Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 27, 1911, Image 7
L~> WAYCROSS EVEN 'NG HERALD Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. DEPARTURES. t ARRIVALS AX WAYCROSS, From Savannah ’rain 189 .6:90 am Train 186 12:60 pm AlTraln 21 6:65 pm FTrain 67 ,10:00pm \ From Montgomery Train 68 6:16 Train 180 6:46 pm From Balnbrldgn at Tbomasvllle Train 182 . 9:60 am From Albany ' Train 93..., ....' 4:65 pm Train 91 .... 9:66 am Train 97 6:00 pm From.Chicago and Nortweat 1. C. Special (via Albany)....4:55 am Dixie Flyer (via Tilton)....6:35 am ,Couth Atlantic Limited 6:35 am From Brunswick Train 96 7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 22 ...' 6:55 pm Train 32 10:15 pm Train 94 10:25 pm Train 92 10:45 pm From Tampa, High Springs via Dir pont Train 42 7:25 pm For Jesup and Savannah Train 68 „:65 aiu Train 182 10:00 Train 180 7:30 pn> Train 2? 6:10 pa For Montgomery Train 189 6:10 am Train 57 10:25 pm For Balnbrtdge and Thomaavllle. Train 185 1:00 pm For Albany Train 92 10:50 pn Train 96 7:60 am Train 90 6:10 pm For Chicago and Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany)., 10:50 pm Dixie Flyer (via Tilton) ....10:30 pm South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pm For Brunswick Train 91 10:05 am Train 97 6:10 pm For Jacksonville Train 95 (Dixie Flyer 5:40 am Train 93 5:00 am Train 33 6:40 am rain 21 ’ 6:16 pm For Tampa, High Springs Train 43 ....8:00 am BUSY WEEK FOR THE FIGHTERS For through Schedules, Pullman reservations, etc., Call On E. M. North, A. O. P. A. R- B. Pollard. Ticket Agent Savannah ,Qa. Waycross. Ga. »446044«4466*m4««4«6W6««440«m44 QEOR OIA SOUTHERN AND FLOIRDA RAILWAY Thr Popular Route To /Iff Points North And West. ThroughTralns In connection with A. C. L., Irom Waycross via Tilton to Macon ATLANTA, KNOXVILLE, CHATTANOOGA. NASHVILLE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, AND CINCINNATI. Coaches and Pullman sleepers go through without change. Dining Car Servjce. - . ' TRfllNS OF A., B. A A. R. R., CONNECT AT CORDELE WITH TRAINS OF G. 8. 4 F, RAILWAY FOR MACON ATLANTA AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND SOUTH. FOR INFORMATION \S TO RATES, ROUTES, OR SCHEDULES TO ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST, APPLY TO ANY AGENT OF THIS COM PANY, OR ADDRE8S. C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A, J, W. Jamison, T, P. A, MACON GA. MACON GA. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK PRO VIDES SOME CHOICE BOUTS BETWEEN CHAMPIONS. Special to The Herald. New York, March 25.—The pugi listic calendar for the coming week provides for many choice bouts that will attract the attention of fight fol lowers throughout the cuntry. Among the contests in which the champions or near-champions will en gage will be a ten-round go between Abe Attell, tHe featherweight cham pion, and Frankie Burns of New Jer sey, •which will be staged Friday night In the arena of the National Sporting Club in, this city. At San "Francisco on the same night Ad Wolgast and Anton La Grave "the Buchertown terror,” will mix It up in a 29-round bout that will net Wolgast 17,500, win, lose or draw. Another bout worthy of the attention of the fight fans will be the 10-round go at Kenosha, Kas., between Johnny Coit ion, the bantamweight champion, and Harry Forbes, who formerly held the title. Carl Morris, tho Oklahoma “hope", will take on Mike Schreck or Jim Flynn for 15 rounds at Sapulpa Tuesday night. Other bouts of the week will brln* together "Knockout” Brown and Jack Dillon at Columbus, O.;* Frank Klaus and Hugo Kelly at tho Fairmount A. C., New York; Tony Itoss and Morris Harris at Rochester, and Rudy Un- liolz and Ray Temple at South Bend, Ind. TWO STATES OFATH IN ROARING FIRE May not result from the work of fire bugs but often severe burns are caus ed that make a quick need for Buck len’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, sun est cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues lnflamatlon. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, ulcers or plies. Only 25c at All Druggists. . « oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo tlf Valuable Book Free! WHAT PIANO WILL YOU BUY FOR YOUR CHILD TO BEGIN MUS IC ON7 YOUR CHILD'S PROGRE8 WILL BE DETERMINED BY YOUR ANSWER. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW WHAT IS THE BEST PIANO TO BUY, LET US KNOW AND WE WILL SEND YOU POST PAID, FREE, A LARGE BOOK CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF EVERY PIANO ON THE MAR- KET, GIVING THEIR STANDING, GRADE, QUALITY, AND STORES OF VALUED INFORMATION FOR THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER. WE 8ELL THE CELEBRATED C NICKERING, MC PHAIL, LAFFAR- GUE, BREWSTER, HENRY F. MILLER, BUSH A LANE, F08TER CAM BRIDGE, AN DOTHER PIANOS, BUT THIS BOOK WILL TELL YOU OF EVERY PIANO MADE AND MAY SAVE YOU HUNDREDS OF DOLLAR8. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. C. C. Cocroft Music Co. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT A FACTOR Many New Enterprises Are Contem plated Throughout Georgia and Alabama. Columbus, Ga., March 23.—The Georgia and Alabama Industrial Index says In Its regular weekly Issue: “Public improvements again consti tute an Important chapter of the bus iness story of Georgia and Alabama for the week ending yesterday., Dal las county, Alabama, awarded con tract for road building, Russell coun ty in the same state Invited propos als for similar work and Jefferson county decided to build 21 steel and concrete bridges. Taylor county, Georgia, will vote on the issuance of road bonds. School bonds were vot ed by Flomaton, Ala., and Pelham, Ga. voted * 1 Improvement bonds. Gads den called an election on the Issu ance of $50,000 of waterworks bonds Cg’ethorpe, Ga„ will vote/ in April or 1‘ghtlng and waterworks bonds. Mc Donough, Ga. Is having plans prepar ed for waterworks and electric lights “Throughout tho pine forest belt dollur-turpentlne Inspired a feeling of radiant optomism tho price having advanced from 36 cents to $1.01 per gallon in three years time. A- hank at Waynesboro,* Ga., declared 50 per cent cash dividend. A navigation •mpany operating on tiro Ocniulgco river In Georgia is to quadruple the present capital employed and to pur chase two new steamboats. Northern capitalists are to erect a large veneer ing plant near Dothan, Ala. A com pany has obtained options on a large tract of land in tho black belt of Ala bama and will offer it In the shape of small farms to desirablo white settlers. Tho land owners aro co operating and are stockholders In tho holding company. ■Macon, Ga., voted $90,000 of wa terworks bonds and the city will buy and lmprovo the water plant there. The past week was the most active in Atlanta real estate In yoars, tho transactions aggregating over $1,000,- 000 and some remarkable profits be ing recorded. A new bank Is report- ea at Clyo, Ga. A four mile street railway line Is to be built from Bir mingham, Ala., to the top of a near by mountain, to develop surourba residence sections. An $80,000 com pany was incorporatde at Montgom ery, Ala., to own and operate a belt line of railway. Georgia-made sow er pipe will be used in extending the sewerage systems of Savannah Dublin, Ga., this year. Much new construction Is reported from all ov- tho two states.” >0^0000000<*0©0000000000<>^0'00 OOlOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO 4 LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE. On tho package when you buy Fol ey's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. Nono genuine without thf Bee Hive. Remember the name, Fo ley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Gem Pharmacy. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in ac tion, quick in results, and restore the natural action of tho kidneys and bladder. They correct Irregularities. Gem Pharmacy. FOLEY KIDNEY PILL8 Are tonic in action, quick- in re sults. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. Mary C. Abbott, Wolfeboro, N. H., says: "I was afflicted with a bad case of rheu matism, duo to uric acid that my kid neys failed |o clear out of my blood. I was so lame In my feet, joints, and back that It was agony for me to step. I used Foley Kidney Pills for three days when I was able to get up and move about and the pains were all gone. This great change In condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and re commend them to anyone suffering at I have.” Gem Pharmacy. THE NEW ARRIVAL. Tbs greens had a new piano, and Eleanor was telling Mlllred and the girl across the street about.. “What's the name of your piano?”•Mildred In quired of the 2lrl across the street. "Stelnmake ” wa sthe answer. “The name of our’s Is Pickering,” said Mildred. "Well, ours just came last nght,” ed U Ion. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING MONTE PICKENS, “THE MASTER PIANO WORKMAN” Tuner and repairer for the Cable Plano Company, Atlanta, Ga., Jas. A. Maxey Division Manager, formerly connected with prominent music hous es in New York City, Cincinnati, Dayton, Nashville, Memphis, Birming ham, Savannah, Macon. Four years salaried tuner and repairer for the Wesleyan Female College, Macon. Tuner and repairer for the Bessie Tift College (formerly Monroe College) Forsyth, since 1900. Endorsed ns a violinist and tuner by the press, artists and musicians from New York to Texas. “A tuner who tunes.”—Frederick IJeddall, teacher of voice, Brooklyn, N. Y. ' “Not onty a fine violinist, but also one of the most expm pTnto tuners in the United States."—MusloT rades, New York. “I commend him as able to satlify the most exacting demands as piano tuner and repairer ”—C. H. 8. Jackson. President Bessie Tift Col lege, Forsyth, Ga. ::-w Those desiring the services of ar. artistic workman, will do well to secure the services of Mr. Pickens while in Waycross. CABLE. PIANO COMPANY. LaGrando Building. Way cross, Georgia. N. B.—Out of town orderB for tuning will receive protupf alld care ful attention. —^ii.'rvgdEL^l—— i ■■■■ s ooooooooooooooooo oooo<x>oooo<xXx?ooo CARRIAGE PAINTER 13 Parallel Street. Phone 574 Carriage and Automobile Painting NEATLY EXECUTED F. O. SMITH, 5 ONLY FIRST CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER IN TOWN. <- > ooo<x>o< s <xxxxxy> 50c per tooth Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extracted] .. when you can have it done for 50c and without pain. All other work done at very reasonable charges. Everything guarantecdQ DR. DANIEL ' The Dentist ; Folks* Block Uncle Sam Is Proud OF MANY OF HIS P08E8SI0N8, ANO HE HAS GOOD REA80N TO BE PROUD OF THE HARNES8 MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. WE ARE HANDLING ONLY THE BEST SETS OF SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, ALL WELL MADE ANO HANDSOME. THE BEST MATER. IAL8 AND WORKMANSHIP CHAR. ACTERIZE THIS HARNESS, ANO IT CIVES EVERY 8ATI8FCTION TO THE .PURCHASER. PRICES ARE ADMITTEDLY REASONABLE. v ALSO A LINE OF RUNAB0UT8, OPEN TOP BUGGIE8, SPRING AND ARM WAGONS, WIRE FENCING, ETC. JONkS BUGGY Wayoross, Georgia