Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 25, 1911, Image 6

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WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD HHRL Cl,IS. | mhBAD COJPS BAD COLCSt ABE THE MOST COMMON AILMENT KNOV/N TO MAN AND THE MOST DANGEROUS, FOR THEY ARE LIABLE TO DE VELOP INTO A SERIOUS ILLNESS OR EVEN TUBERCULOSIS, WHICH ALWAY3 START WITH A COLD AND IS RESPONSIBLE IN SOME FORM FOR ONE DEATH IN EVERY FIVE. FROM THE STANDPOINT OF HEALTH, HA’ " ECONO MY IT WILL PAY YOU TO KEEP O NE OF OUR COLD REMEDIES ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. SOME MEMBER OF THE FAMIL IS SURE TO NEED IT. J. C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night NEW CITY MEAT MARKET SOMETHING GOOD ALL THE TIME. JUST ASK U8 OVER THE PHONE WHAT YOU OUGHT TO HAVE FOR DINNER AND WE'LL SUGGEST SOMETHING THAT YOU MAY WANT. WE HAVE EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD THAT CAN BE FOUND ON THE MARKET. IT'S CLEAN AND PURE, TOO. ' * FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS. An J. Burkhalter, 19 Albany Avc PROPRIETOR. Phone 427 BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF JAIL ty, with tho words "Bids for const]dc. tjtate of Goo-gin, County of Ware: j lion of Jail" wrlttun 'in tho margin Tho Commissioners of Roads and i of tho envelope. Revenues for the County of Wnrc In j This March 3rd, 1511. vile bids for the construction and ofrrtlon of a modern Jail and Jailors home, the building thereof to bo con* Htrurtod either of brlek or reinforced concrete, according to tho plans and specifications now on flic In tho ofll* cos of aid Commissioners. The terms of payment to bo mado ns follows: Ono half (1*2) of the contract price to bo paid ns the work progresses, lho remaining ono half (1*2) to be paid twelve (12) months from tho completion an,| acceptance of same, and the deferred payment to bear Intercut at the rnte of six per centtum per annum. A cert Hied check for Twenty Five Pollnra ($25) will bo required to b« made payable to and deposited with F. J. Horry, Clerk of the Commis sioners. from all prospective bidders who obtain a copy of the plans and spec I float ions, the same to be tolurn- cd upon tho return of the plans and specifications. A certltled check made payable to K. J. Berry, tho Clerk of said Comails sinners for Twenty Five Hundred lk»l-| fats ($2,500.00) must accompany each! bid. before the same will be connla- | erod. and to all unsusecessful bidders, 3 e same will lie returned. Tho check mhe successful bidder will be re tained by the Commissioners such bidder has made a good and sufficient bond with approved socvrl ty. guaranteeing tho completion oi Iho contract In the terma of hla aid. Upon his failure to comply with this requirement as to giving bojd within tea days after tho awarding of tha contract, the »ame will bo forfaltad to tbe county. Bids will be received up to uoon of April 20th, mi. at which time the same will be opened and uonaldured by said Commltisoners. with the ittbt reserved to reject auy and tf bide. It la contemplated that thla «er> ttact will exceed tbe so.* of IIie Thousand Dollars, and notice Is firm In accordance with the irorlcloni of the law in such cases mad# and %1dcd. A’l bids should he adJtceted to It • f Herry. denser the Uommfnleoera B. H. Thnmns, Chairman. J. F. Tuyljr. , 1). J. Mllltr. J. J. Mur raj. 'onimlssionern of Roads and Revenues for Ware Corn• f, Georgia. 8 4t WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 163* Meets first and third Thursday *n such month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton. C. C. D. P. Woolley. Clork. WAYCR089 LODGE No. 305. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AW) FOURTH TUEv.,„ EVENINGS AT 7:3C P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK. SEC. WAKEFIELD LODOE, NO. 27 KNIGHT8 OF PYT-»48. /< ,~7. X Meets 4 ' v r* Honda 1 evening nl :80 Id V V;-| Caetle H.l' "’lent »»< Member. requeete.1 s - to intend, .iid tlaltlDK v -y",- Knight. mo mo,t -or Jlallj iD.Hod to meet with ua. CHAS. E. CASON, C. C. T* II. Miller, K. of 11. & 3. ft M. ot F. SAN FRANCISCO TO ENTERTAIN Special to The Herald. San Francl.eo, Cal., March S3.— The Commonwealth Club of thla clt, la making elaborate arrangementa tor a dinner and reception next .Monday evening In honor of Theodore Rooee- relt. The ex-Prealdent will deliver Informal addreas at the function which will take place at tha Fairmont Far either acute er .hvcic kidney dlurdera. for anno* and j. any hrregetarttfaa, *k# w>! , w.*** PtHa An honeat and ndeciive ‘ Rae« and Rnea.ee at WateCaae-' f Oaw»*dplKriJ** ***' 0 OOOOOOOOOO o O MARVIL&O QUINN <> o Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O O EMBALMER3. O O Telephone 300 Day or Nght O O' Private Chapel and Morgue O o oooooooooo o O OOOOOOOOOO o O WL HINSON & CO ° o UNDERTAKERS O O AND , O O EMBALMERS. O O Phone 91 and 153. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO o oooooooooooo O WILSON o o BENNETT <> o & LAMBDIN o O Attorneys &. Counselors At Law O o oooooooooo o oooooooooooo O ANDREW B ESTES <> O ATTORNEY AT LAW O O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. O O Waycross, Ga. O o OOOOOOOOOO o oooooooooooo O DEEN& BURNETT <> O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O Room 303 La Grande Bldg. O O Waycross, Ga. O O OOOOOOOOOO O oooooooooooo O W J GASSETT ° o CONTRACTOR & BUILDER O O Resdence 48 Margaret Street O O Phone 103 Waycross, Ga.. .O OOOOOOOOOOOO o oooooooooo o O G R LOVELACE ° O DENTIST O O Office In Redding Block, Over O O Star Clothing Store O 0 OOOOOOOOOO o 0ooooooooooo O J B BAGLEY M D <> O PHYSICIAN & SURGEON O O Office n Southern Building O O OFFICE HOUR8. O O 9-11 A: M. 2-4 P. M. 70S P. M. O <7 oooooooooo o 0 oooooooooo o O A FLEMING M D ° O Office over Gem Pharmacy O O In Southern Building. O oooooooooooo O OOOOOOOOOO o O CL REDDING ° O ATTORNEY AT LAW. O O tTpntalrs Redding Block. O O WAYCRORR. — O BORGIA. O 0 OOOOOOOOOO o v oooooooooo o O JOHN S WALKER ° O Attorney and Counselor At O O Law. O •O Office up-stalra Southern O O Iiotol. O O WAYCROSs}. — GEORGIA. O O OOOOOOOOOO o OOOOOOOOOOOo O BYCK ELECTRIC <> o SUPPLY CO o O All Kinds of Electrical Work O O and Supplies. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O O 20 Lott Street. Phone 299. O OOOOOOOOOOOO 0ooooooooooo O BenJ. J. Park* Harry D. Reed O O PARKS & REED ° O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O 0OOOOOOOOOO« 0 oooooooooo o O DR LEWIS ° O JONATHAN BURCH o O PRAUATICE LIMITED TO O O Eye, Ear. Note, Threat and O O Chronic Dlt'eatea. O O Residence ICS Plant Are. O O Offlce Redding Bonding. O O OBce Bona: 1 to II a. n. o O * la 1 ». m. colored people. O «• OOOOOOOOOO 0 o o o o o o o o o o T J CARSWELL PH. G., M. D. Diseases of Children; * Diseases of Women; * Obsterics. < Residence ICG Plant Ave. * Phone 515. « Ofll re In Walker Building « Phone 528. « oooooooooo Nature’s Hair Restorer B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Phone No. 5S3 Be sure you are right, then go ahead i and let me figure on doing your build-1 log. All work guaranteed to give- per fect satisfaction. Best of references j furnished if required. C A DOWNEY- M- D V VETENARIAN 19 Aib? n y Avenue Waycross, Ga. Oay and Night Pnone 598- W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In LaGrande Building. Room 324. Over Postoffice. Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 ' * and 8 p. ro. PEPSICOLA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER, FEEL BETTER. SLEEP BETTER, LOO'< BET- • TER. Red Keen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA SOILING WORKS. D. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. f Restores Gray Hair to f Natural Cojor Sulphur is a Natural Eiemeni ul the Heir When there is not a sufficient amount of sulphur in the hair, it loses its life, color and strength, turns gray, and falls out. There are many forms of sulphur, but only one kind that is suitable for treatment oi the hair and scalp, and that Is the kind used in preparing WYETH’S SAGE AM) SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY. We Have the Secret, and We Give You the Benefit ol It at an Exceedingly Low Price BALDNESS CURED For two or three years my hair had been falling out and getting quite thin, until the top of my head was entirely bald. About four months ago I commented using Sage and Sulphur. The first bottle seemed to do some good am! I kept tiding it regularly, until now I have used four ltottlcs. The whole top of my head is now fairly covered with hair, and i; keeps coming in thicker. I shall keep on using it a while longer, as I notice a constant improvement. STEPHEN BACON. Rochester, N Y. 50c. and $1 Bottles, At All Druggists 0 C°i'Vi r ". , l V,'”.“ 1 * WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY 74 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. FREE A 25c Coke ol Wyeth’* Sage and Sulphur Toilet Soap Free to anyone who will send us this advertisement with 10c in stamps to cover cost ol wrapping and mailing the soap. ^ CHEROKEE PHARMACY. __ A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE WE OUGHT NEVER DO WRONU WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY ! Is a valuable family friends Foley's —AN APPRECIATION, j Honey and Tar fulfills this condition; . . .... L. McConnell, Catherine, St.. El- j exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th j ™ I IMG BY HAVING YOUR BUGGY mlra, N. Y., writes: **I wish to express JSt., Easton, Pa„ states: "Several CR AUTO CAR PAINTED FIRST- niy apprr iatlon of the groat good j members of my family have been cur- I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy ed of bad coughs and colds by the uso of Foley’s Honey and Tar and I which I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt It Is the most re liable kidney medicine I have ever taken." Gem Pharmacy. am never without a bottle In the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. I have always found it a reliable cough cure.’* Gem Fharmacy. CLASS AT J. T. McGEE’S SHOP ON AL3ANY AVENUE. 15 tf avr. r **t HOW CAN I MAKE MONEY WITH MY MONEY? THE SAFEST AND SUREST WAY IS TO BU PLOTS IN RIVERSIDE PARK. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! OUR OFFICE IS LOCATED AT 40S LA GRANDE BLOCK. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. Sabac-Kw .or lk« oia wsrtrou tiwat Rapid. J