Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 28, 1911, Image 6
A BAD COLDS ARE THE MOST COMMON AILMENT KNOWN TO NAN AND THE MOST DANGEROUS, FOR THEY ARE LIABLE TO DE VELOP INTO A SERIOUS ILLNESS OR EVEN TUBERCULOSIS, WHICH ALWAYS START WITH A COLD AND IS RESPONSIBLE IN SOME FORM FOR ONE DEATH IN EVERY FIVE. FROM THE STANDPOINT OF H EALTH, HAr*-’—-3 "“ O ECONO MY IT WILL PAY YOU TO KEEP O NE OF OUR Lwtlo KEtvlEDIE8 ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. SOME ME MBER OF THE FAMIL IS SURE TO HEED IT. J. C. PAYNE, DRUGGIST, Open Day and Night ooooooooooo o MARVIL&O QUINN - O Formerly Lott, Fain & Co O FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND - O EMBALMER8. O Telephone 500 Day or Ngbt * O’ Private Chapel and Morgue « ooooooooooo oooooooooo WL HINSON & CO ‘ UNDERTAKERS AND , < EMDALMERS. « Phone 91 and 153. j « oOOOOOOOOOO NEW CITY MEAT MARKET 80METHINQ GOOD ALL THE TIME. JUST ASK US OVER THE PHONE WHAT YOU OUGHT TO HAVE FOR DINNER AND WE’LL SUGGEST SOMETHING THAT YOU MAY WANT. WE HAVE EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD THAT CAN BE FOUND ON THE MARKET. |T'8 CLEAN AND PURE. TOO. FRESH FISH AND OY8TERS. A. J. Burkhalter, !9 Albany Avc PROPRIETOR. Phone 427 oooooooooo WILSON BENNETT & LAMBDIN O Attorney. & Counselor. At Law O OOOOOOOOOO 0 0.00 o o ooo o o O T J CARSWELL ° PH. C- M. 0. O Diseases of Children; O Diseases of Women; O Obsterics. , O residence 166 Plant Ave. O Phone 515. Office In Walker Building Phone 528. OOOOOOOOOO B F HEARN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. No. 14 Brewer Street. Phone No. 5S3 Be sure you are right, then go*ahead and let me figure on doing your build ing. All work guaranteed to give- per fect satisfaction. Best of reference* furnished If required. Si M* rd of Excellence In Passenger Service.” LES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 19, 1911. Southbound: ■u Lv, Brunswick Ar. 8:10 pm m Lv. Thalmau Ar 7:25 pm ra Lv. waycrosi Ar. 6:10 pm m Lv. Douglas .Ar 4:35 pm m Ar| Fitzgerald Lv. 3:30 pm 10:45 am 10:00 am 8:45 am 7:10 am 6:05 am pm Lv. Tbomasvtlle Ar. pm Lv. Moultrie Ar. pm LV. Tilton Ar. 6:50 pm 9:20 am L»- 5:33 pm 8:05 am 4:30 pm 7:05 .am C A DOWNEY* M D V VETENAR1AN 19 Albany Avenue Waycross, Ga. Day and Night Phone oOOOOOOOOOO O ANDREW B ESTES O ATTORNEY AT LAW O Room 27, Southern Hotel Bldg. O O YVaycross, Ga. oOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo DEEN& BURNETT ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Room 308 La Grande Bldg. Waycross, Ga. * OOOOOOOOOO BID8 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF JAIL ty. with the words ‘'Bids for const! ac- State of Georgia, County of Ware: | tlon of Jail" written mx the margin The CommiH8(oner8 of Roads and j of the envelope. Revenues for the County of Ware in- This March 3rd, IMt. , vite bids for the construction and erection of u modern jail and Jailors home, the building thereof to be con* •truck'd either of brick or reinforced B. H. Thomas, Chairman. J. F. Tuylur. D. J. Milkr. J. J. Murray. concrete, according to the plans and : Commissioners of Roads and Revenues •pacifications now on file in the offl- co* of aid Commissioners. The terms of payment to bo made jis follows: Ono half (1*2) of the contract price to bo paid as the work progresses, the remaining one half <l-2) to be paid twelve (12) months from the completion an,] nrccptanco cf inmo, and the deterred payment to bear Interest at tho rate of six per cent turn per annum. A certified check for Twenty Five Dollars ($25) will bo required to b. made payable to and deposited with E. J. Berry, Clerk of tho Commis sioners, from nil prospective bidders who obtain a copy of the plans and ■prclflcatlons, the same to bo return ed upon the return of the plans and specifications. * A certified check made payable to K. J, Berry, tho Cterk of said Com ails sioners for Twenty Five Hundred l>ol- U’*» ($2,500.00) must accompany each bid. b.fore the same will be conulo- ered. and to all unsusccessful bidders, the same will be returned. Tho check Of the successful btdder will be re tained by the Commissioners uitll such bidder has mado a good and sufficient bond with approved secvrl- * ty, guaranteeing the completion ot * the contract in the terms of bis fttf. Upon his failure to comply with this requirement at to gtvtog bo ad within ten days after the awarding of thq , contract, the tame win bt tctfaUad *to the county. Blda will bo received up to uoon of April 20th, 1911, at which time the same will be. opened end considered by said Cammttlioueri. with the, V right reserved to relent sur sad sir bids. It re content pUled that this yet win mcmd the sum ot mo Thousand DqIUcs, add aollco is ftvwa •a accfltusico with tho vr&rffim os \. the liw la saei oases aifi rna i e for Ware Covin’/, Georgia. 8 4t .4 * / <4V*t<«>aaii to ts ». ■J Wtr. <JM» «f <** Oa*»*tyaafir M Ki 4t WMi Oata- WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 163L Meets first and third Thursday »i each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C, D. P. Woolley, Clerk. WAYCROSS LODGE No. 305. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON 3ECOND AND FOURTH TUESCe EVENINGS AT 7:30 P. M. All Mason. Invited to Attend. J. M. BELL, W. M. W. J. CLARK, SEC. . OOOOOOOOOO* o o W J GASSETT o CONTRACTOR & BUILDER O Resdencc 48 Margaret Street O Phone 103 Waycross, Ga.. .O OOOOOOOOOOo oooooooooo G R LOVELACE « DENTIST Office In Redding Block, Over « Star Clothing Store < OOOOOOOOOO W. R. THOMAS, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Office In LaGrande Building, Room 324. Over Postoffice. Hours: 9 to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 and 7 and 8 p. m. PEPSICOLA MAKES YOU EAT BETTER, FEEL BETTER,-SLEEP BETiLR, LOO'4 BET- TER. Red Keen Ginger Ale, THE BEST BY TEST. PEPSI COLA BOTLKVG WORKS. D. L. KEEN, Proprietor. PHONE 337. OOOOOOOOOO o O J B BAGLEY M D <> PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office n Southern Building OFFICE HOURS. 9-11 A. M. 3-4 P. M. 708 P. M. o OOOOOOOOOO o FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY —AN APPRECIATION. L. McConnell, Catherine, St., El mira, N. Y., writes: "I wish to express my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy which I used for a bad case of Kid ney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond a doubt it is the most re liable kidney medicine I have ever taken." Gem Pharmacy. ! 12:15 pm ! 1:40 pm 2:01 pm 2:48 pm 2:56 pra 4.32 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pra 5:41 pm G.34 pm S:15 pm 10:55 12:15 12:34 1:23 1:35 2:58 3:40 3:45 4:06 4:59 6:40 Ar. Lv pm Lv. Fitzgerald am Lv. Cordele am Lv. Vienna am Lv Montezuma am Lv. Oglethorpe am Lv. Talbotton Lv. am Ar Manchester Lv. am Lv. Manchester Ar. am Lv. Woodbury Lv. am Lv. Senoia Lv am • Ar. Atlanta Lv. 3:25 pm 2:05 pm 1:38 pm 12:50 pm 12:45 pm 11:10 am 10:30 am 10:25 am 10:04 am 9:09 am 7:30 am 6:00 am '4:40 am 4:14 am 3:30 am 3:25 am 2:00 v..t* 1:20 am 1:15 pm 12:52 arm 11:54 pm 10:15 pm r*. 10:45 am 11:55 am 3:50 pm 6:5 pm 8:45 11:45 am Lv. Manchester am Lv. LaGrauge am Lv. Talladega am Ar. Birmingham Ar. Lv. 4:S0 pm 12:45 am 3:25 pm 11:45 pm 11:30 am 7:45 pm 8:30 am 4:45 pm Pullman electric-lighted sleeping cars on night trains between Thomas* ville and Atlanta, via Fitzgerald. Car leaving Atlanta ready for occupancy at 9:00 pm. Train leaving Atlanta at 10:15 pm. gets connections from al) incoming trains at Atlanta, including th6 South Atlantic Limited from Cin cinnati and the Dixie Fllyer from Chicago and Pt. Louis. Connections * at other junction points are well adjusted and are shown In the schedule folder which can be secured from any agent of this company. Attention is called to the establishment ot connections at Atlanta frol train arriving at Atlanta 6:40 am., with the South Atlantic Limited leaving Atlanta at 6:45 am., for Cincinnati and Chicago, and the Dixie Flyer leaving Atlanta 7:32 am., for Chicago and St. Louis. W. H. Leahy, General Pass. Agt. E. H. Fell, Asst. Gen. Pass AgL Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. A. D. Daniel, Traveling Passenger Agent ier Sr Itl m ' For First-Class JOB WORK Try THE HERALD ooooooooooo A FLEMING M D omcc over Gem Pharmacy In Southern Building. O oooooooooo oooooooooo C L REDDING ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Upstairs Bedding Block. < WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. < o o o o o o o o o WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 37 KNIGHTS OF PYT-.A8. /oJfN. Meet* ev <17 ItnncU; evening at :30 In I | ’] H*l ’lant ave J*'] Member* requested to * ai1 ' rtol0n * Knights are moet ot dlallj Invited to meet with ua. CHA8. E. CASON, C. C. T. II. Miller, K. ot R. & S. & M. of F. I RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE la a valuable family friend. Foley'a Honey and Tar fulfills Ihla condition exactly. Mra. Charles Kline, N. 8th , Easton, Pa., atatea: “Several mbere of my family havq been cur nf bad cougha and colds by the un of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle Ut tha house. It soothe, and relieves tha irritation In tba throat and loosant up tha cold. I have always found It a reliable cough cure.’ 1 Gam Phantasy. WE OUGHT NEVER 00 WRONG WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING, BUT YOU WILL DO THE RIGHT THING RV HAVING YOUR'BUGGY OR AUTO CAR PAINTED PIRET- CLASS AT T. McQEE't SHOP ON ALRANY AVENUE. U « — I P*T MWrt ew*e er %iw*» Uimp OOOOOOOOOO JOHN S WALKER • Attorney and Counaelor At Law. ■ Office upstairs Southern Hotel. • WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOO o oooooooooo o o BYCK ELECTRIC o ° SUPPLY CO o O All Kinds of Electrical Work O O and Supplies. O O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . O O 20 Lott Street. Phono 299. O 7OOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo O BenJ. J. Parke Harry D. Reed O o PARKS & REED ° O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O oooooooooooa o oooooooooo <> ° DR LEWIS ° t JONATHAN BURCH ♦ WSHfrAlTB* LfWITEO TO O ♦ l|K£|K Hp^iW#*iR*t-4. ♦' ' — cum* ontAmr ♦ ♦ SatUhtca IN ntn Ave. ♦ O Uca RaNlag UJMm. O O ORca tfitn: iNitag. ♦ t ta I n a avarct » ^ OOOpO *4iao ♦ ■rad peepla. ♦- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 ! ^ tSTTia V»v*)troii Sranhii MattaU. HOW CAN I MAKE MONEY WITH MY MONEY? THE SAFEST AND SURE8T WAY IS TO BU YLOTS IN RIVER8IDE PARK. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! CUR OFFICE IS LOCATED AT 406 LA GRANDE BLOCK. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER.