Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 28, 1911, Image 3
WAYCROSS EVEN ING HERALD BLANCHES. WE TEACH YOU TO AUDIT BOOK8. WE TEACH YOU TO MAKE ABSTRACT OF LAND TITLES. WE PREPARE YOU FOR THE CIVIL 8ERVICE EXAMINA TIONS. WE HAVE ARRANGEMENTS MADE TO GIVE YOU THE EXAMINATION HERE UNDER THE CHARGE OF THE GOVERNMENT If you can’t attend personally we bare an excellent mall course that fully prepares you in any of these departments. CALL OR WRITE; South Ga. Business College CORDELE, GEORGIA. WILL CARRY MAGAZINES IN > , CARLOADS At FAST FREIGHT Washington, D. a, March IT.— Magazine* and other bulky periodi cal*, after Jitfy 1 next, will be trees- ported by the Poetoffle* Department Is carload* as fast MesbL tksSmSltsv Oeakral Rllckenek !• ftitlsfpU 0 rapM|y as pbeUbls Mto3B*t#, Iowa end iflsssuN, fe now aoiptaRVixcireoi We bale ma#e amagealeat* to' THE State Life Insurance Company OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, Deposits With State for Guar ante* of Policies, . Sylph's to Policy Holders,... Security In. a Life Insurance Policy la the principal thing. . One want! protection that protects without regard to general financial condlUona.The STATE LIFE DEPOSITS WITH THE STATE OF INDIANA for tho benefit of all Its policy holders, the entire cub value of every outatandlng policy. At thla time the company bu on deposit with the State, Ic Brat clau securi ties, a larger amount than all other large companies combined. ITS POLICIES ARE AS 8ECURE AS THI BANK OF ENG- LAND. I have been with thla good company uventeen yeara and through Ita agency have paid many thouaanda of dr'lara to boneficlarloa Take no chance with T° ur *>ut aee me for “INSURANCE THAT INSURES." V. L. STA* 1 ' 1 "‘N, Manager. WAYCRC - ->ROIA, , ■'I'- ‘i Foatmaater General, given In accord ance with hla plana (or transporting periodical mall by fust freight, the weight* of monthly ami soml nionth- ly periodical mnil mutter, originat ing In largo publishing centers, are being taken and kept aeparato from the weight* of other- mail*, The great publlahtng centera are Uoaton Springfield, Maaa., New York, Phlla- dephla and Chicago. From July 1 nest periodicals that esn be transported In carload loti by fut freight through the aeetlon, weighed without dludvantage In de livery, will be carried In thlt manner and peld for at freight rates. loan money In Weyeross. Th* mortr money you went the better we llkw It. No red tspe—Just money. That’s all. See BUCHANAN A SHARPE. 2 tf i:,l LaOrande Building WAYCROSS .COUNCIL NO. It. Jr. O. U. A. M. Vests svary Monday evseleg in Red Ess’s HMI, Lott-ffitoh building at ( A *L netting brothers cordially mens* to asset with as. Skarod Cdniaai U Carl CcillbA Waycross & Southern R.R.CO. Schedules of Train* Effective 'January 2, 1111. Notice:—The arrival and dtparturea .are given aa Information and are- not guaranteed. Soutbbotmd Train No. L HUoa Station S HabardvUW, Ga. Lv. l:S» an* t Waycross (Alkaay are) t:U am S La rial* liBaat- Jfi Fredel Ar. l:|i am- North hand Train No. X. IS Frog*! t;u i» J Uvtnla !:MMS t Wayeroaa (Albany are) i:N pa dHahirdflU* 2:» psk. Tralca Nr. l aid Vj, r, dally, sc- capt B\ji4aj. •i» Jee. x MB* ****** plana to nUllaa fast freight In the ti importation of magazines when practicable end Instances where a aav tog to the government In tranapor- tatlon chargea may be effected. Th* qnadrannlal weighing of the dulls In th* third contract,section of the ooontry. comprising Ohio, Indt- eSe, UIIooli, Mlcliigaa. WUeea.vla. to preXTlis- Bf diradflon. of the Travel Comfortably > AND CONVENIENTLY In Parlor Dining Cars on ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. IN CONNECTION WITH THE GEORGIA, SOUTHWESTERN A GULF . RAILROAO BETWEEN ATLANTA ANDALBAWY. Mcalaferred, any time enroatt; at riaaonabl* Brioep. Schedules; . Southbound: Northbound: Lv. Atlanta T:4S am Lv. Albany 12:10 noon Ar. cordal# l:SS s« Lv, Cafddto „ l:t» *» Ar. Albaer *:« pm Ar. Attasta 2:44 sto THESE ARE THE FINEST FARLOR CARS OPERATED IN WE BODTM) Time. Trr ft. Beft Service. W. a- Leaky, Gts. Piea. Agt Altoata, oaqrfta. ^ THESE ARE 1 Qujd^st' New Goods Are Arriving? DaiSy WILKES Next to P. N. Harley Hardware Co. THE NEW STORE WITH THE NEW GOODS New Goods Are Arriving Daily "PHERE has been a cry in Waycross for better Dry Goods, we have ■ the very best line of Dry Goods ever shown in Waycross to offer you at prices that will open wide your eyes. Rememder we have no shelf-worn goods to offer you and our goods are direct from the Eastern markets, and are up-to-date in every detail. We are always glad to show you our goods: EMBROIDERIES We carry a line of Baby Irish Bounc ings that by far surpass anything ever shown here and our complete line is now on sale. Choics per yd. 1.75 75c Bands to match above flouncings per yd. . . Also a very pretty line of 18 inch corset cover styles to go at per yard 22c WHITE GOODS 25c DIMMITIES, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 19c 25c NAINSOOKS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 19o 20c LONG CLOTH, 8ALE PRICE PE R YARD 150 250 INDIAN LINENS, SALE PRICE PER YARD .. 19c IRISH LINENS, 3ALE PRICE P ER YARD 48o 25c FLAXONS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 22e 20c FLAXONS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 16c 35c DRESS LINENS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 25e 25c BARRED MUSLINS, SALE PRICE PER YARD 19c 20c BARRED MU8LIN, 8ALE PRICE PER YARD 16o 10 YDS GOOD AS GOLD BLEECHING 98c MENS’SUITS QUR SUITS are made up in all the latest styles with heavy padded shoulders and peg top pants by one of the largest clothing houses in the East. All our mens’ suits are feeling the cut of Acquaintance Sale Prices. PANTS CARRY" a Complete Line of lJ Mens* Pants. Prices ranging from $1.50 per pair to $10.00 WILKES The Progressive Store. DRESS GOODS S E HAVE a full line of Dress Goods that we will be glad to show you, in Messolines, Taffettas, Satin, Foulards, San Toys and Mar- quirettes that are all $1.25 values which we are placing on sale for a few days only at per yd. v I v SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! LL THE Latest Styles in Men*s, Ladies* and Childrens Low uts are feeling the cut of Acquiant- ance Sale Prices.