forsyth, Oa t Those desiring the tervlcee-of a r. nrUaUc workman, will do wan to secure the eervlcce of Mr. Plckent while la Wtycroee. CABLE PIANO COMPANY. LaOrcnde Building. Wayeroea, Georgia N. B.—Out of town orders for tuning win receive prot»pl ltd car* atleeliea. Today, March 24tn, by proclama tion of Governor Brown is designated as "Health Day" all over Georgia. But we fear but few people have noticed or will be interested in the impor tance cf the occasion. ‘"Health Day” means that one day has been set aside, on which the people of Georgia are asked by their chief executive *to rake under the houfcej go away back in tho corners of Pits, where a snatch and a push h»!•<•!«/ore has passed over the pile of trash; dig out the old boxes ana rags and things; clean up the yard and what's on It as the bed-room or dining-room or parlor would he clean ed up, and then spread around a lit tle lime to purify the air and kill tho germs. Incidentally, while these things are being done, if some little things comes to mind that could be added to give a touch of heouty to tho premises, add It.” "This cleaning-up, health movement though, does not mean t crake out all the trash on the premises and Utter ing the street with it—that’s only turning around backward and loin; for the street what had been previous ly done to the far corners in the lots. .And if the sidewalk and the grass- plot in front of the house need atten tion, it doesn’t mean to pass them b> because they are not in the yard; hut give them- tho same attention, clean hem up a hit, too. If the effort happens to be made in the couplry, where there are no streets, the road side or lane in front of the’ place is the same as the streets in the city.” In Waycross you can celebrate "Health Day" if you wish, but city council In their wisdom, have arrang ed for a larger celebration along iden tically the same lines and instead of “Health Day" ours will he "Health Week," commencin';; on April 1st, to April 8th. This will give us ail good tlmo to make a thorough cleaning up and beautifying all round. It is a splen did move, and means so much for the health of our city. It is generally hoped and believed that in this great and beneficial move ment, the Medical Society, the Civic League. Georgians, preachers and churches ami every school and organ ization will co-operate with the au thorities. Wo can all get together on this ami the result will he a wonderful sur prise to us all. Its an educational commonsensu movement nnd should ppenl to us as, practical people. It Is hoped also that, S. Scarlett, Dr. Scarlett, Washington, Bowen, Csay nnd others among the leaders of the colored citizens will also get busy ami start the same great movu- rient amongst their people, so -that the first week of April will show all the people at work nnd clean up nnd make our city healthy and beautiful. We have them; all the leathers and toes, and would like for you to walk in and let us fit you in pair of Walk Overs Price: $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50^ JUST IN A new shipment of John B. Stetson Hats in the new pencil curve and noby shapes. At $3.50 New line Dorthy Dodd Oxfords in SSwT. Pam ‘ 9.00 and 3.50 P V Ladies’ good patent pumps and oxfords at $1.48, $1.98, and $2.48 per pair One case 12 l-2c Bleaching to go while it lasts at 10 yards for Only 10 yards to a customtr. good Pillow Case, special, Extra size Bed Sheets $1.00 Value Sheets, special, 95c 10c 47c 87c UTTER ONE WORD and If that word la “laundry" It will be a tender aubject to many. It’a became tbey're not satlelled with the work tbey're bavin, done. Why not change? We will warrant you that LAUNDRY WORK done by ua will make you smile all over. A single trial will convince you, and give perfect aatlefitctlon. Cur customer* never leave ua Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE fi. New shipment yard wide Messeline Silk Just in at . . . . . All$1.25 Guaranteed Black Taffetta Silk at the yard . . . New shipment Silks in Japonika and |j | Suesene at . . All 50c and 60c Silks, special . . 47 cts. 40 inch White Lawn . . . ... 10 cts. 40 inch Pajama Checks■ . . .10 cts. New Line Embroideries, Flouncing at ..... 33c, 48c to 87c the yd 95c 98c 25c The above articles are just a few of the many specials to be found at our store. COME, SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY IIIRHWILL'S!. OF course: I Wsycross, - - - - - Georgia