Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 30, 1911, Image 8
WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD Walker-Hood Furniture Co. 5 did Oak RockerZ Exactly | 1 Like Cut] Successors To. Walker-Mulligan Fur. Co, 1 he Store of Great Values, Where Your Credifis Good We pay our customers 10 per dt. in trade coupons to make their payments at the &ore. 50ds Per week See Our ' New Kind Hammock Couches PFin .'i^j j; ' - --T'-t p” * Balance 30, 60 and I I* / | 90 days. THIS RATTAN PARLOR 8UITE, EX ACTLY LIKE CUT , EXCEPT THERE ARE TWO ROCKERS. IS MADE OP HIQH GRADE WHOLE AND 8PLIT RATTAN, FINISHED IN LIGHT SHfcLLAC. WE HAVE JU8T RECEIVED OUR 8PRING LINE OF HAMMOCKS. BEST QUALITY, LARGE ASSORTMENT, AND MARKED AT PRICE8 THAT WILL MOVE THEM QUICK. $1.75 TO $6.00 $16.00 A Great Line Lloyd* Princess •PIT FOR THE CHILD OF A KINO." ALL STEEL FRAME, COVERED IN REST GRADE LEATHERRETTE, LARGE BOOT AND POCKET, AND STORM CURTAINS, CANOPY TOP, 11 IN. WHEELS, 14 SPOKES, 1-2 IN. RUBBER TIRES—LIKE CUT. >Ifath, 5fc Wk. $12.00 THE FAM0U8 HEYWOOD PULL* MAN CAR8. EITHER IN FINEST GRADE RATTAN, HEAVILY UP* H0L8TERED OR IN THE WOOD- BODIES, FINISHED IN THE BEST BLACK OR GREEN ENAMEL. THEY ARE ALL GREAT VALUE8. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE BEAUTIFULLY DEC ORATED, HIQH GRADE DINNER 8ETS. THEY C0N8I8T OF 53 PIEC ES OF THE BEST QUALITY DOME OTIC WARE, EITHER GOLD OR FLORAL DEC0RATI0N8. $1.00 CA8H, SO CENTS PER WEEK. Heywood Collapsible FOLDS WITH ONLY ONE MOTION, A STRONG HANDSOME CART, HEA. VY RUBBER TIRES, COVERED IN BEST GRADE CHASE LEATHER, BLACK, GREEN OR TAN, EXTRA FLEXIBLE SPRINGS. THESE IS COMFORT FOR BABY IN A LLOYD’S PRINCESS, BECAU8E THEY ARE EXTRA WIDE. THE LLOYD STYLE SPRING MAKES THEM RIDE EASY, THE LARGE CANOPY TOP GIVE8 AB80LUTE PROTECTION FROM THE SUN AND TOGETHER WITH THE 8T0RM CURTAINS, KEEP OUT THE RAIN. ALL SIZES, NEWEST PATTERNS, LOWEST PRICES. 106 Plant Ave. and manufacture their equipments complete at their plant In Birming ham, Ala. (he' Virginia League. There la n» doubt but Jack will make good. loaacs by burglary water, Are and BULLARDS’ CAR DOOR Meiers W. M. - and P. M. Bullard of, half way open when a diminished, Birmingham, Ain., are' exhibiting a | (Ihough free) motions aisurea pro- ful sized bo* car door at Phoenix. taction from breaking oil the end Hotel, this city, which they have pat- «lo|>. The lock rods damp with weds- (Mod and have built up nn emmonae , Ins effeet to side of car when door manufacturing plant In that city, to opens or closes, making It Impoaal. manufacture their doors. ble for door to swing loose or slide The Italiard door fa a complelo from the bumping of cars. It opera!- combination hood rail and hanger, et, very easy and cannot stick. It cas water, spark and dust proof at top, i ho simply and neatly applied to old ' aide and bottom, ns It clumps close jns well as new cars. It In not eurr > to aide of car. No nailing or striping{>lvo In cost and by nature of cot* needed tit protect Inflnmable merman struetlon very durable. It Is as Id disc. It Is burglar proof, ns corners dcatruclable as railway equipment of door rnnnot be pried loose with- ’ can be made. This company owns out breaking aoat to rclenac clamp, owns large rolling mills and produce Their door will eliminate claims from their own Iron from railroad tcrap The report In Atlanta papers, from the Fort Valley, Thomasvlllo nnd Al bany route, as cent In by the scout car makes rather unpleasant reading for those wl.o ore cnthuslastlcallly advocating the Waycross, Doaslns and itzgcrald route, nnd shows the abso- I lute necessity of our officials getting i busy right away on the roads If wo I l.opo to secure the National Highway I’rlzc. And we must have It. Delay la dangerous the scout enrs are lust likely to take tlio notion to cover the route again without any notice nnd I? they do not find us bus yat wotk, fixing up and building the road as pronounced why we'll lose out sure. We urge the county commlsaloncrs to put their men to work at once, and the city' officials after deciding on Waycroea route bball enter Waycaoss should at once meet the County Com missioners, on City lines with a good read built. We call the attention the Pierce county officials to the condition _af Sreclal to The Herald, Toklo, March 30. -The new Japan ese battleship Sottau, one of the most formidable fighting machines of the- new Japanese navy, was successfully launched today. The vessel will have- a displacement of 20,800_ tons and: v.tll carry twelve 12-lnch gun's and, ten 10-lnch guns In her main arainent/ MAY'S • MILL AND FEED STORE. Phone No! 3. OFFICE OF D. & 0. LOTT REAL ESTATE & INS. CO. THE VERY BEST CORSETS THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE, BY ANYBODY ANYWHERE. -HE PRICE I8 l $i TO $10. WE RE- COMMEND THE $3 TO $5 CORSETS JUST A8 MUCH AS WE DO THE $10 ONE8. . THE C—B CORSETS ARE GOOD IN AN ALL-ROUND WAY. THEY ARE DE8IQNED WITH EACH SEA SON’S LEADING' FASHION8 IN VIEW. Sold In Waycros* Exclusive •y By. Hiss Eddie Parnell Waycross, Ga., 3-28 ’ll DEAR SIR:— IF INSTEAD OF “PAVING RENT" ANO GETTING IN EXCHANGE, RECEIPTS OF NO PERMANENT VALUE, YOU WOULD CARE TO •'OWN YOUR OWN HOME” AFTER HAVING MADE A REASONABLY SMALL ADVANCED RENTAL PAYMENT AND A REGULAR MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENT FOR A DEFINITE,PERIOD WITHOUT INTEREST, THEN WE INWTE YOU TO CALL TO SEE US, OR PHONE OR WRITE US AND WE WILL CALL TO SEE YOU AND EXPLAIN THOROUGHLY THE PROPOSITION. GILCHRIST PARK, A SUBDIVISION, WITH 10 MILES SF GRADED 6TREBT8; 1,000 SHADE TREtS PLANTED; MORE THAN 100 NEAT L 5 AND « ROOM, ONE AND TWO STORY, WELL DESIGNED OWELt ING8 WITH PLASTERED WALLS; A SUBDIVISION HAVING OIL- MORE AVENUE, THE BEST RESIDENT 8TREET OF WAYCROSS, WITH 500 YARDS OF CEMENT SIDEWALK ON THE EAST SIDE, AND HAVING THE $2.0<KM>00.00 A. C. L. RAILROAD SHOPS ON THE NORTH WEST SIDE; A SUBDIVISION RECENTLY INCORPORATED INTO THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND NOW BJOYING THE PRIVLIGE8 OF THE CITY IN THE WAY OF STREETS, ELECTRIC LIGHTS; CITY ARTE- SIAN WATER; CITY FIRE, POLICE AND SANITARY PROTECTION, IS THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSITION WE OFFER YOU UPON A PLAN WHEREBY YOU PAY NO MORE RENT, IP AS MUCH, AS IS PAID ron SIMILAR HOUSE8 ELSEWHERE IN ItyAYCROSS, AND GET A DF FD FREr AT THE END OF A DEFINITE NUMBER OF RENTAL PAYMENTS. . ‘ WE INVITE YOU TO COME TO GEE US ANO LET US SHOW YOU VERY TRULY YOURS, 5, D. A 0. LOTT R. E. A I. CO. TONIGHT—z— ALL NEW ACTS! 3—BIG ACT8—3 ABSOLUTELY GOOD MOTION PICTURES. DON’T MI8S TONIGHT8 PROGRAM, e Gum Slough, and urge the mto fix that up at once, as this rainy weather wilt make things worse there. We have the great advantage pt a nearly T mils shorter rente, nnd we dln^ build just as good road as these dla- orlbed on other routes. But die urgent call la for Immediate work being done, and we have every confidence thet Banner' Thomas and his boys will moet the emergency. Leave Your POTTER & McMAHAN . TAILORS and BARBERS. AT OUR Optical Parlor WE ARE EQUIPPED TO TEST YOUR EYES IN A 8CIENTIFC MAN- NER AND GUARANTEE YOU SATISFACTION! OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Tailoring AtJReasonhble Prices, Mr. Udts Lewkowicx, the Russian Aviator who has gone through so much tirlboiatfaa in Waycross, hai Retired potie»*‘ >n of fcts machine I packed It up and left for 8e!ma, Ala. j i Ho far as our city is concerned the I I airotlp cate It a doted Incident. . j Little & Odom, Jewelers and Ofiticiai. s. jLaf/raude R!J: