Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 29, 1911, Image 2
NOT A CANDIDATE. tptumesSB' exacted. Tiie Vermillion county, llilnola. trend Jury flnda that "the moat a.- tcimdlna atate of political corruption prevalla therein, etpedally In Dan- rule, .ex-8peaker Cannon'a home.” * 1 What la more astounding atlll la that; thia, na well aa other alrallar tnvea- ■ ligations, atop abort at Indicting a few of the minor oBendem end brlbetak- cre while letting the high rotlere of corruption and the bribe given go ,ecot free. I STATE OP OHIO, CITV OP TOLEDO j LUCAS COUNTY,)aa. I Frank ;J. Cheney jriakea oath that he la aenlor partner qf the Arm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing hualneoa in the City of oledo, county and State aforeaaid, and tbAt gold Arm will pay the aum of ONE HUNDRED ( DOLLARS for each caee of Catarrh that cannot be -cured by the uae of Relit Catarrh Cure. ! FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and aubocrtbed . In my rreaence, thta 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1166. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public, lfallt Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally, and aota directly on the blood and mucoua aurfacee of the oyetem. Send for teaUmonlala tree. F. J. CHENEY * CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by all Draggtata, Tie. , Take Halit Family PUla for con- . .re . -i N OT the old fashioned heavy, cumbersome, drudgery kind that makes your arms ache and your back tired and have driv en many a boy from the farm, but the light, strong, sharp, steel kind that make gardening the pleasure W. H. ULMERS Wheelwright and Blaeksmith, Horseshoeing A Specialty. Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rearjof Singleton iFumiture‘Corap»ny. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The arbitration treaty negotiated ■between the United Statue and Greet . Britain, providing tor the aettlement of queetlona of national honor, bound ary dtaputea, etc, will undoubtedly l.r mined by the next senate In ex tra eeaalon. It la the flrat agreement of the kind between tha two . nation, and mark, aa Important atep in the direction of permanent peace, it ought to aerve aa a precedent tor simitar treatloe between and with other power,. * it should be. 'T'HERE is usually a good garden where there are (rood Harden tools. Buv A there are good garden tools. Buy them NOW and get the full use of them this season. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 PhntfAve. Phone 186 44 PhntfAve. Pubfi.hed By THE HERALD PUBLISHING CO. • A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Parham, Jr. , Editor, and Proprietor,. Mlie Carrie Perham, Peroonal, Society and Local. Thomaaville Press. > While conrerelog with a crowd of gentlemen In the lobby of the court house last Wednesday, a friend Gov. Hoke Smith pot tha question to him as to whether he woe a candidate , The Weycroee Herald founded In . .. (1685. The Dally Herald founded In j for the senate. Mr. Smith replied 1692 by A. P. Perham, Sr. Telephones Business Office 26 •Editorial Offle 26 Realdence 268. I follows "No, I am not a candidate for the Every Afternoon Except 8unday. Office No, 8 Jane Street RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. 1 Month $ .45 6 Month* 1 81.25 • Months 62.60 1 Year 85.00 , SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, carde of thanke, reoolutlona end notices of entertaln- monta, where charges are moda, will bo charged at odrertlalng ratal of 6 cent, a line. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscriber! to The Herald that do not receive the paper promptly and early will please rlng-np the Circula tion Manager and report tha trouble to Mm, aa tills la the ooly means that we can aiaura you prompt end early delivery. • THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United States Court of the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, DA:, MARCH 29, 1911. The Canadian treaty once ratified fiep with Mkxico should be the next step. * S * Extra session or not, the President must remember that the chatauqua season is not far off. —4.— The Pbnsylvnnla and New York senate, but I have never said that did not want the place. ■ I would like in be aenator at eome time In the fu ture, and If I should be elected I will tc pleased to aerve.” The friends replied that Thomaa ecunty had always been for him, and when the time cornea to elect a sen ator that the county would be for him again. Oov. Smith aasured him that he ap preciated thla, and laid that he wax especially greatful to the people of thla aectlon for their generoua sup port In the put, and tnat It was a great pleaanre for him to meet and mingle with auch staunch friend 1. MEXICO’S NEEDS. Central toads have been lined an ag gregate of $6.5000 for granting re bates to the Standard Oil Company. It la allegal to grant a rebate, la It not so to solicit one? Is a briber any leu guilty than the one who ac cepts the bribe? If you'll glance over the pogea of The Herald you'll aee we do not need to oBer any prises for soliciting ad vertisements. Our circulation does that for ua, and we grow every day. The Herald la covering Waycrosa an ,Wnte County like the dew ot I-oban- It la pleuing to know that the last dollar needed for tha erectloil of a . memorial to Orovar Cleveland Prlnoeton wu subscribed on tho an- 'nlreranry of his birth, March 18th, But the memory ot Cleveland needs no monument for Its perpetuation. Ilia deeds will live long after all earthly structures hare crumbled Into %ust. + drastic reform In the franchise and a radical change In fllllng im portant state offices are necessary to satisfy the demands ot the revolu tionists In Mexico. Under the pres ent system Diaz possesses almost as ■-inch power as an absolute monarch. Tho ballot is denied to a large pro portion of the population, and the president appoints the governors of states and many other Important offi cials In the various political divis ions of the country. This permits practical'/ an autocratic rule, which he has not failed to utilize. It cannot be gainsaid that under the statesmanship of Diaz the Mexi can republic hu been brought from chaos Into a fairly well regulated and governed country. But methods and condition! that were necesoary and excusable when lie assumed office are obsolete today. The country has vastly progressed in wealth and In telllgence. Its people demand and are entitled to a much greater de gree of freedom and a larger voice In the attain of government. The examples ot Cuba, Porto Rico, Pana ma, Santo Domingo, Venezuela and even Columbia are stirring the Mex ican populace to an Insistent demand for a broader field of liberty, freer •peeeh and more stable laws. Tbs Paclfflc Monthly, of Portland, Ore., la a beautifully illustrated month ly magazine which gives foil Informa tion about the resources and oppertu-; nltlea of the country lying JVest of' tha Rockies. It tella about the Oov-. eminent Reclamation projects, free Government land and tells about the districts adapted to fruit raising, dairy-; log, poultry railing, etc. It has spies-; did stories by Jack London and other noted authors,- The price la 81-60 a year„ but to. In troduce It we will eend six months for flfty cents. This oBer moat he accept ed on or before February 1, 1911. Sand your name and address accom panied, by flfty cents in stamps and learn *.i about Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and California. Address: The Paclfflc Monthly, Port and, Oregon. IsatL First week In April Is "Cleanlng- Ur Week” in tha city. Gat busy! WOOD’S HIGH-GRADE farm Seeds. We are headquarters for the beat in all Farm seeds. Crass and Clover Seeds Seed Cora, Cotton Seed, Cow Poes, Sola Beans, Sorfhnms, Kaffir Corn, Millet Seed, Peanuts, etc. 'Wood’s Crop issued Special” monthly gives timely information aa to needs to plant each month in the year, also price* of Season able Seeds, write for copy,* mailed fred request. WOOD & SONS Richmond, Vtu Seedsmen, FOR LAGRIPPE COUGHS AND STUFFY COLDS. Take Foley’s Honey and Tar.' It glvea quick relief and expels the cold from your system. It contains no cplates, la sate and sure. Gam Phan tnacy. The Kind You Have Always Bought The government is to latue Panama bond) In denomination! of 6100, $200 and up. Three bonds .will bear a much smaller rat* ot Interest than tbs cmnllyt Titusville school bond la sso. ThlsXwlll give people with amall r,teens a chance to buy sound securi ties In amounts proportionate to their -savings. The parallel will hold good ■for Titusville. Give tha people a chance to buy school bonds In small denominations. " «h • LIVE8 FOR COAL. The coat of coal, If measured by the value of the Uvea lost In mining It In Pennsylvania, would reach an astounding figure. Tha annuiil port of the chief pf tbs state depart ment of mines shows that 1,125 men were killed to mine 231,966,070 torn of coal last year. This Is due pri marily to the lack ot scientific reg ulations of tha process of mining and next to the carelresneai ot operators ot the live, ot their employees. Criminal recklessness In the method of conducting Uie work In mines Is too often exhtbnd In various parts of the country. Systematic Instruc tion In methods of mining, such .as has been begun In Pennsylvania, will do much to lessen the fearful toll ot life that the Industry has heretofore -7w;wfor(w 8 Candle Power, 30 watt iso eacn 16 Candle Power, 60 watt 16c each 32 Candle Power, 120 watt ;2Bc each OEM (Metalixed Filament) LAMPS: 20 Candle Power, 60 watt 20e each . '32 Candle Power, 80 watt 30c each <0 Candle Power, 100 watt 30c each MAZDA (Tungsten) LAMP8: 20 Candle Power, 26 watt ..60c each<^ 82 Candle Power, 40 watt 660 each 48 Candle Power, BO watt SOc each 80 Candle Power, 100 Watt .' .$1-20 each We recommend the me of the "GEM” to replace the common carbon lamp, aa It Is more economical In the consumption ot cur rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp. CASTOMA For Infants and Children. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. A wee (able ftrpaision forAt- slmilailnj ihcFoodantllMJa itoglltcStotnafhsamllJoictsof Bears Signature Promotes DigejttonflretM nessandltestjCoiUalnsnefor Opium.Morphinc norMioari. Not Narcotic. JtKfrcrouDcSMtnrmm OmfhoSaJ- , JixJama* \ JbMfeUts- f Apeiftct Remedy for Consflp* tion * Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Over racStafc Sljnuurtx dttfBSZ NEW YORK. Thirty Years CASTOMA Exact Copy of Wrapper, The Ware County Light and Power Company. "WE HAVE THEM” HOUSE LETTER LOCK BOXES With Clip For Papers. The very thing you have been wanting for years; fastens on the house. The mail carrier will always have a place to put your letters and papers. Prices Are Reasonable 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 . y§\ Watt Hardware Co. Italian Olive Oil A GOOD PURE OIL AT REASONA BLE PRICE. Italian Olive Oil reprreenta the first run of oil from Olives ot uniform ripeness. Mado from perfect fruit, bottled in a sunny dime, put up un der perfect condlUom. It stands for tha very best of condiment and food. Use Olive Oil freely In tableipoonfut doses na a food. There Is nothing, more sully assimilated or which la more acceptable to the eystem than pure Olive OU, and that is 'what ITALIAN OLIVE OIL 18! PHONE NO. ISO. Cherokee Pharmacy Waycross, Georgia