Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 25, 1911, Image 2

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WAYCROSSEVENtNO HERALD THE EVENING HERALDi BRAIN LEAKS. SUNDAY POSTOFFICE WORK WILL BE RESTRICTED SOON. Published By — i HERALD PUBLISHING CO. A. P. Ptrham, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr. Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The Wayeross Herald founded In 1885. Tbo Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones Businus Office 25 Editorial Offle 25 Residence 2fi8. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. J Month $ .45 3 Months $1.25 6 Months $2.60 1 Year $5.00 SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain ments, where charges are made, will be charged at advertising rates of 5 cents a line. NOTICE TC SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and •arly will pleuse ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble to hint, ns this Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United Statos Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCR03S, GA.. MARCH, 25, 1911. Now for reciprocity and lower tax- 1th- • Champ Clark refuses er n crown or gum shoes. —+— Pelting of harem skirt wearers wit* eggR in conclusive evidence that tin price of the fruit has considerably do dined. True love is not disposed of in tin cans. A sign of the times: "Fresh Paint. ‘ A •‘vindication" Is not always Jus tification. Faith Is the only staff at the edge of the grave. What we pray for la not always what we need. Liberty is not license to gratify l east ly appetite. The golden rule will square more things than a hammer. An exposed “statesman” is usually •given to yelling "muckraker!" The “Great White Way" usually leads to the deep, dark chasm. The most enduring monuments are erected In the hearts of men. We are apt to admire the judge ment of the man who agrees with us. The heart unlocked by a ke yof gold Is usually found empty when opened. Everybody loves a lover because lovers usually afford everybody an excuse for smiling. Solomon is credited with having been the wisest man that ever lived yet we’d pul a man In Jail today for dring some of the foolish stunts that Solomon performed.—Ex. Silk stockings nr© going down, any a trade journal. Well, you can* thank the standpatters for that. Only the iintcrrifled could have * biavely up for such a thing. Re ntor Hailey h« not consistoi Lis preaching and practice, lie bcMneiitly opposed the recall in the Arizona constitution, but very prompt 1, made use of it In taking back Ills leslgnntlon. —*— The size of pension nppropiiatlonn seems to Increase in proportion to the degree In which the veterans nr< being called to their reward. Tin rtupendous stir, of nearly $2 Wood, 000 will be paid to United Hates pensions this year. " —4—.. Orltholttgfcal students will now have the opportunity to observe forks of "lame ducks” homeward- tound in various directions. One In particular will settle down on the marshes of Rhode Island with a loud splash. JUDGING BY THE LOOKS. Little Margaret has the usual In quiring mind or youth. Recently her great-aunt Charlotte was visiting the fani'y and Margaret boldly asked the lady’s ago. “How old do you think I am?" re turned the aunt. TV© little girl gazed at her earn- c-ttly for a moment and then said: “Well, I don’t know Aunt Charlotte, hut you don’t look new!"—Woman's Horn* Companion. The Lorlnu r incident will he a eon- uUniting cause to Democratic victo ry In Illinois In the next election. In- cdentally. Senator Halley will have rente tall explaining to do when he :*etg back home In Texas. His course In congress has shown his polities to Lc» misbranded. * RARE CONFEDERATE SAMP SALE TODAY. Special to The Herald. New York, March 23.—The most notable sale of rare Confederate Slat- s postage stamps that has ever tak- n place in this city was begun to ny. The collection is that of the late Philip Lu Tourette. The stamps are all of the provision- I Issues. Among the choicest Items in the collection nre the Abingdon. flve-cent, on orange paper the Autaugavillo. Ala., flve-cent, hit© paper. Many other rare \ ties are included 1 ntho collection, .me of them valued ns high ns $230 It according to piuHnuien- tartans and capital lawyers, that Hal ley can't “come back", at least with- out a re-election or reappointment. If the legislature of Texas is now In session he ho may have to do some tall hustling. Otherwise there Is no doubt that the governor would send him back until the legislature meets each. FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND STUFFY COLDS. Take Foley’s Honey and Tar. gives quick relief and erpols the cold from your system. It contains no (plates, is safe and sure. Gem Phar macy. Miss Eddie Parnell Invites tho la- lies of the city to her spring mlllln "}' opening March 2Sth and 29th. One of the first problems before the next congress will he an attempt * n impeach Secretary of the Interior Ballinger. The senate failed to act on the report of the Investigating committee whitewashing him. and Democrat* mu! insurgents are report ted to have formed a combination looking to a housecleaning in several departments, beginning with tho de partment of the interior. The senate killed the congression al bill reftpponionu,©nt bill. It would seem that the redistribution of seats in the house of members to be elected in 1018, as provided for by that body, should have been satisfactory to the senate. But the old guard In the up per branch wished to prevent the leg* Islatures of htates Oat came Into the Democratic column aKthe last elec tion from making the neefenary con gressional realignment*. Thlsfe^eme wiU be frustrated at the •km. f UTTER ONE WORD , and if that word is “laundry" it will | be a tender subject to many. It*i r because they’re not satlstled with the work they’re having done. Why not change? We will warrant you that LAUNDRY WORK done by us will make you smile nl! over. A single trial will convince you, and give perfect satisfaction. Cur customers never leave us Washington, D. C., March 23.—.Sun day work in postoffices throughout the country is to bo discontinued so iai as is consistent with the facilita tion of the transmission of mall. In the important offices only Huch work as will prevent congestion and delay of mails must he done. Mails will be received and dispatched as heretofore, while arrangements will he made for a limited delivery thru the general delivery windows. The distribution of mail to the box es will be continued. Special deliv ery letters will be delivered and pa trons of any office will be afforded the prlvelege of having their mall de livered on Sundays by depositing the required fee for special delivery ser vice. Postmaster General Hitchcofck's idea is to afford employes of the pos tal service one day's rest In seven. Subscribe for tbo old reliable Vaycross Evening Herald. ATHLETIC MEET SEVERAL STATES ARE REPRESEN TEp IN THE MEET. Special to The Herald. Chicago, III., March 23.—The first iU nual indoor conference athletic n eet, which will he held tomorrow end Saturday in the new Patten gym nasium at Northwestern University, promises to be the most notable event of its kind that ha3 been pulled off in the West this year. The contestants will Include the star athletes of the leading colleges of Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and several other states. Swim ir.'.ng contests will figure in the pro gramme as well as the usual field and track events. RING 174 FOR WOOD. After March tenth. 1911, thlr company will sell Incandescent Electric Lamps at cost to us, which is as follows, upon the ertufn of the old lamps: CARBON LAMPS: S Candle Power, 30 watt 15c each 16 Candle Power, CO watt 15c each 32 Candle Power, 120 watt 25c each GEM (Metalijed Filament) LAMPS: 20 Candle Power, 60 watt 20c each 32 Candle Power, SO watt 30c each 40 Candle Power, 100 watt 30c each MAZDA (Tunosten) LAMPS: 20 Candle Power, 25 watt 60c each 32 Candle Power, 40 watt 66c each 48 Candle Power, 60 watt 90c each SO Candle Power, 100 Watt $1-20 each We recommend the use of the “GEM” to replace the common carbon lamp, as It is more economical in the consumption of cur rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp. ALCOHOL 3 1‘Llt CENtT AMgelablePrcparaltoit&rAs similailiid liieFooilsirllteJul'i ling lltc StiBisete wJUtiwasef Promoles Di^>s!liinfi«iM nc ss and ItesiX unioft s netor, Opiunt.Morpiunc nor Mineral Not N am c otic. AcvtorounasKmnnm Apcrierl Remedy forConsflpa Mon. Sour Slomacli.Dlarttoa Wortttafomuls ioiis.Fmrisli ness and Loss or Sleep. The Ware County Light and Power Company. OOoOO ooooooooo o<ooo ooooooooooooooooo in Use Over Thirty Years "WE HAVE THEM” HOUSE LETTER LOCK BOXES With Clip For Papers. The very thing you have been wanting iax^^ years; fastens on the house. The mail carrier will always have a place to put your letters and papers. Prices Are Reasonable 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Watt Hardware Co. J ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 'Garden tgdl§ Italian Olive Oil A AAAA nnnC /Ml AT- BCABfeMA A GOOD PURE OIL AT REASONA- Wilson STEAM LAUNDRY N OT the old fashioned heavy, cumbersome, drudgery kind that makes your arms ache and your back tired and have driv en many a boy from the farm, but the light, strong, sharp, steel kind that make gardening the pleasure it should be. T HERE is usually a good garden where there are good garden tools. Buy them NOW and get the full use of them this season. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 PlantXAve. Phone 186 Italian Olive Oil represents the first run of oil from Olives of uniform ripeness. Made from perfect fruit, bottled In a sunny clime, put up un der perfect conditions. It stands for the very best of condiment and food. Use Olive Oil freely In tablespoonful doses as a food. There Is nothing more easily assimilated or which is more acceptable to the system than pure Olive Oil, and that Is what ITALIAN OLIVE OIL 181 PHONE NO. 150. *5 Cherokee Pharmacy Waycross, Georgia W. H. ULMER* Wheelwright and Blacksmith, Horseshoeing A Specialty. Next to Wilson Laundry, justiii£rfcarJof Singleton iFurniture^Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed. r»+»e»»»eo»ww«»Ma»e>e»»»e«