Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 27, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Walker-Hood Furniture Co. • Successors To- Walker-Mulligan Fur. Co. 7 he Store of Great Values, Where Your Credit is Good We pay our customers 10 per dt. in trade coupons to make their payments at the tftore. 30, 60 and 90 days. THIS RATTAN PARLOR SUITE, EX ACTLY LIKE CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. IS MADE OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE AND SPLIT RATTAN, FINISHED IN LIGHT SHELLAC. $16.00 Lloyd\ Princess •FIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KINO." ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN BE8T GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND POCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, 11 IN. WHEELS, 14 SPOKES, 1-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. $l(ash, 50c Wk. $12.00 Deywood Collapsible FOLDS WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A STRONG HANDSOME CART, HEA VY RUBBER TIRE8, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN, EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. L % 17.50 *1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC ORATED, HIGH GRADE DINNER SETS. THEY CONSIST OF 53 PIEC ES OF THE BEST QUALITY DOME'.TIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DECORATIONS. $1.00 CA SH, 50 CENTS PER WEEK. $6.00 Per Set. ALL SIZES, NEWEST PATTERNS;; LOWEST PRICES. 106 Plant Ave. IPhone 499. Jolid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut $1.98 50dts Per week We Buy For Less We Sell For Less ie Our taw Kind of Haminock Couches WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR SPRING LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND MARKED AT PRICE3 THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK. $1.75 TO $6.00 A Great Line THE FAMOUS HEYWOOD PUL MAN CARS. EITHER IN FIN 4 GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY HOLSTERED OR IN THE WOOt> BODIES, FINISHED IN THE BEST BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEL. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUE8. $8.00 to $25.00 THERE IS COMFORT FOR BABY IN A LLOYD’S PRINCESS, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD STYLE SPRING MAKES THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP GIVES ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM THE SUN AND TOGETHER WITH THE STORM CURTAINS, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. Like Cut $10.50 $1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. THE DUTCH 8UPPER j he'd go one better. the principal factors in se- AT LA GRANDE HOTEL. | Col. J. C. Brewer, the live wire of lectins a road. The road would g% j Coffee county was next called on and j where the people showed a desire as (Continued from Page 1.) 'expressed the fact that this was the . well ns the ability to build and main- best route In point of roudi and dis- tain a good national highway. He McDonald, who in course of his re- j tance available; extolled highly the <congratulated the meeting in having marks, stated thnt Wnycross gener- J coun ty roads of Coffee and stated j r resent representative county men, ally succeeded in accomplishing any-! that Coffee has right now, 42 men ! who could say what they could do ILing she set out to do, and with the working on the national highway j «*d what they would do. cordial co-operation shown by these j route proposed. i With n few words from Judge .1. L. Senator George Deen expressed the wisdom of selecting the route and counties would do business again, lie faceteuusly alluded to the tying ship failure, ns the only time .. record when Waycross had m»uc ,r * c ‘ 1 * rMt ofrort 10 put Chnr,,on n failure, and elated that ho section j " m rom " ,,on ' expreaaed con- fldence that Charlton would meet the Fweat, one of the gatherings closed. mccescful would do more tliun this section to Improve her roads, and deservedly se cure the nultonal highway. Ordinary B. II. Thomas, stated that the county commissioners were rea dy to go to work at once and pat proposed route in Ware in first class tfcape, and was greeted with great applause. lion. J. F. Taylor of Beach, on bo halt of the county board of commie six iters, assured tho hearty co-opera t!on of that board to the movement • Hoti. J. J. Murray of Hasty, endora cd the statements of both and stated thut his heart was in the movement. Judge J. A. Summerall of Pierce county, stated that hla county board had decided to build that road thru Pierce county and would hkve the leat bit of road in the State. South Georgia is coming, yes, It la here, •aid the Judge and Pierce county la grins to be in the very front of the ^ winners. Col. W. M. Olive of Charlton corn* ty, said. Charltou will make at good a road as any county tn Georgia. Not •Imply to benefit the anlolita, but to Icneflt the farmers and develops the ootiaty. Hon. J. F. Mi roll of Charl ie* etftf. Chariton county wraa one o* 1. tho laat to take up this good roads In acll’ovoment, but we have caught the the law Hf and our roads are being !m tided. 'sht along We want A'l bids should t.'-' 3 F™ 1 *' occasion in her usually ii'uc'ny Niil pointed out tliat Charlton coun ty wax now n urea! peach center, and the only eounty Immune fi )■,:! the dreaded San Joso Scale. .Indue j. T; Myera waB greeted with rounds of applause ub he rose to en dorse tho movement, tn course of Mb remark., he stated that the I.ord milled on ns when ho ntndc this conn ty and provided us with not only pood climate and soil, but also placed together, ready mixed, the clay and sand ready for ua to build the beat roads In Oeorgla. Major J. 8. Cohen, -representative cf Atlanta Journal then (poke. He paid they, the acoutB, occupied the poattlon of a Jury. They were Blm- pty out collecting an dhearing evi dence, of what the roada are and what the road bntlders would do to raaka a road .suitable for the highway. He disclaimed any Idea of making • road Just fur convenience of automo- blllata, but stated It wag for the pub lic use to opan up and develop the county and Unk the whole nation to gether. He tpoke Interestingly of the work done ao far and hoped that whether the highway cama through here or not. the result of the agita tion would he more and hetttr roada Col Hamilton Pelta, of New York Herald, was next called upon, and In FIRST FEWJRAY HAIRS J:MAY UK POSTPONED. * A feeling of sadness accompanies tho d'seovory of tho first gray hairs, which, unfortunately, aro looked upon as the heralds of advancing age. Gray hairs, however, are not always an indication of advancing age, for many people have gray hairs quite early in life. Of course. It is un natural and indicates that there Is something wrong with the individual and that Nature needs assistance in correcting the trouble. The same is true of hair that Is constantly falling out and becoming thinner every day. If everything Is right with Nature, tho hair, even in comparatively elder ly people, should be long, thick and glossy, wtthout even a streak of gray. The Ideal assistant to Nature in restoring and preserving the hair la Wyeth’s Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a clean and wholesome dressing for dally use. It not only removes dandruff but strengthens weak, thin and falling hair and pro motes Its growth. A few applications will restore faded or gray hair to its natural color. Thla preparation la offered to the public at fifty centa k bottle and U recommended and sold by, • whthOKtt PHARMACY. A LL the qualities good candy should have— purity, freshness, variety— are in the candies you find in every Nunnally box. In sealed packages—and then to you by fast express. LA GRANDE PHARMACY. TRY THE WANT ADS RETAIL CLERKS HELD IMPORTANT MEETING. Tht Retail Clerka held a very Im portant meeting, and the interest taken by the Clerks was evidenced by one of the largest attendance* (n their history. Much buaineis of im portance Was transacted. The Clerks Association since their J Berry, Clerk of the V* s tb* hf- '^sr * Hr d"trj- of Read and Revenues alliy could. he his short talk, atated that, they, the ! organisation, by quiet, conservative A'*ccQuts, were anxiously trying to do metb^ic, have gilned the * aunts* hours, etc., and every clerk in the city has been benefltted from the la bors of the association, and should become members of it. The following list of officers were elected and The Herald assures them of Its hearty co operation in their work for the better ment o ft hose they represent: President, Cicero Wilkerson; First Vice President, L. C. Cason; Second Vice President H. M. Jenkins; Fin. Secretary and Treasurer, W. C. Paul; Recording Secretary, Walter Lee; Guide, Wm. Capps; Guardian, Cecil Harberson. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 1m. Leave Your EYE TROUBLES AT OUR Optical Parlor WE ARE EQUIPPED TO TEST YOUR EYES IN A SCIENTIFC MAN NER AND GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION! OR YOUR MONEY GACK. THE SCOUT CARS ARRIVED FROM JACKSONVILLE. The scout car arrived In Waycross from Jacksonville on Saturday night at 7o’clock, accompanied by the Way- cross contingent In the E. M. F.*car, who met them in Jacksonville. In the New York Heald and Atlanta Journal scout car, were Hon. Hamil ton Pelts of The New York Herald; Major John S. Cohen of The Atlanta Journal; Mr. W. T. Waters, Jr., Av lanta Journal and M£. Geo. L. Cog- gina, Supt. of the Prlmo Motor Co., Atlanta. Mr. Coggins had charge of the car, a Prlmo car, and the en tire party were enthusiastic on the work done by the Atlanta-made car on our southern roads. In the Way- cross car that met scouts of Jackson ville and piloted them to Waycross, v ere Dr. G. P. Folks, L. V. Williams, Judge J. T: Myers and M. J. A number of Waycross citizens went cut to county line and escorted tb* cars into the city, and included tar. Geo. W. Deen, A. M. Knight, Dr. W. II. Buchanan, J. E. Wadiey and oth ers. The entire party seemed much gratified at their reception, and spoke Ivith great pleasure of their experien ce so far on their trip. Not all of the “ex-es” will stay at home. The president has establish ed an asylum for the lame variety of statesmen at the capitol, whence, af ter proper recuperation, they are sent out to fill federal jobs. The latest to land is Henry S. Boutell, of IUi^ nols, who failed to get a renoml;nation tf congress. Now he goes as minu ter to Portugal. For wood phona 215. 20 Imr ♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. -HE PRICE IS »1 TO *10. WE RE COMMEND THE *3 TO *5 CORSETS JUST A8 MUCH AS WE DO THE *10 ONES. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALL-ROUND WAY. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH EACH 8EA SON'S LEADING FASHIONS IN VIEW. 8old In Waycross Exclusive . iy »y- Hiss EMIe Parnell sa fstrly as they pcs- smi < o-aperntion cf the trerc: e alluded with pless- «nd cltlrens and hare a.-co the state- ure to the spirit cf progress shown n;ueh work for the fcenvht of t' ■t id/by the people, and said that would bt «erka of the city, in ahcrteala* the ■ Jewelers and OpticiaLS. 5 Little Odom, J*. POTTER & McMAHAN TAILORS and BARBERS. •Tailoring AtJReasonable Prices, THE Ik GRANDE BARBER SHOP l3.FLi.r Avc. LaCracdc DIJjf.