Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 30, 1911, Image 4
W* are espoclally equipped to do Prescription ■Work. Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly. Gem Pharmacy T. S. Pdine, Prop PHONE 52. RIGHT HERE 18 YOUR STOCK IN POOR CONDI TIONT IS THERE SOMETHING THE MATTER WITH YOUR CAT. ILE, AND YOU DON'T KNOW JUST WHAT7 IT’S DOLLARS TO DOUGH NUTS THAT THEY WANT A LIT- TLE TONIC, SAME AS A HUMAN BEING. TRY DR. DANIEL’S REM EDIES. HARDY BROS + after all there is nothino SO PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN ITS NOBBY TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU Hdw WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livery and Salta Stables. Tabeau St. Waycroaa, Qa. PHONE NO. fid. SPEED UP THE ROAD OF 8UCCE8S By taking a courae In our college, and you are bound to WIN! Our couraea Include every atudy that one might dealre In aiding him tc aucoeaa. The graduatea from our BUSINESS COLU3QE demand good pay, becauae they are oempetent. Improve your opportunities by en rolling at once. Waycross Business College Waycroaa, Ca. It. P. Zolglar, Pre*. EXTRA! IS THE PLACE TO BUY OYSTERS THAT TASTE LIKE THE RfeAL THING. WE ARE THE 80LE AGENT8 FOR THE "SEAL-8HIPT” BRAND, WHICH ARE FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER. TRY THEMI TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”; “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman's Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manutaeturad In Waycroaa, Qa, etf PITMAN CIGAR CO OUT OF HEALTH la a very oommon eapreaalon. Are you one of (be unfortunate*,— and what la the cause? There are hundreds of peopla right In this vicinity who have poor blood, art run-down, nil tired out, with no strength, vitality or ambition. Wo want' to nak nil such peopla to call at our store and get n bottle of Vtnol, our delicious cod llvir end Iron tonic, which la mada without oil and rery palatable. We claim it wlU make pore, rich red blood, and Impart nsw life, ener gy and strength to every person who does not feel well. It If fall* wo will rerure 'your money—without quo* tlon. Isn't this.a Fair and generous : ~ Si A i-sue'Js reported from l-elpalc. Ind.—Mrs. C. It. Gatlin was trouble’, with Indigestion—was weak—all run- down, she says Vtnol cured her atom- act trouble.—restored her strength. DOQ SHOW AT 8PRINGFIELD. Special to The Herald. SprlngBetd, III, March 30.—Five hundred of the best doge In the cen tral Weat were put on show nt the State Arsenal today, the occaalon pe- Ing the annual exhibition of the Springfield Kennel Club. The show v, tli last three dnya. A good high olaaa vaudeville' act at the Majestic tonight. Don’t miss It. Waetarn Scientists To Organise. Special to The Herald. Berkaley. Cal, March 30.—The Pa cific Association of Scientific Socle- tie* began a two days' masting here Personalj £ Mias Carrie Parham Social Editor £ To bury the hatchet it human to bum it up it divine. MILLINERY OPENING An entire change of vaudevlUe and pictures at the Majestic tonight The Georgian* will meet with the Misses Perham’s at No. 30 Reed street <n Tuesday afternoon April 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Holmes wk« have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore left today tor Jackson ville. . Mr. A. M. Ilaliht returned from an important burin. :s trip to Jackson ville yesterday. Hanky Crew, la tbt name of the ron born to Mr. aid Mr*. Burt Hen- C'..el<i of Savannah on March 37th. Mr. ad Mrs. J. N. Hughes are mov ing today Into the new bouse owned by Or. J. K. Daniels on Owens street. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Daniels and children ot Jacksonville are the guests of Dr. an! Mrs. J. W. Daniels. . Mrs. Belrln and Mrs. McAlpIn of Biackshcar spent yesterday here •hopping. THE LADIE8 ARE INVITED TO OUR MILLINERY OPENING NEXT Tuesday and Wmluueuay March 28th and 29th WE WILL SHOW THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF PATTERN HATS, RIBBON8 AND PLUME8 TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. AND A COR DIAL IN VITATION EXTENDED. Col. John W Bennett returned from Douglaa last night whore he baa been attending Coffee Superior Court. CoL Bennett reports a busy court. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF QUALITY. v Major C. T. Cowles Is In our city, the guest of Mr. V. L. Stanton. Mr. Cowles 1* a relative ot Governor Jelks of Alabama, and Is well known by many of us See big show at AJrdome tonight OUR COLUMNS ARE OPEN. The column* of The Herald are open for nil announcements and Items which the churches of Waycross or any of them, would like to publish during their meetings In the city, or at any time. We would like to hare the church people to look after this matter and bring In their announce ments at or before 11 o'clock of each day. - 30 tf Mr. and Mrs. Jame «E. Hayward and little daughter, Anna Lee, who. have been spending a few days with Mrs. 0. W. Lee, left lgst night fot Quitman. Mr. J. E. T. Bowden returned from an Important bnatnass trip tc today with a large and representative Fort Pierce. Fla. Mr. Bowden's re attendance ot educators and others, turn bta nothing whatever, to do Plans for the 'formation ot a West ern auxiliary of the American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science are to be discussed at the meeting. VESSEL IS AGROUND ON REEFS OF CORAL with the proposed airship factory that I* being talked of establishing here. Tampa, Fin., March SO.—'The steam er D, N. Luckenbacb la still aground on the reef* at Ntw Ground shoals and reports from Key Weat Indicate that tho vessel la In n serious pre dieameaL The treaeberous nature of the cor. at reefs In this vicinity mak* It a pea Itoui undertaking for vessels-of suf ficient ala* to be of any use to reach the Luckenbacb. AvaBah!* tugs nt Tampa have been summoned to the assistance of the steamer. —and made her feel like a new wo- man. Anyone In her condition ean get the same benefit from Yinol. Th* Seal* Pharmacy. '. Mattox sentenced for the sale of liquor at Waycroaa has paid bit fine and been released from the city chalngang, hut was at once tak en charge ot by Ware county officials and Is In jail at this time. We regret to state that Bob Harbtn still Ilea In a moat critical condition. Ills slater, Mrs. J. J. Murray of Hasty, was summoned to hla bedside this morning. Hla condition Is now very grave. w STILL ON DUTY. I will be on- duty as Inspector ot fertilizer* In Appling, Wayne, Pierce and Ware counties until May 1st. Drop me a postal card if you need me. i . .. .‘ - A. P. Ferham, Sr. Waycroaa, Ga. BL SQV1NVM 3H1 AHXj VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Saturday night nt 7:30 o'clock at Masonic Hall. AU Wood- men are cordially invited to attend. - J. M. Allison, CosL-Cord. J. A. Matters.- Clerk. ' -J ~ “1 - SAN FRANCISCO BENCH 8HOW. Special to Tbe Herald. San Francisco, Cal, March 30.— The thirteenth annual bench show of the San Francisco .Kennel Club lit Dreamland Rink opened today and will continue until the end of the week. The -exhibit* Include several hundred doga representing a wide va riety of breeds. The showing ot field trial dogs la especially good. PARK MOR R AND CO. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. v Lott-HItch Building* REINFORCED CONORS DICKINS $ & 8 Plant Ave. Queen Quality and Boston Favorites Slippers for Ladies Below you will find a few of our. arrivals for Easter Trading, Mens’Summer weight Underwear Mr. E. O. Parish of Dothan. Ala, la In the city visiting bit sister, Mrs. H: Burkett Mr. Parish^ la ' an old newspaper man, being nt one time editor of the Dothan pally Sifter and natrnallr gravitated to Tbe Herald office. Judge Parham took him for-a drive around the city and he wan sur prised at th* get-up of Waycroaa. SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your harden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. SSIbTHE.SEALS PHARMACY • s TUB REX ALL STORE wtmm Cluett Peabody* and Chatham Shirts. 50c to $!•» Men’s Sox 10c to 50c Misses and Childrens Velvet Pumps' All Sizes Men’s Suspenders 25c and 50c HATS We have just re ceived a new line of Spring Hats for Men, Women and Children Prices to suit you. Shoes You can make no mistake in making us. your headquar ters for shoes. A customer pleased is a customer gained. Our Queen Quality S p r ing Ties and Slippers are here. Betfer let us show you them; it costs nothing to look. We have a com plete line of Dry Goods and Notions. DICKINS 6 & 8 Plant Ave Handsome Easter Neckwear 25c and 50c Arrow Brand/ t CollarsIOC or 2 for 25c . Nettleton and * Crawfords Oxfords for Men Buster Brown Shoes and Slipp^^l For Children “ McCalVs j-ii