Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, March 31, 1911, Image 4
~ v. -1 R! V . •> “ WAYCROSS EVENING HERALD i ? A/ We are especially equipped to do Prescription j? Work. J Prescriptions called for and delivered promptly- Gem Pharmacy T. S. Paine, Prop. PHONE 52. Chickens Chickens Ju^t Lots of Chickens and Eggs at HARDY BROS AFTER ALL THERE 13 NOTHING 40 PLEASANT AS A DRIVE WITH A FIRST-CLASS TURN OUT. THIS LIVERY PRIDES ITSELF IN ITS ftOBBV TURN OUTS, PROMPT SER VICE AND REASONABLE PRICES AND SOLICITS AN OPPORTUNITY TO 8HOW YOU HOW WELL IT CAN PLEASE YOU. McGregor Mayo Boarding, Livsry and Sales Stable*. fTebeuu Ht. Waycross, Ga. PHONE NO. 6J. personal! X'MIm Carrie Perham Social Editor j Has anybody seen Mac Williams today? Miss Eddie Parnell is showing an tiegant line of fans and parasols. > ooooooooooooooooo ’o< MILLINERY OPENING Mias Annie P-.ine spent today In Mr. Robert Harbin is still living tut little hope is held out for bis re covery. SPEED UP THE ROAD OF A SUCCESS 'Ily taking a course in our college, and you aro bound to WINt 'Our courses Include every study that one might desire in aiding him ■ ic success. The graduates from ojir DtJSltfKBS COLLEGE demand good pay, because they are competent. Improve your opportunities by en rolling at once. Waycross Business College W»ycro,». Cm. R. P. Zclfl.r, Pr« Smoke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and “Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” -Clear Havana Filled Cigars. Manuftctured in Waycross. Qj* By PIT HU AN CIGAK CO Two youtik ladies in Rio Janeiro wl.o ventured on the streets in harem skirts had nearly all their clothing torn off by a mob. Two Americas ladles in New York had all of theirs taken off by custom* Inspectors. It would seem that neither Brazil cor the United States Is particularly well civilized.—Mamt Herald. "My husband amuses me.” says the hostess, ”by the excuses he has for being detained down town of eve ning*. Sometimes I can almost hear his brain working out an excuse as 1» tiptoes up the ttairs.*' “My husband ” aays the caller, “is different. He *s a very systematic man. you know, and some time ago !*<■ wrjte «;.f a IHt of various cxcus- ** and numbered them. Now, when lit cornea 5i*h? just calls u ; . ihc etairs •Xuxbor four.* or ‘Number twenty/ cr whatever the number may te.*’— udjw. Order some Seal shipt Oysters for Breakfast, Dinner or Supper. They are good any time. TELEPHONE 62 Hardy Bros. The Pure Food Store. CROUP conquered. Every Mother Should Read and Re* member This. in any home where a child has a tendency to croup, a bottle of HYO- MEf (pronounce it High-o-me) should be kept constantly .on hand. A sudden attack of croup with dll- flcult breathing and extreme distress U apt to come at any time. The course to be pursued is plain. 8end for your doctor at nee, and In th meantime drop 30 drops of HYO- ME1 Into a bowl of boiling water, and bold the child's head over it, cover with a towel or cloth, so that cijly the air (Hied with Hyomci vapor Is breath ed. This method of treatment has sav- i ed many a child's life, and mothers of I croupy children should see to It that HYOMEI !s always on hand. Full In structions for prompt relief of croup I* in each package* A 50 cent bottle of HYOMKMs all you need In treating croup. ThU-ts known In all drug stores as Extra Dottle ifyotnei Inhalenf. G. R. Brin- son Co., and druggists everywhere sell It. Breathe HYOMEI. It Is gun* anteed to cure catarrh, croup, soro throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds or mney back. Mch 20 31 Apr. 10 Prof. Miller and daughter Miss Mable of Wrresboro are In the city today. i. CharJlo Trine and her son left yetierday on a visit to Camden, C. Mr. El” Parish, an old newsaper n, recently of Dothan, Ala., is in I the c'. y visiting friends. Mr. Eugene Tramel of Shiloh, is !u the city, called here on account of the critical Illness of little Warren Langston. Mr. Hart, brother of Mrs. John T. Hopkins, who has been a visitor to Waycross for some days has return ed to his home In Indiana. WE WILL SHOW THE LARGE8T DISPLAY OF PATTERN HAT8, RIBBONS AND PLUMES TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. AND A COR DIAL IN VITATION EXTENDED. Rev. Price/ accompanied by Prof. Schofield, B. M. Norve! and Rev. A. M. Bennett conducted a service at the A. C. L. shops today at the noon hour. r. and Mis. Fitzgerald and little daughter are making their home at Mrs. Jeffers on Brunei street. Mr. Fitzgerald is connected with the 1 V/likes Dry Goods Company here. HUMPHREYS & WILLIAMSON’S THE STORE OF QUALITY, Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo A. P. Perham, Sr. Waycross, Ga. me. A special service for men only has been announced for Sunday after noon at, 3:30 at First Baptist church. Rev. Price will preach and Prof. Scho field will-sing. Every man In the j VICTORY CAMP NO. 477 city la Invited to attend. 8TILL ON DUTY. I will be on duty as inspector of fertilizers in Appling, Wayne, Pierce and Ware counties until May 1st. Drop me a postal card if you need Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wilson of Pen* r.ant Harbor, Maine., are In the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles I^ng. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have many friends here who aro pleased to see them again. Mrs. W. W. Beach has returned after a visit ttf Mr, and Mrs, Charles G. Edwards* at Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and little* son have gone to Washington.. We urge the citizens to correct these alarmist statements about an epidemic of fever in Waycross, in vestigation shows that the matter is been grossly exagerated and com- taratively few cases exist. Mrs. W. A. McDonald returneu from Amerlcug today .and reports she left her son. W. A. McDonald, Jr. Improving rapidly. Mr. McDonald re covery Is a remarkable one, as hit condition was at one time deemed hopeless. Mrs. W. F. Eaton requests all the young people of Central Baptist choir to meet her tomorrow night at any of them, wou’d like to publishthe Tabernacle for practice. Books during their (nestings In the city, or! have been received from Mr. Butler at any time. We would like to have who will arrive with Rev. Phillips on WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets every Saturday night at 7:30 o’clock at Masonic Hall. All Wood- men are cordially invited to attend. J. M. Allison, Cost.-Cord. J. A. Masters, Clerk. The Herald’s job office Is running on full time. We have new type and new material and we propose to turn out satisfactory work at reasonable prices. *■ TRY THE WANT ADS A telephone message from dosta today at noon says that Cato is very much better. Mrs..C in still at Dr. Holmes sanitarium i her friends here will be pleased learn of her improved condition. PARK MOR RAND CC ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTOR; Lott-Hitch Building. RE-INFORCED CONCRETE. OUR COLUMNS ARE OPEN. The columns of The Herald are open for all announcements and items which the churches of Waycross or Monday. Mr. Butler will have entire charge of the music, with ID*. Eaton at accompanied. the church peoile to look after this matter and bring in their announce ments at or. before 11 o’clock of each day. , 30 tf Cabbage Plants at 30 Reed street. See Miss Eddie Parnell for your ’ Friday or Saturday, 20 cents per bun- spring hat. ! dred. SEEDS! SEEDS! Let us sell you your garden and flower seeds and your garden will be success. ■ =HiTIIE 8EA*L ( S PHARMACY TIIR UKX \M. STOltK Dims 6 & 8 Plant Ave. Queen Quality and Boston Favorites Slippers for Ladies Mens’ Summer weight Underwear Cluett Peabody and Chatham Shirts. 50c to $1 50 Men’s Sox 10c to 50c Misses and Childrens Velvet Pumps All Sizes Men’s Suspenders 25c and 50c Below you will find a few of our arrivals for Easter Trading. HATS We have just re ceived a new line of Spring Hats for Men, Women and Children Prices to suit you. Shoes You can make no mistake in making us your headquar ters for shoes. A customer pleased is a customer gained. Our Queen Quality Spring Ties and Slippers are here. Better let us show you themf it costs nothing to look. We have a com plete line of Dry Goods and Notions.