Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 29, 1911, Image 8
-JERALD Walker-Hood Furniture Co olid Oak Rocker Exactly Like Cut Successors Tc Walker-Mulligan Fur. Co, The Stork of Great Values, Where Your Credit, is Good We pay our customers 10 per dt. in trade coupons to make their payments at the &ore. 50dts Per week See Our New Kind Hammock Couches -ft "dj B 4 la nee do an{ j ftp It I* II | 90 days. THIS RATTAN PARLOR 8UITE, EX ACTLV LIKE CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. IS MADE OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE AND SPLIT RATTAN, FINI8HED IN LIGHT SHELLAC. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR SPRING LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND MARKED AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK.) ttS 7B Trt SC Of* A Great Line Lloyd’ Princess -FIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KING.” ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN BEST GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND FCCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, 11 IN. WHEELS, 14 8POKE8, 1-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. $l<ash, 5Cc VU. $12.00 THE FAMOUS HEYWOOD PULc MAN CARS. EITHER IN FINE8T GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY UP HOLSTERED OR IN THE WOOlJ^ BODIES. FINISHED- In THE BE3T BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEL. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUES. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC* ORATED, HIGH GRADE DINNER 8ET8. THEY CONSIST OF 53 PIEC* E8 OF THE BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DECORATIONS. $1.00 CA 8H. 50 CENT8 PER WEEK. Heywond Collapsible FOLDS WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A STRONG HANDSOME CART. HEA VY RUBBER TIRES, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN, EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. IN A LLOYD’S PRINCESS, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD STYLE 8PRING MAKES THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP GIVES ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM THE SUN AND TOGETHER WITH THE STORM CURTAINS, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. ALL SIZES, NEWEST PATTERNS, LOWEST PRICES. Like Cut 810.50 $1.00 CASH, Sbc PER WEEK. 106 Plant Ave. $1.00 CASH, 50c PER WEEK. or work to keep them Interacted Ofll- cent ure to bo elected this evening nnd the organization put on a Arm foundation. fO YEARS OF 8UCCE88. our »tore.—The Rexall Store. Tbt Seals Pharmacy. NOTICE TO 8UB8CRIBER8I HALF PRICE FOR GUARANTEED PLANT8. We will ship Express Charges Pre paid to your nearest express office and Guarantee good order delivery*. Frost Proof Cabbage Plants, at th* following prices: 500 for 75c, 1000 for 95c, 2000 or more at 85c per 1000, pro viding this card and cash is sent with order, not otherwise. The cold and ary weather In Jan. and Feb. has des troyed about half of the cabbage crop in the Southern States. Plants set now to mature after your earlier plan ing* are harvested, will certainly be profitable. ! Yours very truly, V William C. Creaty Co., The Cabbage Plant Mem Yonges Island, S. C., March 27, 1911. 28 6t * - The 8eals Pharmacy Offer • Remedy for Catarrh. The Medicine Coats * Nothing If It Fails. Morrison, Fla., March 29.—The body ONCE, let us know, either by card of R. Copeland, an old confederate or phone No. 26, and we will imme- vetoran who ha* been missing since dlately Investigate and try to reme* December, was found In. a 30-foot dy it. In view of our rapidly increas* veil yesterday. ing circulation nnd the big Issue we All Indications point to murder, ns now send out daily, this is the only the skull of the victim was crushed wey wo can,' know-whether our car- In nnd the body covered by debris rler boys ate'doing their duty, and to shield the crime. It Is known that we are .very anxious that every NEW Xr. Copeland had considerable mon- and Otifi^ut&drlber-should get their cy before he disappeared very sud* paper with utradst regularity for their dcnly. Bakes and our own. As we know It Is said that the finding of the what It nieans to miss to read The body was brought about by a dream Herald If only for one day. of a man living near Morrison, who 2S 3t The Circulation Manager. Still Trying Newark Lynchers. Savannah. Ga„ March 29.—At the Cathedral of 8t. John tho Baptist this evening there will be n meeting for the purpose of organizing a Holy Name Society among tho men of the | Parish. Father Mitchell is behind | the movement. Tho Holy Name Society which U j of amient origin in tho Church, dat ing from the day of tho Crusader*, has for Its object the stopping of tho live of profanity nnd tho taking of the Lord's name In vain. There la nn active branch of the order now In the Sacred Heart Par* j Ish and that to l»f organized tonight will it 18 believed find a great deal When a medicine effects a success ful treatment in a very large major ity of cases, and when we offer that * medicine on our own personal guar- : rntco that it will cost the user noth- l.ig if it docn not completely relievo catarrh, it is only reasonable that j people ehonh! believe up, or at least j put our da!- ' to a practical test when we take all the risk. These ere facts , winch we want tho people to substalk* | Mate. We wont them to try Rexall Mucu-Tone, a medicine prepared from i prescription of a physician with whom catarrh was a specialty, nnd who has a record of thirty yearn of enviable succo&r to his record. We rceelvi Special to Tho Herald. Newark, O.. March 29.—-The case of l,oula Boulton, who is charged murder growing out with first degr< of jhe lynching of Carl Etherlngton, j an nntl-finloon league detective, here j last July, was called for trial today. The case is regarded as the most | Important of any of those wbe • been tried, as RouJton Is charged with j being one of the ring-leaders of t’ <? ; mob. He |s a prominent am! I»nu- entinl politician of Newark and has escaped eminent counsel to conduct his defense. For wood phone 215. more good reports about Rexall Mucu-Tone than we do of nil other catarrh remedies sold in our store, and if more people only know what a thoroughly dependable roim* dy Rexall Mucu-Tone Is, it would be the only catarrh remedy we would have any demand for. Rexall Mucu-Tone is quickly absor bed and by its therapeutic effect tend to discnfcct nnd cleanse tho entire mucous membraneous tract, to des troy and remove the parasites wh!?h Injury the membraneous tissues, to tor the the" rritstlon and heal the i.»unwi stop the mucous discharge. b-.;iit up strong, healthy tissue and relieve the blood and system of dis eased matter. Cabbage Plants at 30 Reed street, Friday or Saturday, 20 cents per hun dred. D. & 0. LOTT REAL ESTATE & INS. CO. THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE' PRICE,' BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. -HE PJ1ICE i8 $1 TO $10i/%E RE COMMEND THE $3 TO $5 CORSETS JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 ONES. THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALL-ROUND WAY. THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH EACH SEA SON’S LlEADING FA8HIONS IN VIEW, Sold In Waycross Exclu.lv. ly By. Miss Eddie Parnell Our circulation is growing so fast that we can hardly get our routes shaped up for the boys. So bear with tts a little, while we work them In. !.et us know If they happen to miss | to get to you and well send you a Taper out by special messenger. Waycross, Ga„ 3-28 ’ll DEAR SIR:— IF INSTEAD OF "PAYING RENT" AND GETTING IN EXCHANGE, RECEIPTS OF NO PERMANENT VALUE, YOU WOULD CARE'TO "OWN YOUR OWN HOME" AFTER HAVING MADE A REASONABLY SMALL ADVANCED RENTAL PAYMENT AND A REGULAR MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMfcftT-FOR A DEFINITE PERIOD WITHOUT INTEREST, THEN WE INVITE YOU TO CALL TO SEE US, OR PHONE OR WRITE US AND WE WILL CALL TO SEE YOU AND EXPLAIN THOROUGHLY THE PROPOSITION. GILCHRIST PARK, A SUBDIVISION, WITH 20 MILES OF GRADED STREETS; 1,000 SHADE TREES PLANTED; MORE THAN 100 NEAT 4, S ANO S ROOM,’ONE AND TWO STORY, WELL DE8I0NED DWELL INGS WITH PLASTERED WALLS; A SUBDIVISION .HAVING GIL MORE AVENUE, THE BEST RESIDENT STREET Leave Your IL Influence I. toward stimulating the muco-cel!», aiding di gestion and Improving nutrition un til the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. Ju a comparatively abort time It brings about a noticea ble gain In wetghL strength, good col or nnd feeling of buoyancy. We urge yon to try Remit Mucu- Tone, beginning a tcaatment today. At any time you are not aatlafled, aim fly return your money without sues- Rexall OF WAYCROSS, WITH $00 YARDS OF CEMENT SIDEWALK On'tHE EAST SIDE, AND HAVING THE HJX0JK0M A. C. L. RAILROAD SHOPS ON THE NORTH WEST SIDE; A SUBDIVISION RECENTLY INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND NOW EJOYINQ THE PRIVLIGE8 OF. THE CITY IN THE WAY OF STREETS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS; CITY ARTE- SIAN WATER; CITY FIRE, POLICE AND BANITARY PROTECTION, IS THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSITION WE OFFER x YOU UPON A PLAN WHEREBY YOU PAY NO MORE RENT, IF AB MUCH, AS IS PAID rort SIMILAR HOUSES ELSEWHERE IN WAYCROSS, AND .GET A DEED FREE AT THE END OF A DEFINITE NUMBER OF RENTAL PAYMENTS. WE INVITE YCU TO COME TO BEE US AND LET US 8HOW YOU. VLRY TRULY YOURS, . D. A 0. LOTT R. E. & I. CG. >* POTTER & McMAHAN TAILORS and BARBERS. •Tailoring AtJReasom>ble Pjices, HE 1,4 GRANDE GIRDER S30P AT OUR Optical Parlor WE ARE EQUIPPED TO TEST YOUR EYES IN A 8CIENTIFC MAN NER AND GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION! OR YOUR MONEY BACK. tion or Quibble. We have Mucu-Tone la two .lies, 50 centa and, „ « . $1.00. Remember you can obtain; Little (K vjuom, Raxall Remedies la Waycross oily at* Jewelers and OpttCiSfcS. 10 Plent'Ave. LaCfuntle 151 Jj».